143 research outputs found

    Multiple Statistical Analysis Techniques Corroborate Intratumor Heterogeneity in Imaging Mass Spectrometry Datasets of Myxofibrosarcoma

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    MALDI mass spectrometry can generate profiles that contain hundreds of biomolecular ions directly from tissue. Spatially-correlated analysis, MALDI imaging MS, can simultaneously reveal how each of these biomolecular ions varies in clinical tissue samples. The use of statistical data analysis tools to identify regions containing correlated mass spectrometry profiles is referred to as imaging MS-based molecular histology because of its ability to annotate tissues solely on the basis of the imaging MS data. Several reports have indicated that imaging MS-based molecular histology may be able to complement established histological and histochemical techniques by distinguishing between pathologies with overlapping/identical morphologies and revealing biomolecular intratumor heterogeneity. A data analysis pipeline that identifies regions of imaging MS datasets with correlated mass spectrometry profiles could lead to the development of novel methods for improved diagnosis (differentiating subgroups within distinct histological groups) and annotating the spatio-chemical makeup of tumors. Here it is demonstrated that highlighting the regions within imaging MS datasets whose mass spectrometry profiles were found to be correlated by five independent multivariate methods provides a consistently accurate summary of the spatio-chemical heterogeneity. The corroboration provided by using multiple multivariate methods, efficiently applied in an automated routine, provides assurance that the identified regions are indeed characterized by distinct mass spectrometry profiles, a crucial requirement for its development as a complementary histological tool. When simultaneously applied to imaging MS datasets from multiple patient samples of intermediate-grade myxofibrosarcoma, a heterogeneous soft tissue sarcoma, nodules with mass spectrometry profiles found to be distinct by five different multivariate methods were detected within morphologically identical regions of all patient tissue samples. To aid the further development of imaging MS based molecular histology as a complementary histological tool the Matlab code of the agreement analysis, instructions and a reduced dataset are included as supporting information

    Signal and image processing methods for imaging mass spectrometry data

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    Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) has evolved as an analytical tool for many biomedical applications. This thesis focuses on algorithms for the analysis of IMS data produced by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. IMS provides mass spectra acquired at a grid of spatial points that can be represented as hyperspectral data or a so-called datacube. Analysis of this large and complex data requires efficient computational methods for matrix factorization and for spatial segmentation. In this thesis, state of the art processing methods are reviewed, compared and improved versions are proposed. Mathematical models for peak shapes are reviewed and evaluated. A simulation model for MALDI-TOF is studied, expanded and developed into a simulator for 2D or 3D MALDI-TOF-IMS data. The simulation approach paves way to statistical evaluation of algorithms for analysis of IMS data by providing a gold standard dataset. [...

    Modelling VM latent characteristics and predicting application performance using semi-supervised non-negative matrix factorization

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    Funding: This work is a part of the ABC (Adaptive Brokerage for the Cloudproject) funded by EPSRC EP/R010528/1.Selecting a suitable VM instance type for an application can be difficult task because of the number of options and the variety of application requirements. Recent research takes a data-driven approach to model VM performance, but this requires carefully choosing a small set of relevant benchmarks as input. We propose a semi-supervised matrix-factorization-based latent variable approach to predict the performance of an unknown new application. This method allows to take a large set of benchmarks as input for VM performance modelling, and it uses the model and the performance measure of the new application on some of the target VMs to predict the performance on the rest of all VMs. We ran experiments with 373 micro-benchmarks from stress-ng and 37 AWS EC2 VMs to predict the scores of Geekbench accurately. Our initial results showed that the RMSE and STD of the predicted scores are 6.7 and 4.5 when sampling Geekbench on 5 VMs, and 10.0 and 2.8 when sampling 10.Postprin

    Classification of Inflammatory Bowel Disease from Formalin‐Fixed, Paraffin‐Embedded Tissue Biopsies via Imaging Mass Spectrometry

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    Purpose: Discrimination between ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) by histologic features alone can be challenging and often leads to inaccurate initial diagnoses in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. This is mostly due to an overlap of clinical and histologic features. However, exact diagnosis is not only important for patient treatment but it also has a socioeconomic impact. It is therefore important to develop and improve diagnostic tools complementing traditional histomorphological approaches. Experimental Design: In this retrospective proof-of-concept study, the utilization of MALDI imaging is explored in combination with multi-variate data analysis methods to classify formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) colon biopsies from UC (87 biopsies, 14 patients), CD (71 biopsies, 14 patients), and normal colonic (21 biopsies, 14 patients) tissues. Results: The proposed method results in an overall balanced accuracy of 85.7% on patient and of 80.4% on sample level, thus demonstrating that the assessment of IBD from FFPE tissue specimens via MALDI imaging is feasible. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: The results emphasize the high potential of this method to distinguish IBD subtypes in FFPE tissue sections, which is a prerequisite for further investigations in retrospective multicenter studies, as well as for a future implementation into clinical routine

    Double Backpropagation with Applications to Robustness and Saliency Map Interpretability

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    This thesis is concerned with works in connection to double backpropagation, which is a phenomenon that arises when first-order optimization methods are applied to a neural network's loss function, if this contains derivatives. Its connection to robustness and saliency map interpretability is explained

    Non-negative Matrix Factorization: A Survey

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    CAUL read and publish agreement 2022Publishe

    Development of a complete advanced computational workflow for high-resolution LDI-MS metabolomics imaging data processing and visualization

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    La imatge per espectrometria de masses (MSI) mapeja la distribució espacial de les molècules en una mostra. Això permet extreure informació Metabolòmica espacialment corralada d'una secció de teixit. MSI no s'usa àmpliament en la metabolòmica espacial a causa de diverses limitacions relacionades amb les matrius MALDI, incloent la generació d'ions que interfereixen en el rang de masses més baix i la difusió lateral dels compostos. Hem desenvolupat un flux de treball que millora l'adquisició de metabòlits en un instrument MALDI utilitzant un "sputtering" per dipositar una nano-capa d'Au directament sobre el teixit. Això minimitza la interferència dels senyals del "background" alhora que permet resolucions espacials molt altes. S'ha desenvolupat un paquet R per a la visualització d'imatges i processament de les dades MSI, tot això mitjançant una implementació optimitzada per a la gestió de la memòria i la programació concurrent. A més, el programari desenvolupat inclou també un algoritme per a l'alineament de masses que millora la precisió de massa.La imagen por espectrometría de masas (MSI) mapea la distribución espacial de las moléculas en una muestra. Esto permite extraer información metabolòmica espacialmente corralada de una sección de tejido. MSI no se usa ampliamente en la metabolòmica espacial debido a varias limitaciones relacionadas con las matrices MALDI, incluyendo la generación de iones que interfieren en el rango de masas más bajo y la difusión lateral de los compuestos. Hemos desarrollado un flujo de trabajo que mejora la adquisición de metabolitos en un instrumento MALDI utilizando un “sputtering” para depositar una nano-capa de Au directamente sobre el tejido. Esto minimiza la interferencia de las señales del “background” a la vez que permite resoluciones espaciales muy altas. Se ha desarrollado un paquete R para la visualización de imágenes y procesado de los datos MSI, todo ello mediante una implementación optimizada para la gestión de la memoria y la programación concurrente. Además, el software desarrollado incluye también un algoritmo para el alineamiento de masas que mejora la precisión de masa.Mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) maps the spatial distributions of molecules in a sample. This allows extracting spatially-correlated metabolomics information from tissue sections. MSI is not widely used in spatial metabolomics due to several limitations related with MALDI matrices, including the generation of interfering ions and in the low mass range and the lateral compound delocalization. We developed a workflow to improve the acquisition of metabolites using a MALDI instrument. We sputter an Au nano-layer directly onto the tissue section enabling the acquisition of metabolites with minimal interference of background signals and ultra-high spatial resolution. We developed an R package for image visualization and MSI data processing, which is optimized to manage datasets larger than computer’s memory using a mutli-threaded implementation. Moreover, our software includes a label-free mass alignment algorithm for mass accuracy enhancement