5,729 research outputs found

    A Case Study Of E-Supply Chain & Business Process Reengineering Of A Semiconductor Company In Malaysia

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    Penglibatan e-perniagaan dalam rantaian bekalan telah mewujudkan e-rantaian bekalan yang baru (e-SC) di firma-firma tempatan dan global. Due to globalization and advancement in information technology (IT), companies adopt best practices in e-business and supply chain management to be globally competitive as both are realities and prospects in 21st century

    Secure external access to Odoo

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    Tämän kirjallisuustutkimuksena toteutettavan opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tutkia kuinka Odoo-toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän (ERP) käyttöönotto toteutetaan turvallisesti ulkoisten toimijoiden kanssa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on löytää parhaita käytänteitä, miten ulkoiset käyttäjät liitetään ERP:iin vaarantamatta yrityksen ydintietoa. Työn toimeksiantaja on suomalainen teollisuusalan yritys, jolla on käytössä avoimen lähdekoodin ERP-järjestelmä Odoo. Yrityksessä on tulevaisuudessa vahva tarve laajentaa Odoon toiminnallisuuksia siten, että myös ulkoiset toimijat kuten partnerit, toimittajat sekä asiakkaat saadaan integroitua osaksi yrityksen Odoota. Teoriaosuudessa perehdytään ERP-järjestelmien tarkoitukseen, etuihin ja haittapuoliin sekä eri toimitus- sekä hankintamalleihin. Lisäksi luodaan lyhyt katsaus tietoturvaan, keskittyen etenkin sovellusten ja tietokantojen tietoturvaan. Lisäksi tarkastellaan myös ERP-tietoturvamenetelmiä. ERP:n arkkitehtuurimalli yhdessä sovellus- ja tietokantaturvamekanismien kanssa nähdään ratkaisevaksi tietoturvahaasteisiin vastaamisessa. Kolmitasoinen arkkitehtuurimalli, jota myös Odoo tukee, nähdään turvallisempana ratkaisuna kuin yksi- tai kaksitasoiset mallit. Koska yritykset toimivat tänä päivänä verkostoissa, joissa liiketoimintapartnerit ovat osa ERP-järjestelmää, tarvitaan uudenlaisia tapoja mahdollistamaan pääsy ERP:iin mutta kuitenkin samalla suojaamaan yrityksen ydindataa. Perinteiset ERP-tietoturvamekanismit eivät välttämättä enää riitä. Tarvitaan uusia ratkaisuja, joilla ERP:n turvallinen ulkoinen käyttö voidaan mahdollistaa. Nämä parhaat käytänteet ovat vasta muovautumassa.The aim of this thesis is to investigate based on the literature review that how to implement Odoo enterprise resource planning system (ERP) securely with external connectivity. Additionally, the target was to form an understanding of the best practises available to create the external connections in ERP without risking the core data of the company. The commissioner of this thesis is a manufacturing company in Finland which is using open source ERP called Odoo. In the future there is a strong need to enable connectivity also with external partners meaning that several modules from the same ERP application need to be enabled for external usage. The theory framework is introducing main purpose of ERP systems, its advantages, disadvantages, different delivery models and acquisition options. Information security on high level is introduced with focus on application, database and ERP specific security aspects. The architectural structure of ERPs, together with application and database security mechanisms, are seen crucial to respond to security challenges. The three tier architecture model, supported also by Odoo, is seen more secure than one or two tier models. As companies today are operating over the traditional company borders, secure business partner access to enterprise data is needed. Traditional security methods of ERP have to be re-considered to enable usage also with external connections to fulfil the security needs of companies. It seems that at the moment the best practise security mechanisms for web ERPs are not yet widely established

    Interoperability of Enterprise Software and Applications

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    Domain architecture a design framework for system development and integration

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    The ever growing complexity of software systems has revealed many short-comings in existing software engineering practices and has raised interest in architecture-driven software development. A system\u27s architecture provides a model of the system that suppresses implementation detail, allowing the architects to concentrate on the analysis and decisions that are most critical to structuring the system to satisfy its requirements. Recently, interests of researchers and practi-tioners have shifted from individual system architectures to architectures for classes of software systems which provide more general, reusable solutions to the issues of overall system organization, interoperability, and allocation of services to system components. These generic architectures, such as product line architectures and domain architectures, promote reuse and interoperability, and create a basis for cost effective construction of high-quality systems. Our focus in this dissertation is on domain architectures as a means of development and integration of large-scale, domain-specific business software systems. Business imperatives, including flexibility, productivity, quality, and ability to adapt to changes, have fostered demands for flexible, coherent and enterprise--wide integrated business systems. The components of such systems, developed separately or purchased off the shelf, need to cohesively form an overall compu-tational environment for the business. The inevitable complexity of such integrated solutions and the highly-demanding process of their construction, management, and evolution support require new software engineering methodologies and tools. Domain architectures, prescribing the organization of software systems in a business domain, hold a promise to serve as a foundation on which such integrated business systems can be effectively constructed. To meet the above expectations, software architectures must be properly defined, represented, and applied, which requires suitable methodologies as well as process and tool support. Despite research efforts, however, state-of-the-art methods and tools for architecture-based system development do not yet meet the practical needs of system developers. The primary focus of this dissertation is on developing methods and tools to support domain architecture engineering and on leveraging architectures to achieve improved system development and integration in presence of increased complexity. In particular, the thesis explores issues related to the following three aspects of software technology: system complexity and software architectures as tools to alleviate complexity; domain architectures as frameworks for construction of large scale, flexible, enterprise-wide software systems; and architectural models and representation techniques as a basis for good” design. The thesis presents an archi-tectural taxonomy to help categorize and better understand architectural efforts. Furthermore, it clarifies the purpose of domain architectures and characterizes them in detail. To support the definition and application of domain architectures we have developed a method for domain architecture engineering and representation: GARM-ASPECT. GARM, the Generic Architecture Reference Model, underlying the method, is a system of modeling abstractions, relations and recommendations for building representations of reference software architectures. The model\u27s focus on reference and domain architectures determines its main distinguishing features: multiple views of architectural elements, a separate rule system to express constraints on architecture element types, and annotations such as “libraries” of patterns and “logs” of guidelines. ASPECT is an architecture description language based on GARM. It provides a normalized vocabulary for representing the skeleton of an architecture, its structural view, and establishes a framework for capturing archi-tectural constraints. It also allows extensions of the structural view with auxiliary information, such as behavior or quality specifications. In this respect, ASPECT provides facilities for establishing relationships among different specifications and gluing them together within an overall architectural description. This design allows flexibility and adaptability of the methodology to the specifics of a domain or a family of systems. ASPECT supports the representation of reference architectures as well as individual system architectures. The practical applicability of this method has been tested through a case study in an industrial setting. The approach to architecture engineering and representation, presented in this dissertation, is pragmatic and oriented towards software practitioners. GARM-ASPECT, as well as the taxonomy of architectures are of use to architects, system planners and system engineers. Beyond these practical contributions, this thesis also creates a more solid basis for expbring the applicability of architectural abstractions, the practicality of representation approaches, and the changes required to the devel-opment process in order to achieve the benefits from an architecture-driven software technology

    Forum Session at the First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC03)

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    The First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) was held in Trento, December 15-18, 2003. The focus of the conference ---Service Oriented Computing (SOC)--- is the new emerging paradigm for distributed computing and e-business processing that has evolved from object-oriented and component computing to enable building agile networks of collaborating business applications distributed within and across organizational boundaries. Of the 181 papers submitted to the ICSOC conference, 10 were selected for the forum session which took place on December the 16th, 2003. The papers were chosen based on their technical quality, originality, relevance to SOC and for their nature of being best suited for a poster presentation or a demonstration. This technical report contains the 10 papers presented during the forum session at the ICSOC conference. In particular, the last two papers in the report ere submitted as industrial papers

    Component-based control system development for agile manufacturing machine systems

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    It is now a common sense that manufactures including machine suppliers and system integrators of the 21 st century will need to compete on global marketplaces, which are frequently shifting and fragmenting, with new technologies continuously emerging. Future production machines and manufacturing systems need to offer the "agility" required in providing responsiveness to product changes and the ability to reconfigure. The primary aim for this research is to advance studies in machine control system design, in the context of the European project VIR-ENG - "Integrated Design, Simulation and Distributed Control of Agile Modular Machinery"