13 research outputs found

    Practical Aspects of Implementing a Suffix Array-based Lempel-Ziv Data Compressor

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    Lempel-Ziv factorization of a string is a fundamental tool that is used by myriad data compressors. Despite its optimality regarding the number of produced factors, it is rarely used without modification, for reasons of its computational cost. In recent years, Lempel-Ziv factorization has been a busy research subject, and we have witnessed the state-of-the-art being completely changed. In this thesis, I explore the properties of the latest suffix array-based Lempel-Ziv factorization algorithms, while I experiment with turning them into an efficient general-purpose data compressor. The setting of this thesis is purely exploratory, guided by reliable and repeatable benchmarking. I explore all aspects of the suffix array-based Lempel-Ziv data compressor. I describe how the chosen factorization method affects the development of encoding and other components of a functional data compressor. I show how the chosen factorization technique, together with capabilities of modern hardware, allows determining the length of the longest common prefix of two strings over 80% faster compared to the baseline approach. I also present a novel approach to optimizing the encoding cost of the Lempel-Ziv factorization of a string, i.e., bit-optimality, using a dynamic programming approach to the Single-Source Shortest Path problem. I observed that, in its current state, the process of suffix array construction is a major computational bottleneck in suffix array-based Lempel-Ziv factorization. Additionally, using a suffix array to produce a Lempel-Ziv factorization leads to optimality regarding the number of factors, which does not necessarily correspond to bit-optimality. Finally, a comparison with common third-party data compressors revealed that relying exclusively on Lempel-Ziv factorization prevents reaching the highest compression efficiency. For these reasons, I conclude that current suffix array-based Lempel-Ziv factorization is unsuitable for general-purpose data compression

    Shortest common superstring approximaation nopea toteutus sekä soveltaminen relative lempel-ziv pakkaukseen

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    The objective of the shortest common superstring problem is to find a string of minimum length that contains all keywords in the given input as substrings. Shortest common superstrings have many applications in the fields of data compression and bioinformatics. For example, a common superstring can be seen as a compressed form of the keywords it is generated from. Since the shortest common superstring problem is NP-hard, we focus on the approximation algorithms that implement a so-called greed heuristic. It turns out that the actual shortest common superstring is not always needed. Instead, it is often enough to find an approximate solution of sufficient quality. We provide an implementation of the Ukkonen's linear time algorithm for the greedy heuristic. The practical performance of this implementation is measured by comparing it to another implementation of the same heuristic. We also hypothesize that shortest common superstrings can be potentially used to improve the compression ratio of the Relative Lempel-Ziv data compression algorithm. This hypothesis is examined and shown to be valid

    Algorithm engineering : string processing

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    The string matching problem has attracted a lot of interest throughout the history of computer science, and is crucial to the computing industry. The theoretical community in Computer Science has a developed a rich literature in the design and analysis of string matching algorithms. To date, most of this work has been based on the asymptotic analysis of the algorithms. This analysis rarely tell us how the algorithm will perform in practice and considerable experimentation and fine-tuning is typically required to get the most out of a theoretical idea. In this thesis, promising string matching algorithms discovered by the theoretical community are implemented, tested and refined to the point where they can be usefully applied in practice. In the course of this work we have presented the following new algorithms. We prove that the time complexity of the new algorithms, for the average case is linear. We also compared the new algorithms with the existing algorithms by experimentation. " We implemented the existing one dimensional string matching algorithms for English texts. From the findings of the experimental results we identified the best two algorithms. We combined these two algorithms and introduce a new algorithm. " We developed a new two dimensional string matching algorithm. This algorithm uses the structure of the pattern to reduce the number of comparisons required to search for the pattern. " We described a method for efficiently storing text. Although this reduces the size of the storage space, it is not a compression method as in the literature. Our aim is to improve both space and time taken by a string matching algorithm. Our new algorithm searches for patterns in the efficiently stored text without decompressing the text. " We illustrated that by pre-processing the text we can improve the speed of the string matching algorithm when we search for a large number of patterns in a given text. " We proposed a hardware solution for searching in an efficiently stored DNA text

    Statistical and repetition-based compressed data structures

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    [Abstract] In this thesis we present several practical compressed data structures that address open problems related to statistically-compressible and highly repetitive databases. In a the first part, we focus on statistical-based compressed data structures, targeting the problem of managing large alphabets. This problem arises when typical sequence-based compression is used as a basis for compressed data structures representing more general structures like grids and graphs. Concretely, (a) we provide space-efficient solutions to represent prefix-free codes when the alphabet is large; (b) we also present a new wavelet-tree based data structure to solve rank and select queries that obtains zero-order compression and outperforms previous wavelet tree implementations on large alphabets. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on highly repetitive datasets. We present (c) a very space efficient grammar-based compressed data structure to solve rank and select on these scenarios; (d) the first LZ77-space bounded compressed data structure that solves rank and select queries in O(1) time and is in practice almost as fast as statistically-compressed structures; and (e) the first practical version of grammar-compressed tree topologies, obtaining unprecedented results in the representation of repetitive trees. Additionally, we apply our new solutions to several problems of interest: point grids, inverted indexes, self-indexes, XPath systems, and compressed suffix trees of highly repetitive inputs, displaying various space-time tradeoffs of interest.[Resumen] En esta tesis presentamos varias estructuras de datos comprimidas de naturaleza práctica, centradas en problemas abiertos relacionados con bases de datos estadísticamente compresibles y bases de datos cuyo contenido es altamente repetitivo. En la primera parte, nos centramos en las estructuras de datos comprimidas para bases de datos estadísticamente compresibles, más concretamente, en problemas relativos al manejo de alfabetos grandes. Este tipo de problemas aparecen cuando usamos técnicas clásicas de compresión estadística en estructuras de datos comprimidas para secuencias, y éstas a su vez se aplican a problemas tales como la representación de grillas de puntos o grafos. Concretamente, (a) presentamos soluciones muy eficientes en términos de espacio para representar códigos libres de prefijo cuando el alfabeto el grande; (b) y también presentamos una nueva estructura de datos comprimida basada en wavelet trees para resolver consultas rank y select que obtiene compresión de orden cero y mejora las implementaciones previas de wavelet trees en alfabetos grandes. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, nos centramos en las bases de datos altamente repetitivas. Presentamos (c) una estructura de datos comprimida basada en gramáticas para resolver consultas rank y select en este tipo de contextos y que usa muy poco espacio; (d) la primera estructura de datos comprimida que obtiene espacio proporcional al de un compresor LZ77 y resuelve consultas rank y select en tiempo O(1), siendo en la práctica casi tan rápido como las estructuras de datos basadas en compresión estadística; (e) la primera estructura de datos práctica que utiliza gramáticas para comprimir topologías de árboles, obteniendo resultados sin precedentes para la representación de árboles repetitivos. Adicionalmente, mostramos varias aplicaciones en las que las estructuras de datos que proponemos a lo largo de la tesis resultan de utilidad. Desde representaciones de grillas de puntos, índices invertidos, auto-índices, sistemas XPath, hasta árboles de sufijos comprimidos para colecciones altamente repetitivas, mostrando diferentes resultados de interés tanto en términos de tiempo como de espacio.[Resumo] Nesta tese presentamos varias estruturas de datos comprimidas de natureza práctica, centradas en problemas abertos no ámbito das bases de datos estatisticamente compresibles e das bases de datos altamente repetitivas. Na primeira parte da tese, centrámonos nas estruturas de datos comprimidas para as bases de datos estatisticamente compresibles. Máis concretamente en problemas relativos ó manexo de alfabetos grandes. Este tipo de problemas aparecen cando usamos técnicas de compresión estatística en estruturas de datos comprimidas para secuencias, e esta á sua vez se utilizan para aplicacións tales como a representación de grellas de puntos ou para a representación de grafos. Concretamente, (a) presentamos solucións que son moi eficientes en termos espaciais para representar códigos libres de prefixo cando o alfabeto é grande; e (b) tamén presentamos unha nova estructura de datos comprimida baseada en wavelet trees para resolver consultas rank e select que obtén compresión de orde cero e mellora as implementacións previas de wavelet trees para alfabetos grandes. Na segunda parte da tese, centrámosnos nas bases de datos con contido altamente repetitivo. Presentamos (c) unha estrutura de datos comprimida baseada en gramáticas que usa moi pouco espazo e resolve eficientemente consultas rank e select en este tipo de contextos repetitivos; (d) a primeira estrutura de datos comprimida que obtén espazo proporcional ó que obtén un compresor LZ77 e resolve consultas rank e select en tempo O(1), sendo na práctica tan rápido coma as estruturas de datos baseadas en compresión estatística; (e) a primeira estrutura de datos práctica que utiliza gramáticas para comprimir topoloxías de árbores, obtendo uns resultados sin precedentes para a representación de árbores repetitivos. Adicionalmente, mostramos varias aplicacións nas que as estruturas de datos que propoñemos ó longo da tese resultan de utilidade: representacións de grellas de puntos, índices invertidos, auto-índices, sistemas XPath e árbores de sufixos comprimidos para colecións altamente repetitivas, mostrando diferentes resultados de interese, tanto en termos de espazo coma de tempo

    Algorithms and Data Structures for In-Memory Text Search Engines

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    Parameterized Strings: Algorithms and Applications

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    The parameterized string (p-string), a generalization of the traditional string, is composed of constant and parameter symbols. A parameterized match (p-match) exists between two p-strings if the constants match exactly and there exists a bijection between the parameter symbols. Historically, p-strings have been employed in source code cloning, plagiarism detection, and structural similarity between biological sequences. By handling the intricacies of the parameterized suffix, we can efficiently address complex applications with data structures also reusable in traditional matching scenarios. In this dissertation, we extend data structures for p-strings (and variants) to address sophisticated string computations.;We introduce a taxonomy of classes for longest factor problems. Using this taxonomy, we show an interesting connection between the parameterized longest previous factor (pLPF) and familiar data structures in string theory, including the border array, prefix array, longest common prefix array, and analogous p-string data structures. Exploiting this connection, we construct a multitude of data structures using the same general pLPF framework.;Before this dissertation, the p-match was defined predominately by the matching between uncompressed p-strings. Here, we introduce the compressed parameterized pattern match to find all p-matches between a pattern and a text, using only the pattern and a compressed form of the text. We present parameterized compression (p-compression) as a new way to losslessly compress data to support p-matching. Experimentally, it is shown that p-compression is competitive with standard compression schemes. Using p-compression, we address the compressed p-match independent of the underlying compression routine.;Currently, p-string theory lacks the capability to support indeterminate symbols, a staple essential for applications involving inexact matching such as in music analysis. In this work, we propose and efficiently address two new types of p-matching with indeterminate symbols. (1) We introduce the indeterminate parameterized match (ip-match) to permit matching with indeterminate holes in a p-string. We support the ip-match by introducing data structures that extend the prefix array. (2) From a different perspective, the equivalence parameterized match (e-match) evolves the p-match to consider intra-alphabet symbol classes as equivalence classes. We propose a method to perform the e-match using the p-string suffix array framework, i.e. the parameterized suffix array (pSA) and parameterized longest common prefix array (pLCP). Historically, direct constructions of the pSA and pLCP have suffered from quadratic time bounds in the worst-case. Here, we introduce new p-string theory to efficiently construct the pSA/pLCP and break the theoretical worst-case time barrier.;Biological applications have become a classical use of p-string theory. Here, we introduce the structural border array to provide a lightweight solution to the biologically-oriented variant of the p-match, i.e. the structural match (s-match) on structural strings (s-strings). Following the s-match, we show how to use s-string suffix structures to support various pattern matching problems involving RNA secondary structures. Finally, we propose/construct the forward stem matrix (FSM), a data structure to access RNA stem structures, and we apply the FSM to the detection of hairpins and pseudoknots in an RNA sequence.;This dissertation advances the state-of-the-art in p-string theory by developing data structures for p-strings/s-strings and using p-string/s-string theory in new and old contexts to address various applications. Due to the flexibility of the p-string/s-string, the data structures and algorithms in this work are also applicable to the myriad of problems in the string community that involve traditional strings

    Sublinear Computation Paradigm

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    This open access book gives an overview of cutting-edge work on a new paradigm called the “sublinear computation paradigm,” which was proposed in the large multiyear academic research project “Foundations of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data.” That project ran from October 2014 to March 2020, in Japan. To handle the unprecedented explosion of big data sets in research, industry, and other areas of society, there is an urgent need to develop novel methods and approaches for big data analysis. To meet this need, innovative changes in algorithm theory for big data are being pursued. For example, polynomial-time algorithms have thus far been regarded as “fast,” but if a quadratic-time algorithm is applied to a petabyte-scale or larger big data set, problems are encountered in terms of computational resources or running time. To deal with this critical computational and algorithmic bottleneck, linear, sublinear, and constant time algorithms are required. The sublinear computation paradigm is proposed here in order to support innovation in the big data era. A foundation of innovative algorithms has been created by developing computational procedures, data structures, and modelling techniques for big data. The project is organized into three teams that focus on sublinear algorithms, sublinear data structures, and sublinear modelling. The work has provided high-level academic research results of strong computational and algorithmic interest, which are presented in this book. The book consists of five parts: Part I, which consists of a single chapter on the concept of the sublinear computation paradigm; Parts II, III, and IV review results on sublinear algorithms, sublinear data structures, and sublinear modelling, respectively; Part V presents application results. The information presented here will inspire the researchers who work in the field of modern algorithms

    Fourth NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

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    This report contains copies of all those technical papers received in time for publication just prior to the Fourth Goddard Conference on Mass Storage and Technologies, held March 28-30, 1995, at the University of Maryland, University College Conference Center, in College Park, Maryland. This series of conferences continues to serve as a unique medium for the exchange of information on topics relating to the ingestion and management of substantial amounts of data and the attendant problems involved. This year's discussion topics include new storage technology, stability of recorded media, performance studies, storage system solutions, the National Information infrastructure (Infobahn), the future for storage technology, and lessons learned from various projects. There also will be an update on the IEEE Mass Storage System Reference Model Version 5, on which the final vote was taken in July 1994