183 research outputs found

    Recursive subtyping revealed

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    Algorithms for checking subtyping between recursive types lie at the core of many programming language implementations. But the fundamental theory of these algorithms and how they relate to simpler declarative specifications is not widely understood, due in part to the difficulty of the available introductions to the area. This tutorial paper offers an \u27end-to-end\u27 introduction to recursive types and subtyping algorithms, from basic theory to efficient implementation, set in the unifying mathematical framework of coinduction

    Beating the Productivity Checker Using Embedded Languages

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    Some total languages, like Agda and Coq, allow the use of guarded corecursion to construct infinite values and proofs. Guarded corecursion is a form of recursion in which arbitrary recursive calls are allowed, as long as they are guarded by a coinductive constructor. Guardedness ensures that programs are productive, i.e. that every finite prefix of an infinite value can be computed in finite time. However, many productive programs are not guarded, and it can be nontrivial to put them in guarded form. This paper gives a method for turning a productive program into a guarded program. The method amounts to defining a problem-specific language as a data type, writing the program in the problem-specific language, and writing a guarded interpreter for this language.Comment: In Proceedings PAR 2010, arXiv:1012.455

    Practical Subtyping for System F with Sized (Co-)Induction

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    We present a rich type system with subtyping for an extension of System F. Our type constructors include sum and product types, universal and existential quantifiers, inductive and coinductive types. The latter two size annotations allowing the preservation of size invariants. For example it is possible to derive the termination of the quicksort by showing that partitioning a list does not increase its size. The system deals with complex programs involving mixed induction and coinduction, or even mixed (co-)induction and polymorphism (as for Scott-encoded datatypes). One of the key ideas is to completely separate the induction on sizes from the notion of recursive programs. We use the size change principle to check that the proof is well-founded, not that the program terminates. Termination is obtained by a strong normalization proof. Another key idea is the use symbolic witnesses to handle quantifiers of all sorts. To demonstrate the practicality of our system, we provide an implementation that accepts all the examples discussed in the paper and much more

    Inference Systems with Corules for Fair Subtyping and Liveness Properties of Binary Session Types

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    Many properties of communication protocols stem from the combination of safety and liveness properties. Characterizing such combined properties by means of a single inference system is difficult because of the fundamentally different techniques (coinduction and induction, respectively) usually involved in defining and proving them. In this paper we show that Generalized Inference Systems allow for simple and insightful characterizations of (at least some of) these combined inductive/coinductive properties for dependent session types. In particular, we illustrate the role of corules in characterizing weak termination (the property of protocols that can always eventually terminate), fair compliance (the property of interactions that can always be extended to reach client satisfaction) and also fair subtyping, a liveness-preserving refinement relation for session types

    Type-Based Termination, Inflationary Fixed-Points, and Mixed Inductive-Coinductive Types

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    Type systems certify program properties in a compositional way. From a bigger program one can abstract out a part and certify the properties of the resulting abstract program by just using the type of the part that was abstracted away. Termination and productivity are non-trivial yet desired program properties, and several type systems have been put forward that guarantee termination, compositionally. These type systems are intimately connected to the definition of least and greatest fixed-points by ordinal iteration. While most type systems use conventional iteration, we consider inflationary iteration in this article. We demonstrate how this leads to a more principled type system, with recursion based on well-founded induction. The type system has a prototypical implementation, MiniAgda, and we show in particular how it certifies productivity of corecursive and mixed recursive-corecursive functions.Comment: In Proceedings FICS 2012, arXiv:1202.317
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