485 research outputs found

    Affinity Death Penalty Criminology And Law

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    Moderno doba i pojava interneta i društvenih mreža, to jest, novih medija, znatno djeluje na živote ljudi i načine na koje komuniciraju. U prvome dijelu ovoga rada, predstavljen je pojam novi mediji, istaknuta njihova važnost i objašnjen njihov utjecaj na život suvremenoga čovjeka. Na društvenim mrežama se jezik koristi kao sredstvo prijenosa informacije ne obazirući se na njegova pravila i standarde; važna je brzina i jednostavnost poruke. Stoga nije neuobičajeno napisati rečenicu poput ove: „ Tnx, vjv dolazim. vt “. Društvene mreže imaju značajan utjecaj na načine komuniciranja. Njihov neprestani razvoj zahtjeva i od hrvatskoga jezika da se neprestano mijenja i razvija. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter i slične platforme mijenjaju naš vokabular, povećavaju broj svakodnevnih interakcija i brzinu kojom šaljemo informaciju. Hrvatskom jeziku ponekad nedostaju nazivlja za nove pojave, stoga se koriste riječi preuzete iz engleskoga jezika, često neprilagođene hrvatskome. S druge strane, hrvatski jezikoslovci uporno rade na proširenju vokabulara pa bi se like mogao zamijeniti s izrazom sviđa mi se, umjesto OK, moglo bi se reći dogovoreno, a umjesto selfie moglo bi se reći samoslika. Bez obzira na to, korisnici hrvatskoga jezika to često zanemaruju te radije posežu za stranim nazivljem zbog jednostavnosti. Ovaj rad objašnjava promjene koje se događaju u hrvatskome jeziku te ističe dva različita stava o priljevu stranih riječi; obogaćuje li se ili osiromašuje hrvatski jezik uporabom stranih riječi, nitko ne može reći sa sigurnošću. Nadalje, rasprava se može nadovezati i na uporabu emotikona koji u internetskoj komunikaciji nadoknađuju neverbalne znakove, ali u isto vrijeme utječu na formalnost poruke. Sva navedena odstupanja jasno su vidljiva na društvenim mrežama poznatih osoba čiju komunikaciju detaljnije objašnjavam u ovome radu

    Affinity Death Penalty Criminology And Law

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    Sino-American Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the various ways in which great-power competition between China and the United States will affect regional stability within Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). This research will evaluate various theoretical approaches within the study of international relations (neorealism, neoliberal institutionalism, constructivism), as well as review foundational works of Robert Koehane, Robert Gilpin, and other major IR theorists. By utilizing these approaches, this thesis seeks to explain an increased Chinese presence in Latin America and the Caribbean through diplomatic, information, military and economic lens (DIME). In doing so, it becomes clear that stable patterns of interaction between the two great powers is only achievable through a combination of all theoretical approaches, particularly that of neoliberal institutionalism and constructivism

    European Parliament’s Political Groups in Turbulent Times

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    This open access book provides the first ever authoritative collection of scholarly insights, based upon original research, into the political groups of the EP tackling the fundamental changes since the Lisbon Treaty and the upsurge of radical right parties. It analyses political groups and their importance from multiple perspectives critically assessing their role and significance in EU politics. Each chapter is authored by leading scholars in the field, working on key topics in relation to political groups: political group formation and function, their role in parliamentary and EU policy-making, the way that Eurosceptic MEPs influence (or not) the Parliament, and the nature and form of interactions with external actors. In doing so, each chapter opens hitherto unexplored ‘black boxes’ in the political work of the EP, such as the internal practices of, and power relations within the political groups, and informal arenas of intra-group decision-making


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    Avanttítol: KEER2022. DiversitiesDescripció del recurs: 25 juliol 202

    2014 Abstracts Student Research Conference

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    Russia-China Relations

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    This open access book examines Russia-China relations across a variety of civilian and military areas of cooperation. Leading experts in the field present empirical case studies covering a wide range of strategic cooperation areas between Russia and China, such as technological, military, economic and political cooperation. The contributing authors shed new light on Chinese and Russian strategic goals, external push and pull factors, and mutual perception shifts, and discuss the options for Western countries to influence this development. This book analyses the evolution of the relationship since the watershed moment of the Crimean crisis in 2014, and whether or not a full-blown military alliance, as hinted in late 2020 by President Putin, is indeed a realistic scenario for which NATO will have to prepare. It will appeal to students and scholars of international relations, political decision-makers, as well as anyone interested in Eurasian politics and the potential military-strategic impact of a Russian-Chinese alliance for NATO

    Nearly Halfway There: The Future of Hong Kong, China, and One Country Two Systems

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    The 2019 Hong Kong Protests mark a critical juncture in the history of Hong Kong. Although they started due to an extradition bill, the demonstrations are deeply rooted in larger concerns regarding Hong Kong’s place within China and its future. The global responses to the protest, from Beijing to London, reveal a complex web of relationships and interests. As the Chinese Communist Party continues to expand its global footprint, the bridge between domestic and international concerns will widen. Ultimately, that makes the Hong Kong situation a balancing act, one that observers can use as a litmus test for the Chinese government’s attitude towards democracy, sovereignty, and social stability. This thesis looks at how China’s economic transformation over the past 30 years fundamentally altered its relationship with Hong Kong, and the national and international factors that continue to present challenges

    The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Recolonisation of Africa

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    This book argues that the fourth industrial revolution, the process of accelerated automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices via digital technology, will serve to further marginalise Africa within the international community. In this book, the author argues that the looting of Africa that started with human capital and then natural resources, now continues unabated via data and digital resources looting. Developing on the notion of "Coloniality of Data", the fourth industrial revolutionis postulated as the final phase which will conclude Africa’s peregrination towards recolonisation. Global cartels, networks of coloniality, and tech multi-national corporations have turned Big Data into capital, which is left unguarded in Africa as the continent lacks the strong institutions necessary to regulate the mining of data. Written from a decolonial perspective, this book employs three analytical pillars of coloniality of power, knowledge and being. It concludes with an assessment of what could be done to help to turn the fourth industrial revolution from a curse into a resource. Highlighting the crippling continuation of asymmetrical global power relations, this book will be an important read for researchers of African studies, politics and international political economy