70 research outputs found

    Reduced Complexity Super-Trellis Decoding for Convolutionally Encoded Transmission Over ISI-Channels

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    In this paper we propose a matched encoding (ME) scheme for convolutionally encoded transmission over intersymbol interference (usually called ISI) channels. A novel trellis description enables to perform equalization and decoding jointly, i.e., enables efficient super-trellis decoding. By means of this matched non-linear trellis description we can significantly reduce the number of states needed for the receiver-side Viterbi algorithm to perform maximum-likelihood sequence estimation. Further complexity reduction is achieved using the concept of reduced-state sequence estimation.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, accepted for ICNC'13. (see also: arXiv:1205.7031

    Digital transmission systems operating over high frequency radio channels

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    FTN multicarrier transmission based on tight Gabor frames

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    A multicarrier signal can be synthesized thanks to a symbol sequence and a Gabor family (i.e., a regularly time-frequency shifted version of a generator pulse). In this article, we consider the case where the signaling density is increased such that inter-pulse interference is unavoidable.Over an additive white Gaussian noise channel, we show that the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio is maximized when the transmitter and the receiver use the same tight Gabor frame. What is more, we give practical efficient realization schemes and show how to build tight frames based on usual generators. Theoretical and simulated bit-error-probability are given for a non-coded system using quadrature amplitude modulations. Such a characterization is then used to predict the convergence of a coded system using low-density parity-check codes. We also study the robustness of such a system to errors on the received bits in an interference cancellation context

    Expectation propagation as a solution for digital communication systems.

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    In the context of digital communications, a digital receiver is required to provide an estimation of the transmitted symbols. Nowadays channel decoders highly benefit from soft (probabilistic) estimates for each transmitted symbol rather than from hard decisions. For this reason, digital receivers must be designed to provide the probability that each possible symbol was transmitted based on the received corrupted signal. Since exact inference might be unfeasible in terms of complexity for high-order scenarios, it is necessary to resort to approximate inference, such as the linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) criterion. The LMMSE approximates the discrete prior information of the transmitted symbols with a Gaussian distribution, which causes a degradation in its performance. In this thesis, an alternative approximate statistical technique is applied to the design of a digital probabilistic receiver in digital communications. Specifically, the expectation propagation (EP) algorithm is investigated to find the Gaussian posterior probability density function (pdf) that minimizes the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence with respect to the true posterior pdf. Two different communication system scenarios are studied: a single-input singleoutput (SISO) digital communication system with memory channel and a multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) system with memoryless channel. In the SISO scenario, three different designs of a soft standalone and turbo equalizer based on the EP algorithm are developed: the block or batch approach, the filter-type version that emulates theWiener filter behavior and the smoothing equalizer which proceeds similarly to a Kalman smoother. Finally, the block EP implementation is also adapted to MIMO scenarios with feedback from the decoder. In both scenarios, the EP is applied iteratively, including a damping mechanism and a control to avoid negative values of variances, which would lead to instabilities (specially for high-order constellations). Experimental results included through the thesis show that the EP algorithm applied to communication systems greatly improves the performance of previous approaches found in the literature with a complexity slightly increased but still proportional to that of the LMMSE. These results also show the robustness of the algorithm even for high-order modulations, large memory channels and high number of antennas. Major contributions of this dissertation have been published in four journal (one of them is still under review) and two conference papers. One more paper will be submitted to a journal soon. All these papers are listed below: • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Rafael Boloix-Tortosa, Eva Arias de Reyna and Pablo M. Olmos, "Expectation Propagation as Turbo Equalizer in ISI Channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no.1, pp. 360-370, Jan 2017. • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Eva Arias de Reyna and Pablo M. Olmos, "Turbo EP-based Equalization: a Filter-Type Implementation," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Sep 2017, Accepted. [Online] Available: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8353388/ • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Eva Arias-de-Reyna and Pablo M. Olmos, "Probabilistic Equalization With a Smoothing Expectation Propagation Approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 2950-2962, May 2017. • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes and Eva Arias-de-Reyna, "Equalization with Expectation Propagation at Smoothing Level," To be submitted. [Online] Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.00806 • Irene Santos and Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, "EP-based turbo detection for MIMO receivers and large-scale systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, May 2018, Under review. [Online] Available: https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.05065 • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, and Pablo M. Olmos, "Block expectation propagation equalization for ISI channels," 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), Nice, 2015, pp. 379-383. • Irene Santos, and Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, "Improved probabilistic EPbased receiver for MIMO systems and high-order modulations," XXXIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2018), Granada, 2018.En el ámbito de las comunicaciones digitales, es necesario un receptor digital que proporcione una estimación de los símbolos transmitidos. Los decodificadores de canal actuales se benefician enormemente de estimaciones suaves (probabilísticas) de cada símbolo transmitido, en vez de estimaciones duras. Por este motivo, los receptores digitales deben diseñarse para proporcionar la probabilidad de cada posible símbolo que fue transmitido en base a la señal recibida y corrupta. Dado que la inferencia exacta puede no ser posible en términos de complejidad para escenarios de alto orden, es necesario recurrir a inferencia aproximada, como por ejemplo el criterio de linear minimum-mean-square-error (LMMSE). El LMMSE aproxima la información a priori discreta de los símbolos transmitidos con una distribución Gaussiana, lo cual provoca una degradación en su resultado. En esta tesis, se aplica una técnica alternativa de inferencia estadística para diseñar un receptor digital probabilístico de comunicaciones digitales. En concreto, se investiga el algoritmo expectation propagation (EP) con el objetivo de encontrar la función densidad de probabilidad (pdf) a posteriori Gaussiana que minimiza la divergencia de Kullback-Leibler (KL) con respecto a la pdf a posteriori verdadera. Se estudian dos escenarios de comunicaciones digitales diferentes: un sistema de comunicaciones single-input single-output (SISO) con canales con memoria y un sistema multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) con canales sin memoria. Para el escenario SISO se proponen tres diseños diferentes para un igualador probabilístico, tanto simple como turbo, que está basado en el algoritmo EP: una versión bloque, una versión filtrada que emula el comportamiento de un filtroWiener y una versión smoothing que funciona de forma similar a un Kalman smoother. Finalmente, la implementación del EP en bloque se adapta también para escenarios MIMO con realimentación desde el decodificador. En ambos escenarios, el EP se aplica de forma iterativa, incluyendo un mecanismo de damping y un control para evitar valores de varianzas negativas, que darían lugar a inestabilidades (especialmente, en constelaciones de alto orden). Los resultados experimentales que se incluyen en la tesis muestran que, cuando el algoritmo EP se aplica a sistemas de comunicaciones, se mejora notablemente el resultado de otras propuestas anteriores que existen en la literatura, con un pequeño incremento de la complejidad que es proporcional a la carga del LMMSE. Estos resultados también demuestran la robustez del algoritmo incluso para modulaciones de alto orden, canales con bastante memoria y un gran número de antenas. Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis se han publicado en cuatro artículos de revista (uno de ellos todavía bajo revisión) y dos artículos de conferencia. Otro artículo adicional se encuentra en preparación y se enviaría próximamente a una revista. Estos se citan a continuación: • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Rafael Boloix-Tortosa, Eva Arias de Reyna and Pablo M. Olmos, "Expectation Propagation as Turbo Equalizer in ISI Channels," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 65, no.1, pp. 360-370, Jan 2017. • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Eva Arias de Reyna and Pablo M. Olmos, "Turbo EP-based Equalization: a Filter-Type Implementation," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Sep 2017, Aceptado. [Online] Disponible: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8353388/ • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, Eva Arias-de-Reyna and Pablo M. Olmos, "Probabilistic Equalization With a Smoothing Expectation Propagation Approach," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 2950-2962, May 2017. • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes and Eva Arias-de-Reyna, "Equalization with Expectation Propagation at Smoothing Level," En preparación. [Online] Disponible: https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.00806 • Irene Santos and Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, "EP-based turbo detection for MIMO receivers and large-scale systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, May 2018, En revisión. [Online] Disponible: https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.05065 • Irene Santos, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, and Pablo M. Olmos, "Block expectation propagation equalization for ISI channels," 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2015), Nice, 2015, pp. 379-383. • Irene Santos, and Juan José Murillo-Fuentes, "Improved probabilistic EPbased receiver for MIMO systems and high-order modulations," XXXIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio (URSI 2018), Granada, 2018

    Achievable Rate and Modulation for Bandlimited Channels with Oversampling and 1-Bit Quantization at the Receiver

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    Sustainably realizing applications of the future with high performance demands requires that energy efficiency becomes a central design criterion for the entire system. For example, the power consumption of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) can become a major factor when transmitting at large bandwidths and carrier frequencies, e.g., for ultra-short range high data rate communication. The consumed energy per conversion step increases with the sampling rate such that high resolution ADCs become unfeasible in the sub-THz regime at the very high sampling rates required. This makes signaling schemes adapted to 1-bit quantizers a promising alternative. We therefore quantify the performance of bandlimited 1-bit quantized wireless communication channels using techniques like oversampling and faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling to compensate for the loss of achievable rate. As a limiting case, we provide bounds on the mutual information rate of the hard bandlimited 1-bit quantized continuous-time – i.e., infinitely oversampled – additive white Gaussian noise channel in the mid-to-high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. We derive analytic expressions using runlength encoded input signals. For real signals the maximum value of the lower bound on the spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit was found to be approximately 1.63 bit/s/Hz. Since in practical scenarios the oversampling ratio remains finite, we derive bounds on the achievable rate of the bandlimited oversampled discrete-time channel. These bounds match the results of the continuous-time channel remarkably well. We observe spectral efficiencies up to 1.53 bit/s/Hz in the high-SNR limit given hard bandlimitation. When excess bandwidth is tolerable, spectral efficiencies above 2 bit/s/Hz per domain are achievable w.r.t. the 95 %-power containment bandwidth. Applying the obtained bounds to a bandlimited oversampled 1-bit quantized multiple-input multiple-output channel, we show the benefits when using appropriate power allocation schemes. As a constant envelope modulation scheme, continuous phase modulation is considered in order to relieve linearity requirements on the power amplifier. Noise-free performance limits are investigated for phase shift keying (PSK) and continuous phase frequency shift keying (CPFSK) using higher-order modulation alphabets and intermediate frequencies. Adapted waveforms are designed that can be described as FTN-CPFSK. With the same spectral efficiency in the high-SNR limit as PSK and CPFSK, these waveforms provide a significantly improved bit error rate (BER) performance. The gain in SNR required for achieving a certain BER can be up to 20 dB.Die nachhaltige Realisierung von zukünftigen Übertragungssystemen mit hohen Leistungsanforderungen erfordert, dass die Energieeffizienz zu einem zentralen Designkriterium für das gesamte System wird. Zum Beispiel kann die Leistungsaufnahme des Analog-Digital-Wandlers (ADC) zu einem wichtigen Faktor bei der Übertragung mit großen Bandbreiten und Trägerfrequenzen werden, z. B. für die Kommunikation mit hohen Datenraten über sehr kurze Entfernungen. Die verbrauchte Energie des ADCs steigt mit der Abtastrate, so dass hochauflösende ADCs im Sub-THz-Bereich bei den erforderlichen sehr hohen Abtastraten schwer einsetzbar sind. Dies macht Signalisierungsschemata, die an 1-Bit-Quantisierer angepasst sind, zu einer vielversprechenden Alternative. Wir quantifizieren daher die Leistungsfähigkeit von bandbegrenzten 1-Bit-quantisierten drahtlosen Kommunikationssystemen, wobei Techniken wie Oversampling und Faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) Signalisierung eingesetzt werden, um den durch Quantisierung verursachten Verlust der erreichbaren Rate auszugleichen. Wir geben Grenzen für die Transinformationsrate des Extremfalls eines strikt bandbegrenzten 1-Bit quantisierten zeitkontinuierlichen – d.h. unendlich überabgetasteten – Kanals mit additivem weißen Gauß’schen Rauschen bei mittlerem bis hohem Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) an. Wir leiten analytische Ausdrücke basierend auf lauflängencodierten Eingangssignalen ab. Für reelle Signale ist der maximale Wert der unteren Grenze der spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich etwa 1,63 Bit/s/Hz. Da die Überabtastrate in praktischen Szenarien endlich bleibt, geben wir Grenzen für die erreichbare Rate eines bandbegrenzten, überabgetasteten zeitdiskreten Kanals an. Diese Grenzen stimmen mit den Ergebnissen des zeitkontinuierlichen Kanals bemerkenswert gut überein. Im Hoch-SNR-Bereich sind spektrale Effizienzen bis zu 1,53 Bit/s/Hz bei strikter Bandbegrenzung möglich. Wenn Energieanteile außerhalb des Frequenzbandes tolerierbar sind, können spektrale Effizienzen über 2 Bit/s/Hz pro Domäne – bezogen auf die Bandbreite, die 95 % der Energie enthält – erreichbar sein. Durch die Anwendung der erhaltenen Grenzen auf einen bandbegrenzten überabgetasteten 1-Bit quantisierten Multiple-Input Multiple-Output-Kanal zeigen wir Vorteile durch die Verwendung geeigneter Leistungsverteilungsschemata. Als Modulationsverfahren mit konstanter Hüllkurve betrachten wir kontinuierliche Phasenmodulation, um die Anforderungen an die Linearität des Leistungsverstärkers zu verringern. Beschränkungen für die erreichbare Datenrate bei rauschfreier Übertragung auf Zwischenfrequenzen mit Modulationsalphabeten höherer Ordnung werden für Phase-shift keying (PSK) and Continuous-phase frequency-shift keying (CPFSK) untersucht. Weiterhin werden angepasste Signalformen entworfen, die als FTN-CPFSK beschrieben werden können. Mit der gleichen spektralen Effizienz im Hoch-SNR-Bereich wie PSK und CPFSK bieten diese Signalformen eine deutlich verbesserte Bitfehlerrate (BER). Die Verringerung des erforderlichen SNRs zur Erreichung einer bestimmten BER kann bis zu 20 dB betragen

    Blind detection in channels with intersymbol interference

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    In high speed digital transmission over bandlimited channels, one of the principal impairments, besides additive white Gaussian noise, is intersymbol interference. For unknown channels, adaptive equalization is used to mitigate the interference. Different types of equalizers were proposed in the literature such as linear, decision feedback equalizers and maximum likelihood sequence estimation. The transmitter embeds sequences with the data regularly to help the equalizer adapt to the unknown channel parameters. It is not always appropriate or feasible to send training sequences; in such cases, self adaptive or blind equalizers are used. The past ten years have witnessed an interest in the topic. Most of this interest, however, was devoted to linear equalization In this dissertation we concentrate on blind decision feedback equalization and blind maximum likelihood sequence estimation. We propose a new algorithm: the decorrelation algorithm, for controlling the blind decision feedback equalizer. We investigate properties such as convergence and probability of error. A new algorithm is also proposed for blind maximum likelihood sequence estimation. We use two trellises: one for the data and the other for the channel parameters. The Viterbi algorithm is used to search the two trellises for the best channel and data sequence estimates. We derive an upper bound for this scheme. We also address the problem of ill convergence of the constant modulus algorithm and propose a technique to improve its convergence. Using this technique, global convergence is guaranteed as long as the channel gain exceeds a certain critical value. The question of the Viterbi algorithm\u27s complexity is important for both conventional and blind maximum likelihood sequence estimation. Therefore, in this dissertation, the problem of reducing the complexity of the Viterbi algorithm is also addressed. We introduce the concept of state partitioning and use it to reduce the number of states of the Viterbi algorithm. This technique offers a better complexity/performance tradeoff than previously proposed techniques

    The Error-Pattern-Correcting Turbo Equalizer

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    The error-pattern correcting code (EPCC) is incorporated in the design of a turbo equalizer (TE) with aim to correct dominant error events of the inter-symbol interference (ISI) channel at the output of its matching Viterbi detector. By targeting the low Hamming-weight interleaved errors of the outer convolutional code, which are responsible for low Euclidean-weight errors in the Viterbi trellis, the turbo equalizer with an error-pattern correcting code (TE-EPCC) exhibits a much lower bit-error rate (BER) floor compared to the conventional non-precoded TE, especially for high rate applications. A maximum-likelihood upper bound is developed on the BER floor of the TE-EPCC for a generalized two-tap ISI channel, in order to study TE-EPCC's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain for various channel conditions and design parameters. In addition, the SNR gain of the TE-EPCC relative to an existing precoded TE is compared to demonstrate the present TE's superiority for short interleaver lengths and high coding rates.Comment: This work has been submitted to the special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory titled: "Facets of Coding Theory: from Algorithms to Networks". This work was supported in part by the NSF Theoretical Foundation Grant 0728676

    Design of Linear Precoders for Correlated Sources in MIMO Multiple Access Channels

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    © 2018 IEEE. This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1109/TCOMM.2018.2863362[Abstract]: This paper focuses on distributed linear precoding when users transmit correlated information over a fading multiple-input and multiple-output multiple access channel. The precoders are optimized in order to minimize the sum-mean square error (MSE) between the source and the estimated symbols. When sources are correlated, minimizing the sum-MSE results in a non-convex optimization problem. The precoders for an arbitrary number of users and transmit and receive antennas are thus obtained via a projected steepest-descent algorithm and a low-complexity heuristic approach. For the more restrictive case of two single-antenna users, a closed-form expression for the minimum sum-MSE precoders is derived. Moreover, for the scenario with a single receive antenna and any number of users, a solution is obtained by means of a semi-definite relaxation. Finally, we also consider precoding schemes where the precoders are decomposed into complex scalars and unit norm vectors. Simulation results show a significant improvement when source correlation is exploited at precoding, especially for low signal-to-noise ratios and when the number of receive antennas is lower than the number of transmitting nodes.This work has been funded by Office of Naval Research Global of United States (N62909-15-1-2014), the Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2016-045, ED341D R2016/012, ED431G/01), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain (TEC2015-69648-REDC, TEC2016-75067-C4-1-R) and ERDF funds of the EU (AEI/FEDER, UE).United States. Office of Naval Research Global of United States; N62909-15-1-2014Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED341D R2016/012Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Sparse Nonlinear MIMO Filtering and Identification

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    In this chapter system identification algorithms for sparse nonlinear multi input multi output (MIMO) systems are developed. These algorithms are potentially useful in a variety of application areas including digital transmission systems incorporating power amplifier(s) along with multiple antennas, cognitive processing, adaptive control of nonlinear multivariable systems, and multivariable biological systems. Sparsity is a key constraint imposed on the model. The presence of sparsity is often dictated by physical considerations as in wireless fading channel-estimation. In other cases it appears as a pragmatic modelling approach that seeks to cope with the curse of dimensionality, particularly acute in nonlinear systems like Volterra type series. Three dentification approaches are discussed: conventional identification based on both input and output samples, semi–blind identification placing emphasis on minimal input resources and blind identification whereby only output samples are available plus a–priori information on input characteristics. Based on this taxonomy a variety of algorithms, existing and new, are studied and evaluated by simulation
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