369 research outputs found

    Audio compression using transforms and high order entropy encoding

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    Digital audio is required to transmit large sizes of audio information through the most common communication systems; in turn this leads to more challenges in both storage and archieving. In this paper, an efficient audio compressive scheme is proposed, it depends on combined transform coding scheme; it is consist of i) bi-orthogonal (tab 9/7) wavelet transform to decompose the audio signal into low & multi high sub-bands, ii) then the produced sub-bands passed through DCT to de-correlate the signal, iii) the product of the combined transform stage is passed through progressive hierarchical quantization, then traditional run-length encoding (RLE), iv) and finally LZW coding to generate the output mate bitstream. The measures Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and compression ratio (CR) were used to conduct a comparative analysis for the performance of the whole system. Many audio test samples were utilized to test the performance behavior; the used samples have various sizes and vary in features. The simulation results appear the efficiency of these combined transforms when using LZW within the domain of data compression. The compression results are encouraging and show a remarkable reduction in audio file size with good fidelity

    A digital signature and watermarking based authentication system for JPEG2000 images

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    In this thesis, digital signature based authentication system was introduced, which is able to protect JPEG2000 images in different flavors, including fragile authentication and semi-fragile authentication. The fragile authentication is to protect the image at code-stream level, and the semi-fragile is to protect the image at the content level. The semi-fragile can be further classified into lossy and lossless authentication. With lossless authentication, the original image can be recovered after verification. The lossless authentication and the new image compression standard, JPEG2000 is mainly discussed in this thesis

    A study and some experimental work of digital image and video watermarking

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    The rapid growth of digitized media and the emergence of digital networks have created a pressing need for copyright protection and anonymous communications schemes. Digital watermarking (or data hiding in a more general term) is a kind of steganography technique by adding information into a digital data stream. Several most important watermarking schemes applied to multilevel and binary still images and digital videos were studied. They include schemes based on DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), and fractal transforms. The question whether these invisible watermarking techniques can resolve the issue of rightful ownership of intellectual properties was discussed. The watermarking schemes were further studied from malicious attack point of view, which is considered an effective way to advance the watermarking techniques. In particular, the StirMark robustness tests based on geometrical distortion were carried out. A binary watermarking scheme applied in the DCT domain is presented in this research project. The effect of the binarization procedure necessarily encountered in dealing with binary document images is found so strong that most of conventional embedding schemes fail in dealing with watermarking of binary document images. Some particular measures have to be taken. The initial simulation results indicate that the proposed technique is promising though further efforts need to be made

    ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫЙ числовым программным ДЛЯ MIMD-компьютер

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    For most scientific and engineering problems simulated on computers the solving of problems of the computational mathematics with approximately given initial data constitutes an intermediate or a final stage. Basic problems of the computational mathematics include the investigating and solving of linear algebraic systems, evaluating of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices, the solving of systems of non-linear equations, numerical integration of initial- value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations.Для більшості наукових та інженерних задач моделювання на ЕОМ рішення задач обчислювальної математики з наближено заданими вихідними даними складає проміжний або остаточний етап. Основні проблеми обчислювальної математики відносяться дослідження і рішення лінійних алгебраїчних систем оцінки власних значень і власних векторів матриць, рішення систем нелінійних рівнянь, чисельного інтегрування початково задач для систем звичайних диференціальних рівнянь.Для большинства научных и инженерных задач моделирования на ЭВМ решение задач вычислительной математики с приближенно заданным исходным данным составляет промежуточный или окончательный этап. Основные проблемы вычислительной математики относятся исследования и решения линейных алгебраических систем оценки собственных значений и собственных векторов матриц, решение систем нелинейных уравнений, численного интегрирования начально задач для систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений

    A network transparent, retained mode multimedia processing framework for the Linux operating system environment

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    Die Arbeit präsentiert ein Multimedia-Framework für Linux, das im Unterschied zu früheren Arbeiten auf den Ideen "retained-mode processing" und "lazy evaluation" basiert: Statt Transformationen unmittelbar auszuführen, wird eine abstrakte Repräsentation aller Medienelemente aufgebaut. "renderer"-Treiber fungieren als Übersetzer, die diese Darstellung zur Laufzeit in konkrete Operationen umsetzen, wobei das Datenmodell zahlreiche Optimierungen zur Reduktion der Anzahl der Schritte oder der Minimierung von Kommunikation erlaubt. Dies erlaubt ein stark vereinfachtes Programmiermodell bei gleichzeitiger Effizienzsteigerung. "renderer"-Treiber können zur Ausführung von Transformationen den lokalen Prozessor verwenden, oder können die Operationen delegieren. In der Arbeit wird eine Erweiterung des X Window Systems um Mechanismen zur Medienverarbeitung vorgestellt, sowie ein "renderer"-Treiber, der diese zur Delegation der Verarbeitung nutzt