187,463 research outputs found

    Streaming, Local, and Multi­Level (Hyper)Graph Decomposition

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    (Hyper)Graph decomposition is a family of problems that aim to break down large (hyper)graphs into smaller sub(hyper)graphs for easier analysis. The importance of this lies in its ability to enable efficient computation on large and complex (hyper)graphs, such as social networks, chemical compounds, and computer networks. This dissertation explores several types of (hyper)graph decomposition problems, including graph partitioning, hypergraph partitioning, local graph clustering, process mapping, and signed graph clustering. Our main focus is on streaming algorithms, local algorithms and multilevel algorithms. In terms of streaming algorithms, we make contributions with highly efficient and effective algorithms for (hyper)graph partitioning and process mapping. In terms of local algorithms, we propose sub-linear algorithms which are effective in detecting high-quality local communities around a given seed node in a graph based on the distribution of a given motif. In terms of multilevel algorithms, we engineer high-quality multilevel algorithms for process mapping and signed graph clustering. We provide a thorough discussion of each algorithm along with experimental results demonstrating their superiority over existing state-of-the-art techniques. The results show that the proposed algorithms achieve improved performance and better solutions in various metrics, making them highly promising for practical applications. Overall, this dissertation showcases the effectiveness of advanced combinatorial algorithmic techniques in solving challenging (hyper)graph decomposition problems

    Fast Computation of Small Cuts via Cycle Space Sampling

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    We describe a new sampling-based method to determine cuts in an undirected graph. For a graph (V, E), its cycle space is the family of all subsets of E that have even degree at each vertex. We prove that with high probability, sampling the cycle space identifies the cuts of a graph. This leads to simple new linear-time sequential algorithms for finding all cut edges and cut pairs (a set of 2 edges that form a cut) of a graph. In the model of distributed computing in a graph G=(V, E) with O(log V)-bit messages, our approach yields faster algorithms for several problems. The diameter of G is denoted by Diam, and the maximum degree by Delta. We obtain simple O(Diam)-time distributed algorithms to find all cut edges, 2-edge-connected components, and cut pairs, matching or improving upon previous time bounds. Under natural conditions these new algorithms are universally optimal --- i.e. a Omega(Diam)-time lower bound holds on every graph. We obtain a O(Diam+Delta/log V)-time distributed algorithm for finding cut vertices; this is faster than the best previous algorithm when Delta, Diam = O(sqrt(V)). A simple extension of our work yields the first distributed algorithm with sub-linear time for 3-edge-connected components. The basic distributed algorithms are Monte Carlo, but they can be made Las Vegas without increasing the asymptotic complexity. In the model of parallel computing on the EREW PRAM our approach yields a simple algorithm with optimal time complexity O(log V) for finding cut pairs and 3-edge-connected components.Comment: Previous version appeared in Proc. 35th ICALP, pages 145--160, 200

    Probabilistic Spectral Sparsification In Sublinear Time

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    In this paper, we introduce a variant of spectral sparsification, called probabilistic (ε,δ)(\varepsilon,\delta)-spectral sparsification. Roughly speaking, it preserves the cut value of any cut (S,Sc)(S,S^{c}) with an 1±ε1\pm\varepsilon multiplicative error and a δS\delta\left|S\right| additive error. We show how to produce a probabilistic (ε,δ)(\varepsilon,\delta)-spectral sparsifier with O(nlogn/ε2)O(n\log n/\varepsilon^{2}) edges in time O~(n/ε2δ)\tilde{O}(n/\varepsilon^{2}\delta) time for unweighted undirected graph. This gives fastest known sub-linear time algorithms for different cut problems on unweighted undirected graph such as - An O~(n/OPT+n3/2+t)\tilde{O}(n/OPT+n^{3/2+t}) time O(logn/t)O(\sqrt{\log n/t})-approximation algorithm for the sparsest cut problem and the balanced separator problem. - A n1+o(1)/ε4n^{1+o(1)}/\varepsilon^{4} time approximation minimum s-t cut algorithm with an εn\varepsilon n additive error

    Massively Parallel Algorithms for Distance Approximation and Spanners

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    Over the past decade, there has been increasing interest in distributed/parallel algorithms for processing large-scale graphs. By now, we have quite fast algorithms -- usually sublogarithmic-time and often poly(loglogn)poly(\log\log n)-time, or even faster -- for a number of fundamental graph problems in the massively parallel computation (MPC) model. This model is a widely-adopted theoretical abstraction of MapReduce style settings, where a number of machines communicate in an all-to-all manner to process large-scale data. Contributing to this line of work on MPC graph algorithms, we present poly(logk)poly(loglogn)poly(\log k) \in poly(\log\log n) round MPC algorithms for computing O(k1+o(1))O(k^{1+{o(1)}})-spanners in the strongly sublinear regime of local memory. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first sublogarithmic-time MPC algorithms for spanner construction. As primary applications of our spanners, we get two important implications, as follows: -For the MPC setting, we get an O(log2logn)O(\log^2\log n)-round algorithm for O(log1+o(1)n)O(\log^{1+o(1)} n) approximation of all pairs shortest paths (APSP) in the near-linear regime of local memory. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first sublogarithmic-time MPC algorithm for distance approximations. -Our result above also extends to the Congested Clique model of distributed computing, with the same round complexity and approximation guarantee. This gives the first sub-logarithmic algorithm for approximating APSP in weighted graphs in the Congested Clique model

    Space and Time Efficient Parallel Graph Decomposition, Clustering, and Diameter Approximation

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    We develop a novel parallel decomposition strategy for unweighted, undirected graphs, based on growing disjoint connected clusters from batches of centers progressively selected from yet uncovered nodes. With respect to similar previous decompositions, our strategy exercises a tighter control on both the number of clusters and their maximum radius. We present two important applications of our parallel graph decomposition: (1) kk-center clustering approximation; and (2) diameter approximation. In both cases, we obtain algorithms which feature a polylogarithmic approximation factor and are amenable to a distributed implementation that is geared for massive (long-diameter) graphs. The total space needed for the computation is linear in the problem size, and the parallel depth is substantially sublinear in the diameter for graphs with low doubling dimension. To the best of our knowledge, ours are the first parallel approximations for these problems which achieve sub-diameter parallel time, for a relevant class of graphs, using only linear space. Besides the theoretical guarantees, our algorithms allow for a very simple implementation on clustered architectures: we report on extensive experiments which demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency on large graphs as compared to alternative known approaches.Comment: 14 page

    Improved set-based symbolic algorithms for parity games

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    Graph games with omega-regular winning conditions provide a mathematical framework to analyze a wide range of problems in the analysis of reactive systems and programs (such as the synthesis of reactive systems, program repair, and the verification of branching time properties). Parity conditions are canonical forms to specify omega-regular winning conditions. Graph games with parity conditions are equivalent to mu-calculus model checking, and thus a very important algorithmic problem. Symbolic algorithms are of great significance because they provide scalable algorithms for the analysis of large finite-state systems, as well as algorithms for the analysis of infinite-state systems with finite quotient. A set-based symbolic algorithm uses the basic set operations and the one-step predecessor operators. We consider graph games with n vertices and parity conditions with c priorities (equivalently, a mu-calculus formula with c alternations of least and greatest fixed points). While many explicit algorithms exist for graph games with parity conditions, for set-based symbolic algorithms there are only two algorithms (notice that we use space to refer to the number of sets stored by a symbolic algorithm): (a) the basic algorithm that requires O(n^c) symbolic operations and linear space; and (b) an improved algorithm that requires O(n^{c/2+1}) symbolic operations but also O(n^{c/2+1}) space (i.e., exponential space). In this work we present two set-based symbolic algorithms for parity games: (a) our first algorithm requires O(n^{c/2+1}) symbolic operations and only requires linear space; and (b) developing on our first algorithm, we present an algorithm that requires O(n^{c/3+1}) symbolic operations and only linear space. We also present the first linear space set-based symbolic algorithm for parity games that requires at most a sub-exponential number of symbolic operations

    Approximation of non-linear cost functions in p-graph structures

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    P-graph employs combinatorial and optimisation algorithms to solve process network synthesis (PNS) problem. However, the P-graph framework requires linear cost functions when optimising PNS problems. As a result, a high error between the user-input linear cost function and the actual non-linear cost function is likely to occur. This paper presents a new method to incorporate multiple linear cost functions in parallel for raw materials, operating units and products in P-graph problems to accurately approximate the non-linear functional form of most cost estimation functions. This was achieved by dividing the original cost functions into multiple equal segments that then could be individually represented by linear sub-functions. Application of the new method to a simple wood-to-fuel processing example influences the optimal P-graph process structure such that a previously uneconomic side-product route (pyrolysis) becomes economic and increases the overall profit. The results also demonstrate that the linear approximation error decreases with increasing numbers of segments and linear cost sub-functions. The time increase to solve the new problem structure, which has over threefold more operating units, is negligible for this simple case, but may be significant for more complex problems