71 research outputs found

    Submodular relaxation for inference in Markov random fields

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    In this paper we address the problem of finding the most probable state of a discrete Markov random field (MRF), also known as the MRF energy minimization problem. The task is known to be NP-hard in general and its practical importance motivates numerous approximate algorithms. We propose a submodular relaxation approach (SMR) based on a Lagrangian relaxation of the initial problem. Unlike the dual decomposition approach of Komodakis et al., 2011 SMR does not decompose the graph structure of the initial problem but constructs a submodular energy that is minimized within the Lagrangian relaxation. Our approach is applicable to both pairwise and high-order MRFs and allows to take into account global potentials of certain types. We study theoretical properties of the proposed approach and evaluate it experimentally.Comment: This paper is accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Playing with Duality: An Overview of Recent Primal-Dual Approaches for Solving Large-Scale Optimization Problems

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    Optimization methods are at the core of many problems in signal/image processing, computer vision, and machine learning. For a long time, it has been recognized that looking at the dual of an optimization problem may drastically simplify its solution. Deriving efficient strategies which jointly brings into play the primal and the dual problems is however a more recent idea which has generated many important new contributions in the last years. These novel developments are grounded on recent advances in convex analysis, discrete optimization, parallel processing, and non-smooth optimization with emphasis on sparsity issues. In this paper, we aim at presenting the principles of primal-dual approaches, while giving an overview of numerical methods which have been proposed in different contexts. We show the benefits which can be drawn from primal-dual algorithms both for solving large-scale convex optimization problems and discrete ones, and we provide various application examples to illustrate their usefulness

    Methods for Inference in Graphical Models

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    Graphical models provide a flexible, powerful and compact way to model relationships between random variables, and have been applied with great success in many domains. Combining prior beliefs with observed evidence to form a prediction is called inference. Problems of great interest include finding a configuration with highest probability (MAP inference) or solving for the distribution over a subset of variables (marginal inference). Further, these methods are often critical subroutines for learning the relationships. However, inference is computationally intractable in general. Hence, much effort has focused on two themes: finding subdomains where exact inference is solvable efficiently, or identifying approximate methods that work well. We explore both these themes, restricting attention to undirected graphical models with discrete variables. First we address exact MAP inference by advancing the recent method of reducing the problem to finding a maximum weight stable set (MWSS) on a derived graph, which, if perfect, admits polynomial time inference. We derive new results for this approach, including a general decomposition theorem for models of any order and number of labels, extensions of results for binary pairwise models with submodular cost functions to higher order, and a characterization of which binary pairwise models can be efficiently solved with this method. This clarifies the power of the approach on this class of models, improves our toolbox and provides insight into the range of tractable models. Next we consider methods of approximate inference, with particular emphasis on the Bethe approximation, which is in widespread use and has proved remarkably effective, yet is still far from being completely understood. We derive new formulations and properties of the derivatives of the Bethe free energy, then use these to establish an algorithm to compute log of the optimum Bethe partition function to arbitrary epsilon-accuracy. Further, if the model is attractive, we demonstrate a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS), which is an important theoretical result, and demonstrate its practical applications. Next we explore ways to tease apart the two aspects of the Bethe approximation, i.e. the polytope relaxation and the entropy approximation. We derive analytic results, show how optimization may be explored over various polytopes in practice, even for large models, and remark on the observed performance compared to the true distribution and the tree-reweighted (TRW) approximation. This reveals important novel observations and helps guide inference in practice. Finally, we present results related to clamping a selection of variables in a model. We derive novel lower bounds on an array of approximate partition functions based only on the model's topology. Further, we show that in an attractive binary pairwise model, clamping any variable and summing over the approximate sub-partition functions can only increase (hence improve) the Bethe approximation, then use this to provide a new, short proof that the Bethe partition function lower bounds the true value for this class of models. The bulk of this work focuses on the class of binary, pairwise models, but several results apply more generally

    A Comparative Study of Modern Inference Techniques for Structured Discrete Energy Minimization Problems

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    International audienceSzeliski et al. published an influential study in 2006 on energy minimization methods for Markov Random Fields (MRF). This study provided valuable insights in choosing the best optimization technique for certain classes of problems. While these insights remain generally useful today, the phenomenal success of random field models means that the kinds of inference problems that have to be solved changed significantly. Specifically , the models today often include higher order interactions, flexible connectivity structures, large label-spaces of different car-dinalities, or learned energy tables. To reflect these changes, we provide a modernized and enlarged study. We present an empirical comparison of more than 27 state-of-the-art optimization techniques on a corpus of 2,453 energy minimization instances from diverse applications in computer vision. To ensure reproducibility, we evaluate all methods in the OpenGM 2 framework and report extensive results regarding runtime and solution quality. Key insights from our study agree with the results of Szeliski et al. for the types of models they studied. However, on new and challenging types of models our findings disagree and suggest that polyhedral methods and integer programming solvers are competitive in terms of runtime and solution quality over a large range of model types

    Advances in Graph-Cut Optimization: Multi-Surface Models, Label Costs, and Hierarchical Costs

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    Computer vision is full of problems that are elegantly expressed in terms of mathematical optimization, or energy minimization. This is particularly true of low-level inference problems such as cleaning up noisy signals, clustering and classifying data, or estimating 3D points from images. Energies let us state each problem as a clear, precise objective function. Minimizing the correct energy would, hypothetically, yield a good solution to the corresponding problem. Unfortunately, even for low-level problems we are confronted by energies that are computationally hard—often NP-hard—to minimize. As a consequence, a rather large portion of computer vision research is dedicated to proposing better energies and better algorithms for energies. This dissertation presents work along the same line, specifically new energies and algorithms based on graph cuts. We present three distinct contributions. First we consider biomedical segmentation where the object of interest comprises multiple distinct regions of uncertain shape (e.g. blood vessels, airways, bone tissue). We show that this common yet difficult scenario can be modeled as an energy over multiple interacting surfaces, and can be globally optimized by a single graph cut. Second, we introduce multi-label energies with label costs and provide algorithms to minimize them. We show how label costs are useful for clustering and robust estimation problems in vision. Third, we characterize a class of energies with hierarchical costs and propose a novel hierarchical fusion algorithm with improved approximation guarantees. Hierarchical costs are natural for modeling an array of difficult problems, e.g. segmentation with hierarchical context, simultaneous estimation of motions and homographies, or detecting hierarchies of patterns

    A learning framework for higher-order consistency models in multi-class pixel labeling problems

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    Recently, higher-order Markov random field (MRF) models have been successfully applied to problems in computer vision, especially scene understanding problems. One successful higher-order MRF model for scene understanding is the consistency model [Kohli and Kumar, 2010; Kohli et al., 2009] and earlier work by Ladicky et al. [2009, 2013] which contain higher-order potentials composed of lower linear envelope functions. In semantic image segmentation problems, which seek to identify the pixels of images with pre-defined labels of objects and backgrounds, this model encourages consistent label assignments over segmented regions of images. However, solving this MRF problem exactly is generally NP-hard; instead, efficient approximate inference algorithms are used. Furthermore, the lower linear envelope functions involve a number of parameters to learn. But, the typical cross-validation used for pairwise MRF models is not a practical method for estimating such a large number of parameters. Nevertheless, few works have proposed efficient learning methods to deal with the large number of parameters in these consistency models. In this thesis, we propose a unified inference and learning framework for the consistency model. We investigate various issues and present solutions for inference and learning with this higher-order MRF model as follows. First, we derive two variants of the consistency model for multi-class pixel labeling tasks. Our model defines an energy function scoring any given label assignments over an image. In order to perform Maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference in this model, we minimize the energy function using move-making algorithms in which the higher-order problems are transformed into tractable pairwise problems. Then, we employ a max-margin framework for learning optimal parameters. This learning framework provides a generalized approach for searching the large parameter space. Second, we propose a novel use of the Gaussian mixture model (GMM) for encoding consistency constraints over a large set of pixels. Here, we use various oversegmentation methods to define coherent regions for the consistency potentials. In general, Mean shift (MS) produces locally coherent regions, and GMM provides globally coherent regions, which do not need to be contiguous. Our model exploits both local and global information together and improves the labeling accuracy on real data sets. Accordingly, we use multiple higher-order terms associated with each over-segmentation method. Our learning framework allows us to deal with the large number of parameters involved with multiple higher-order terms. Next, we explore a dual decomposition (DD) method for our multi-class consistency model. The dual decomposition MRF (DD-MRF) is an alternative method for optimizing the energy function. In dual decomposition, a complex MRF problem is decomposed into many easy subproblems and we optimize the relaxed dual problem using a projected subgradient method. At convergence, we expect a global optimum in the dual space because it is a concave maximization problem. To optimize our higher-order DD-MRF exactly, we propose an exact minimization algorithm for solving the higher-order subproblems. Moreover, the minimization algorithm is much more efficient than graph-cuts. The dual decomposition approach also solves the max-margin learning problem by minimizing the dual losses derived from DD-MRF. Here, our minimization algorithm allows us to optimize the DD learning exactly and efficiently, which in most cases finds better parameters than the previous learning approach. Last, we focus on improving labeling accuracies of our higher-order model by combining mid-level features, which we call region features. The region features help customize the general envelope functions for individual segmented regions. By assigning specified weights to the envelope functions, we can choose subsets of highly likely labels for each segmented region. We train multiple classifiers with region features and aggregate them to increase prediction performance of possible labels for each region. Importantly, introducing these region features does not change the previous inference and learning algorithms
