89 research outputs found

    Summarization of Films and Documentaries Based on Subtitles and Scripts

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    We assess the performance of generic text summarization algorithms applied to films and documentaries, using the well-known behavior of summarization of news articles as reference. We use three datasets: (i) news articles, (ii) film scripts and subtitles, and (iii) documentary subtitles. Standard ROUGE metrics are used for comparing generated summaries against news abstracts, plot summaries, and synopses. We show that the best performing algorithms are LSA, for news articles and documentaries, and LexRank and Support Sets, for films. Despite the different nature of films and documentaries, their relative behavior is in accordance with that obtained for news articles.Comment: 7 pages, 9 tables, 4 figures, submitted to Pattern Recognition Letters (Elsevier

    Automated generation of movie tributes

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    O objetivo desta tese é gerar um tributo a um filme sob a forma de videoclip, considerando como entrada um filme e um segmento musical coerente. Um tributo é considerado um vídeo que contém os clips mais significativos de um filme, reproduzidos sequencialmente, enquanto uma música toca. Nesta proposta, os clips a constar do tributo final são o resultado da sumarização das legendas do filme com um algoritmo de sumarização genérico. É importante que o artefacto seja coerente e fluido, pelo que há a necessidade de haver um equilíbrio entre a seleção de conteúdo importante e a seleção de conteúdo que esteja em harmonia com a música. Para tal, os clips são filtrados de forma a garantir que apenas aqueles que contêm a mesma emoção da música aparecem no vídeo final. Tal é feito através da extração de vetores de características áudio relacionadas com emoções das cenas às quais os clips pertencem e da música, e, de seguida, da sua comparação por meio do cálculo de uma medida de distância. Por fim, os clips filtrados preenchem a música cronologicamente. Os resultados foram positivos: em média, os tributos produzidos obtiveram 7 pontos, numa escala de 0 a 10, em critérios como seleção de conteúdo e coerência emocional, fruto de avaliação humana.This thesis’ purpose is to generate a movie tribute in the form of a videoclip for a given movie and music. A tribute is considered to be a video containing meaningful clips from the movie playing along with a cohesive music piece. In this work, we collect the clips by summarizing the movie subtitles with a generic summarization algorithm. It is important that the artifact is coherent and fluid, hence there is the need to balance between the selection of important content and the selection of content that is in harmony with the music. To achieve so, clips are filtered so as to ensure that only those that contain the same emotion as the music are chosen to appear in the final video. This is made by extracting vectors of emotion-related audio features from the scenes they belong to and from the music, and then comparing them with a distance measure. Finally, filtered clips fill the music length in a chronological order. Results were positive: on average, the produced tributes obtained scores of 7, on a scale from 0 to 10, on content selection, and emotional coherence criteria, from human evaluation

    Associating characters with events in films

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    The work presented here combines the analysis of a film's audiovisual features with the analysis of an accompanying audio description. Specifically, we describe a technique for semantic-based indexing of feature films that associates character names with meaningful events. The technique fuses the results of event detection based on audiovisual features with the inferred on-screen presence of characters, based on an analysis of an audio description script. In an evaluation with 215 events from 11 films, the technique performed the character detection task with Precision = 93% and Recall = 71%. We then go on to show how novel access modes to film content are enabled by our analysis. The specific examples illustrated include video retrieval via a combination of event-type and character name and our first steps towards visualization of narrative and character interplay based on characters occurrence and co-occurrence in events

    Machine Translation and Audiovisual products : A case study

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    Much has been said and written about the effects that machine translation (MT) is having on all kinds of published products. This paper discusses the introduction of MT in the localisation of audiovisual products in general and particularly voiceover documentaries. Incorporating MT into the translation of voiceover documentaries would boost the dissemination of non-commercial or minority products, and could enhance the spread of culture. While it might at first seem that MT could be easily integrated into translation for documentaries, some particular aspects make it difficult to use MT to translate for dubbing or for voice-overs. We therefore designed an exploratory study using a corpus containing different texts of a film, in order to compare the results of different automatic measures. The preliminary results show that different results are obtained for different types of speech and that the application of automatic metrics produces similar results. In this article, we will present furthermore the methodological design, which might be considered useful for other studies of this kin

    Apprentissage vidéo et langage naturel à grande échelle

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    The goal of this thesis is to build and train machine learning models capable of understanding the content of videos. Current video understanding approaches mainly rely on large-scale manually annotated video datasets for training. However, collecting and annotating such dataset is cumbersome, expensive and time-consuming. To address this issue, this thesis focuses on leveraging large amounts of readily-available, but noisy annotations in the form of natural language. In particular, we exploit a diverse corpus of textual metadata such as movie scripts, web video titles and descriptions or automatically transcribed speech obtained from narrated videos. Training video models on such readily-available textual data is challenging as such annotation is often imprecise or wrong. In this thesis, we introduce learning approaches to deal with weak annotation and design specialized training objectives and neural network architectures.Nous nous intéressons à l’apprentissage automatique d’algorithmes pour la compréhension automatique de vidéos. Une majorité des approaches en compréhension de vidéos dépend de large base de données de vidéos manuellement annotées pour l’entraînement. Cependant, la collection et l’annotation de telles base de données est fastidieuse, coûte cher et prend du temps. Pour palier à ce problème, cette thèse se concentre sur l’exploitation de large quantité d’annotations publiquement disponible, cependant bruitées, sous forme de language naturel. En particulier, nous nous intéressons à un corpus divers de métadonnées textuelles incluant des scripts de films, des titres et descriptions de vidéos internet ou encore des transcriptions de paroles. L’usage de ce type de données publiquement disponibles est difficile car l’annotation y est faible. Pour cela, nous introduisons différentes approches d’apprentissage telles que de nouvelles fonctions de coûts ou architectures de réseaux de neurones, adaptées à de faibles annotations

    Cortos sin cortes: A didactic sequence for the use of short films as an instrument to develop listening skills

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    Teachers and other experts in education are constantly looking for new techniques, methodologies and resources that help innovate in language teaching to make it as effective and motivating as possible, both for students and teachers. The use of short films in the classroom is not something new, since many teachers have been using them for a long time. However, their possibilities as a teaching resource to foster listening skills have not been fully exploited yet. This project aims at developing a didactic sequence for the use of short films as a resource to develop listening skills as well as exploring the opportunities that short films can offer to the world of education and to boost a wider use of them in educational contexts. Besides, it is important to take into account all the necessary elements that are involved in the development of the didactic sequence such as materials ( audios, songs, dynamic and physical games, short films, clips, and others) and knowledge required, as well as the facility to have access to the population and infrastructure required for the implementation of the authentic materialProfesores y otros expertos en el campo de la educación están constantemente buscando nuevas técnicas, metodologías y recursos para innovar en la enseñanza de idiomas y lograr que sea lo más eficaz y motivadora posible, tanto para los alumnos como para los profesores. El uso de cortometrajes en el aula no es algo nuevo, ya que muchos profesores los utilizan desde tiempo atrás. Sin embargo, sus posibilidades como recurso didáctico para fomentar las habilidades auditivas aún no se han aprovechado al máximo. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo desarrollar una secuencia didáctica para el uso de ortometrajes como recurso para desarrollar las habilidades auditivas, así como explorar las oportunidades que los cortometrajes pueden ofrecer al mundo de la educación y aumentar su uso en contextos educativos. Además, es importante tener en cuenta todos los elementos necesarios que intervienen en el desarrollo de la secuencia didáctica como son los materiales (audios, canciones, juegos dinámicos y físicos, ortometrajes, clips y otros) y conocimientos (soporte teórico de revistas académicas previamente revisadas por profesores universitarios de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira) requeridas así como la facilidad para tener acceso a la población e infraestructura requerida para la implementación del material auténtico.PregradoLicenciado(a) en Bilingüismo con Énfasis en InglésTable of content Presentation 6 Objectives 12 Theoretical Framework 13 Conceptual Framework 13 Literature review 22 Methodology 27 Sequence identification 28 Planning phase 28 Execution phase 31 Session No 1: Presentation and negotiation of the sequence 32 Session No 2: First listening skill 36 Identifying the topic. 36 Session No 3: Second listening skill 42 Predicting and guessing. 42 Session No 4: Third listening skill 49 General understanding. 49 Session No 5: Fourth listening skill 54 Listening for specific information. 54 Session No 6: Fifth listening skill 58 Paralinguistic cues for listening. 58 Session No 7: Sixth listening skill 62 Interpreting texts. 62 Evaluation phase. 62 Session No 8: Evaluation phase 63 Discussion 65 Conclusions 67 Recommendations 68 Bibliographical references. 6

    Recycling texts: human evaluation of example-based machine translation subtitles for DVD

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    This project focuses on translation reusability in audiovisual contexts. Specifically, the project seeks to establish (1) whether target language subtitles produced by an EBMT system are considered intelligible and acceptable by viewers of movies on DVD, and (2)whether a relationship exists between the ‘profiles’ of corpora used to train an EBMT system, on the one hand, and viewers’ judgements of the intelligibility and acceptability of the subtitles produced by the system, on the other. The impact of other factors, namely: whether movie-viewing subjects have knowledge of the soundtrack language; subjects’ linguistic background; and subjects’ prior knowledge of the (Harry Potter) movie clips viewed; is also investigated. Corpus profiling is based on measurements (partly using corpus-analysis tools) of three characteristics of the corpora used to train the EBMT system: the number of source language repetitions they contain; the size of the corpus; and the homogeneity of the corpus (independent variables). As a quality control measure in this prospective profiling phase, we also elicit human judgements (through a combined questionnaire and interview) on the quality of the corpus data and on the reusability in new contexts of the TL subtitles. The intelligibility and acceptability of EBMT-produced subtitles (dependent variables) are, in turn, established through end-user evaluation sessions. In these sessions 44 native German-speaking subjects view short movie clips containing EBMT-generated German subtitles, and following each clip answer questions (again, through a combined questionnaire and interview) relating to the quality characteristics mentioned above. The findings of the study suggest that an increase in corpus size along with a concomitant increase in the number of source language repetitions and a decrease in corpus homogeneity, improves the readability of the EBMT-generated subtitles. It does not, however, have a significant effect on the comprehensibility, style or wellformedness of the EBMT-generated subtitles. Increasing corpus size and SL repetitions also results in a higher number of alternative TL translations in the corpus that are deemed acceptable by evaluators in the corpus profiling phase. The research also finds that subjects are more critical of subtitles when they do not understand the soundtrack language, while subjects’ linguistic background does not have a significant effect on their judgements of the quality of EBMT-generated subtitles. Prior knowledge of the Harry Potter genre, on the other hand, appears to have an effect on how viewing subjects rate the severity of observed errors in the subtitles, and on how they rate the style of subtitles, although this effect is training corpus-dependent. The introduction of repeated subtitles did not reduce the intelligibility or acceptability of the subtitles. Overall, the findings indicate that the subtitles deemed the most acceptable when evaluated in a non-AVT environment (albeit one in which rich contextual information was available) were the same as the subtitles deemed the most acceptable in an AVT environment, although richer data were gathered from the AVT environment

    Analysing film content : a text-based approach

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