66 research outputs found

    Localic Metric spaces and the localic Gelfand duality

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    In this paper we prove, as conjectured by B.Banachewski and C.J.Mulvey, that the constructive Gelfand duality can be extended into a duality between compact regular locales and unital abelian localic C*-algebras. In order to do so we develop a constructive theory of localic metric spaces and localic Banach spaces, we study the notion of localic completion of such objects and the behaviour of these constructions with respect to pull-back along geometric morphisms.Comment: 57 page

    The connected Vietoris powerlocale

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    The connected Vietoris powerlocale is defined as a strong monad Vc on the category of locales. VcX is a sublocale of Johnstone's Vietoris powerlocale VX, a localic analogue of the Vietoris hyperspace, and its points correspond to the weakly semifitted sublocales of X that are “strongly connected”. A product map ×:VcX×VcY→Vc(X×Y) shows that the product of two strongly connected sublocales is strongly connected. If X is locally connected then VcX is overt. For the localic completion of a generalized metric space Y, the points of are certain Cauchy filters of formal balls for the finite power set with respect to a Vietoris metric. \ud Application to the point-free real line gives a choice-free constructive version of the Intermediate Value Theorem and Rolle's Theorem. \ud \ud The work is topos-valid (assuming natural numbers object). Vc is a geometric constructio

    Positivity relations on a locale

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    This paper analyses the notion of a positivity relationof Formal Topology from the point of view of the theory of Locales. It is shown that a positivity relation on a locale corresponds to a suitable class of points of its lower powerlocale. In particular, closed subtopologies associated to the positivity relation correspond to overt (that is, with open domain) weakly closed sublocales. Finally, some connection is revealed between positivity relations and localic suplattices (these are algebras for the powerlocale monad)

    Overlap Algebras as Almost Discrete Locales

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    Boolean locales are almost discrete. In fact, spatial Boolean locales are the same thing as discrete spaces. This does not make sense intuitionistically, since (non-trivial) discrete locales fail to be Boolean. We show that Sambin's "overlap algebras" have good enough features to be called "almost discrete locales". Keywords. Strongly dense sublocales, almost discrete spaces, overlap algebras, constructive topology

    σ\sigma-locales in Formal Topology

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    A σ\sigma-frame is a poset with countable joins and finite meets in which binary meets distribute over countable joins. The aim of this paper is to show that σ\sigma-frames, actually σ\sigma-locales, can be seen as a branch of Formal Topology, that is, intuitionistic and predicative point-free topology. Every σ\sigma-frame LL is the lattice of Lindel\"of elements (those for which each of their covers admits a countable subcover) of a formal topology of a specific kind which, in its turn, is a presentation of the free frame over LL. We then give a constructive characterization of the smallest (strongly) dense σ\sigma-sublocale of a given σ\sigma-locale, thus providing a ``σ\sigma-version'' of a Boolean locale. Our development depends on the axiom of countable choice.Comment: Paper presented at the conference Continuity, Computability, Constructivity - From Logic to Algorithms (CCC 2017), Nancy, France, June 26-30 201

    Notes on point-free real functions and sublocales

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    Using the technique of sublocales we present a survey of some known facts (with a few new ones added) on point-free real functions. The subjects treated are, e.g., images and preimages, semicontinuity, algebraic structure (point-free real arithmetics), zero and cozero parts, z-embeddings, z-open and z-closed maps, disconnectivity, small sublocales and supports

    Axiom TDT_D and the Simmons sublocale theorem

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    summary:More precisely, we are analyzing some of H. Simmons, S.\,B. Niefield and K.\,I. Rosenthal results concerning sublocales induced by subspaces. H. Simmons was concerned with the question when the coframe of sublocales is Boolean; he recognized the role of the axiom TDT_D for the relation of certain degrees of scatteredness but did not emphasize its role in the relation {between} sublocales and subspaces. S.\,B. Niefield and K.\,I. Rosenthal just mention this axiom in a remark about Simmons' result. In this paper we show that the role of TDT_D in this question is crucial. Concentration on the properties of TDT_D-spaces and technique of sublocales in this context allows us to present a simple, transparent and choice-free proof of the scatteredness theorem

    Localic maps constructed from open and closed parts

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    Assembling a localic map f:L→M from localic maps f_i:S_i→M, i∈J, defined on closed resp. open sublocales (J finite in the closed case) follows the same rules as in the classical case. The corresponding classical facts immediately follow from the behavior of preimages but for obvious reasons such a proof cannot be imitated in the point-free context. Instead, we present simple proofs based on categorical reasoning. There are some related aspects of localic preimages that are of interest, though. They are investigated in the second half of the paper

    A study of localic subspaces, separation, and variants of normality and their duals.

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    198 p.As in classical topology, in localic topology one often needs to restrict to locales satisfyinga certain degree of separation. In fact, the study of separation in the category of localesconstitutes a non-trivial and important piece of the theory. For instance, it is sometimesimpossible to give an exact counterpart of a classical axiom, while other times a singleproperty for spaces yields multiple non-equivalent localic versions.The main goal of this thesis is to investigate several classes of separated locales and theirconnections with different classes of sublocales, that is, the regular subobjects in the categoryof locales.In particular, we introduce a new diagonal separation and show that it is, in a certainsense, dual to Isbell¿s (strong) Hausdorff property. The duality between suplattices andpreframes, and that between normality and extremal disconnectedness, turn out to be ofspecial interest in this context.Regarding higher separation, we introduce cardinal generalizations of normality andtheir duals (e.g., properties concerning extensions of disjoint families of cozero elements),and give characterizations via suitable insertion or extension results.The lower separation property known as the TD-axiom, also plays an important role inthe thesis. Namely, we investigate the TD-duality between the category of TD-spaces and acertain (non-full) subcategory of the category of locales, identifying the regular subobjects inthe localic side, and provide several applications in point-free topology.Tal como na topologia clássica, também na topologia dos locales (reticulados locais) éfrequente termos que nos restringir a locales que satisfaçam um certo grau de separação.De facto, o estudo de axiomas de separação na categoria dos locales constitui um aspectonão trivial e relevante da teoria. Por exemplo, em alguns casos é impossível termos acontrapartida exacta de um axioma clássico, enquanto noutros casos uma única propriedadepara espaços topológicos produz, na categoria dos locales, diversas versões não equivalentesentre si.O objectivo principal desta tese é investigar várias classes de locales separados e suasconexões com diferentes classes de sublocales (os subobjetos regulares na categoria doslocales).Em particular, introduzimos uma nova propriedade de separação diagonal e mostramosque se trata, em certo sentido, de uma propriedade dual do axioma (forte) de Hausdorffintroduzido por Isbell. As dualidades entre semi-reticulados e reticulados pré-locais, e entrenormalidade e desconexão extrema, acabam por ter um papel relevante neste contexto.Relativamente a axiomas de separação fortes, introduzimos generalizações de normalidade,em função de um cardinal arbitrário, e suas duais (por exemplo, propriedadesenvolvendo extensões de famílias disjuntas de elementos co-zero), e apresentamos caracterizaçõesem termos de propriedades de inserção ou extensão de funções.O axioma TD, uma propriedade de separação muito fraca, também desempenha umpapel importante nesta tese. Especificamente, investigamos a dualidade TD entre a categoriados espaços topológicos TD e uma determinada subcategoria (não plena) da categoria doslocales, identificando os subobjetos regulares na subcategoria de locales, e apresentamosvárias aplicações à topologia sem pontos.Tal y como ocurre en topología clásica, en topología locálica frecuentemente uno tiene querestringir su atención a locales que cumplen cierto grado de separación. De hecho, el estudiode la separación en la categoría de locales es un aspecto no trivial y relevante de la teoría. Enalgunos casos, es imposible dar una contrapartida exacta a un axioma clásico, mientras queen otros casos, una sola propiedad produce multitud de versiones locálicas no equivalentesentre sí.El principal objetivo de esta tesis es investigar varias clases de locales separados y susrelaciones con diferentes clases de sublocales, esto es, los subobjetos regulares en la categoríade locales.En particular, introducimos una nueva separación diagonal, y probamos que es, en ciertosentido, dual al axioma Hausdorff (fuerte) de Isbell. En este contexto, la dualidad entreretículos completos y premarcos, y aquella entre la normalidad y la desconexión extremaresultan ser de especial interés.En cuanto a la separación más fuerte, introducimos generalizaciones cardinales de lanormalidad y sus duales (por ejemplo, propiedades que consisten en la extensión de familiasdisjuntas de elementos cozero), y damos caracterizaciones de las mismas en términos deteoremas de extensión o inserción.Ciertas propiedades de separación más débiles, especialmente el axioma TD, tambiéndesempeñan un papel importante en esta tesis. Específicamente, investigamos la dualidad TDentre la categoría de espacios topológicos TD y cierta subcategoría (no plena) de la categoríade locales, identificando los subobjetos regulares en la categoría de locales, y proporcionamosalgunas aplicaciones en la topología sin puntos