6 research outputs found

    A Security Framework for Routing Protocols

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    With the rise in internet traffic surveillance and monitoring activities, the routing infrastructure has become an obvious target of attack as compromised routers can be used to stage large scale attacks. Routing protocols are also subjected to various threats such as capture and replay of packets that disclose the network information, forged routing control messages that may compromise a connection by deception, disruption of an on-going connection causing DoS attacks and spreading of unauthentic routing information in the network. Presently, strong cryptographic suites and key management mechanisms (IPsec and IKE) are available to secure host-to-host data communication but none of them focus on securing routing protocols. Today's routing protocols use a shared secret to perform mutual authentication and authorization, and depend on manual keying methods. For message integrity, they either rely on some built-in or external security feature that uses the same shared secret. The KARP working group of the IETF identified that the work is required to tighten the security of the routing protocols and demonstrated that automated key management solutions are needed for increasing security. Towards this goal we propose the RPsec framework. RPsec provides a common baseline for development of KMPs for the routing protocols, supports both automated and manual key management, and overcomes the weakness of existing manual key methods

    Routing Protocols in Modern IP Networks

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    Τα σύγχρονα IP δίκτυα συνεχώς εξελίσσονται και μεγαλώνουν. Ο αυξανόμενος αριθμός των όλο και περισσότερο ο διασυνδεδεμένων "έξυπνων" συσκευών, υποχρεώνει τους μηχανικούς δικτύων να πρέπει να διαχειριστούν ποικίλα δίκτυα με εκατοντάδες ή χιλιάδες διασυνδεμένες συσκευές. Η δρομολόγηση του IP πρωτοκόλλου είναι ο συνδετικός κρίκος μεταξύ όλων αυτών των δικτύων. Σκοπός της παρούσας πτυχιακής εργασίας είναι να αποτελέσει ένα εργαλείο αναφοράς των πρωτόκολλων δρομολόγησης, για σπουδαστές και μηχανικούς, των οποίων κύρια δραστηριότητα είναι η διαχείριση και η εποπτεία τεχνολογιών και πρωτοκόλλων δρομολόγησης σε IP δίκτυα.Modern IP networks are continuously evolving and growing. The fact that more and more devices become “smart” and have the ability to connect to an IP network makes network engineers come across a variety of different network topologies, on a daily basis, interconnecting hundreds or thousands of different subnets. IP routing is the key link between these subnets. The purpose of this thesis is to become a reference tool for students or engineers whose main responsibility is the management or administration of core routing technologies

    IPv6 és bevezetését támogató technológiák

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    A Companion Study Guide for the Cisco DCICN Data Center Certification Exam (200-150)

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    The official Cisco DCICN book and practice exams are great resources, but this is not an easy exam. This study guide is a companion to those resources and summarizes the subject areas into additional review questions with an answer description for each item. This book is not a braindump and it is not bootleg screenshots of the actual exam. Instead, this book provides additional context and examples, serves to complement other study guides, and provides additional examples. If you are getting ready to take the exam for the first time, I hope that this guide provides the extra help to pass! If you are up for re-certification, I hope that this guide serves as a refresher and reminder! Keep working hard, keep studying, and never stop learning…https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/distancelearning_books/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Supporting Authentication Trailer for OSPFv3

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