22 research outputs found

    Model query transformation framework- MQT: from EMF-based model query languages to persistence-spefic query languages

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    Memory problems of XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) (default persistence in Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF)) when operating large models, have motivated the appearance of alternative mechanisms for persistence of EMF models. Most recent approaches propose using database back-ends. These approaches provide support for querying models using EMF-based model query languages (Plain EMF, Object Constraint Language (OCL), EMF Query, Epsilon Object Language (EOL), etc.). However, these languages commonly require loading in-memory all the model elements that are involved in the query. In the case of queries that traverse models (most commonly used type of queries) they require to load entire model in-memory. This loading strategy causes memory problems when operated models are large. Most database back-ends provide database-specific query languages that leverage capabilities of the database engine (better performance) and without requiring in-memory load of models for query execution (lower memory footprint). For example, Structured Query Language (SQL) is a query language for relational databases and Cypher is for Neo4J databases. In this dissertation we present MQT-Engine, a framework that supports execution of model query languages but with the e ciency (in terms of memory and performance) of a database-specifoc query language. To achieve this, MQT-Engine provides a two-step query transformation mechanism: forst, queries expressed with a model query language are transformed into a Query Language Independent Model (QLI Model); and then QLI Model is transformed into a database-specifoc query that is executed directly over the database. This mechanism provides extensibility and reusability to the framework, since it facilitates the inclusion of new query languages at both sides of the transformation. A prototype of the framework is provided. It supports transformation of EOL queries into SQL queries that are executed directly over a relational Connected Data Objects (CDO) repository. The prototype has been evaluated with two experimental evaluations. First evaluation is based on the reverse engineering domain. It compares time and memory usage required by MQT-Engine and other query languages (EMF API, OCL and SQL) to execute a set of queries over models persisted with CDO. Second evaluation is based on the railway domain, and compares performance results of MQT-Engine and other query languages (EMF API, OCL, IncQuery, SQL, etc.) for executing a set of queries. Obtained results show that MQT-Engine is able to execute successfully all the evaluated experiments. MQT-Engine is one of the evaluated solutions showing best performance results for first execution of model queries. In the case of query languages executed over CDO repositories, it is the faster solution and the one requiring less memory. For example, for the largest model in the reverse engineering case it is up to 162 times faster than a model query language executed at client-side, and it requires 23 times less memory. Additionally, the query transformation overload is constant and small (less than 2 seconds). These results validate the main goal of this dissertation: to provide a framework that gives to the model engineers the ability for specifying queries in a model query language, and then execute them with a performance and memory footprint similar to that of a persistence-specific query language. However, the framework has a set of limitations: the approach should be optimized when queries are subsequently executed; it only supports nonmodification model traversal queries; and the prototype is specific for EOL queries over CDO repositories with DBStore. Therefore, it is planned to extend the framework and address these limitations in a future version.Los problemas de memoria de XMI (mecanismo de persistencia por defecto en EMF) cuando se trabaja con modelos grandes, han motivado la aparición de mecanismos de persistencia alternativos para los modelos EMF. Los enfoques más recientes proponen el uso de bases de datos para la persistencia de los modelos. La mayoría de estos enfoques soportan la ejecución de operaciones usando lenguajes de consulta de modelos basados en EMF (EMF API, OCL, EMF Query, EOL, etc.). Sin embargo, este tipo de lenguajes necesitan almacenar en memoria al menos todos los elementos implicados en la consulta (todos los elementos del modelo en las consultas que recorren completamente el modelo consultado). Esta estrategia de carga de la información para hacer las consultas provoca problemas de memoria cuando los modelos son de gran tamaño. La mayoría de las bases de datos tienen lenguajes específicos que aprovechan las capacidades del motor de la base de datos (mayor rapidez) y sin la necesidad de cargar en memoria los modelos (menor uso de memoria). Por ejemplo, SQL es el lenguaje específico para las bases de datos relacionales y Cypher para las bases de datos Neo4J. Este trabajo propone MQT-Engine, un framework que permite ejecutar lenguajes de consulta para modelos con tiempos de ejecución y uso de memoria similares al de un lenguaje específico de base de datos. MQT-Engine realiza una transformación en dos pasos de las consultas: primero transforma las consultas que han sido escritas con un lenguaje de consulta para modelos en un modelo que es independiente del lenguaje (QLI Model); después, el modelo generado se transforma en una consulta equivalente, pero escrita con un lenguaje específico de base de datos. La transformación en dos pasos proporciona extensibilidad y reusabilidad ya que facilita la inclusión de nuevos lenguajes. Se ha implementado un prototipo de MQT-Engine que transforma consultas EOL en SQL y las ejecuta directamente sobre un repositorio CDO. El prototipo se ha evaluado con dos casos de uso. El primero está basado en el dominio de la ingeniería inversa. Se han comparado los tiempos de ejecución y el uso de memoria que necesitan MQT-Engine y otros lenguajes de consulta (EMF API, OCL y SQL) para ejecutar una serie de consultas sobre modelos persistidos en CDO. El segundo caso de uso está basado en el dominio de los ferrocarriles y compara los tiempos de ejecución que necesitan MQT-Engine y otros lenguajes (EMF API, OCL, IncQuery, etc.) para ejecutar varias consultas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que MQT-Engine es capaz de ejecutar correctamente todos los experimentos y además es una de las soluciones con mejores tiempos para la primera ejecución de las consultas de modelos. MQTEngine es la opción más rápida y que necesita menos memoria entre los lenguajes ejecutados sobre repositorios CDO. Por ejemplo, en el caso del modelo más grande de ingeniería inversa, MQT-Engine es 162 veces más rápido y necesita 23 veces menos memoria que los lenguajes de consulta de modelos ejecutados al lado del cliente. Además, la sobrecarga de la transformación es pequeña y constante (menos de 2 segundos). Estos resultados prueban el objetivo principal de esta tesis: proporcionar un framework que permite a los ingenieros de modelos definir las consultas con un lenguaje de consulta de modelos y además ejecutarlas con una con tiempos de ejecución y uso de memoria similares a los de un lenguaje específico de bases de datos. Sin embargo, la solución tiene una serie de limitaciones: solo soporta consultas que recorren el modelo completamente y sin modificarlo; el prototipo es específico para consultas en EOL y sobre repositorios CDO (relacionales); y habría que optimizar la ejecución de las consultas cuando estas se ejecutan más de una vez. Se ha planeado resolver estas limitaciones en versiones futuras del trabajo

    Hybrid semantic-document models

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    This thesis presents the concept of hybrid semantic-document models to aid information management when using standards for complex technical domains such as military data communication. These standards are traditionally text based documents for human interpretation, but prose sections can often be ambiguous and can lead to discrepancies and subsequent implementation problems. Many organisations produce semantic representations of the material to ensure common understanding and to exploit computer aided development. In developing these semantic representations, no relationship is maintained to the original prose. Maintaining relationships between the original prose and the semantic model has key benefits, including assessing conformance at a semantic level, and enabling original content authors to explicitly define their intentions, thus reducing ambiguity and facilitating computer aided functionality. Through the use of a case study method based on the military standard MIL-STD-6016C, a framework of relationships is proposed. These relationships can integrate with common document modelling techniques and provide the necessary functionality to allow semantic content to be mapped into document views. These relationships are then generalised for applicability to a wider context. Additionally, this framework is coupled with a templating approach which, for repeating sections, can improve consistency and further enhance quality. A reflective approach to model driven web rendering is presented and evaluated. This reflective approach uses self-inspection at runtime to read directly from the model, thus eliminating the need for any generative processes which result in data duplication across source used for different purpose

    Traduciendo OCL como lenguaje de consultas y restricciones

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, leída el 30-06-2017Esta tesis doctoral debe gran parte de su motivación inicial y enfoque final a la discusión muy animada y perspicaz que tuvo lugar durante el seminario “Automated Reasoning on Conceptual Schemas” en Dagstuhl (19-24 Mayo, 2013) [18], en el cual tuvimos la fortuna de participar.Incluso antes de asistir al seminario, sobre la base de nuestra propia experiencia aplicando la metodología de desarrollo dirigida por modelos en el proyecto Action GUI [1],ya estábamos convencidos de la veracidad y la importancia de tres declaraciones claves contenidas en la presentación del mismo, que resumen muy bien las motivaciones finales de esta tesis:“La calidad de un sistema de información se determina en gran medida a principios del ciclo de desarrollo, es decir, durante la especificación de los requisitos y el modelado conceptual, ya que los errores introducidos en estas etapas suelen ser mucho más costosos de corregir que los errores cometidos durante el diseño o la implementación.”“Por lo tanto, es deseable prevenir, detectar y corregir errores tan pronto como sea posible en el proceso de desarrollo evaluando la corrección de los esquemas conceptuales construidos.”“La alta expresividad de los esquemas conceptuales requiere adoptar técnicas de razonamiento automatizadas para apoyar al diseñador en esta importante tarea.”...This doctoral dissertation owes a great deal of its initial motivation and final focusto the very lively and insightful discussion that took place during the Dagstuhl Seminar“Automated Reasoning on Conceptual Schemas” (19-24 May, 2013) [18], which we havethe fortune to participate in.Even before attending the seminar, based on our own experience applying the modeldrivendevelopment methodology within the ActionGUI project [1], we were already convincedof the truthfulness and importance of three key statements contained in the seminar’spresentation, which summarize very well this dissertation’s ultimate motivations:“The quality of an information system is largely determined early in the developmentcycle, i.e., during requirements specification and conceptual modeling, since errorsintroduced at these stages are usually much more expensive to correct than errorsmade during design or implementation.”“Thus, it is desirable to prevent, detect, and correct errors as early as possible in thedevelopment process by assessing the correctness of the conceptual schemas built.”“The high expressivity of conceptual schemas requires to adopt automated reasoningtechniques to support the designer in this important task.”..Depto. de Sistemas Informáticos y ComputaciónFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Runtime translation of OCL-like statements on Simulink models : Expanding domains and optimising queries

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    Open-source model management frameworks such as OCL and ATL tend to focus on manipulating models built atop the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF), a de facto standard for domain specific modelling. MATLAB Simulink is a widely used proprietary modelling framework for dynamic systems that is built atop an entirely different technical stack to EMF. To leverage the facilities of open-source model management frameworks with Simulink models, these can be transformed into an EMF-compatible representation. Downsides of this approach include the synchronisation of the native Simulink model and its EMF representation as they evolve; the completeness of the EMF representation, and the transformation cost which can be crippling for large Simulink models. We propose an alternative approach to bridge Simulink models with open-source model management frameworks that uses an “on-the-fly” translation of model management constructs into MATLAB statements. Our approach does not require an EMF representation and can mitigate the cost of the upfront transformation on large models. To evaluate both approaches we measure the performance of a model validation process with Epsilon (a model management framework) on a sample of large Simulink models available on GitHub. Our previous results suggest that, with our approach, the total validation time can be reduced by up to 80%. In this paper, we expand our approach to support the management of Simulink requirements and dictionaries, and we improve the approach to perform queries on collections of model elements more efficiently. We demonstrate the use of the Simulink requirements and dictionaries with a case study and we evaluate the optimisations on collection queries with an experiment that compares the performance of a set of queries on models with different sizes. Our results suggest an improvement by up to 99% on some queries

    Parallel and Distributed Execution of Model Management Programs

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    The engineering process of complex systems involves many stakeholders and development artefacts. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is an approach to development which aims to help curtail and better manage this complexity by raising the level of abstraction. In MDE, models are first-class artefacts in the development process. Such models can be used to describe artefacts of arbitrary complexity at various levels of abstraction according to the requirements of their prospective stakeholders. These models come in various sizes and formats and can be thought of more broadly as structured data. Since models are the primary artefacts in MDE, and the goal is to enhance the efficiency of the development process, powerful tools are required to work with such models at an appropriate level of abstraction. Model management tasks – such as querying, validation, comparison, transformation and text generation – are often performed using dedicated languages, with declarative constructs used to improve expressiveness. Despite their semantically constrained nature, the execution engines of these languages rarely capitalize on the optimization opportunities afforded to them. Therefore, working with very large models often leads to poor performance when using MDE tools compared to general-purpose programming languages, which has a detrimental effect on productivity. Given the stagnant single-threaded performance of modern CPUs along with the ubiquity of distributed computing, parallelization of these model management program is a necessity to address some of the scalability concerns surrounding MDE. This thesis demonstrates efficient parallel and distributed execution algorithms for model validation, querying and text generation and evaluates their effectiveness. By fully utilizing the CPUs on 26 hexa-core systems, we were able to improve performance of a complex model validation language by 122x compared to its existing sequential implementation. Up to 11x speedup was achieved with 16 cores for model query and model-to-text transformation tasks

    A Formal Engineering Approach for Interweaving Functional and Security Requirements of RESTful Web APIs

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    RESTful Web API adoption has become ubiquitous with the proliferation of REST APIs in almost all domains with modern web applications embracing the micro-service architecture. This vibrant and expanding adoption of APIs, has made an increasing amount of data to be funneled through systems which require proper access management to ensure that web assets are secured. A RESTful API provides data using the HTTP protocol over the network, interacting with databases and other services and must preserve its security properties. Currently, practitioners are facing two major challenges for developing high quality secure RESTful APIs. One, REST is not a protocol. Instead, it is a set of guidelines that define how web resources can be designed and accessed over HTTP endpoints. There are a set of guidelines which stipulate how related resources should be structured using hierarchical URIs as well as how specific well-defined actions on those resources should be represented using different HTTP verbs. Whereas security has always been critical in the design of RESTful APIs, there are no clear formal models utilizing a secure-by-design approach that interweaves both the functional and security requirements. The other challenge is how to effectively utilize a model driven approach for constructing precise requirements and design specifications so that the security of a RESTFul API is considered as a concern that transcends across functionality rather than individual isolated operations.This thesis proposes a novel technique that encourages a model driven approach to specifying and verifying APIs functional and security requirements with the practical formal method SOFL (Structured-Object-Oriented Formal Language). Our proposed approach provides a generic 6 step model driven approach for designing security aware APIs by utilizing concepts of domain models, domain primitives, Ecore metamodel and SOFL. The first step involves generating a flat file with APIs resource listings. In this step, we extract resource definitions from an input RESTful API documentation written in RAML using an existing RAML parser. The output of this step is a flat file representing API resources as defined in the RAML input file. This step is fully automated. The second step involves automatic construction of an API resource graph that will work as a blue print for creating the target API domain model. The input for this step is the flat file generated from step 1 and the output is a directed graph (digraph) of API resource. We leverage on an algorithm which we created that takes a list of lists of API resource nodes and the defined API root resource node as an input, and constructs a digraph highlighting all the API resources as an output. In step 3, we use the generated digraph as a guide to manually define the API’s initial domain model as the target output with an aggregate root corresponding to the root node of the input digraph and the rest of the nodes corresponding to domain model entities. In actual sense, the generated digraph in step 2 is a barebone representation of the target domain model, but what is missing in the domain model at this stage in the distinction between containment and reference relationship between entities. The resulting domain model describes the entire ecosystem of the modeled API in the form of Domain Driven Design Concepts of aggregates, aggregate root, entities, entity relationships, value objects and aggregate boundaries. The fourth step, which takes our newly defined domain model as input, involves a threat modeling process using Attack Defense Trees (ADTrees) to identify potential security vulnerabilities in our API domain model and their countermeasures. aCountermeasures that can enforce secure constructs on the attributes and behavior of their associated domain entities are modeled as domain primitives. Domain primitives are distilled versions of value objects with proper invariants. These invariants enforce security constraints on the behavior of their associated entities in our API domain model. The output of this step is a complete refined domain model with additional security invariants from the threat modeling process defined as domain primitives in the refined domain model. This fourth step achieves our first interweaving of functional and security requirements in an implicit manner. The fifth step involves creating an Ecore metamodel that describes the structure of our API domain model. In this step, we rely on the refined domain model as input and create an Ecore metamodel that our refined domain model corresponds to, as an output. Specifically, this step encompasses structural modeling of our target RESTful API. The structural model describes the possible resource types, their attributes, and relations as well as their interface and representations. The sixth and the final step involves behavioral modeling. The input for this step is an Ecore metamodel from step 5 and the output is formal security aware RESTful API specifications in SOFL language. Our goal here is to define RESTful API behaviors that consist of actions corresponding to their respective HTTP verbs i.e., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH. For example, CreateAction creates a new resource, an UpdateAction provides the capability to change the value of attributes and ReturnAction allows for response definition including the Representation and all metadata. To achieve behavioral modelling, we transform our API methods into SOFL processes. We take advantage of the expressive nature of SOFL processes to define our modeled API behaviors. We achieve the interweaving of functional and security requirements by injecting boolean formulas in post condition of SOFL processes. To verify whether the interweaved functional and security requirements implement all expected functions correctly and satisfy the desired security constraints, we can optionally perform specification testing. Since implicit specifications do not indicate algorithms for implementation but are rather expressed with predicate expressions involving pre and post conditions for any given specification, we can substitute all the variables involved a process with concrete values of their types with results and evaluate their results in the form of truth values true or false. When conducting specification testing, we apply SOFL process animation technique to obtain the set of concrete values of output variables for each process functional scenario. We analyse test results by comparing the evaluation results with an analysis criteria. An analysis criteria is a predicate expression representing the properties to be verified. If the evaluation results are consistent with the predicate expression, the analysis show consistency between the process specification and its associated requirement. We generate the test cases for both input and output variables based on the user requirements. The test cases generated are usually based on test targets which are predicate expressions, such as the pre and post conditions of a process. when testing for conformance of a process specification to its associated service operation, we only need to observe the execution results of the process by providing concrete input values to all of its functional scenarios and analyze their defining conditions relative to user requirements. We present an empirical case study for validating the practicality and usability of our model driven formal engineering approach by applying it in developing a Salon Booking System. A total of 32 services covering functionalities provided by the Salon Booking System API were developed. We defined process specifications for the API services with their respective security requirements. The security requirements were injected in the threat modeling and behavioral modeling phase of our approach. We test for the interweaving of functional and security requirements in the specifications generated by our approach by conducting tests relative to original RAML specifications. Failed tests were exhibited in cases where injected security measure like requirement of an object level access control is not respected i.e., object level access control is not checked. Our generated SOFL specification correctly rejects such case by returning an appropriate error message while the original RAML specification incorrectly dictates to accept such request, because it is not aware of such measure. We further demonstrate a technique for generating SOFL specifications from a domain model via model to text transformation. The model to text transformation technique semi-automates the generation of SOFL formal specification in step 6 of our proposed approach. The technique allows for isolation of dynamic and static sections of the generated specifications. This enables our technique to have the capability of preserving the static sections of the target specifications while updating the dynamic sections in response to the changes of the underlying domain model representing the RESTful API in design. Specifically, our contribution is provision of a systemic model driven formal engineering approach for design and development of secure RESTful web APIs. The proposed approach offers a six-step methodology covering both structural and behavioral modelling of APIs with a focus on security. The most distinguished merit of the model to text transformation is the utilization of the API’s domain model as well as a metamodel that the domain model corresponds to as the foundation for generation of formal SOFL specifications that is a representation of API’s functional and security requirements.博士(理学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Conservative and traceable executions of heterogeneous model management workflows

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    One challenge of developing large scale systems is knowing how artefacts are interrelated across tools and languages, especially when traceability is mandated e.g., by certifying authorities. Another challenge is the interoperability of all required tools to allow the software to be built, tested, and deployed efficiently as it evolves. Build systems have grown in popularity as they facilitate these activities. To cope with the complexities of the development process, engineers can adopt model-driven practices that allow them to raise the system abstraction level by modelling its domain, therefore, reducing the accidental complexity that comes from e.g., writing boilerplate code. However, model-driven practices come with challenges such as integrating heterogeneous model management tasks e.g., validation, and modelling technologies e.g., Simulink (a proprietary modelling environment for dynamic systems). While there are tools that support the execution of model-driven workflows, some support only specific modelling technologies, lack the generation of traceability information, or do not offer the cutting-edge features of build systems like conservative executions i.e., where only tasks affected by changes to resources are executed. In this work we propose ModelFlow, a workflow language and interpreter able to specify and execute model management workflows conservatively and produce traceability information as a side product. In addition, ModelFlow reduces the overhead of model loading and disposal operations by allowing model management tasks to share already loaded models during the workflow execution. Our evaluation shows that ModelFlow can perform conservative executions which can improve the performance times in some scenarios. ModelFlow is designed to support the execution of model management tasks targeting various modelling frameworks and can be used in conjunction with models from heterogeneous technologies. In addition to EMF models, ModelFlow can also handle Simulink models through a driver developed in the context of this thesis which was used to support one case study

    A modeling language for multi-tenant data architecture evolution in cloud applications

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    Multi-tenancy enables efficient resource utilization by sharing application resources across multiple customers (i.e., tenants). Hence, applications built using this pat- tern can be offered at a lower price and reduce maintenance effort as less application instances and supporting cloud resources must be maintained. These properties en- courage cloud application providers to adopt multi-tenancy to their existing applications, yet introducing this pattern requires significant changes in the application structure to address multi-tenancy requirements such as isolation of tenants, extensibility of the application, and scalability of the solution. In cloud applications, the data layer is often the prime candidate for multi-tenancy, and it usually comprises a combination of different cloud storage solutions such as blob storage, relational and non-relational databases. These storage types are conceptually and tangibly divergent, each requiring its own partitioning schemes to meet multi-tenancy requirements. Currently, multi-tenant data architectures are implemented using manual coding methods, at times following guidance and patterns offered by cloud providers. However, such manual implementation approach tends to be time consuming and error prone. Several modeling methods based on Model-Driven Engineer- ing (MDE) and Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) have been proposed to capture multi-tenancy in cloud applications. These methods mainly generate cloud deployment configurations from an application model, though they do not automate implementation or evolution of applications. This thesis aims to facilitate development of multi-tenant cloud data architectures using model-driven engineering techniques. This is achieved by designing and implementing a novel modeling language, CadaML, that provides concepts and notations to model multi-tenant cloud data architectures in an abstract way. CadaML also provides a set of tools to validate the data architecture and automatically produce corresponding data access layer code. The thesis demonstrates the feasibility of the modeling language in a practical setting and adequacy of multi-tenancy implementation by the generated code on an industrial business process analyzing application. Moreover, the modeling language is empirically compared against manual implementation methods to inspect its effect on developer productivity, development effort, reliability of the application code, and usability of the language. These outcomes provide a strong argument that the CadaML modeling language effectively mitigates the high overhead of manual implementation of multi-tenant cloud data layers, significantly reducing the required development complexity and time

    Runtime translation of OCL-like statements on Simulink models: Expanding domains and optimising queries

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    Open-source model management frameworks such as OCL and ATL tend to focus on manipulating models built atop the Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF), a de facto standard for domain specific modelling. MATLAB Simulink is a widely used proprietary modelling framework for dynamic systems that is built atop an entirely different technical stack to EMF. To leverage the facilities of open-source model management frameworks with Simulink models, these can be transformed into an EMF-compatible representation. Downsides of this approach include the synchronisation of the native Simulink model and its EMF representation as they evolve; the completeness of the EMF representation, and the transformation cost which can be crippling for large Simulink models. We propose an alternative approach to bridge Simulink models with open-source model management frameworks that uses an “on-the-fly” translation of model management constructs into MATLAB statements. Our approach does not require an EMF representation and can mitigate the cost of the upfront transformation on large models. To evaluate both approaches we measure the performance of a model validation process with Epsilon (a model management framework) on a sample of large Simulink models available on GitHub. Our previous results suggest that, with our approach, the total validation time can be reduced by up to 80%. In this paper, we expand our approach to support the management of Simulink requirements and dictionaries, and we improve the approach to perform queries on collections of model elements more efficiently. We demonstrate the use of the Simulink requirements and dictionaries with a case study and we evaluate the optimisations on collection queries with an experiment that compares the performance of a set of queries on models with different sizes. Our results suggest an improvement by up to 99% on some queries

    Automatic generation of user interfaces from rigorous domain and use case models

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201