21 research outputs found

    Low Resource Multi-Task Sequence Tagging -- Revisiting Dynamic Conditional Random Fields

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    We compare different models for low resource multi-task sequence tagging that leverage dependencies between label sequences for different tasks. Our analysis is aimed at datasets where each example has labels for multiple tasks. Current approaches use either a separate model for each task or standard multi-task learning to learn shared feature representations. However, these approaches ignore correlations between label sequences, which can provide important information in settings with small training datasets. To analyze which scenarios can profit from modeling dependencies between labels in different tasks, we revisit dynamic conditional random fields (CRFs) and combine them with deep neural networks. We compare single-task, multi-task and dynamic CRF setups for three diverse datasets at both sentence and document levels in English and German low resource scenarios. We show that including silver labels from pretrained part-of-speech taggers as auxiliary tasks can improve performance on downstream tasks. We find that especially in low-resource scenarios, the explicit modeling of inter-dependencies between task predictions outperforms single-task as well as standard multi-task models

    On the integration of linguistic features into statistical and neural machine translation

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    Recent years have seen an increased interest in machine translation technologies and applications due to an increasing need to overcome language barriers in many sectors. New machine translations technologies are emerging rapidly and with them, bold claims of achieving human parity such as: (i) the results produced approach "accuracy achieved by average bilingual human translators [on some test sets]" (Wu et al., 2017b) or (ii) the "translation quality is at human parity when compared to professional human translators" (Hassan et al., 2018) have seen the light of day (LĂ€ubli et al., 2018). Aside from the fact that many of these papers craft their own definition of human parity, these sensational claims are often not supported by a complete analysis of all aspects involved in translation. Establishing the discrepancies between the strengths of statistical approaches to machine translation and the way humans translate has been the starting point of our research. By looking at machine translation output and linguistic theory, we were able to identify some remaining issues. The problems range from simple number and gender agreement errors to more complex phenomena such as the correct translation of aspectual values and tenses. Our experiments confirm, along with other studies (Bentivogli et al., 2016), that neural machine translation has surpassed statistical machine translation in many aspects. However, some problems remain and others have emerged. We cover a series of problems related to the integration of specific linguistic features into statistical and neural machine translation, aiming to analyse and provide a solution to some of them. Our work focuses on addressing three main research questions that revolve around the complex relationship between linguistics and machine translation in general. By taking linguistic theory as a starting point we examine to what extent theory is reflected in the current systems. We identify linguistic information that is lacking in order for automatic translation systems to produce more accurate translations and integrate additional features into the existing pipelines. We identify overgeneralization or 'algorithmic bias' as a potential drawback of neural machine translation and link it to many of the remaining linguistic issues

    The Role of Linguistics in Probing Task Design

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    Over the past decades natural language processing has evolved from a niche research area into a fast-paced and multi-faceted discipline that attracts thousands of contributions from academia and industry and feeds into real-world applications. Despite the recent successes, natural language processing models still struggle to generalize across domains, suffer from biases and lack transparency. Aiming to get a better understanding of how and why modern NLP systems make their predictions for complex end tasks, a line of research in probing attempts to interpret the behavior of NLP models using basic probing tasks. Linguistic corpora are a natural source of such tasks, and linguistic phenomena like part of speech, syntax and role semantics are often used in probing studies. The goal of probing is to find out what information can be easily extracted from a pre-trained NLP model or representation. To ensure that the information is extracted from the NLP model and not learned during the probing study itself, probing models are kept as simple and transparent as possible, exposing and augmenting conceptual inconsistencies between NLP models and linguistic resources. In this thesis we investigate how linguistic conceptualization can affect probing models, setups and results. In Chapter 2 we investigate the gap between the targets of classical type-level word embedding models like word2vec, and the items of lexical resources and similarity benchmarks. We show that the lack of conceptual alignment between word embedding vocabularies and lexical resources penalizes the word embedding models in both benchmark-based and our novel resource-based evaluation scenario. We demonstrate that simple preprocessing techniques like lemmatization and POS tagging can partially mitigate the issue, leading to a better match between word embeddings and lexicons. Linguistics often has more than one way of describing a certain phenomenon. In Chapter 3 we conduct an extensive study of the effects of lingustic formalism on probing modern pre-trained contextualized encoders like BERT. We use role semantics as an excellent example of a data-rich multi-framework phenomenon. We show that the choice of linguistic formalism can affect the results of probing studies, and deliver additional insights on the impact of dataset size, domain, and task architecture on probing. Apart from mere labeling choices, linguistic theories might differ in the very way of conceptualizing the task. Whereas mainstream NLP has treated semantic roles as a categorical phenomenon, an alternative, prominence-based view opens new opportunities for probing. In Chapter 4 we investigate prominence-based probing models for role semantics, incl. semantic proto-roles and our novel regression-based role probe. Our results indicate that pre-trained language models like BERT might encode argument prominence. Finally, we propose an operationalization of thematic role hierarchy - a widely used linguistic tool to describe syntactic behavior of verbs, and show that thematic role hierarchies can be extracted from text corpora and transfer cross-lingually. The results of our work demonstrate the importance of linguistic conceptualization for probing studies, and highlight the dangers and the opportunities associated with using linguistics as a meta-langauge for NLP model interpretation

    From Word to Sense Embeddings: A Survey on Vector Representations of Meaning

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    Over the past years, distributed semantic representations have proved to be effective and flexible keepers of prior knowledge to be integrated into downstream applications. This survey focuses on the representation of meaning. We start from the theoretical background behind word vector space models and highlight one of their major limitations: the meaning conflation deficiency, which arises from representing a word with all its possible meanings as a single vector. Then, we explain how this deficiency can be addressed through a transition from the word level to the more fine-grained level of word senses (in its broader acceptation) as a method for modelling unambiguous lexical meaning. We present a comprehensive overview of the wide range of techniques in the two main branches of sense representation, i.e., unsupervised and knowledge-based. Finally, this survey covers the main evaluation procedures and applications for this type of representation, and provides an analysis of four of its important aspects: interpretability, sense granularity, adaptability to different domains and compositionality.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figures. Published in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researc

    The automatic processing of multiword expressions in Irish

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    It is well-documented that Multiword Expressions (MWEs) pose a unique challenge to a variety of NLP tasks such as machine translation, parsing, information retrieval, and more. For low-resource languages such as Irish, these challenges can be exacerbated by the scarcity of data, and a lack of research in this topic. In order to improve handling of MWEs in various NLP tasks for Irish, this thesis will address both the lack of resources specifically targeting MWEs in Irish, and examine how these resources can be applied to said NLP tasks. We report on the creation and analysis of a number of lexical resources as part of this PhD research. Ilfhocail, a lexicon of Irish MWEs, is created through extract- ing MWEs from other lexical resources such as dictionaries. A corpus annotated with verbal MWEs in Irish is created for the inclusion of Irish in the PARSEME Shared Task 1.2. Additionally, MWEs were tagged in a bilingual EN-GA corpus for inclusion in experiments in machine translation. For the purposes of annotation, a categorisation scheme for nine categories of MWEs in Irish is created, based on combining linguistic analysis on these types of constructions and cross-lingual frameworks for defining MWEs. A case study in applying MWEs to NLP tasks is undertaken, with the exploration of incorporating MWE information while training Neural Machine Translation systems. Finally, the topic of automatic identification of Irish MWEs is explored, documenting the training of a system capable of automatically identifying Irish MWEs from a variety of categories, and the challenges associated with developing such a system. This research contributes towards a greater understanding of Irish MWEs and their applications in NLP, and provides a foundation for future work in exploring other methods for the automatic discovery and identification of Irish MWEs, and further developing the MWE resources described above