125 research outputs found

    Succinct Online Dictionary Matching with Improved Worst-Case Guarantees

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    In the online dictionary matching problem the goal is to preprocess a set of patterns D={P_1,...,P_d} over alphabet Sigma, so that given an online text (one character at a time) we report all of the occurrences of patterns that are a suffix of the current text before the following character arrives. We introduce a succinct Aho-Corasick like data structure for the online dictionary matching problem. Our solution uses a new succinct representation for multi-labeled trees, in which each node has a set of labels from a universe of size lambda. We consider lowest labeled ancestor (LLA) queries on multi-labeled trees, where given a node and a label we return the lowest proper ancestor of the node that has the queried label. In this paper we introduce a succinct representation of multi-labeled trees for lambda=omega(1) that support LLA queries in O(log(log(lambda))) time. Using this representation of multi-labeled trees, we introduce a succinct data structure for the online dictionary matching problem when sigma=omega(1). In this solution the worst case cost per character is O(log(log(sigma)) + occ) time, where occ is the size of the current output. Moreover, the amortized cost per character is O(1+occ) time

    Prospects and limitations of full-text index structures in genome analysis

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    The combination of incessant advances in sequencing technology producing large amounts of data and innovative bioinformatics approaches, designed to cope with this data flood, has led to new interesting results in the life sciences. Given the magnitude of sequence data to be processed, many bioinformatics tools rely on efficient solutions to a variety of complex string problems. These solutions include fast heuristic algorithms and advanced data structures, generally referred to as index structures. Although the importance of index structures is generally known to the bioinformatics community, the design and potency of these data structures, as well as their properties and limitations, are less understood. Moreover, the last decade has seen a boom in the number of variant index structures featuring complex and diverse memory-time trade-offs. This article brings a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the most popular index structures and their recently developed variants. Their features, interrelationships, the trade-offs they impose, but also their practical limitations, are explained and compared

    Streaming Dictionary Matching with Mismatches

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    In the k-mismatch problem we are given a pattern of length m and a text and must find all locations where the Hamming distance between the pattern and the text is at most k. A series of recent breakthroughs have resulted in an ultra-efficient streaming algorithm for this problem that requires only O(k log m/k) space [Clifford, Kociumaka, Porat, SODA 2019]. In this work, we consider a strictly harder problem called dictionary matching with k mismatches, where we are given a dictionary of d patterns of lengths at most m and must find all their k-mismatch occurrences in the text, and show the first streaming algorithm for it. The algorithm uses O(k d log^k d polylog m) space and processes each position of the text in O(k log^k d polylog m + occ) time, where occ is the number of k-mismatch occurrences of the patterns that end at this position. The algorithm is randomised and outputs correct answers with high probability

    Worst-case efficient single and multiple string matching on packed texts in the word-RAM model

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    AbstractIn this paper, we explore worst-case solutions for the problems of single and multiple matching on strings in the word-RAM model with word length w. In the first problem, we have to build a data structure based on a pattern p of length m over an alphabet of size σ such that we can answer to the following query: given a text T of length n, where each character is encoded using logσ bits return the positions of all the occurrences of p in T (in the following we refer by occ to the number of reported occurrences). For the multi-pattern matching problem we have a set S of d patterns of total length m and a query on a text T consists in finding all positions of all occurrences in T of the patterns in S. As each character of the text is encoded using logσ bits and we can read w bits in constant time in the RAM model, we assume that we can read up to Θ(w/logσ) consecutive characters of the text in one time step. This implies that the fastest possible query time for both problems is O(nlogσw+occ). In this paper we present several different results for both problems which come close to that best possible query time. We first present two different linear space data structures for the first and second problem: the first one answers to single pattern matching queries in time O(n(1m+logσw)+occ) while the second one answers to multiple pattern matching queries to O(n(logd+logy+loglogmy+logσw)+occ) where y is the length of the shortest pattern. We then show how a simple application of the four Russian technique permits to get data structures with query times independent of the length of the shortest pattern (the length of the only pattern in case of single string matching) at the expense of using more space

    Succinct Data Structures for Parameterized Pattern Matching and Related Problems

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    Let T be a fixed text-string of length n and P be a varying pattern-string of length |P| \u3c= n. Both T and P contain characters from a totally ordered alphabet Sigma of size sigma \u3c= n. Suffix tree is the ubiquitous data structure for answering a pattern matching query: report all the positions i in T such that T[i + k - 1] = P[k], 1 \u3c= k \u3c= |P|. Compressed data structures support pattern matching queries, using much lesser space than the suffix tree, mainly by relying on a crucial property of the leaves in the tree. Unfortunately, in many suffix tree variants (such as parameterized suffix tree, order-preserving suffix tree, and 2-dimensional suffix tree), this property does not hold. Consequently, compressed representations of these suffix tree variants have been elusive. We present the first compressed data structures for two important variants of the pattern matching problem: (1) Parameterized Matching -- report a position i in T if T[i + k - 1] = f(P[k]), 1 \u3c= k \u3c= |P|, for a one-to-one function f that renames the characters in P to the characters in T[i,i+|P|-1], and (2) Order-preserving Matching -- report a position i in T if T[i + j - 1] and T[i + k -1] have the same relative order as that of P[j] and P[k], 1 \u3c= j \u3c k \u3c= |P|. For each of these two problems, the existing suffix tree variant requires O(n*log n) bits of space and answers a query in O(|P|*log sigma + occ) time, where occ is the number of starting positions where a match exists. We present data structures that require O(n*log sigma) bits of space and answer a query in O((|P|+occ) poly(log n)) time. As a byproduct, we obtain compressed data structures for a few other variants, as well as introduce two new techniques (of independent interest) for designing compressed data structures for pattern matching

    Space-Efficient Data Structures for Collections of Textual Data

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    This thesis focuses on the design of succinct and compressed data structures for collections of string-based data, specifically sequences of semi-structured documents in textual format, sets of strings, and sequences of strings. The study of such collections is motivated by a large number of applications both in theory and practice. For textual semi-structured data, we introduce the concept of semi-index, a succinct construction that speeds up the access to documents encoded with textual semi-structured formats, such as JSON and XML, by storing separately a compact description of their parse trees, hence avoiding the need to re-parse the documents every time they are read. For string dictionaries, we describe a data structure based on a path decomposition of the compacted trie built on the string set. The tree topology is encoded using succinct data structures, while the node labels are compressed using a simple dictionary-based scheme. We also describe a variant of the path-decomposed trie for scored string sets, where each string has a score. This data structure can support efficiently top-k completion queries, that is, given a string p and an integer k, return the k highest scored strings among those prefixed by p. For sequences of strings, we introduce the problem of compressed indexed sequences of strings, that is, representing indexed sequences of strings in nearly-optimal compressed space, both in the static and dynamic settings, while supporting supports random access, searching, and counting operations, both for exact matches and prefix search. We present a new data structure, the Wavelet Trie, that solves the problem by combining a Patricia trie with a wavelet tree. The Wavelet Trie improves on the state-of-the-art compressed data structures for sequences by supporting a dynamic alphabet and prefix queries. Finally, we discuss the issue of the practical implementation of the succinct primitives used throughout the thesis for the experiments. These primitives are implemented as part of a publicly available library, Succinct, using state-of-the-art algorithms along with some improvements