15,865 research outputs found

    The 2-Hilbert Space of a Prequantum Bundle Gerbe

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    We construct a prequantum 2-Hilbert space for any line bundle gerbe whose Dixmier-Douady class is torsion. Analogously to usual prequantisation, this 2-Hilbert space has the category of sections of the line bundle gerbe as its underlying 2-vector space. These sections are obtained as certain morphism categories in Waldorf's version of the 2-category of line bundle gerbes. We show that these morphism categories carry a monoidal structure under which they are semisimple and abelian. We introduce a dual functor on the sections, which yields a closed structure on the morphisms between bundle gerbes and turns the category of sections into a 2-Hilbert space. We discuss how these 2-Hilbert spaces fit various expectations from higher prequantisation. We then extend the transgression functor to the full 2-category of bundle gerbes and demonstrate its compatibility with the additional structures introduced. We discuss various aspects of Kostant-Souriau prequantisation in this setting, including its dimensional reduction to ordinary prequantisation.Comment: 97 pages; v2: minor changes; Final version to be published in Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Categories, norms and weights

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    The well-known Lawvere category R of extended real positive numbers comes with a monoidal closed structure where the tensor product is the sum. But R has another such structure, given by multiplication, which is *-autonomous. Normed sets, with a norm in R, inherit thus two symmetric monoidal closed structures, and categories enriched on one of them have a 'subadditive' or 'submultiplicative' norm, respectively. Typically, the first case occurs when the norm expresses a cost, the second with Lipschitz norms. This paper is a preparation for a sequel, devoted to 'weighted algebraic topology', an enrichment of directed algebraic topology. The structure of R, and its extension to the complex projective line, might be a first step in abstracting a notion of algebra of weights, linked with physical measures.Comment: Revised version, 16 pages. Some minor correction

    Positively curved Killing foliations via deformations

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    We show that a compact manifold admitting a Killing foliation with positive transverse curvature fibers over finite quotients of spheres or weighted complex projective spaces, provided that the singular foliation defined by the closures of the leaves has maximal dimension. This result is obtained by deforming the foliation into a closed one while maintaining transverse geometric properties, which allows us to apply results from the Riemannian geometry of orbifolds to the space of leaves. We also show that the basic Euler characteristic is preserved by such deformations. Using this fact we prove that a Riemannian foliation of a compact manifold with finite fundamental group and nonvanishing Euler characteristic is closed. As another application we obtain that, for a positively curved Killing foliation of a compact manifold, if the structural algebra has sufficiently large dimension then the basic Euler characteristic is positive.Comment: 23 pages, several corrections, results have change

    Equivariant Euler characteristics and K-homology Euler classes for proper cocompact G-manifolds

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    Let G be a countable discrete group and let M be a smooth proper cocompact G-manifold without boundary. The Euler operator defines via Kasparov theory an element, called the equivariant Euler class, in the equivariant K-homology of M. The universal equivariant Euler characteristic of M, which lives in a group U^G(M), counts the equivariant cells of M, taking the component structure of the various fixed point sets into account. We construct a natural homomorphism from U^G(M) to the equivariant KO-homology of M. The main result of this paper says that this map sends the universal equivariant Euler characteristic to the equivariant Euler class. In particular this shows that there are no `higher' equivariant Euler characteristics. We show that, rationally, the equivariant Euler class carries the same information as the collection of the orbifold Euler characteristics of the components of the L-fixed point sets M^L, where L runs through the finite cyclic subgroups of G. However, we give an example of an action of the symmetric group S_3 on the 3-sphere for which the equivariant Euler class has order 2, so there is also some torsion information.Comment: Published in Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol7/paper16.abs.htm

    On modular homology in projective space

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    AbstractFor a vector space V over GF(q) let Lk be the collection of subspaces of dimension k. When R is a field let Mk be the vector space over it with basis Lk. The inclusion map ∂:Mk→Mk−1 then is the linear map defined on this basis via ∂(X)≔∑Y where the sum runs over all subspaces of co-dimension 1 in X. This gives rise to a sequenceM:0←M0←M1←⋯←Mk−1←Mk←⋯which has interesting homological properties if R has characteristic p>0 not dividing q. Following on from earlier papers we introduce the notion of π-homological, π-exact and almost π-exact sequences where π=π(p,q) is some elementary function of the two characteristics. We show that M and many other sequences derived from it are almost π-exact. From this one also obtains an explicit formula for the Brauer character on the homology modules derived from M. For infinite-dimensional spaces we give a general construction which yields π-exact sequences for finitary ideals in the group ring RPΓL(V)

    From Topology to Noncommutative Geometry: KK-theory

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    We associate to each unital CC^*-algebra AA a geometric object---a diagram of topological spaces representing quotient spaces of the noncommutative space underlying AA---meant to serve the role of a generalized Gel'fand spectrum. After showing that any functor FF from compact Hausdorff spaces to a suitable target category can be applied directly to these geometric objects to automatically yield an extension F~\tilde{F} which acts on all unital CC^*-algebras, we compare a novel formulation of the operator K0K_0 functor to the extension K~\tilde K of the topological KK-functor.Comment: 14 page