36 research outputs found

    Design and Performance Analysis of Functional Split in Virtualized Access Networks

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    abstract: Emerging modular cable network architectures distribute some cable headend functions to remote nodes that are located close to the broadcast cable links reaching the cable modems (CMs) in the subscriber homes and businesses. In the Remote- PHY (R-PHY) architecture, a Remote PHY Device (RPD) conducts the physical layer processing for the analog cable transmissions, while the headend runs the DOCSIS medium access control (MAC) for the upstream transmissions of the distributed CMs over the shared cable link. In contrast, in the Remote MACPHY (R-MACPHY) ar- chitecture, a Remote MACPHY Device (RMD) conducts both the physical and MAC layer processing. The dissertation objective is to conduct a comprehensive perfor- mance comparison of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures. Also, development of analytical delay models for the polling-based MAC with Gated bandwidth alloca- tion of Poisson traffic in the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures and conducting extensive simulations to assess the accuracy of the analytical model and to evaluate the delay-throughput performance of the R-PHY and R-MACPHY architectures for a wide range of deployment and operating scenarios. Performance evaluations ex- tend to the use of Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) as transport network between remote nodes and headend. The results show that for long CIN distances above 100 miles, the R-MACPHY architecture achieves significantly shorter mean up- stream packet delays than the R-PHY architecture, especially for bursty traffic. The extensive comparative R-PHY and R-MACPHY comparative evaluation can serve as a basis for the planning of modular broadcast cable based access networks.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Plataforma de serviços residenciais

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO serviço de acesso à Internet tem sido, até agora, o principal catalisador para a difusão das chamadas ligações de banda larga junto do mercado residencial. O desejo de partilhar este serviço entre vários terminais da mesma residência, aliado a factores como a maturidade do protocolo IP, o aparecimento de tecnologias de rede que permitem a comunicação entre dispositivos em espaços reduzidos, a generalização de conteúdos multimédia em formato digital, entre outros, tem impulsionado o aparecimento das chamadas redes residenciais. Para além de interligarem entre si os mais variados tipos de dispositivos domésticos, estas redes asseguram ainda a comunicação destes mesmos dispositivos com entidades externas à residência. Existe, portanto agora a oportunidade para operadores de telecomunicações e provedores de serviços utilizarem a largura de banda disponível para disponibilizarem, através de uma única plataforma, toda uma nova geração de serviços a clientes residenciais. No entanto, garantir o correcto comportamento de todos estes novos serviços, lidar com as particularidades do ambiente residencial e do próprio utilizador residencial, impõe a operadores e provedores de serviços novos desafios. Um dos principais desafios prende-se com a capacidade das actuais redes de acesso e domésticas para o transporte de vários tipos de serviços. Desta forma, na presente dissertação, são analisados cenários típicos de prestação de serviços residenciais, com ênfase nas infra estruturas de rede que suportam essa mesma prestação de serviços. Nesta, são também caracterizadas infra-estruturas de rede capazes de suportar a distribuição de um leque alargado de serviços residenciais, garantindo o correcto comportamento dos mesmos. A distribuição de vários tipos de serviços sobre infra-estruturas de rede partilhadas, requer também soluções que contemplem a configuração/gestão remota dos vários tipos de serviços e de mecanismos que possibilitem a auto configuração de dispositivos que residem na rede doméstica. Neste contexto a plataforma de serviços OSGi é apresentada. Por forma a concluir-se acerca da sua validade e aplicabilidade em cenários futuros de prestação de serviços residenciais, foi implementado um serviço de monitorização médica remota sobre a mesma. Esta, permitiu principalmente avaliar vantagens e desvantagens da plataforma OSGi, bem como indicar possíveis soluções que colmatam as desvantagens encontradas. Esta dissertação apresenta portanto possíveis soluções para desafios com que operadores e prestadores de serviços se deparam em cenários de prestação de múltiplos tipos de serviços residenciais. ABSTRACT: Internet access service has been, until now, the main reason to the current generalization of the so called broadband connections in the residential market. The will of sharing this same service between different terminals in the same house, together with other factors like the maturity of the IP protocol, the eruption of network technologies that allow the communication between devices in restricted environments, the generalization of multimedia contents distributed in a digital format, among others, has driven to the appearance of the so called residential networks. Besides providing the interconnection between the several types of residential devices, these networks also assure the communication of those same devices with entities outside the home. So this is the opportunity for telecommunications operators and service providers to use the available bandwidth to provide, using a single service platform, new kinds of services to residential costumers. Although, to assure the correct behaviour of that multitude of services, to deal with the uniqueness of the residential environment and of the residential user himself, challenges must be solved by operators and service providers. One of the main challenges as to do with the ability of today's access and residential networks to transport different kinds of services. This way, in the present thesis, typical residential service providing scenarios are analyzed, with special detail on the network infra structures used on that same scenarios. Moreover, network infra structures that support the distribution of different kinds of residential services are also characterized, always considering that the expected behaviour of those same services is assured. The distribution of different types of services over shared networks, also requires solutions regarding the configuration/remote management of those same services, as well mechanisms that allow the auto configuration of domestic devices. In this context, the OSGi service platform is presented. In order to conclude about it's validity and applicability in future service providing scenarios, a remote medical monitoring service was implemented over OSGi. This implementation allowed mainly to judge the advantages and disadvantages of the OSGi platform, as well pointing some possible solutions that somehow minimize the disadvantages. Therefore, this thesis presents possible solutions for challenges that operators and service providers will face in scenarios where is intended to provide to residential costumers a multitude of kinds of services

    Serviços OTT TV: aspectos técnico-económicos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThe breadth of availability and variety of online video contents has helped to encourage a far more mobile experience, which has proved particularly popular among younger generations. Over The Top (OTT) services, particularly those on-demand video platforms, became more and more attractive to consumers when compared with the current main TV packages. This document describes how the video OTT Ecosystem works from a technical side. The description presented reaches both ends of the distribution chain: from how the video signals are acquired and processed, thru all the way to how they are delivered to the client, passing by the challenges and consequences that such services have on the network. The main objective of this dissertation is to understand the possibility to create in Portugal a new operator where the core business is video delivery using only OTT services.A amplitude e variedade de conteúdos disponíveis online têm ajudado a promover uma experiência cada ver mais móvel da televisão, serviço que se tem revelado particularmente popular entre os mais jovens. Serviços Over The Top (OTT), sobretudo aqueles disponíveis através de plataformas de video on-demand, têm-se tornado cada vez mais atraentes para os consumidores, em comparação com os atuais pacotes de televisão. Este documento descreve como funciona, do ponto de vista técnico, o ecossistema do vídeo sobre OTT. A descrição apresentada abrange ambas as extremidades da cadeia de distribuição: desde a forma como os sinais de vídeo são adquiridos e processados até ao modo como eles são entregues ao cliente, passando pelos problemas e consequências que tais serviços podem ter na rede. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é contribuir para compreender se é possível criar em Portugal um novo operador onde o core business seja a distribuição de vídeo utilizando apenas serviços OTT


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    Modern broadband internet access cable systems follow the Data Over Cable System Interface Specification (DOCSIS) for data transfer between the individual cable modem (CM) and the Internet. The newest version of DOCSIS, version 3.0, provides an abstraction referred to as bonding groups to help manage bandwidth and to increase bandwidth to each user beyond that available within a single 6MHz. television channel. Channel bonding allows more than one channel to be used by a CM to provide a virtual channel of much greater bandwidth. This combining of channels into bonding groups, especially when channels overlap between more than one bonding group, complicates the resource allocation problem within these networks. The goal of resource allocation in this research is twofold, to provide for fairness among users while at the same time making maximum possible utilization of the available system bandwidth. The problem of resource allocation in computer networks has been widely studied by the academic community. Past work has studied resource allocation in many network types, however application in a DOCSIS channel bonded network has not been explored. This research begins by first developing a definition of fairness in a channel bonded system. After providing a theoretical definition of fairness we implement simulations of different scheduling disciplines and evaluate their performance against this theoretical ideal. The complexity caused by overlapped channels requires even the simplest scheduling algorithms to be modified to work correctly. We then develop an algorithm to maximize the use of the available system bandwidth. The approach involves using competitive analysis techniques and an online algorithm to dynamically reassign flows among the available channels. Bandwidth usage and demand requests are monitored for bandwidth that is underutilized, and demand that is unsatisfied, and real time changes are made to the flow-to-channel mappings to improve the utilization of the total available bandwidth. The contribution of this research is to provide a working definition of fairness in a channel bonded environment, the implementation of several scheduling disciplines and evaluation of their adherence to that definition, and development of an algorithm to improve overall bandwidth utilization of the system

    University of Maine Connection to the vBNS

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    This award is made under the high performance connections portion of ANIR\u27s Connections to the Internet announcement, NSF 96-64. It provides partial support for two years for a DS-3 connection to the vBNS. Applications include projects in artificial intelligence and underwater vehicle research, wood science anf forest engineering, tribology, ceramic film characterization, insect population dynamics, digital libraries, conflict and violence, and oceanography. Collaborating institutions include the Naval Postgraduate School; Pennsylvania State University; University of New Hampshire; Brookhaven, Argonne and Oak Ridge National Labs; Naval Research Lab; University of Illinois; Naval Undersea Weapons Center; University of California - Santa Barbara; Woods Hole; Dartmouth; Bedford Institute of Oceanography; several European institutions; Oregon State University; University of Rhode Island; and Goddard Space Flight Center. For additional information: http://homeland.maine.edu

    Resource management in cable access networks

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    Een kabelnetwerk is tegenwoordig niet meer alleen een medium waarover analoge TV-signalen vanuit een centraal punt, kopstation genaamd, naar de aangesloten huizen worden gestuurd. Sinds enkele jaren is het mogelijk om thuis data digitaal te versturen en te ontvangen. Deze data gaat via een kabelmodem thuis en het kopstation, dat in verbinding staat met andere netwerken. Op deze wijze zijn kabelnetwerken onderdeel geworden van het wereldwijde Internet en kunnen computers thuis hier mee verbonden worden. Door aan zo’n kopstation een digitaal videosysteem met duizenden films te koppelen, ontstaat er de mogelijkheid een video-op-verzoek dienst aan te bieden: Via de computer of zelfs de TV thuis kunnen films worden besteld en direct bekeken, of worden opgeslagen in de computer. Om dit te bewerkstelligen is meer nodig dan alleen een netwerk: Voor de transmissie van video data dient er zorg voor te worden gedragen dat deze zonder hinderende interrupties kan geschieden, omdat dergelijke gebeurtenissen door de gebruiker direct te zien zijn in de vorm van een stilstaand of zwart beeld. Verder is ook de reactiesnelheid van het systeem van belang voor het ondersteunen van operaties door de gebruiker, zoals het bestellen van een film, maar ook het vooruit- of terugspoelen, pauzeren, enzovoorts. Binnen deze context beschrijven en analyseren we in dit proefschrift zes problemen. Vier daarvan houden verband met de transmissie van data over het kabelnetwerk en de overige twee houden verband met het opslaan van video data op een harde schijf. In twee van de vier problemen uit de eerste categorie analyseren we de vertraging die data ondervindt wanneer die vanuit een modem wordt gestuurd naar het kopstation. Deze vertraging bepaalt met name de reactiesnelheid van het systeem. Karakteristiek voor dataverkeer in deze richting is dat pakketten van verschillende modems tegelijkertijd mogen worden verstuurd en daardoor verloren gaan. Met name de vereiste hertransmissies zorgen voor vertraging. Meer concreet beschouwen we een variant op het bekende ALOHA protocol, waarbij we uitgaan van een kanaalmodel dat afwijkt van het conventionele model. Het afwijkende model is van toepassing wanneer een modem een eerste contact probeert te leggen met het kopstation na te zijn opgestart. Met name na een stroomuitval, wanneer een groot aantal modems tegelijkertijd opnieuw opstart, kunnen de vertragingen aanzienlijk zijn. Daarnaast beschouwen we modems tijdens normale operatie en analyseren wij de verbetering in vertraging wanneer pakketten die vanuit ´e´en modem moeten worden verstuurd, worden verpakt in een groter pakket. In beide studies worden wiskundige resultaten vergeleken met simulaties die re¨ele situaties nabootsen. In de andere twee van de vier problemen richten wij ons op de transmissie van video data in de andere richting, namelijk van het kopstation naar de modems. Hierbij spelen stringente tijdsrestricties een voorname rol, zoals hierboven reeds is beschreven. Meer specifiek presenteren we een planningsalgoritme dat pakketten voor een aantal gebruikers op een kanaal zodanig na elkaar verstuurt dat de variatie in de vertraging die de verschillende pakketten ondervinden, minimaal is. Op deze wijze wordt zo goed mogelijk een continue stroom van data gerealiseerd die van belang is voor het probleemloos kunnen bekijken van een film. Daarnaast analyseren we een bestaand algoritme om een film via een aantal kanalen periodiek naar de aangesloten huizen te versturen. In dit geval ligt de nadruk op de wachttijd die een gebruiker ondervindt na het bestellen van een film. In deze analyse onderbouwen we een in het algoritme gebruikte heuristiek en brengen hierin verdere verbeteringen aan. Daarnaast bewijzen we dat het algoritme asymptotisch optimaal is, iets dat reeds langer werd aangenomen, maar nooit rigoreus bewezen was. Bij de laatste twee problemen, die verband houden met het opslaan van video data op een harde schijf, analyseren we hoe deze data zodanig kan worden opgeslagen dat die er nadien efficient van kan worden teruggelezen. In het ene probleem beschouwen we een bestaand planningsalgoritme om pakketten van verschillende videostromen naar een harde schijf te schrijven en passen dit aan om ervoor te zorgen dat het teruglezen van de stroom met bijvoorbeeld een andere pakketgrootte mogelijk wordt zonder daarbij de schijf onnodig te belasten. In het andere probleem analyseren we hoe we effectief gebruik kunnen maken van het gegeven dat data aan de buitenkant van de schijf sneller gelezen kan worden dan aan de binnenkant. We bewijzen dat het probleem van het zo efficient mogelijk opslaan van een gegeven aantal video files NPlastig is en presenteren een eenvoudige heuristiek die, hoewel voor bijzondere instanties een bewijsbaar slechte prestatie levert, in de praktijk in het algemeen goede prestaties levert. Hierbij maken we met name gebruik van het verschil in populariteit van de verschillende films