54 research outputs found

    Using supertags as source language context in SMT

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    Recent research has shown that Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT) systems can benefit from two enhancements: (i) using words and POS tags as context-informed features on the source side; and (ii) incorporating lexical syntactic descriptions in the form of supertags on the target side. In this work we present a novel PB-SMT model that combines these two aspects by using supertags as source language contextinformed features. These features enable us to exploit source similarity in addition to target similarity, as modelled by the language model. In our experiments two kinds of supertags are employed: those from Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar and Combinatory Categorial Grammar. We use a memory-based classification framework that enables the estimation of these features while avoiding problems of sparseness. Despite the differences between these two approaches, the supertaggers give similar improvements. We evaluate the performance of our approach on an English-to-Chinese translation task using a state-of-the-art phrase-based SMT system, and report an improvement of 7.88% BLEU score in translation quality when adding supertags as context-informed features

    CCG contextual labels in hierarchical phrase-based SMT

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    In this paper, we present a method to employ target-side syntactic contextual information in a Hierarchical Phrase-Based system. Our method uses Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) to annotate training data with labels that represent the left and right syntactic context of target-side phrases. These labels are then used to assign labels to nonterminals in hierarchical rules. CCG-based contextual labels help to produce more grammatical translations by forcing phrases which replace nonterminals during translations to comply with the contextual constraints imposed by the labels. We present experiments which examine the performance of CCG contextual labels on Chinese–English and Arabic–English translation in the news and speech expressions domains using different data sizes and CCG-labeling settings. Our experiments show that our CCG contextual labels-based system achieved a 2.42% relative BLEU improvement over a PhraseBased baseline on Arabic–English translation and a 1% relative BLEU improvement over a Hierarchical Phrase-Based system baseline on Chinese–English translation

    Integrating source-language context into log-linear models of statistical machine translation

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    The translation features typically used in state-of-the-art statistical machine translation (SMT) model dependencies between the source and target phrases, but not among the phrases in the source language themselves. A swathe of research has demonstrated that integrating source context modelling directly into log-linear phrase-based SMT (PB-SMT) and hierarchical PB-SMT (HPB-SMT), and can positively influence the weighting and selection of target phrases, and thus improve translation quality. In this thesis we present novel approaches to incorporate source-language contextual modelling into the state-of-the-art SMT models in order to enhance the quality of lexical selection. We investigate the effectiveness of use of a range of contextual features, including lexical features of neighbouring words, part-of-speech tags, supertags, sentence-similarity features, dependency information, and semantic roles. We explored a series of language pairs featuring typologically different languages, and examined the scalability of our research to larger amounts of training data. While our results are mixed across feature selections, language pairs, and learning curves, we observe that including contextual features of the source sentence in general produces improvements. The most significant improvements involve the integration of long-distance contextual features, such as dependency relations in combination with part-of-speech tags in Dutch-to-English subtitle translation, the combination of dependency parse and semantic role information in English-to-Dutch parliamentary debate translation, supertag features in English-to-Chinese translation, or combination of supertag and lexical features in English-to-Dutch subtitle translation. Furthermore, we investigate the applicability of our lexical contextual model in another closely related NLP problem, namely machine transliteration

    Syntactic and semantic features for statistical and neural machine translation

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    Machine Translation (MT) for language pairs with long distance dependencies and word reordering, such as German–English, is prone to producing output that is lexically or syntactically incoherent. Statistical MT (SMT) models used explicit or latent syntax to improve reordering, however failed at capturing other long distance dependencies. This thesis explores how explicit sentence-level syntactic information can improve translation for such complex linguistic phenomena. In particular, we work at the level of the syntactic-semantic interface with representations conveying the predicate-argument structures. These are essential to preserving semantics in translation and SMT systems have long struggled to model them. String-to-tree SMT systems use explicit target syntax to handle long-distance reordering, but make strong independence assumptions which lead to inconsistent lexical choices. To address this, we propose a Selectional Preferences feature which models the semantic affinities between target predicates and their argument fillers using the target dependency relations available in the decoder. We found that our feature is not effective in a string-to-tree system for German→English and that often the conditioning context is wrong because of mistranslated verbs. To improve verb translation, we proposed a Neural Verb Lexicon Model (NVLM) incorporating sentence-level syntactic context from the source which carries relevant semantic information for verb disambiguation. When used as an extra feature for re-ranking the output of a German→ English string-to-tree system, the NVLM improved verb translation precision by up to 2.7% and recall by up to 7.4%. While the NVLM improved some aspects of translation, other syntactic and lexical inconsistencies are not being addressed by a linear combination of independent models. In contrast to SMT, neural machine translation (NMT) avoids strong independence assumptions thus generating more fluent translations and capturing some long-distance dependencies. Still, incorporating additional linguistic information can improve translation quality. We proposed a method for tightly coupling target words and syntax in the NMT decoder. To represent syntax explicitly, we used CCG supertags, which encode subcategorization information, capturing long distance dependencies and attachments. Our method improved translation quality on several difficult linguistic constructs, including prepositional phrases which are the most frequent type of predicate arguments. These improvements over a strong baseline NMT system were consistent across two language pairs: 0.9 BLEU for German→English and 1.2 BLEU for Romanian→English

    Structural generalization in COGS: Supertagging is (almost) all you need

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    In many Natural Language Processing applications, neural networks have been found to fail to generalize on out-of-distribution examples. In particular, several recent semantic parsing datasets have put forward important limitations of neural networks in cases where compositional generalization is required. In this work, we extend a neural graph-based semantic parsing framework in several ways to alleviate this issue. Notably, we propose: (1) the introduction of a supertagging step with valency constraints, expressed as an integer linear program; (2) a reduction of the graph prediction problem to the maximum matching problem; (3) the design of an incremental early-stopping training strategy to prevent overfitting. Experimentally, our approach significantly improves results on examples that require structural generalization in the COGS dataset, a known challenging benchmark for compositional generalization. Overall, our results confirm that structural constraints are important for generalization in semantic parsing.Comment: accepted at EMNLP 202

    Complexity of Lexical Descriptions and its Relevance to Partial Parsing

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    In this dissertation, we have proposed novel methods for robust parsing that integrate the flexibility of linguistically motivated lexical descriptions with the robustness of statistical techniques. Our thesis is that the computation of linguistic structure can be localized if lexical items are associated with rich descriptions (supertags) that impose complex constraints in a local context. However, increasing the complexity of descriptions makes the number of different descriptions for each lexical item much larger and hence increases the local ambiguity for a parser. This local ambiguity can be resolved by using supertag co-occurrence statistics collected from parsed corpora. We have explored these ideas in the context of Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammar (LTAG) framework wherein supertag disambiguation provides a representation that is an almost parse. We have used the disambiguated supertag sequence in conjunction with a lightweight dependency analyzer to compute noun groups, verb groups, dependency linkages and even partial parses. We have shown that a trigram-based supertagger achieves an accuracy of 92.1‰ on Wall Street Journal (WSJ) texts. Furthermore, we have shown that the lightweight dependency analysis on the output of the supertagger identifies 83‰ of the dependency links accurately. We have exploited the representation of supertags with Explanation-Based Learning to improve parsing effciency. In this approach, parsing in limited domains can be modeled as a Finite-State Transduction. We have implemented such a system for the ATIS domain which improves parsing eciency by a factor of 15. We have used the supertagger in a variety of applications to provide lexical descriptions at an appropriate granularity. In an information retrieval application, we show that the supertag based system performs at higher levels of precision compared to a system based on part-of-speech tags. In an information extraction task, supertags are used in specifying extraction patterns. For language modeling applications, we view supertags as syntactically motivated class labels in a class-based language model. The distinction between recursive and non-recursive supertags is exploited in a sentence simplification application

    Integrated supertagging and parsing

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    EuroMatrixPlus project funded by the European Commission, 7th Framework ProgrammeParsing is the task of assigning syntactic or semantic structure to a natural language sentence. This thesis focuses on syntactic parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG; Steedman 2000). CCG allows incremental processing, which is essential for speech recognition and some machine translation models, and it can build semantic structure in tandem with syntactic parsing. Supertagging solves a subset of the parsing task by assigning lexical types to words in a sentence using a sequence model. It has emerged as a way to improve the efficiency of full CCG parsing (Clark and Curran, 2007) by reducing the parser’s search space. This has been very successful and it is the central theme of this thesis. We begin by an analysis of how efficiency is being traded for accuracy in supertagging. Pruning the search space by supertagging is inherently approximate and to contrast this we include A* in our analysis, a classic exact search technique. Interestingly, we find that combining the two methods improves efficiency but we also demonstrate that excessive pruning by a supertagger significantly lowers the upper bound on accuracy of a CCG parser. Inspired by this analysis, we design a single integrated model with both supertagging and parsing features, rather than separating them into distinct models chained together in a pipeline. To overcome the resulting complexity, we experiment with both loopy belief propagation and dual decomposition approaches to inference, the first empirical comparison of these algorithms that we are aware of on a structured natural language processing problem. Finally, we address training the integrated model. We adopt the idea of optimising directly for a task-specific metric such as is common in other areas like statistical machine translation. We demonstrate how a novel dynamic programming algorithm enables us to optimise for F-measure, our task-specific evaluation metric, and experiment with approximations, which prove to be excellent substitutions. Each of the presented methods improves over the state-of-the-art in CCG parsing. Moreover, the improvements are additive, achieving a labelled/unlabelled dependency F-measure on CCGbank of 89.3%/94.0% with gold part-of-speech tags, and 87.2%/92.8% with automatic part-of-speech tags, the best reported results for this task to date. Our techniques are general and we expect them to apply to other parsing problems, including lexicalised tree adjoining grammar and context-free grammar parsing
