2,423 research outputs found

    Advances in Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a very dynamic area in terms of theory and application. This book brings together many different aspects of the current research on several fields associated to RL which has been growing rapidly, producing a wide variety of learning algorithms for different applications. Based on 24 Chapters, it covers a very broad variety of topics in RL and their application in autonomous systems. A set of chapters in this book provide a general overview of RL while other chapters focus mostly on the applications of RL paradigms: Game Theory, Multi-Agent Theory, Robotic, Networking Technologies, Vehicular Navigation, Medicine and Industrial Logistic

    Human-robot interaction and computer-vision-based services for autonomous robots

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    L'Aprenentatge per Imitació (IL), o Programació de robots per Demostració (PbD), abasta mètodes pels quals un robot aprèn noves habilitats a través de l'orientació humana i la imitació. La PbD s'inspira en la forma en què els éssers humans aprenen noves habilitats per imitació amb la finalitat de desenvolupar mètodes pels quals les noves tasques es poden transferir als robots. Aquesta tesi està motivada per la pregunta genèrica de "què imitar?", Que es refereix al problema de com extreure les característiques essencials d'una tasca. Amb aquesta finalitat, aquí adoptem la perspectiva del Reconeixement d'Accions (AR) per tal de permetre que el robot decideixi el què cal imitar o inferir en interactuar amb un ésser humà. L'enfoc proposat es basa en un mètode ben conegut que prové del processament del llenguatge natural: és a dir, la bossa de paraules (BoW). Aquest mètode s'aplica a grans bases de dades per tal d'obtenir un model entrenat. Encara que BoW és una tècnica d'aprenentatge de màquines que s'utilitza en diversos camps de la investigació, en la classificació d'accions per a l'aprenentatge en robots està lluny de ser acurada. D'altra banda, se centra en la classificació d'objectes i gestos en lloc d'accions. Per tant, en aquesta tesi es demostra que el mètode és adequat, en escenaris de classificació d'accions, per a la fusió d'informació de diferents fonts o de diferents assajos. Aquesta tesi fa tres contribucions: (1) es proposa un mètode general per fer front al reconeixement d'accions i per tant contribuir a l'aprenentatge per imitació; (2) la metodologia pot aplicar-se a grans bases de dades, que inclouen diferents modes de captura de les accions; i (3) el mètode s'aplica específicament en un projecte internacional d'innovació real anomenat Vinbot.El Aprendizaje por Imitación (IL), o Programación de robots por Demostración (PbD), abarca métodos por los cuales un robot aprende nuevas habilidades a través de la orientación humana y la imitación. La PbD se inspira en la forma en que los seres humanos aprenden nuevas habilidades por imitación con el fin de desarrollar métodos por los cuales las nuevas tareas se pueden transferir a los robots. Esta tesis está motivada por la pregunta genérica de "qué imitar?", que se refiere al problema de cómo extraer las características esenciales de una tarea. Con este fin, aquí adoptamos la perspectiva del Reconocimiento de Acciones (AR) con el fin de permitir que el robot decida lo que hay que imitar o inferir al interactuar con un ser humano. El enfoque propuesto se basa en un método bien conocido que proviene del procesamiento del lenguaje natural: es decir, la bolsa de palabras (BoW). Este método se aplica a grandes bases de datos con el fin de obtener un modelo entrenado. Aunque BoW es una técnica de aprendizaje de máquinas que se utiliza en diversos campos de la investigación, en la clasificación de acciones para el aprendizaje en robots está lejos de ser acurada. Además, se centra en la clasificación de objetos y gestos en lugar de acciones. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se demuestra que el método es adecuado, en escenarios de clasificación de acciones, para la fusión de información de diferentes fuentes o de diferentes ensayos. Esta tesis hace tres contribuciones: (1) se propone un método general para hacer frente al reconocimiento de acciones y por lo tanto contribuir al aprendizaje por imitación; (2) la metodología puede aplicarse a grandes bases de datos, que incluyen diferentes modos de captura de las acciones; y (3) el método se aplica específicamente en un proyecto internacional de innovación real llamado Vinbot.Imitation Learning (IL), or robot Programming by Demonstration (PbD), covers methods by which a robot learns new skills through human guidance and imitation. PbD takes its inspiration from the way humans learn new skills by imitation in order to develop methods by which new tasks can be transmitted to robots. This thesis is motivated by the generic question of “what to imitate?” which concerns the problem of how to extract the essential features of a task. To this end, here we adopt Action Recognition (AR) perspective in order to allow the robot to decide what has to be imitated or inferred when interacting with a human kind. The proposed approach is based on a well-known method from natural language processing: namely, Bag of Words (BoW). This method is applied to large databases in order to obtain a trained model. Although BoW is a machine learning technique that is used in various fields of research, in action classification for robot learning it is far from accurate. Moreover, it focuses on the classification of objects and gestures rather than actions. Thus, in this thesis we show that the method is suitable in action classification scenarios for merging information from different sources or different trials. This thesis makes three contributions: (1) it proposes a general method for dealing with action recognition and thus to contribute to imitation learning; (2) the methodology can be applied to large databases which include different modes of action captures; and (3) the method is applied specifically in a real international innovation project called Vinbot

    Control strategies for cleaning robots in domestic applications: A comprehensive review:

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    Service robots are built and developed for various applications to support humans as companion, caretaker, or domestic support. As the number of elderly people grows, service robots will be in increasing demand. Particularly, one of the main tasks performed by elderly people, and others, is the complex task of cleaning. Therefore, cleaning tasks, such as sweeping floors, washing dishes, and wiping windows, have been developed for the domestic environment using service robots or robot manipulators with several control approaches. This article is primarily focused on control methodology used for cleaning tasks. Specifically, this work mainly discusses classical control and learning-based controlled methods. The classical control approaches, which consist of position control, force control, and impedance control , are commonly used for cleaning purposes in a highly controlled environment. However, classical control methods cannot be generalized for cluttered environment so that learning-based control methods could be an alternative solution. Learning-based control methods for cleaning tasks can encompass three approaches: learning from demonstration (LfD), supervised learning (SL), and reinforcement learning (RL). These control approaches have their own capabilities to generalize the cleaning tasks in the new environment. For example, LfD, which many research groups have used for cleaning tasks, can generate complex cleaning trajectories based on human demonstration. Also, SL can support the prediction of dirt areas and cleaning motion using large number of data set. Finally, RL can learn cleaning actions and interact with the new environment by the robot itself. In this context, this article aims to provide a general overview of robotic cleaning tasks based on different types of control methods using manipulator. It also suggest a description of the future directions of cleaning tasks based on the evaluation of the control approaches

    Pathway to Future Symbiotic Creativity

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    This report presents a comprehensive view of our vision on the development path of the human-machine symbiotic art creation. We propose a classification of the creative system with a hierarchy of 5 classes, showing the pathway of creativity evolving from a mimic-human artist (Turing Artists) to a Machine artist in its own right. We begin with an overview of the limitations of the Turing Artists then focus on the top two-level systems, Machine Artists, emphasizing machine-human communication in art creation. In art creation, it is necessary for machines to understand humans' mental states, including desires, appreciation, and emotions, humans also need to understand machines' creative capabilities and limitations. The rapid development of immersive environment and further evolution into the new concept of metaverse enable symbiotic art creation through unprecedented flexibility of bi-directional communication between artists and art manifestation environments. By examining the latest sensor and XR technologies, we illustrate the novel way for art data collection to constitute the base of a new form of human-machine bidirectional communication and understanding in art creation. Based on such communication and understanding mechanisms, we propose a novel framework for building future Machine artists, which comes with the philosophy that a human-compatible AI system should be based on the "human-in-the-loop" principle rather than the traditional "end-to-end" dogma. By proposing a new form of inverse reinforcement learning model, we outline the platform design of machine artists, demonstrate its functions and showcase some examples of technologies we have developed. We also provide a systematic exposition of the ecosystem for AI-based symbiotic art form and community with an economic model built on NFT technology. Ethical issues for the development of machine artists are also discussed

    Aprendizagem automática aplicada à deteção de pessoas baseada em radar

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    The present dissertation describes the development and implementation of a radar-based system with the purpose of being able to detect people amidst other objects that are moving in an indoor scenario. The detection methods implemented exploit radar data that is processed by a system that includes the data acquisition, the pre-processing of the data, the feature extraction, and the application of these data to machine learning models specifically designed to attain the objective of target classification. Beyond the basic theoretical research necessary for its sucessful development, the work contamplates an important component of software development and experimental tests. Among others, the following topics were covered in this dissertation: the study of radar working principles and hardware; radar signal processing; techniques of clutter removal, feature exctraction, and data clustering applied to radar signals; implementation and hyperparameter tuning of machine learning classification systems; study of multi-target detection and tracking methods. The people detection application was tested in different indoor scenarios that include a static radar and a radar dynamically deployed by a mobile robot. This application can be executed in real time and perform multiple target detection and classification using basic clustering and tracking algorithms. A study of the effects of the detection of multiple targets in the performance of the application, as well as an assessment of the efficiency of the different classification methods is presented. The envisaged applications of the proposed detection system include intrusion detection in indoor environments and acquisition of anonymized data for people tracking and counting in public spaces such as hospitals and schools.A presente dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento e implementação de um sistema baseado em radar que tem como objetivo detetar e distinguir pessoas de outros objetos que se movem num ambiente interior. Os métodos de deteção e distinção exploram os dados de radar que são processados por um sistema que abrange a aquisição e pré-processamento dos dados, a extração de características, e a aplicação desses dados a modelos de aprendizagem automática especificamente desenhados para atingir o objetivo de classificação de alvos. Além do estudo da teoria básica de radar para o desenvolvimento bem sucedido desta dissertação, este trabalho contempla uma componente importante de desenvolvimento de software e testes experimentais. Entre outros, os seguintes tópicos foram abordados nesta dissertação: o estudo dos princípios básicos do funcionamento do radar e do seu equipamento; processamento de sinal do radar; técnicas de remoção de ruído, extração de características, e segmentação de dados aplicada ao sinal de radar; implementação e calibração de hiper-parâmetros dos modelos de aprendizagem automática para sistemas de classificação; estudo de métodos de deteção e seguimento de múltiplos alvos. A aplicação para deteção de pessoas foi testada em diferentes cenários interiores que incluem o radar estático ou transportado por um robot móvel. Esta aplicação pode ser executada em tempo real e realizar deteção e classificação de múltiplos alvos usando algoritmos básicos de segmentação e seguimento. O estudo do impacto da deteção de múltiplos alvos no funcionamento da aplicação é apresentado, bem como a avaliação da eficiência dos diferentes métodos de classificação usados. As possíveis aplicações do sistema de deteção proposto incluem a deteção de intrusão em ambientes interiores e aquisição de dados anónimos para seguimento e contagem de pessoas em espaços públicos tais como hospitais ou escolas.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Mobile Robots Navigation

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    Mobile robots navigation includes different interrelated activities: (i) perception, as obtaining and interpreting sensory information; (ii) exploration, as the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; (iii) mapping, involving the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; (iv) localization, as the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; (v) path planning, as the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and (vi) path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes. The book addresses those activities by integrating results from the research work of several authors all over the world. Research cases are documented in 32 chapters organized within 7 categories next described