217 research outputs found

    Generalizing Semantic Lenses for Large Element-based Plots

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    http://www.cs.rug.nl/~alext/PAPERS/ASCI11/moleview.pdfInternational audienceGiven a spatial embedding of multivariate relational data, we propose a semantic lens which selects a specific spatial and attribute-related data range. The lens keeps the selected data in focus unchanged and continuously deforms the data out of the selection range in order to maintain the context around the focus. Specific deformations include distance-based repulsion of scatter plot points, deforming straight-line node-link graph drawings, and as varying the simplification degree of bundled edge graph layouts. Our technique is simple to implement and provides real-time performance on large datasets

    Techniques to visualize occluded graph elements for 2.5D map editing

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    Computers in Support of Musical Expression

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    Visualizing and Interacting with Geospatial Networks:A Survey and Design Space

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    This paper surveys visualization and interaction techniques for geospatial networks from a total of 95 papers. Geospatial networks are graphs where nodes and links can be associated with geographic locations. Examples can include social networks, trade and migration, as well as traffic and transport networks. Visualizing geospatial networks poses numerous challenges around the integration of both network and geographical information as well as additional information such as node and link attributes, time, and uncertainty. Our overview analyzes existing techniques along four dimensions: i) the representation of geographical information, ii) the representation of network information, iii) the visual integration of both, and iv) the use of interaction. These four dimensions allow us to discuss techniques with respect to the trade-offs they make between showing information across all these dimensions and how they solve the problem of showing as much information as necessary while maintaining readability of the visualization. https://geonetworks.github.io.Comment: To be published in the Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) journa
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