286 research outputs found


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    Materi yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah elemen-elemen garap dalam musik Nusantara. Objek tersebut diteliti aspek pragmatisnya untuk dipilih menjadi bahan penyusunan karya musik baru. Penyusunan musik baru dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan reinterpretatif kontemporer, sebuah pendekatan yang mempertimbangkan eksistensi tradisi dengan mengutamakan tumbuhnya eksistensi musik berbasis pengembangan dan kebaruan. Penyusunan dilakukan dalam rangka pengolahan dan pengembangan cultural heritage. Hal ini diperlukan karena cultural heritage merupakan atribut jatidiri bangsa atau masyarakat yang menerima warisan budaya dari generasi-generasi sebelumnya, untuk kemaslahatan generasi yang akan datang. Jadi, dengan semangat mengolah dan mengembangkan cultural heritage penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan elemen-elemen musikal sebagai warisan budaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen di laboratorium/studio didukung dengan field work atau penelitian lapangan. Penelitian lapangan di tahun pertama direncanakan dilaksanakan di Bali, Banyuwangi, Surabaya, Bandung, Cirebon. Namun, karena keterbatasan anggaran hanya dapat dilaksanakan di Bali, Surabaya, dan Bandung. Target capaian pada tahun 2017 adalah terpublikasikannya hasil penelitian ini melaui Jurnal Panggung (jurnal Nasional terakreditasi). Namun, publikasi ke Jurnal Panggung agak terkendala karena terbatasnya kuota artikel yang diterbitkan. Oleh karena itu publikasi segera diarahkan pada jurnal internasional terindeks scopus. Ada dua artikel yang dikirim ke jurnal internasional, yaitu artijel berjudul Composer’ Frame of Thingking in Music Creation yang diajukan ke Philosophia (International Journal of Philosophy), dan artikel berjudul The Pillars of the Study of Art Creation pada jurnal Pensamiento (International Journal of Music). Philosophia telah memberitahukan bahwa hasil review sekarang akan diterbitkan pada periode Januari 2019, dan sedangkan Pensamiento masih menunggu hasil review. Jadi, target penerbitan artikel belum dapat dilaksanakan tahun ini, sehingga tahun ini hanya submit saja di jurnal internasional terindeks Scopus. Untuk menggantinya, diupayakan bahwa pada bulan Desember tahun 2017 dapat diterbitkan satu buku sebagai hasil penelitian. Target capaian yang lain adalah terciptanya 1 karya komposisi musik baru. Karya tersebut telah dirumuskan, disusun, dan telah dipersiapkan sedemikian rupa. Rekaman karya sudah terwujud dan dapat dinikmati. Artinya, model karya musik sebagai satu target telah selesai dikerjakan, dan tinggal dilakukan reinterpretasi dan rekonstruksi melalui latihan-latihan dan eksperimen studio

    Formal Specification and Verification for Automated Production Systems

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    Complex industrial control software often drives safety- and mission-critical systems, like automated production plants or control units embedded into devices in automotive systems. Such controllers have in common that they are reactive systems, i.e., that they periodically read sensor stimuli and cyclically execute the same program to produce actuator signals. The correctness of software for automated production is rarely verified using formal techniques. Although, due to the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0), the impact and importance of software have become an important role in industrial automation. What is used instead in industrial practice today is testing and simulation, where individual test cases are used to validate an automated production system. Three reasons why formal methods are not popular are: (a) It is difficult to adequately formulate the desired temporal properties. (b) There is a lack of specification languages for reactive systems that are both sufficiently expressive and comprehensible for practitioners. (c) Due to the lack of an environment model the obtained results are imprecise. Nonetheless, formal methods for automated production systems are well studied academically---mainly on the verification of safety properties via model checking. In this doctoral thesis we present the concept of (1) generalized test tables (GTTs), a new specification language for functional properties, and their extension (2) relational test tables (RTTs) for relational properties. The concept includes the syntactical notion, designed for the intuition of engineers, and the semantics, which are based on game theory. We use RTTs for a novel confidential property on reactive systems, the provably forgetting of information. Moreover, for regression verification, an important relational property, we are able to achieve performance improvements by (3) creating a decomposing rule which splits large proofs into small sub-task. We implemented the verification procedures and evaluated them against realistic case studies, e.g., the Pick-and-Place-Unit from the Technical University of Munich. The presented contribution follows the idea of lowering the obstacle of verifying the dependability of reactive systems in general, and automated production systems in particular for the engineer either by introducing a new specification language (GTTs), by exploiting existing programs for the specification (RTTs, regression verification), or by improving the verification performance

    The Desk as a Barrier and Carrier in Social Work

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    This chapter explores the desk as a material object as well as its sym- bolic representations in social work from a professional perspective. As we will demonstrate, different and sometimes incompatible meanings and functions associated with the desk reflect current tensions and profession- al dilemmas: On the one hand, ever since the emergence of the social work profession, the desk has symbolized a distanced and uncommitted social worker, even representing asymmetric power relations.2 On the other hand, recent endeavors at professionalization, evidence-based practices, and ac- countable welfare work have resulted, to some degree unintentionally, in an administrative turn and a strengthening of the bureaucratic understand- ing of the mission.3 Social workers, often described as semi-professionals striving for higher status, face trade-offs between traditional ideals of being committed and working close to the community, and administrative work in the office

    An ethnographic study of accountants who become managers

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    Management in a professional service firm such as Deloitte is suspended between a range of different fundamental concerns and ways of thinking. There is a market in which client needs are to be met, competitors matched and outperformed. There is the general public in which accounting firms such as Deloitte increasingly have become the object of critical scrutiny in their role as guardians of the common rules of accountability and legislation on accounting. There is a very strong professional culture and ethics, stemming from being a part of the professional community of a profession which creates unique ways of organizing and managing. And there is a growing concern about how to run the continually growing accounting-based advisory organizations (or professional service firms) in a way that efficiently utilizes the aggregated resources, which again creates a focus on management as a distinct issue. It is primarily the contradiction and dynamics of the latter two ‘internal’ concerns that the study of the dissertation is about - seen as institutional logics of professionalism and, or versus, bureaucracy. While the focus of most research into professional service firms has been on how general structural changes affect this unique species of organization, this study investigates how these contradictions affect the way accountants live and work performing roles as managers; how do accountants who become managers make sense of these contradictory logics? The dissertation treats this question theoretically by applying extant literature dealing with institutional change and logics with a special emphasis on recent research that focuses on the micro-processes which are the foundations of institutions and concretizes how institutional logics affect the action and sensemaking of actors. The dissertation contributes to this research by applying sensemaking theory and symbolic interactionism. The study is based on a 3-year ethnographic study in which managers at all levels have been interviewed and observed. Actual management processes and management training have been observed, via shadowing and participant observation. Relevant archival material has been included in the analysis. All these sources have been recorded and systematized in order to create a point of departure for the analyses of the dissertation. The main findings of the study point to: The institutional changes described by the Professional Service Firms research can be identified at the micro- or actor level in terms of ideals, systems, way organizing and structures which use a logic of bureaucracy and among which the development of a new middle-management role is a critical feature. These changes seem to have important consequences for the basic psychological contract between the professional and the organization in professional service firms. The changes, as they are found in the case, are more complex and laden with conflicts than otherwise described in the literature about professional service firms. This is based on the way the actors ‘draw on the existing logics’ and the conditions they have for doing this locally. This points to the importance of investigating the interaction of actors in order to understand how the new management practices are institutionalized/structurated. The changes towards a new model of management, found in the study, are based on the ability (and will) of the managers to navigate the contradictory logics in such a way that they can establish a meaningful identity as managers, and that they can mobilize other actors who support a new way of understanding management and that they are able to create space for the conversational reflection upon their behavior as managers and management. The ability (and will) of the managers is in its turn dependent on local conditions and interaction enabling these steps of sensemaking

    Post-Yugoslav Film and Literature Production: an Alternative to Mainstream Political and Cultural Discourse

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    Drawing upon studies which emphasized and conceptualized the existence of political and cultural alternatives to the emerging nationalistic cultures in ex-Yugoslav societies, this study aims at following those anti-nationalist artistic records in newly formed post-Yugoslav states. By offering an overview to the contemporary artistic production, namely literature and film, an exploration focuses on several concrete cultural concepts, which should then function as tools for displaying the difference/ opposition between the mainstream culture and its alternative authors and artifacts. The question of an exile, as existentially altered position, which also reframes the issue of one’s belonging, then question of the Other, crucial for establishing one’s identity, and finally a notion of memory which is a space for reconsideration of both private and official histories, problems of responsibility and guilt, are encompassing the way these post- Yugoslav film and literature authors articulate their own artistic and political views. Process of violent disintegration is a constitutive argument of this research, for it necessitates understanding of three post-Yugoslav states which were at war (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia) as a single cultural/political space. By inevitably touching upon Yugoslav cultural heritage this writing also seeks to distinguish novel identities and concepts which have been emerging after the dissolution

    Trauma beyond the biomedical paradigm : avenues for a subject-oriented and contextual trauma approach

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    The psychiatric construct of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is often viewed as a universally valid and scientifically backed construct. In recent years, several clinicians and academics have laid bare some of the shortcomings of this influential trauma model. In this dissertation, the author focuses on four core criticisms of PTSD: (1) problems with the proposed causal mechanism; (2)individualization of stress responses; (3) decontextualization and (4) depoliticization of traumatic reactions). He uses historical, psychoanalytical and philosophical analyses to construct a contextual and subject-oriented trauma approach

    A Passage of Nostalgia

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    Jacobus Kloppers, an eminent composer, organist, pedagogue, and scholar, significantly contributed to musicological and organ teaching in South Africa and Canada and, in the latter context, art music, and liturgical composition. A Passage of Nostalgia – The Life and Work of Jacobus Kloppers, as a symbolic gesture, constitute recognition of his work both in South Africa and Canada. This publication is unique in that, apart from relevant disciplinary perspectives, biographical and autobiographical narrative, and anecdote, all constitute a necessary means through which the authors illuminate Kloppers’ compositional process and its creative outcomes. In this regard, Kloppers generously dedicated his time to the project to make information on his life and work available, often in complex ways. This retrospective input supports the work offered as an authentic, self-reflective recounting of a life of dedicated service in music. The construct of nostalgia as an overarching theme to this volume on some level denotes Kloppers’ position of cultural and religious ‘insidedness’ and ‘outsidedness’. However, apart from representing a return to a lost and challenging past, the composer’s creative work affirms his individuality, sense of artistic self, and propensity for spiritual acceptance and tolerance. Moreover, nostalgia in his oeuvre takes on importance as a rhetorical artistic practice by which continuity is as central as discontinuity

    Telugu ethnic identity in Mauritius.

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    The thesis deals with different aspects of ethnicity in the multi-racial society of Mauritius. It considers the significance of ethnic identity for the sub-groups of the Indian community, both in a village situation and at the global social level in the country. Further, it attempts to elucidate the ways in which ethnic identity can he used as a resource, which each group can consciously manipulate in order to obtain specific privileges in the wider social context. Part One of the thesis deals with the village situation. Two adjacent villages are compared and the different configurations of ethnicity in each are identified and related to specific economic and social conditions in the villages as well as to the make-up of the groups themselves. It is suggested that there is a correlation between the bounded, restrictive context of the 'plantation-village' - which one of the village closely approximates - and a less overt configuration of ethnic differentiation; whereas in the other village studied, a more open-ended social and economic situation, creating avenues of social mobility and economic entrepreneurship, allows overt ethnic rivalries and separation to emerge. It is not however solely a matter of context, but also one of content that allows ethnic identity to assume different guises in the society. Identity seems to spring from a deeply imbedded notion of substance, akin to the idea of 'genus' and blood, which is an immutable part of the individual's social and psychological personality. Part Two of the thesis focuses on one group of Mauritian society, the Telugu-speaking group, which is defined as a regional and linguistic sub-group of the Indian community, but which adheres to a more distinctly ethnic selfdefinition. In a substantial sense, the group's identity hinges on institutional features of kinship and marriage. In fact, kinship as a real order of relation and as a symbolical link is the underlying fabric that holds the group together and gives it a sense of its own identity. In order to validate its identity vis-a-vis other, more cogently organised groups, however, it has to use other parameters of identity. This is done by emphasising its distinctiveness in terms of religion, language and cultural norms, which represent overt, surface boundaries demarcating the group's specificity. This is seen in terms of a structuralisation of ethnicity, or ethnicisation, whereby the group's substantial identity is translated into a consciously manipulative one. In this way, ethnicity as an order of being becomes transformed into ethnicity as a resource in the plural society

    Back to the village? An ethnographic study of an Andean community in the early Twenty-first Century.

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    This thesis is an ethnographic study of Taulli, a “Peruvian peasant community” (PPC) in the highland region of Ayacucho. PPCs are a paradigmatic type of Andean community with distinctive communal features and great historical significance. The thesis offers a detailed case study that contributes to an understanding of the maintenance, current role, and functioning, of these communities in the early Twenty-first Century. Additionally, this case study reassesses key theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of Andean cultures, defending the ongoing validity of community ethnographies and many aspects of 1960s-80s research in the Andean region (particularly its “long-termist” approaches). Specifically, the thesis examines the current role that the community (as a PPC) plays for the Taullinos -such as its respective advantages and disadvantages- in a context where far-reaching social change coexists with rich local traditions. On the one hand, it is argued that the community has become a channel through which Taullinos acquire access to new services and benefits, largely resulting from increased state intervention through unprecedented development-related initiatives. Despite their limitations and mixed results, it is shown how these initiatives partially adapt to and reinforce the local PPC status. The combination of this state intervention and other factors of change, especially emigration, are deepening local integration into national society and have brought remarkable improvements to the quality of life of Taullinos. Nonetheless, such processes are also hampered by severe problems and challenges, largely linked to a legacy of social exclusion and discrimination. On the other hand, it is argued that the community and local traditions continue to offer Taullinos a strong sense of identity and social cohesion, and some important practical advantages, in the context of social change. In particular, through their participation in the local communal organisation and ritual celebrations, which are key foci of this study. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how local traditions are dynamically reinvented to serve as a primary channel through which Taullinos experience and accommodate change. Therefore, although the local communal system is demanding and has many limitations, Taullinos unanimously accept and identify with it, and with the PPC status that guarantees its continuity