2,485 research outputs found

    Container network functions: bringing NFV to the network edge

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    In order to cope with the increasing network utilization driven by new mobile clients, and to satisfy demand for new network services and performance guarantees, telecommunication service providers are exploiting virtualization over their network by implementing network services in virtual machines, decoupled from legacy hardware accelerated appliances. This effort, known as NFV, reduces OPEX and provides new business opportunities. At the same time, next generation mobile, enterprise, and IoT networks are introducing the concept of computing capabilities being pushed at the network edge, in close proximity of the users. However, the heavy footprint of today's NFV platforms prevents them from operating at the network edge. In this article, we identify the opportunities of virtualization at the network edge and present Glasgow Network Functions (GNF), a container-based NFV platform that runs and orchestrates lightweight container VNFs, saving core network utilization and providing lower latency. Finally, we demonstrate three useful examples of the platform: IoT DDoS remediation, on-demand troubleshooting for telco networks, and supporting roaming of network functions

    The Emerging Internet of Things Marketplace From an Industrial Perspective: A Survey

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a dynamic global information network consisting of internet-connected objects, such as Radio-frequency identification (RFIDs), sensors, actuators, as well as other instruments and smart appliances that are becoming an integral component of the future internet. Over the last decade, we have seen a large number of the IoT solutions developed by start-ups, small and medium enterprises, large corporations, academic research institutes (such as universities), and private and public research organisations making their way into the market. In this paper, we survey over one hundred IoT smart solutions in the marketplace and examine them closely in order to identify the technologies used, functionalities, and applications. More importantly, we identify the trends, opportunities and open challenges in the industry-based the IoT solutions. Based on the application domain, we classify and discuss these solutions under five different categories: smart wearable, smart home, smart, city, smart environment, and smart enterprise. This survey is intended to serve as a guideline and conceptual framework for future research in the IoT and to motivate and inspire further developments. It also provides a systematic exploration of existing research and suggests a number of potentially significant research directions.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 201

    Reliable Messaging to Millions of Users with MigratoryData

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    Web-based notification services are used by a large range of businesses to selectively distribute live updates to customers, following the publish/subscribe (pub/sub) model. Typical deployments can involve millions of subscribers expecting ordering and delivery guarantees together with low latencies. Notification services must be vertically and horizontally scalable, and adopt replication to provide a reliable service. We report our experience building and operating MigratoryData, a highly-scalable notification service. We discuss the typical requirements of MigratoryData customers, and describe the architecture and design of the service, focusing on scalability and fault tolerance. Our evaluation demonstrates the ability of MigratoryData to handle millions of concurrent connections and support a reliable notification service despite server failures and network disconnections

    Optimizing Notifications of Subscription-Based Forecast Queries

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    Integrating sophisticated statistical methods into database management systems is gaining more and more attention in research and industry. One important statistical method is time series forecasting, which is crucial for decision management in many domains. In this context, previous work addressed the processing of ad-hoc and recurring forecast queries. In contrast, we focus on subscription-based forecast queries that arise when an application (subscriber) continuously requires forecast values for further processing. Forecast queries exhibit the unique characteristic that the underlying forecast model is updated with each new actual value and better forecast values might be available. However, (re-)sending new forecast values to the subscriber for every new value is infeasible because this can cause significant overhead at the subscriber side. The subscriber therefore wishes to be notified only when forecast values have changed relevant to the application. In this paper, we reduce the costs of the subscriber by optimizing the notifications sent to the subscriber, i.e., by balancing the number of notifications and the notification length. We introduce a generic cost model to capture arbitrary subscriber cost functions and discuss different optimization approaches that reduce the subscriber costs while ensuring constrained forecast values deviations. Our experimental evaluation on real datasets shows the validity of our approach with low computational costs

    Tietoverkkojen valvonnan yhdenmukaistaminen

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    As the modern society is increasingly dependant on computer networks especially as the Internet of Things gaining popularity, a need to monitor computer networks along with associated devices increases. Additionally, the amount of cyber attacks is increasing and certain malware such as Mirai target especially network devices. In order to effectively monitor computer networks and devices, effective solutions are required for collecting and storing the information. This thesis designs and implements a novel network monitoring system. The presented system is capable of utilizing state-of-the-art network monitoring protocols and harmonizing the collected information using a common data model. This design allows effective queries and further processing on the collected information. The presented system is evaluated by comparing the system against the requirements imposed on the system, by assessing the amount of harmonized information using several protocols and by assessing the suitability of the chosen data model. Additionally, the protocol overheads of the used network monitoring protocols are evaluated. The presented system was found to fulfil the imposed requirements. Approximately 21% of the information provided by the chosen network monitoring protocols could be harmonized into the chosen data model format. The result is sufficient for effective querying and combining the information, as well as for processing the information further. The result can be improved by extending the data model and improving the information processing. Additionally, the chosen data model was shown to be suitable for the use case presented in this thesis.Yhteiskunnan ollessa jatkuvasti verkottuneempi erityisesti Esineiden Internetin kasvattaessa suosiotaan, tarve seurata sekä verkon että siihen liitettyjen laitteiden tilaa ja mahdollisia poikkeustilanteita kasvaa. Lisäksi tietoverkkohyökkäysten määrä on kasvamassa ja erinäiset haittaohjelmat kuten Mirai, ovat suunnattu erityisesti verkkolaitteita kohtaan. Jotta verkkoa ja sen laitteiden tilaa voidaan seurata, tarvitaan tehokkaita ratkaisuja tiedon keräämiseen sekä säilöntään. Tässä diplomityössä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan verkonvalvontajärjestelmä, joka mahdollistaa moninaisten verkonvalvontaprotokollien hyödyntämisen tiedonkeräykseen. Lisäksi järjestelmä säilöö kerätyn tiedon käyttäen yhtenäistä tietomallia. Yhtenäisen tietomallin käyttö mahdollistaa tiedon tehokkaan jatkojalostamisen sekä haut tietosisältöihin. Diplomityössä esiteltävän järjestelmän ominaisuuksia arvioidaan tarkastelemalla, minkälaisia osuuksia eri verkonvalvontaprotokollien tarjoamasta informaatiosta voidaan yhdenmukaistaa tietomalliin, onko valittu tietomalli soveltuva verkonvalvontaan sekä varmistetaan esiteltävän järjestelmän täyttävän sille asetetut vaatimukset. Lisäksi työssä arvioidaan käytettävien verkonvalvontaprotokollien siirtämisen kiinteitä kustannuksia kuten otsakkeita. Työssä esitellyn järjestelmän todettiin täyttävän sille asetetut vaatimukset. Eri verkonvalvontaprotokollien tarjoamasta informaatiosta keskimäärin 21% voitiin harmonisoida tietomalliin. Saavutettu osuus on riittävä, jotta eri laitteista saatavaa informaatiota voidaan yhdistellä ja hakea tehokkaasti. Lukemaa voidaan jatkossa parantaa laajentamalla tietomallia sekä kehittämällä kerätyn informaation prosessointia. Lisäksi valittu tietomalli todettiin soveltuvaksi tämän diplomityön käyttötarkoitukseen