1,219 research outputs found

    Engaging without over-powering: A case study of a FLOSS project

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    This is the post-print version of the published chapter. The original publication is available at the link below. Copyright @ 2010 IFIP International Federation for Information Processing.The role of Open Source Software (OSS) in the e-learning business has become more and more fundamental in the last 10 years, as long as corporate and government organizations have developed their educational and training programs based on OSS out-of-the-box tools. This paper qualitatively documents the decision of the largest UK e-learning provider, the Open University, to adopt the Moodle e-learning system, and how it has been successfully deployed in its site after a multi-million investment. A further quantitative study also provides evidence of how a commercial stakeholder has been engaged with, and produced outputs for, the Moodle community. Lessons learned from this experience by the stakeholders include the crucial factors of contributing to the OSS community, and adapting to an evolving technology. It also becomes evident how commercial partners helped this OSS system to achieve the transition from an “average” OSS system to a successful multi-site, collaborative and community-based OSS project

    Requirements Management in an Open Source Software Project : Empirical Case Study

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    In the past few decades there has been increasing interest towards open innovation both among academia and in businesses. Especially software intensive companies face rapid technological change, which forces them to seek new sources of innovation. Companies can do this by using various open innovation approaches where they can share their knowledge and resources or utilize the knowledge and resources of outsiders ranging from other companies to individual developers. Open source software (OSS) is a blooming open innovation strategy used by a growing number of companies. OSS communities can have a large number of members, making the requirements management process challenging. This thesis aims to build an understanding of the requirements management process in a company that is leading an actively developed open source project. The studied OSS community doesn’t only have individual developers, but many companies participate in it as well. The thesis explores first open innovation, open source software development, and requirements engineering with means of a literature review. The goal of the literature review is to investigate open innovation and requirements management in OSS context. The literature review also provides a theoretical background for studying the open innovation and the requirements management process in the case company called Qt Company. The Qt Company leads an OSS project, which is the subject of this study. The project’s requirements management process was studied with the help of several information sources. These included interviews of Qt’s employees. The interviews were conducted in a research project called OpenReq. Additional information was gathered from the company’s websites and the project’s requirements management system. To verify the results, we first studied a few issues from the requirements management system to see whether they followed our conceptual model built based on the interviews, and illustrated as a swimlane diagram. Finally, we had a follow up interview with an employee from Qt Company (Qt’s community manager) to verify the results, and to correct any inaccuracies or misunderstandings. We found Qt Company using both inbound and outbound open innovation approaches in the studied OSS project. The project, and the community around it has many similarities to the OSS community descriptions found in the literature. For example, as often in OSS, the requirements in the studied project are unstructured. The requirements management process in the studied OSS project was found to include 12 different stakeholders. Also a diagram summarizing the whole requirements management process is constructed based on the interviews and presented at the results section of the thesis

    Development of an open source web-based infrastructure for designing medical devices

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    The term ‘Open Source’ is commonly associated with software due to its proven success, encompassing a user’s ability to review and modify the underlying source code, to disseminate modified or unmodified versions to others, and to use it without facing the prospect of legal repercussions (Siedlok, 2001). In the context of product design, namely medical device design, the concept remains relatively novel with no prior research being reported. A study of applying the open source concept to medical device design by developing a web based infrastructure for its facilitation is reported here. Results: The stakeholder requirements are captured using a semi-structured questionnaire and validated through cross referencing responses to questions with other responses from stakeholders of the same or similar occupation. The most prominent responses are selected as the key stakeholder requirements and utilised in conjunction with the functional system requirements outlined in the System Requirements Specification (SyRS), both sets of requirements provide the foundation for the open source web based infrastructure development. Conclusion: The comprehensiveness of the requirements indicate that the open source web based infrastructure will support the design of all medical devices that are classified as high risk, medium risk or low risk devices, whilst devices external to this scope remain a future certainty

    Virtual Organizational Learnign in Open Source Software Development Projects

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    We studied the existence of virtual organizational learning in open source software (OSS) development projects. Specifically, our research focused on learning effects of OSS projects and factors that affect the learning process. The number and percentage of resolved bugs and bug resolution time of 118 SourceForge.net OSS projects were used to measure the learning effects> Projects were characterized by project type, number and experience of developers, number of bugs, and bug resolution time. Our results provide evidence of virtual organizational learning in OSS development projects.Virtual organizational leraning: Organizational learning curve: Virtual organization: Open source software development: Project performance

    Promoting Scalability and Sustainability of ICT4D Projects Using Open Source Software

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    There is an increasing consensus that information and communication technologies (ICTs) bring an opportunity for developing countries to reach development goals in various areas, yet a large number of the projects that utilize ICT for development (ICT4D) are considered full or partial failures. One of the most critical challenges identified is that ICT4D practice tends to produce pilot projects, but it fails to provide scalable and sustainable solutions for capacity development. Open source software (OSS), with its particular licensing scheme and community-based development method, has been touted as a possible solution to some of the problems that ICT4D practice is often claimed to cause. However, prior research has barely discussed or empirically studied the potential of OSS in promoting scalability and sustainability of ICT4D projects. This study aims to provide an answer to the research question: How to promote scalability and sustainability of ICT4D projects using open source software? The study draws from empirical research conducted in a case project to answer the research question. The author of this study participated in a capacity development project in Kenya coordinated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and financed by the Government of Finland’s development assistance program during years 2006-2008. The project developed a software to help in computerization of agricultural cooperatives and licensed it with an open source software license, so that it could be freely used by both agricultural cooperatives and local ICT companies, in order for the latter to be able to provide support services to the cooperatives. The action case research method was sed to both introduce change to the problematic “real-life” situation and to increase understanding of the area of concern. Consequently, this study provides a detailed description how research-based insights were used to manage the sustainability and scalability issues in the case project The results of the study include an assessment of the role of open source software in promoting scalability and sustainability of ICT4D projects, which implies that OSS may lay a foundation for the creation of a business ecosystem supporting scalability and sustainability, but OSS in itself does not solve challenges related to the demand and supply of technology. In addition, the study discusses the nature of the scalability and sustainability problem and presents a model of the elements influencing scalability and sustainability of ICT4D projects. The study contributes to the field of open source software research by focusing on a type of an OSS project that has been little studied and highlights the importance of project characteristics and context. It complements the OSS in developing country research that often discusses OSS in an overly positive manner by reporting the challenges experienced in the case project. The study also contributes to the discussion of ICT4D project failure in development informatics research by improving conceptual clarity, defining the scalability and sustainability problem in detail, identifying elements influencing scalability and sustainability and by providing insights into the role of OSS in solving the scalability and sustainability problem. For practitioners involved with OSS or ICT4D projects, the study provides conceptual tools and advises against expecting simple solutions to difficult development problems.Kehitysmaiden uskotaan voivan saavuttaa kehitykseen liittyviä tavoitteitaan tieto- ja viestintäteknologiaa (engl. information and communication technologies, ICT) hyödyntämällä. Suuri osa ICT-teknologiaa hyödyntävistä kehitysyhteistyöhankkeista kuitenkin epäonnistuu osittain tai täysin. Eräs keskeinen ongelma teknologian hyödyntämisessä kehitysyhteistyössä on ollut, että toiminnan tuloksena syntyy paljon pilottihankkeita, mutta liian harvoin skaalautuvia ja kestäviä ratkaisuja kehitysmaiden toimintavalmiuksien parantamiseksi. Avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoja on pidetty mahdollisena ratkaisuna ICT-teknologiaa hyödyntävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden haasteisiin, sillä niitä voidaan kehittää yhteisöllisesti ja lisensointi mahdollistaa ohjelmistojen vapaan hyödyntämisen. Avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistojen käyttöä ICT-teknologiaa hyödyntävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden skaalautuvuuden ja kestävyyden parantamisessa ei kuitenkaan ole juuri tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on vastata seuraavaan kysymykseen: Miten ICT-teknologiaa hyödyntävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden skaalautuvuutta ja kestävyyttä voidaan parantaa avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoilla? Aihetta lähestytään tarkasteluun valitun hankkeen kautta empiirisesti. Hanke oli Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien elintarvike- ja maatalousjärjestön koordinoima ja Suomen kehitysyhteistyöohjelman rahoittama valmiuksien kehittämishanke, joka toteutettiin Keniassa vuosina 2006‒2008 ja johon tutkimuksen tekijä myös itse osallistui. Hankkeessa kehitettiin ohjelmisto maatalousosuuskuntien tietokoneistamisen tueksi. Tämä lisensoitiin avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistolisenssillä, jotta ohjelmisto olisi vapaasti hyödynnettävissä sekä osuuskunnissa että paikallisissa ICT-yrityksissä. Näin paikalliset ICT-yritykset voisivat tarjota tukipalveluita osuuskunnille. Tapaustutkimusta ja toimintatutkimusta yhdistävän tutkimusmenetelmän keinoin pyrittiin sekä ratkaisemaan hankkeen haasteita että lisäämään ymmärrystä tutkimusaiheesta. Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvataan, miten aiempaan tutkimukseen pohjautuvia näkemyksiä hyödynnettiin hankkeen skaalautuvuuteen ja kestävyyteen liittyvien haasteiden ratkaisussa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena on arvio avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistojen merkityksestä ICT-teknologiaa hyödyntävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden skaalautuvuuden ja kestävyyden parantamisessa, minkä mukaan avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoilla voidaan luoda edellytykset teknologian skaalautuvuutta ja kestävyyttä tukevan liiketoimintaekosysteemin synnylle, mutta se ei itsessään ratkaise teknologian kysyntään ja tarjontaan liittyviä haasteita. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa käsitellään skaalautuvuuden ja kestävyyden haasteen luonnetta sekä luodaan malli ICT-teknologiaa hyödyntävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden skaalautuvuuteen ja kestävyyteen vaikuttavista osatekijöistä. Tämä tutkimus edistää avoimen lähdekoodin tutkimusta fokusoitumalla hanketyyppiin, jota ei ole juuri aiemmin tutkittu, korostaen hankkeiden luonteen ja kontekstin merkitystä alan tutkimuksessa. Avoimen lähdekoodin hyödyntämistä kehitysmaissa koskeva tutkimus on usein esittänyt avoimen lähdekoodin mahdollisuudet hyvin optimistisesti, jättäen haasteet vähäiselle tarkastelulle – tämä tutkimus täydentääkin alan tutkimusta raportoimalla kohteena olleen hankkeen haasteista. Lisäksi tämä tutkimus edistää kehitysyhteistyötä koskevan informatiikan tutkimuksen puitteissa käytävää keskustelua teknologiaa hyödyntävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden epäonnistumisista selkeyttämällä käsitteitä, tarkentamalla skaalautuvuuden ja kestävyyden haasteen määrittelyä, tunnistamalla skaalautuvuuteen ja kestävyyteen vaikuttavia osatekijöitä sekä parantamalla ymmärrystä avoimen lähdekoodin merkityksestä haasteen ratkaisussa. Avoimen lähdekoodin hankkeiden tai teknologiaa hyödyntävien kehitysyhteistyöhankkeiden parissa toimiville tutkimus tarjoaa käsitteleellisiä työkaluja ja neuvoja, joiden mukaan vaikeisiin kehityshaasteisiin ei tule odottaa helppoja ratkaisuja.Siirretty Doriast

    An analysis of the profitability and sustainability of savings and credit co-operatives in Botswana

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    Since the 2008 financial crisis, global attention has been drawn to co-operatives, owing to their resilience and ability to flourish during tough economic conditions. The potential of co-operatives as a catalyst for sustainable development is of particular interest to a country like Botswana, where the economy is heavily reliant on a single commodity trade and there is potential for greater participation of the citizens in economic and social development of the country. The growing participation of co-operatives, particularly savings and credit co-operatives (SACCOs), has proved to be a channel for increasing access to finance for the traditionally unbanked, a reduction in poverty levels, and continued socioeconomic development across the African continent. In Botswana, however, only 26% of co-operatives are profitable, while 30% operate at a loss or break even. This necessitates an empirical investigation into the performance (profitability and sustainability) of SACCOs in Botswana. Literature presents various views regarding the determinants of profitability of SACCOs; these include the selection of a skilled management committee, the clear articulation of and compliance with a credit policy, the presence of a savings culture in the area of operation, sound corporate governance, credit default rates, membership numbers and members' level of financial literacy. This study ascertains the key determinants of the profitability and sustainability of SACCOs in Botswana and the extent to which these factors influence the SACCOs' operational self-sufficiency (OSS). The population included 39 SACCOs from eight regions across the country. The independent variables chosen were return on assets, deposit mobilisation, current ratio, capital structure, and membership size. Panel data analysis for financial data collected over 10 years (2005 to 2015) for all registered SACCOs was used. The study revealed that return on assets and capital structure were significantly and positively related to OSS, which was generally consistent with literature. Size and liquidity were found to be statistically insignificant determinants of OSS. A finding unique to this study, and contrary to literature, was the negative relationship observed between deposit mobilisation and OSS. Informed by the findings of the study, the main recommendations are that members of SACCOs as well as regulators should ensure that management provides a clear investment strategy that shows consideration for revenue diversification. The Ministry of Investment, Trade and Industry should also channel resources into implementing supporting policies and legislature for SACCOs, such as the Co-operative Transformation Strategy, to enable these entities to thrive

    Value creation in technology-based firms : the role of bricolage, ecosystems and business models

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