62 research outputs found

    Supply chain risk management – II: A review of operational, financial and integrated approaches

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    This article is a sequel to Bandaly et al. (2011). Structured around the supply chain risk management (SCRM) typology and framework presented in the aforementioned article, this article provides a review on individual operational and financial risk management approaches reported in the literature. Avoidance, prevention and mitigation approaches reported are also summarized in tabular format for the four risk domains covered (internal operations, external stakeholders, marketplace and environment). Distinctions between operational and financial approaches are highlighted. A review of studies integrating both approaches is then presented. Areas for future research in SCRM are argued

    Cadre de planification intégrée de la chaßne logistique pour la gestion et l'évaluation de stratégies de bioraffinage forestier

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    Le bioraffinage est maintenant reconnu comme une solution prometteuse pour la transformation de l’industrie forestiĂšre. Ce concept offre l’opportunitĂ© aux entreprises forestiĂšres de diversifier leurs revenus par la production de nouveaux bioproduits Ă  valeur ajoutĂ©e. La transition vers le bioraffinage implique toutefois plusieurs changements stratĂ©giques importants, notamment dans le modĂšle d’affaires des entreprises. En effet, celles-ci devront Ă  la fois se questionner sur la pertinence de rester ou non dans le domaine plus traditionnel des pĂątes et papiers, faire la sĂ©lection d’un portefeuille de procĂ©dĂ©s et produits de bioraffinage, pĂ©nĂ©trer de nouveaux marchĂ©s, et effectuer une gestion de la production permettant de minimiser le risque de volatilitĂ© du marchĂ©. Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, les principes de gestion de la chaĂźne logistique ont Ă©tĂ© au cƓur des recherches du milieu universitaire et de l’industrie afin d’accroĂźtre la rentabilitĂ© de l’ensemble des opĂ©rations. L’application des concepts de gestion de la chaĂźne logistique pourrait donc grandement aider les entreprises forestiĂšres Ă  ĂȘtre plus compĂ©titives globalement. Dans cette optique, l’objectif principal de cette thĂšse Ă©tait de concevoir une approche systĂ©matique pour la gestion et l’évaluation de stratĂ©gies de bioraffinage intĂ©grĂ©es Ă  une usine forestiĂšre. À cet effet, une approche de gestion de la chaĂźne logistique dite axĂ©e sur les marges de profit a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Celle-ci intĂšgre des concepts inspirĂ©s de la gestion des recettes, de la flexibilitĂ© manufacturiĂšre et de la comptabilitĂ© par activitĂ©. Les concepts sont incorporĂ©s dans un modĂšle de planification tactique dont l’objectif est de maximiser la rentabilitĂ© de l’entreprise. La structure du modĂšle mathĂ©matique et du modĂšle de coĂ»t associĂ© permettent de reprĂ©senter le plus fidĂšlement possible les activitĂ©s de l’entreprise, de l’approvisionnement, jusqu’aux ventes. Il est ainsi possible de modĂ©liser les diffĂ©rentes configurations de procĂ©dĂ©s prĂ©sentes dans une usine et menant Ă  la flexibilitĂ© manufacturiĂšre. Le modĂšle peut alors ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme plateforme pour Ă©valuer diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies d’opĂ©ration de l’entreprise, aux niveaux de la production et de la chaĂźne logistique. L’approche axĂ©e sur les marges de profit a Ă©tĂ© illustrĂ©e par l’étude du cas d’une usine de production de papier journal envisageant l’implantation d’un procĂ©dĂ© de fractionnement de la biomasse pour fabriquer diffĂ©rents bioproduits. Diverses analyses tactiques et stratĂ©giques ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es pour montrer la pertinence de l’approche comme outil d’aide Ă  la prise de dĂ©cision pour des problĂšmes de gestion propres au bioraffinage forestier. Le modĂšle a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer la rentabilitĂ© d’une entreprise lors de sa transformation vers le bioraffinage, en considĂ©rant simultanĂ©ment l’investissement dans de nouveaux procĂ©dĂ©s de bioraffinage et la fermeture d’actifs papetiers. En offrant une meilleure visualisation et une meilleure comprĂ©hension de la dynamique des coĂ»ts et de la chaĂźne logistique sous divers scĂ©narios, l’outil permet d’éclairer le processus de prise de dĂ©cision. CouplĂ© Ă  une analyse de scĂ©narios, il offre aussi la possibilitĂ© de dĂ©velopper une stratĂ©gie d’implantation par phase qui stabiliserait les revenus lors de la transformation vers le bioraffinage. L’outil de planification a aussi Ă©tĂ© employĂ© pour Ă©tudier la gestion de la production du portefeuille de produits permettant d’attĂ©nuer les risques causĂ©s par la volatilitĂ© du marchĂ©. Une des analyses reliĂ©es Ă  la gestion du portefeuille porte sur l’exploitation de la flexibilitĂ© au niveau de la production de pĂątes thermomĂ©canique et dĂ©sencrĂ©e afin de minimiser le coĂ»t d’approvisionnement en matiĂšres premiĂšres selon les conditions du marchĂ©. Une autre analyse Ă©tudie l’impact de la flexibilitĂ© de l’approvisionnement et de la production d’un procĂ©dĂ© de fractionnement de la biomasse sur les ventes et la rentabilitĂ©. Les rĂ©sultats de l’étude montrent que les processus d’approvisionnement et de production doivent ĂȘtre considĂ©rablement modifiĂ©s selon les conditions de marchĂ© pour produire un portefeuille de produits avec des marges optimales. La dynamique des coĂ»ts de production et le nombre d’interrelations prĂ©sentes dans une bioraffinerie forestiĂšre complexifient l’identification des meilleures conditions d’opĂ©ration. Ils corroborent ainsi la pertinence d’utiliser un tel modĂšle de planification pour identifier les meilleures opportunitĂ©s. De plus, les rĂ©sultats montrent que, dans un contexte oĂč les ventes peuvent ĂȘtre variĂ©es jusqu’à un certain niveau, il peut ĂȘtre souhaitable de payer davantage pour certains types de biomasse si ces derniers offrent un portefeuille de produits avec de meilleurs revenus. ---------- Biorefining is now recognized as a promising solution to transform the struggling forestry industry and to generate value-added pathways. The implementation of new products and processes will help companies to diversify revenues, but implies several strategic changes in the business model. Companies will face the dilemma of exiting or not traditional pulp and paper operations, while selecting their biorefinery product and process portfolio. As well, they will have to enter new markets and manage production to minimize the risk of market volatility. Over the past decades, both industry and academia paid a lot of attention to supply-chain management in order to increase the cost effectiveness of overall operations. The application of supply-chain management concepts could therefore greatly help the transforming North American forestry industry to compete globally. The objective of this Ph.D. project was to propose and illustrate an integrated supply-chain planning framework for the management and the evaluation of forest biorefinery strategies. This framework, named margins-based, integrates principles from revenue management, activity-based cost accounting, and manufacturing flexibility in a tactical planning model that maximizes profit of a company. The structure of the mathematical model and its associated cost model aims to represent as closely as possible the activities of a company, from procurement to sales. It enables the modeling of different process configurations leading to manufacturing flexibility. The model can thus be used as a platform for evaluating various operating strategies of a company, at both production and supply-chain levels. A case study of a newsprint mill implementing a parallel biomass fractionation line producing several bioproducts was used to illustrate this margins-based approach. Various strategic and tactical analyses were conducted to show the relevance of the approach as a decision-making tool for management problems related to the forest biorefinery. The model was used to evaluate the profitability of a company during its transformation to the biorefinery, by considering the gradual divestment in pulp and paper activities, while implementing a new biorefinery process. Results show that the tool can enhance decision-making activities by providing a better visualization and better comprehension of supply-chain and cost- related dynamics under different scenarios. Coupled with a scenario analysis, it offers the opportunity to develop a phased implementation strategy that would stabilize profitability during the transformation to the biorefinery. The planning tool was also used to study the management of a product portfolio to mitigate the risk of market volatility. One analysis focused on the exploitation of thermomechanical and deinked pulping flexibility in order to minimize the cost of raw material procurement in different to market conditions. Another analysis examined the impact of feedstock and production flexibility of a fractionation process on sales and profitability. Results show that the procurement and production needed to manufacture the product mix that provides the optimum margins vary significantly. Biorefinery processes can have complex interrelations that make dynamics and trade-offs between manufacturing options not easy to identify and understand. Results thus highlight the relevance of using such planning tools to identify the best opportunities. In a context where sales can be varied to a certain level, results also show that it may be beneficial to pay more for certain types of biomass if they offer a product portfolio mix with higher revenues

    Design for Flexibility in the Forest Biorefinery Supply Chain

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    Le climat d’affaires de industrie papetiĂšre nord amĂ©ricaine et europĂ©enne change prĂ©sentement. La baisse de la demande, la volatilitĂ© des prix, l’augmentation de la compĂ©tition pour l’accĂšs aux matiĂšres premiĂšres et le contrĂŽle du marchĂ©, ainsi que des couts Ă©nergĂ©tiques passablement Ă©levĂ©s poussent les entreprises forestiĂšres Ă  rechercher de nouveaux modĂšles d’affaires afin d’ĂȘtre plus compĂ©titives sur le long terme. Une des alternatives pour ces entreprises est de se tourner vers le secteur Ă©mergent de la bioĂ©conomie et du bioraffinage. PossĂ©dant dĂ©jĂ  un systĂšme d’utilitĂ©, un rĂ©seau d’approvisionnement de matiĂšres premiĂšres, un rĂ©seau de distribution de produits ainsi qu’un savoir-faire technique ouvrant la porte Ă  de nombreuses possibilitĂ©s d’intĂ©gration massique et Ă©nergĂ©tique, l’industrie forestiĂšre possĂšde plusieurs avantages compĂ©titifs pouvant amĂ©liorer la performance Ă©conomique de l’implantation du bioraffinage. Plusieurs stratĂ©gies diffĂ©rentes peuvent ĂȘtre adoptĂ©es pour implanter des activitĂ©s de bioraffinage au sein d’une entreprise. Par contre, en raison des risques technologiques et des risques de marchĂ© associĂ©s aux nouveaux procĂ©dĂ©s et produits, et le manque en capital des entreprises forestiĂšres, l’implantation du bioraffinage devrait ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e par phase. Des outils d’analyse appropriĂ©s sont toutefois requis afin d’identifier les stratĂ©gies possibles et les phases d’implantation. Puisque la chaine logistique (SC) d’une entreprise est critique pour la compĂ©titivitĂ© Ă  long terme des bioraffineries, un outil d’analyse de la SC peut donc jouer un rĂŽle clĂ© pour une transformation d’entreprise rĂ©ussie. Une analyse de la SC calcule le bĂ©nĂ©fice pour l’ensemble de la chaine logistique et prend en compte les diffĂ©rents contributeurs de couts qui sont typiquement ignorĂ©s dans les analyses Ă©conomiques, tel que les couts d’inventaire, de transition, etc. Elle peut aussi ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour prendre en considĂ©ration la volatilitĂ© du marchĂ©, et dĂ©termine comment la flexibilitĂ© inhĂ©rente d’un systĂšme de production peut ĂȘtre exploitĂ©e pour attĂ©nuer les risques et maximiser le profit. À cet effet, une analyse de la SC peut aussi ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour cibler le niveau de flexibilitĂ© souhaitĂ© d’un systĂšme afin d’attĂ©nuer les risques de volatilitĂ© du marchĂ©. De plus, cette analyse offre une meilleure comprĂ©hension des couts et de la rentabilitĂ© d’une stratĂ©gie d’implantation donnĂ©e. Ainsi, une analyse de la SC peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e Ă  deux fins diffĂ©rentes : v ‱ Pour la prise de dĂ©cision au niveau de conception, et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, pour cibler le niveau de flexibilitĂ© d’un procĂ©dĂ© de fabrication, ‱ Pour comparer diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies pouvant ĂȘtre poursuivies par une entreprise, en Ă©valuant leur performance selon diffĂ©rentes conditions de marchĂ©. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’illustrer une telle mĂ©thodologie de conception, soit une mĂ©thodologie qui cible un niveau de flexibilitĂ© manufacturiĂšre prĂ©fĂ©rable Ă  avoir, qui aide Ă  concevoir le rĂ©seau de la SC, et qui permet d’évaluer diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies de bioraffinage pour transformer une entreprise forestiĂšre. Cette mĂ©thodologie est dĂ©montrĂ©e en utilisant une Ă©tude de cas qui inclut deux options de produits/procĂ©dĂ©, dont des procĂ©dĂ©s thermochimiques et biochimiques, et plusieurs stratĂ©gies d’implantation Ă  implanter au fil du temps. Le point d’ancrage de cette mĂ©thodologie est basĂ© sur les principes de gestion de la chaine logistique centrĂ©e sur les marges. PlutĂŽt que d’appliquer une approche traditionnelle centrĂ©e sur la production, oĂč la gestion de la capacitĂ© des Ă©quipements et la minimisation des couts de production prime, une approche centrĂ©e sur les marges vise plutĂŽt Ă  maximiser le profit. Pour ce faire, tous les couts encourus au long de la SC doivent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©s de façon intĂ©grĂ©e. De mĂȘme, le potentiel de flexibilitĂ© au sein de la SC, particuliĂšrement au niveau de la production, doit ĂȘtre exploitĂ© pour maximiser le profit. Une formulation mathĂ©matique d’optimisation est dĂ©veloppĂ©e pour reprĂ©senter une telle mentalitĂ©. Selon cette derniĂšre, une mĂ©thodologie de conception est proposĂ©e afin d’aider le processus de prise de dĂ©cision stratĂ©gique reliĂ©e au design de la chaine logistique du bioraffinage. Cette mĂ©thodologie est alimentĂ©e par d’autres mĂ©thodologies qui identifient un ensemble d’options de procĂ©dĂ©s/produits prometteurs. Elle comprend quatre Ă©tapes principales : 1. La dĂ©finition des alternatives de procĂ©dĂ©s reprĂ©sentant diffĂ©rents potentiels de flexibilitĂ©, 2. La dĂ©finition d’options de rĂ©seau de SC, en tenant compte des caractĂ©ristiques des alternatives de procĂ©dĂ©s, de mĂȘme que les politiques, les forces et les faiblesses de l’entreprise Ă©tudiant ces alternatives procĂ©dĂ©s/produits, 3. Le ciblage d’un degrĂ© de flexibilitĂ© manufacturiĂšre et d’un rĂ©seau de SC associĂ©, 4. L’analyse de stratĂ©gies d’implantation des alternatives procĂ©dĂ©s/produits retenues vi Un ensemble d’indicateurs de performance reprĂ©sentant la rentabilitĂ© de la SC, la robustesse et la flexibilitĂ© des diffĂ©rentes options de bioraffinage est utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer la performance de stratĂ©gies de bioraffinage selon diffĂ©rents scĂ©narios de marchĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que lorsque la flexibilitĂ© d’un systĂšme est amĂ©liorĂ©e, le profit augmente. Cependant, cela ne mĂšne pas nĂ©cessairement Ă  une amĂ©lioration de la rentabilitĂ©. Pour que la rentabilitĂ© d’un systĂšme flexible augmente, les investissements supplĂ©mentaires dĂ©boursĂ©s pour augmenter le degrĂ© de flexibilitĂ© doivent ĂȘtre compensĂ©s par une amĂ©lioration au niveau des profits. Ainsi, pour certains cas, la rentabilitĂ© augmente avec la flexibilitĂ© du procĂ©dĂ©, et dans certains cas non. De plus, la robustesse d’une option est directement liĂ©e Ă  sa flexibilitĂ©. Plus le degrĂ© de flexibilitĂ© augmente, plus le systĂšme devient robuste envers la volatilitĂ© du marchĂ©. De mĂȘme, les rĂ©sultats montrent l’importance de l’analyse de la SC lors de la prise de dĂ©cision reliĂ©e Ă  la conception. Ils illustrent le fait qu’un changement dans le degrĂ© de flexibilitĂ© manufacturiĂšre d’un procĂ©dĂ© affecte directement les opportunitĂ©s de l’entreprise. Ainsi, des stratĂ©gies de marchĂ© et des degrĂ©s de flexibilitĂ© diffĂ©rents impliquent une configuration de rĂ©seau de SC et une stratĂ©gie de gestion spĂ©cifiques. Il devrait donc y avoir une intĂ©gration entre la conception de procĂ©dĂ©s et la conception du rĂ©seau de la SC. Il est aussi montrĂ© que les produits chimiques Ă  valeur ajoutĂ©e sont prometteurs pour le succĂšs futur du bioraffinage. Les options de procĂ©dĂ©s fabriquant ces derniers obtiennent une rentabilitĂ© en termes de taux de retour interne considĂ©rablement plus Ă©levĂ©e que les options fabriquant des produits de commoditĂ©s.---------- The pulp and paper industry business environment in North-America and Europe is changing. Declining and volatile product price and demand, increased competition for feedstock and market share, growing competition from global low-cost producers and considerably high energy cost are driving companies to seek alternative business models to be competitive over the longer term. One alternative is to enter the bio-energy and biorefinery sectors that have been emerging in recent years. Having the required utility systems in place and the engineering know-how, existing feedstock supply chain networks and product delivery systems as well as the potential for mass and/or energy integration between existing processes and new processes imply competitive advantages for the forestry companies to improve their economic performance via implementing biorefinery. Many different strategies can be pursued for implementing the biorefinery. Due to a lack of capital for implementing such strategies, technological risks and product market immaturities, the implementation should be executed in a phase-wise manner. Proper analysis tools are required to identify feasible strategies and their implementation phases. The design and management of supply chain (SC) is critical for the long-term competitive advantage of companies who would like to implement the biorefinery. In this regard, SC analysis can be used to evaluate the potential SC performance of different biorefinery strategies. It calculates the profit across the entire SC and accounts for cost contributors that are typically ignored in economic analyses, e.g. inventory cost, changeover cost, etc. It can also be used to take into consideration market volatility, and determine how the flexibility of the manufacturing system can be exploited to mitigate market risks in order to maximize profit. In this way, SC analysis can be used to target the desired level of flexibility of a manufacturing system needed to mitigate the impact of market price volatility. Moreover, these capabilities provide better insight into the costs and profit incurred by an implemented strategy. Thus, an SC analysis can be used for two different purposes: ‱ For making design decisions, and more specifically, for targeting the level of flexibility of a system and designing the SC network configuration ‱ For comparing several strategies by evaluating their performance for different market conditions viii The objective of this thesis is to develop a design methodology for targeting the required level of flexibility, designing the SC network configuration, and evaluating different FBR strategies for transforming a forest company. The methodology is demonstrated using a case study that involves two product/process options, including thermochemical and biochemical processes, with several implementation strategies, implemented over the years. The pivot of this methodology is the margins-based thinking used as an operating policy. It is discussed that, instead of applying the traditional manufacturing-centric approach in production which focuses on capacity management and tries to minimize the costs, the margins-based policy must be implemented, which has the following specifications: ‱ It maximizes the profit instead of minimizing costs ‱ It considers all costs incurred by SC activities in an integrated manner and doesn’t only focus on production cost ‱ It exploits the potential for flexibility in the SC, especially in production, to maximize profit A SC optimization formulation is developed to represent such thinking. Using this formulation, a design methodology is proposed for making strategic decisions related to biorefinery SC design. This methodology is fed by separate methodologies which identify the most promising set of product to produce and technologies to employ. Given that, the methodology involves four major steps: ‱ Defining process alternatives representing different potentials for flexibility ‱ Defining SC network alternatives based on the defined process alternatives as well as the policies, advantages and restrictions of the company ‱ Targeting the level of flexibility of processes and determining its associated SC network ‱ Analyzing different implementation strategies for the proposed product/processes with their targeted level of flexibility and defined SC network A set of performance metrics that represents SC profitability, robustness and flexibility is used to evaluate the performance of biorefinery strategies for several market scenarios. The results show that when the flexibility of a system is enhanced, its profit increases. But this does not necessarily end in profitability improvement. For the profitability of a flexible system to ix improve, the extra capital cost paid for increasing the level of flexibility must be compensated by the profit improvement. Thus, for some cases profitability increases with flexibility and for some cases it does not. Moreover, robustness has a direct relationship with flexibility. As flexibility increases, the system becomes more robust against market volatility. The results reveal the importance of SC analysis in making design decisions. They illustrate that changes in the level of flexibility will directly affect the company’s opportunities and strategies in the market, and thus, each level of flexibility implies a specific SC network configuration and management strategy. Therefore, there must be integration between process design and SC network design. It is also shown that added-value chemicals are promising for the long-term success of biorefineries. Their profitability, in terms of internal rate of return (IRR), is considerably higher than that of commodities


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    The automotive industry is one of the world\u27s most important economic sectors in terms of revenue and employment. The automotive supply chain is complex owing to the large number of parts in an automobile, the multiple layers of suppliers to supply those parts, and the coordination of materials, information, and financial flows across the supply chain. Many uncertainties and different natural and man-made disasters have repeatedly stricken and disrupted automotive manufacturers and their supply chains. Managing supply chain risk in a complex environment is always a challenge for the automotive industry. This research first provides a comprehensive literature review of the existing research work on the supply chain risk identification and management, considering, but not limited to, the characteristics of the automotive supply chain, since the literature focusing on automotive supply chain risk management (ASCRM) is limited. The review provides a summary and a classification for the underlying supply chain risk resources in the automotive industry; and state-of-the-art research in the area is discussed, with an emphasis on the quantitative methods and mathematical models currently used. The future research topics in ASCRM are identified. Then two mathematical models are developed in this research, concentrating on supply chain risk management in the automotive industry. The first model is for optimizing manufacturer cooperation in supply chains. OEMs often invest a large amount of money in supplier development to improve suppliers’ capabilities and performance. Allocating the investment optimally among multiple suppliers to minimize risks while maintaining an acceptable level of return becomes a critical issue for manufacturers. This research develops a new non-linear investment return mathematical model for supplier development, which is more applicable in reality. The solutions of this new model can assist supply chain management in deciding investment at different levels in addition to making “yes or no” decisions. The new model is validated and verified using numerical examples. The second model is the optimal contract for new product development with the risk consideration in the automotive industry. More specifically, we investigated how to decide the supplier’s capacity and the manufacturer’s order in the supply contract in order to reduce the risks and maximize their profits when the demand of the new product is highly uncertain. Based on the newsvendor model and Stackelberg game theory, a single period two-stage supply chain model for a product development contract, consisting of a supplier and a manufacturer, is developed. A practical back induction algorithm is conducted to get subgame perfect optimal solutions for the contract model. Extensive model analyses are accomplished for various situations with theoretical results leading to conditions of solution optimality. The model is then applied to a uniform distribution for uncertain demands. Based on a real automotive supply chain case, the numerical experiments and sensitivity analyses are conducted to study the behavior and performance of the proposed model, from which some interesting managerial insights were provided. The proposed solutions provide an effective tool for making the supplier-manufacturer contracts when manufacturers face high uncertain demand. We believe that the quantitative models and solutions studied in this research have great potentials to be applied in automotive and other industries in developing the efficient supply chains involving advanced and emerging technologies

    The Politics of Medicine: Power, Actors, and Ideas in the Making of Health

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    The practice of medicine has become the prescribing of medicine. Reflecting a construct of health defined by Rationalism, individualism, and biomedical science, medicines (pharmaceuticals) are politically constructed to be the first – and sometimes only prescribed – line of defense against illness and disease. Pharmaceuticals also represent a highly desirable, ‘recession-proof’ component of many Nation-states’ (states’) export strategies, helping advanced economies, in particular, to maintain favorable trade balances and economic growth amidst the headwinds of deindustrialization. Higher use and the overreliance on pharmaceuticals promote an outsized role for certain actors and ideas in the making of global health, referring to the systems of medical practice, the norms defining health subconsciously and consciously, the politico-economic relations and decisions that prioritize certain qualities and determinants of health, and interventions relating to health. Concentrations of power deepened under globalization, reinforcing and internationalizing specific, hegemonic ideas about health that reflect the ideas and interests of dominant actors. These dynamics further privilege certain actors and ideas in political and economic processes, which have the practical effect of predetermining outcomes. In this way, power sustains the global normative and politico-economic conditions that comprise modern health—power makes health. This dissertation employs pharmaceuticals as a proxy to examine power asymmetries and market-oriented norms relating to health. The research examines the formative ideas and structuring role of power on the political salience, interests, values, and choices of the leading actors in global health. Rather than an exclusive focus on health’s visible outcomes, the research distinguishes the influence of power asymmetries expressed through norm formation and spread. It finds that health is a core issue of the 21st century global political economy and equitable scholarly focus and practical solutioning must be applied to the ideas, contexts, content, and processes that make health

    Integrated Operational and Financial Approaches in Supply Chain Risk Management

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    Like other relatively more established sub-areas of Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) is an emerging field that mostly lacks integrative approaches across disciplines. This study attempts to narrow this gap by developing an integrated approach to SCRM using operational tools and financial instruments. The conceptualization of SCRM is examined with reference to the broader literature on risk management. A SCRM framework is developed based on our taxonomies of risk and risk management approaches. Our unit of analysis is a supply chain composed of an aluminum can supplier, a brewery and a distributor. We develop a (base) stochastic optimization model that incorporates operational and financial features of the aforementioned supply chain. The supply chain is exposed to aluminum price fluctuation and demand uncertainty. Through simulation based optimization, we compare the performance of the integrated model (under which operational and financial hedging decisions are made simultaneously) to a sequential model (under which the financial decisions are made after the operational decisions are finalized, a common practice for many supply chains even today). Using experimental designs and statistical analyses, we analyze the performance of the two models in minimizing the expected total opportunity cost of the supply chain. We examine the supply chain performance in different business environments defined by iv three factors, each at three levels: risk aversion, demand variability and aluminum price volatility. We find that the integrated model outperforms the sequential model in most cases. The results also shed light on significant variations in supply chain performance under changing business environments. Managerial insights are offered based on optimization results and statistical analyses. The base model developed is then extended in two directions. First, we incorporate lead time variability as a fourth factor and study the effects of this variability. For the second extension, we introduce exchange rate risk into our base model. We examine the variations in the benefits of hedging exchange rate risk under two risk aversion levels and different exchange rate volatilities. Managerial insights on the findings of both extensions are provided. The thesis concludes with a summary of overall findings. Areas for further research are also highlighted.N/Av, 192 p: illIncludes bibliographical reference

    Intellectual Property Management in Health and Agricultural Innovation: A Handbook of Best Practices, Vol. 1

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    Prepared by and for policy-makers, leaders of public sector research establishments, technology transfer professionals, licensing executives, and scientists, this online resource offers up-to-date information and strategies for utilizing the power of both intellectual property and the public domain. Emphasis is placed on advancing innovation in health and agriculture, though many of the principles outlined here are broadly applicable across technology fields. Eschewing ideological debates and general proclamations, the authors always keep their eye on the practical side of IP management. The site is based on a comprehensive Handbook and Executive Guide that provide substantive discussions and analysis of the opportunities awaiting anyone in the field who wants to put intellectual property to work. This multi-volume work contains 153 chapters on a full range of IP topics and over 50 case studies, composed by over 200 authors from North, South, East, and West. If you are a policymaker, a senior administrator, a technology transfer manager, or a scientist, we invite you to use the companion site guide available at http://www.iphandbook.org/index.html The site guide distills the key points of each IP topic covered by the Handbook into simple language and places it in the context of evolving best practices specific to your professional role within the overall picture of IP management

    Pharmaceutical patents and the right to access to medicines in Central America

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    El vĂ­nculo entre la propiedad intelectual y el derecho a la salud se ha convertido en un tema de debate central desde la conferencia ministerial de la OrganizaciĂłn Mundial del Comercio (OMC) en 2001. En efecto, a pesar del amplio reconocimiento del derecho a la salud en la escena internacional, la cuestiĂłn de la protecciĂłn efectiva y la aplicaciĂłn del derecho en cuestiĂłn es tema de un debate constante. El objetivo de las patentes farmacĂ©uticas, es proporcionar al inventor un conjunto de derechos exclusivos durante un perĂ­odo de tiempo determinado a cambio de la divulgaciĂłn pĂșblica del medicamento reciĂ©n protegido. El rĂ©gimen de monopolio establecido conduce a un aumento significativo de los precios de los medicamentos, convirtiĂ©ndolos asĂ­ en bienes de lujo. Esta situaciĂłn suscita diversas cuestiones sobre la relaciĂłn entre el derecho a la salud y las patentes de los medicamentos, entre otros, especialmente en el caso de los paĂ­ses en desarrollo (AmĂ©rica Central).Desde el punto de vista jurĂ­dico, hay tres esferas principales del derecho internacional que son pertinentes para la cuestiĂłn actual: en primer lugar, el acceso a los medicamentos constituye una parte integrante del derecho a la salud, a fin de permitir que todos los seres humanos reciban atenciĂłn mĂ©dica, independientemente de su situaciĂłn econĂłmica. Por consiguiente, en los debates actuales se discute si los medicamentos, como bienes esenciales, pueden y deben ser patentables para garantizar el acceso a los medicamentos a la gran mayorĂ­a de las personas. Este trabajo comienza, examinando el marco legal relacionado con el derecho a la salud a la luz de los principales tratados internacionales y regionales (PIDESC - ConvenciĂłn Americana sobre Derechos Humanos). El segundo capĂ­tulo se centra principalmente en la regulaciĂłn internacional de la protecciĂłn de la propiedad intelectual de los productos farmacĂ©uticos de acuerdo con los tratados y la prĂĄctica pertinentes. AsĂ­, el capĂ­tulo ilustra las principales teorĂ­as sobre la antinomia normativa entre los tratados y proporciona un anĂĄlisis del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC. Se hace hincapiĂ© en las llamadas flexibilidades del Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC, asĂ­ como en una visiĂłn general de la subsiguiente DeclaraciĂłn de Doha, ya que ambos marcos son de importancia central para las empresas farmacĂ©uticas. El capĂ­tulo concluye con el anĂĄlisis de la regiĂłn centroamericana, que tiene como objetivo estudiar cĂłmo los acuerdos comerciales regionales obstaculizan la protecciĂłn del derecho de acceso a los medicamentos de las partes interesadas. AsĂ­ pues, se presentan dos estudios de casos para ilustrar casos concretos en los que las denominadas disposiciones ADPIC-Plus han retrasado tanto a Guatemala como a Costa Rica en el cumplimiento adecuado de sus compromisos en materia de derechos humanos. Por Ășltimo, en el tercer capĂ­tulo se aborda un aspecto igualmente valioso de la cuestiĂłn que se examina, es decir, la responsabilidad de las empresas farmacĂ©uticas en materia de derechos humanos. Esos agentes econĂłmicos, desempeñan un papel fundamental para garantizar la protecciĂłn del derecho de acceso a los medicamentos, ya que son los titulares y principales defensores de la protecciĂłn de la propiedad intelectual de los medicamentos. En esta secciĂłn se ilustran las teorĂ­as mĂĄs reconocidas sobre la personalidad jurĂ­dica internacional de esas entidades econĂłmicas peculiares con arreglo a un enfoque deductivo. De hecho, partiendo de un anĂĄlisis general de las empresas multinacionales, limitando la bĂșsqueda a fin de determinar si las empresas farmacĂ©uticas tienen o no obligaciones en materia de derechos humanos.The bond between intellectual property and the right to health has become an area under discussion of central concern since the debates at the 2001 World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial conference. Indeed, despite the extensive acknowledgement of the right to health at the international stage, the issue of giving effective protection and implementation of the right at stake, is under a constant debate. The aim of pharmaceutical patents is to provide the inventor with a set of exclusive rights for a determined period of time in exchange for the public disclosure of the newly released drug. The monopoly regime established leads to a significant increase in drugs prices, hence turning medicines into luxury goods. Such a situation triggers a variety of questions on the relationship between the right to health and patents on medicines, inter alia, in the case of developing countries (Central America). From a legal point of view, three major spheres of international law are relevant to the current issue: human rights law, international trade law and international responsibilities of non-State actors. In the first place, access to medicines constitutes an integral part of the right to health, in order to permit all human beings to receive medical care, regardless of their economic status. Accordingly, current debates argue whether drugs, as essential goods, can, and should, be patentable in order to secure access to drugs to the vast majority of people. This work starts by examining the legal framework related to the right to health in the light of the main international and regional treaties (ICESCR-American Convention on Human Rights). The second chapter mainly focuses on the international regulation of intellectual property protection of pharmaceutical products on the grounds of relevant treaties and practice. Thus, the chapter illustrates the main theories regarding normative antinomy between treaties and provides an analysis of the TRIPS Agreement. The emphasis regards the so-called TRIPS’ flexibilities as well as an overview of the subsequent Doha Declaration, both frameworks being of central importance for pharmaceutical companies. The chapter concludes with the analysis of the Central American region, which aims at examining whether the aforementioned CAFTA Agreement hindered the protection of the right to access to medicines for the parties concerned. Two case studies are, thus, provided in order to illustrate concrete instances in which the so-called TRIPS Plus provisions have delayed both Guatemala and Costa Rica in properly fulfilling their human rights undertakings under international law. Lastly, the third and final chapter addresses an equally valuable aspect of the issue under examination, namely the human rights responsibilities of pharmaceutical corporations. Such economic actors play a crucial role in ensuring the protection of the right to access to medicines, since they are the holders, and principal defenders, of IP protection for drugs. This section illustrates the most acknowledged theories on the legal personality of such peculiar economic entities under a deductive approach. In fact, starting from a general analysis of multinational corporations, the chapter narrows it down in order to determine whether or not pharmaceutical corporations are burdened with human rights obligations
