22 research outputs found

    Principles of human movement augmentation and the challenges in making it a reality

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    Augmenting the body with artificial limbs controlled concurrently to one's natural limbs has long appeared in science fiction, but recent technological and neuroscientific advances have begun to make this possible. By allowing individuals to achieve otherwise impossible actions, movement augmentation could revolutionize medical and industrial applications and profoundly change the way humans interact with the environment. Here, we construct a movement augmentation taxonomy through what is augmented and how it is achieved. With this framework, we analyze augmentation that extends the number of degrees-of-freedom, discuss critical features of effective augmentation such as physiological control signals, sensory feedback and learning as well as application scenarios, and propose a vision for the field

    User Intent Detection and Control of a Soft Poly-Limb

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    abstract: This work presents the integration of user intent detection and control in the development of the fluid-driven, wearable, and continuum, Soft Poly-Limb (SPL). The SPL utilizes the numerous traits of soft robotics to enable a novel approach to provide safe and compliant mobile manipulation assistance to healthy and impaired users. This wearable system equips the user with an additional limb made of soft materials that can be controlled to produce complex three-dimensional motion in space, like its biological counterparts with hydrostatic muscles. Similar to the elephant trunk, the SPL is able to manipulate objects using various end effectors, such as suction adhesion or a soft grasper, and can also wrap its entire length around objects for manipulation. User control of the limb is demonstrated using multiple user intent detection modalities. Further, the performance of the SPL studied by testing its capability to interact safely and closely around a user through a spatial mobility test. Finally, the limb’s ability to assist the user is explored through multitasking scenarios and pick and place tests with varying mounting locations of the arm around the user’s body. The results of these assessments demonstrate the SPL’s ability to safely interact with the user while exhibiting promising performance in assisting the user with a wide variety of tasks, in both work and general living scenarios.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Biomedical Engineering 201

    Human motor augmentation - spinal motor neurons control of redundant degrees-of-freedom

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    In 1963, Stan Lee introduced a new villain to the Spiderman Universe: Dr Octopus – a human equipped with multiple robotic arms that can be controlled seamlessly in coordination with his natural limbs. Throughout the last decades, turning such fiction into real-life applications gave rise to the research field of human motor augmentation, ultimately aiming to enable humans to perform motor tasks that are sheer impossible with our natural limbs alone. While a significant process was made in designing artificial supernumerary limbs, a central problem remains: identifying adequate bodily signals that allow moving supernumerary degrees-of-freedom together with our natural ones. So far, neural activity in the brain seems to hold the greatest potential for providing all the flexibility needed to ensure such coordination between natural and supernumerary degrees-of-freedom. However, accessing neural populations in the cortical regions is accompanied by an unacceptable risk for most users. A different group of neural cells can be found in the outmost layer of the motor pathway, driving the contraction of muscles and generation of force – spinal motor neurons. The development of novel neural interfaces has made it possible to study single motor neuron activity with minimal harm to the user. This allows a direct and non-invasive window into the neural activity orchestrating human movement. In this dissertation, I investigate whether these neurons innervating our muscles could provide supernumerary control signals. The results indicate, in essence, that features extracted non-invasively from motor neuron activity have the potential to overcome current limitations in supernumerary control and thus could significantly advance human motor augmentation.Open Acces

    Task planning, execution, and prediction-based coordination with the human wearer

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    Thesis: S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 87-89).Full automation of repetitive and/or specialized tasks has become a preferred means to meet the needs of manufacturing industries. However, some tasks cannot be fully automated due to their complexity or the nature of the work environment. In such cases, semi-automation through human-robot collaboration is a strong alternative that still maintains a high level of efficiency in task execution. This thesis focused on the control and coordination issues of the Supernumerary Robotic Limbs (SRL); a pair of wearable robotic limbs that are a potential solution to these issues. The first purpose of this study was to adequately model the collaborative aspect of a task that is conventionally performed by two coworkers. This was achieved through the Coloured Petri Nets (CPN) tool, which was able to model the collaboration between two coworkers by using the SRL and its operator instead. The second purpose of this work was to evaluate how to implement a sensor suit to establish reliable communication between the SRL and its operator. Using data-driven methods for detection, we were able to monitor the operator's current state. By combining this data with the CPN task model we were able to relay the operator's intentions to the SRL. This enabled the SRL to follow the CPN process model in a timely and coordinated manner together with its operator. The third and final section of this thesis focused on considering the interchangeability of roles between the SRL and its operator. We used a datadriven approach to model a task where the SRL and its operator had to perform a simultaneous dynamic task. This was performed by using teach by demonstration techniques on process data from two workers. A control algorithm was then extracted from the actions of the supporting worker. Both the process model and the sensor suit, together with the detection algorithms, were implemented and validated using the first prototype of the SRL. Results show that the SRL was successful in autonomously coordinating with its operator and completing an intercostal assembly task.by Baldin Adolfo Llorens - Bonilla.S.M

    Conception et évaluation d'actionneurs à embrayages magnétorhéologiques pour la robotique collaborative

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    La robotique collaborative se démarque de la robotique industrielle par sa sécurité dans le but de travailler en collaboration avec les humains. Toutefois, la majorité des robots collaboratifs sériels reposent sur un actionnement à haut ratio de réduction, ce qui augmente considérablement la masse reflétée à l’effecteur du robot, et donc, nuit à la sécurité. Pour pallier cette masse reflétée et maintenir un seuil minimal de sécurité, les vitesses d’opération sont abaissées, nuisant ainsi directement à la productivité des entreprises. Afin de minimiser la masse reflétée à l’effecteur, les masses des actionneurs ainsi que leur inertie reflétée doivent être minimisés. Les embrayages à fluide magnétorhéologique (MR) maintenus en glissement continus découplent l’inertie provenant de la source de puissance, souvent un moteur et un réducteur, offrant ainsi un actionneur possédant un haut rapport couple-inertie. Toutefois, les embrayages MR, utilisés de façon antagoniste, ajoutent des composantes à l’actionneur ce qui réduit la densité de couple, et donc, augmente la masse reflétée à l’effecteur du robot. Certains actionneurs MR [1–3] ont été développés, mais leur basse densité de couple contrebalance leur faible inertie lorsqu’utilisés comme actionneurs aux articulations de robots collaboratifs sériels. Cette constatation a mené à ma question de recherche : Comment profiter de la faible inertie des actionneurs MR pour maximiser les performances dynamiques des robots collaboratifs sériels? L’objectif de ce projet de recherche vise donc à étudier le potentiel des embrayages MR en robotique collaborative. Pour ce faire, deux architectures MR sont développées et testées expérimentalement. La première architecture consiste en une articulation robotisée modulaire comportant des embrayages MR en glissement continu et possédant un rapport couple/masse et une taille équivalente à l’actionneur d’Universal Robots (UR) de couple égal, mais possédant un rapport couple/inertie 150 fois supérieur. À l’intérieur de l’articulation, deux chaines de puissance (2 moteurs et 2 embrayages MR) indépendantes se rejoignent à la sortie du joint offrant ainsi une redondance et augmentant la densité de couple comparativement à une architecture standard (1 moteur pour 2 embrayages MR). La deuxième architecture étudiée consiste en un actionnement délocalisé du robot où les embrayages MR sont situés à la base du robot et une transmission hydrostatique à membranes déroulantes achemine la puissance aux articulations. Cette architecture a été testée expérimentalement dans un contexte de bras robotisé surnuméraire. Contrairement à l’articulation MR, cette architecture n’offre pas une modularité habituellement recherchée en robotique sérielle, mais offre la possibilité de réduire l’inertie de la structure avec la délocalisation de l’actionnement. Finalement, les deux architectures développées ont été comparées à une architecture standard (haut ratio avec réducteur harmonique) afin de situer le potentiel du MR en robotique collaborative. Cette analyse théorique a démontré que pour un robot collaboratif sériel à 6 degrés de liberté, les architectures MR ont le potentiel d’accélérer 6 et 3 fois plus (respectivement) que le robot standard d’UR, composé d’actionneurs à hauts ratios