153 research outputs found

    Novel architectures and strategies for security offloading

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    Internet has become an indispensable and powerful tool in our modern society. Its ubiquitousness, pervasiveness and applicability have fostered paradigm changes around many aspects of our lives. This phenomena has positioned the network and its services as fundamental assets over which we rely and trust. However, Internet is far from being perfect. It has considerable security issues and vulnerabilities that jeopardize its main core functionalities with negative impact over its players. Furthermore, these vulnerabilities¿ complexities have been amplified along with the evolution of Internet user mobility. In general, Internet security includes both security for the correct network operation and security for the network users and endpoint devices. The former involves the challenges around the Internet core control and management vulnerabilities, while the latter encompasses security vulnerabilities over end users and endpoint devices. Similarly, Internet mobility poses major security challenges ranging from routing complications, connectivity disruptions and lack of global authentication and authorization. The purpose of this thesis is to present the design of novel architectures and strategies for improving Internet security in a non-disruptive manner. Our novel security proposals follow a protection offloading approach. The motives behind this paradigm target the further enhancement of the security protection while minimizing the intrusiveness and disturbance over the Internet routing protocols, its players and users. To accomplish such level of transparency, the envisioned solutions leverage on well-known technologies, namely, Software Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization and Fog Computing. From the Internet core building blocks, we focus on the vulnerabilities of two key routing protocols that play a fundamental role in the present and the future of the Internet, i.e., the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and the Locator-Identifier Split Protocol (LISP). To this purpose, we first investigate current BGP vulnerabilities and countermeasures with emphasis in an unresolved security issue defined as Route Leaks. Therein, we discuss the reasons why different BGP security proposals have failed to be adopted, and the necessity to propose innovative solutions that minimize the impact over the already deployed routing solution. To this end, we propose pragmatic security methodologies to offload the protection with the following advantages: no changes to the BGP protocol, neither dependency on third party information nor on third party security infrastructure, and self-beneficial. Similarly, we research the current LISP vulnerabilities with emphasis on its control plane and mobility support. We leverage its by-design separation of control and data planes to propose an enhanced location-identifier registration process of end point identifiers. This proposal improves the mobility of end users with regards on securing a dynamic traffic steering over the Internet. On the other hand, from the end user and devices perspective we research new paradigms and architectures with the aim of enhancing their protection in a more controllable and consolidated manner. To this end, we propose a new paradigm which shifts the device-centric protection paradigm toward a user-centric protection. Our proposal focus on the decoupling or extending of the security protection from the end devices toward the network edge. It seeks the homogenization of the enforced protection per user independently of the device utilized. We further investigate this paradigm in a mobility user scenario. Similarly, we extend this proposed paradigm to the IoT realm and its intrinsic security challenges. Therein, we propose an alternative to protect both the things, and the services that leverage from them by consolidating the security at the network edge. We validate our proposal by providing experimental results from prof-of-concepts implementations.Internet se ha convertido en una poderosa e indispensable herramienta para nuestra sociedad moderna. Su omnipresencia y aplicabilidad han promovido grandes cambios en diferentes aspectos de nuestras vidas. Este fenómeno ha posicionado a la red y sus servicios como activos fundamentales sobre los que contamos y confiamos. Sin embargo, Internet está lejos de ser perfecto. Tiene considerables problemas de seguridad y vulnerabilidades que ponen en peligro sus principales funcionalidades. Además, las complejidades de estas vulnerabilidades se han ampliado junto con la evolución de la movilidad de usuarios de Internet y su limitado soporte. La seguridad de Internet incluye tanto la seguridad para el correcto funcionamiento de la red como la seguridad para los usuarios y sus dispositivos. El primero implica los desafíos relacionados con las vulnerabilidades de control y gestión de la infraestructura central de Internet, mientras que el segundo abarca las vulnerabilidades de seguridad sobre los usuarios finales y sus dispositivos. Del mismo modo, la movilidad en Internet plantea importantes desafíos de seguridad que van desde las complicaciones de enrutamiento, interrupciones de la conectividad y falta de autenticación y autorización globales. El propósito de esta tesis es presentar el diseño de nuevas arquitecturas y estrategias para mejorar la seguridad de Internet de una manera no perturbadora. Nuestras propuestas de seguridad siguen un enfoque de desacople de la protección. Los motivos detrás de este paradigma apuntan a la mejora adicional de la seguridad mientras que minimizan la intrusividad y la perturbación sobre los protocolos de enrutamiento de Internet, sus actores y usuarios. Para lograr este nivel de transparencia, las soluciones previstas aprovechan nuevas tecnologías, como redes definidas por software (SDN), virtualización de funciones de red (VNF) y computación en niebla. Desde la perspectiva central de Internet, nos centramos en las vulnerabilidades de dos protocolos de enrutamiento clave que desempeñan un papel fundamental en el presente y el futuro de Internet, el Protocolo de Puerta de Enlace Fronterizo (BGP) y el Protocolo de Separación Identificador/Localizador (LISP ). Para ello, primero investigamos las vulnerabilidades y medidas para contrarrestar un problema no resuelto en BGP definido como Route Leaks. Proponemos metodologías pragmáticas de seguridad para desacoplar la protección con las siguientes ventajas: no cambios en el protocolo BGP, cero dependencia en la información de terceros, ni de infraestructura de seguridad de terceros, y de beneficio propio. Del mismo modo, investigamos las vulnerabilidades actuales sobre LISP con énfasis en su plano de control y soporte de movilidad. Aprovechamos la separacçón de sus planos de control y de datos para proponer un proceso mejorado de registro de identificadores de ubicación y punto final, validando de forma segura sus respectivas autorizaciones. Esta propuesta mejora la movilidad de los usuarios finales con respecto a segurar un enrutamiento dinámico del tráfico a través de Internet. En paralelo, desde el punto de vista de usuarios finales y dispositivos investigamos nuevos paradigmas y arquitecturas con el objetivo de mejorar su protección de forma controlable y consolidada. Con este fin, proponemos un nuevo paradigma hacia una protección centrada en el usuario. Nuestra propuesta se centra en el desacoplamiento o ampliación de la protección de seguridad de los dispositivos finales hacia el borde de la red. La misma busca la homogeneización de la protección del usuario independientemente del dispositivo utilizado. Además, investigamos este paradigma en un escenario con movilidad. Validamos nuestra propuesta proporcionando resultados experimentales obtenidos de diferentes experimentos y pruebas de concepto implementados

    Novel architectures and strategies for security offloading

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    Internet has become an indispensable and powerful tool in our modern society. Its ubiquitousness, pervasiveness and applicability have fostered paradigm changes around many aspects of our lives. This phenomena has positioned the network and its services as fundamental assets over which we rely and trust. However, Internet is far from being perfect. It has considerable security issues and vulnerabilities that jeopardize its main core functionalities with negative impact over its players. Furthermore, these vulnerabilities¿ complexities have been amplified along with the evolution of Internet user mobility. In general, Internet security includes both security for the correct network operation and security for the network users and endpoint devices. The former involves the challenges around the Internet core control and management vulnerabilities, while the latter encompasses security vulnerabilities over end users and endpoint devices. Similarly, Internet mobility poses major security challenges ranging from routing complications, connectivity disruptions and lack of global authentication and authorization. The purpose of this thesis is to present the design of novel architectures and strategies for improving Internet security in a non-disruptive manner. Our novel security proposals follow a protection offloading approach. The motives behind this paradigm target the further enhancement of the security protection while minimizing the intrusiveness and disturbance over the Internet routing protocols, its players and users. To accomplish such level of transparency, the envisioned solutions leverage on well-known technologies, namely, Software Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization and Fog Computing. From the Internet core building blocks, we focus on the vulnerabilities of two key routing protocols that play a fundamental role in the present and the future of the Internet, i.e., the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and the Locator-Identifier Split Protocol (LISP). To this purpose, we first investigate current BGP vulnerabilities and countermeasures with emphasis in an unresolved security issue defined as Route Leaks. Therein, we discuss the reasons why different BGP security proposals have failed to be adopted, and the necessity to propose innovative solutions that minimize the impact over the already deployed routing solution. To this end, we propose pragmatic security methodologies to offload the protection with the following advantages: no changes to the BGP protocol, neither dependency on third party information nor on third party security infrastructure, and self-beneficial. Similarly, we research the current LISP vulnerabilities with emphasis on its control plane and mobility support. We leverage its by-design separation of control and data planes to propose an enhanced location-identifier registration process of end point identifiers. This proposal improves the mobility of end users with regards on securing a dynamic traffic steering over the Internet. On the other hand, from the end user and devices perspective we research new paradigms and architectures with the aim of enhancing their protection in a more controllable and consolidated manner. To this end, we propose a new paradigm which shifts the device-centric protection paradigm toward a user-centric protection. Our proposal focus on the decoupling or extending of the security protection from the end devices toward the network edge. It seeks the homogenization of the enforced protection per user independently of the device utilized. We further investigate this paradigm in a mobility user scenario. Similarly, we extend this proposed paradigm to the IoT realm and its intrinsic security challenges. Therein, we propose an alternative to protect both the things, and the services that leverage from them by consolidating the security at the network edge. We validate our proposal by providing experimental results from prof-of-concepts implementations.Internet se ha convertido en una poderosa e indispensable herramienta para nuestra sociedad moderna. Su omnipresencia y aplicabilidad han promovido grandes cambios en diferentes aspectos de nuestras vidas. Este fenómeno ha posicionado a la red y sus servicios como activos fundamentales sobre los que contamos y confiamos. Sin embargo, Internet está lejos de ser perfecto. Tiene considerables problemas de seguridad y vulnerabilidades que ponen en peligro sus principales funcionalidades. Además, las complejidades de estas vulnerabilidades se han ampliado junto con la evolución de la movilidad de usuarios de Internet y su limitado soporte. La seguridad de Internet incluye tanto la seguridad para el correcto funcionamiento de la red como la seguridad para los usuarios y sus dispositivos. El primero implica los desafíos relacionados con las vulnerabilidades de control y gestión de la infraestructura central de Internet, mientras que el segundo abarca las vulnerabilidades de seguridad sobre los usuarios finales y sus dispositivos. Del mismo modo, la movilidad en Internet plantea importantes desafíos de seguridad que van desde las complicaciones de enrutamiento, interrupciones de la conectividad y falta de autenticación y autorización globales. El propósito de esta tesis es presentar el diseño de nuevas arquitecturas y estrategias para mejorar la seguridad de Internet de una manera no perturbadora. Nuestras propuestas de seguridad siguen un enfoque de desacople de la protección. Los motivos detrás de este paradigma apuntan a la mejora adicional de la seguridad mientras que minimizan la intrusividad y la perturbación sobre los protocolos de enrutamiento de Internet, sus actores y usuarios. Para lograr este nivel de transparencia, las soluciones previstas aprovechan nuevas tecnologías, como redes definidas por software (SDN), virtualización de funciones de red (VNF) y computación en niebla. Desde la perspectiva central de Internet, nos centramos en las vulnerabilidades de dos protocolos de enrutamiento clave que desempeñan un papel fundamental en el presente y el futuro de Internet, el Protocolo de Puerta de Enlace Fronterizo (BGP) y el Protocolo de Separación Identificador/Localizador (LISP ). Para ello, primero investigamos las vulnerabilidades y medidas para contrarrestar un problema no resuelto en BGP definido como Route Leaks. Proponemos metodologías pragmáticas de seguridad para desacoplar la protección con las siguientes ventajas: no cambios en el protocolo BGP, cero dependencia en la información de terceros, ni de infraestructura de seguridad de terceros, y de beneficio propio. Del mismo modo, investigamos las vulnerabilidades actuales sobre LISP con énfasis en su plano de control y soporte de movilidad. Aprovechamos la separacçón de sus planos de control y de datos para proponer un proceso mejorado de registro de identificadores de ubicación y punto final, validando de forma segura sus respectivas autorizaciones. Esta propuesta mejora la movilidad de los usuarios finales con respecto a segurar un enrutamiento dinámico del tráfico a través de Internet. En paralelo, desde el punto de vista de usuarios finales y dispositivos investigamos nuevos paradigmas y arquitecturas con el objetivo de mejorar su protección de forma controlable y consolidada. Con este fin, proponemos un nuevo paradigma hacia una protección centrada en el usuario. Nuestra propuesta se centra en el desacoplamiento o ampliación de la protección de seguridad de los dispositivos finales hacia el borde de la red. La misma busca la homogeneización de la protección del usuario independientemente del dispositivo utilizado. Además, investigamos este paradigma en un escenario con movilidad. Validamos nuestra propuesta proporcionando resultados experimentales obtenidos de diferentes experimentos y pruebas de concepto implementados.Postprint (published version

    Implementation of ISO Frameworks to Risk Management in IPv6 Security

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    The Internet of Things is a technology wave sweeping across various industries and sectors. It promises to improve productivity and efficiency by providing new services and data to users. However, the full potential of this technology is still not realized due to the transition to IPv6 as a backbone. Despite the security assurances that IPv6 provides, privacy and concerns about the Internet of Things remain. This is why it is important that organizations thoroughly understand the protocol and its migration to ensure that they are equipped to take advantage of its many benefits. Due to the lack of available IPv4 addresses, organizations are in an uncertain situation when it comes to implementing IoT technologies. The other aim is to fill in the gaps left by the ISO to identify and classify the risks that are not yet apparent. The thesis seeks to establish and implement the use of ISO to manage risks. It will also help to align security efforts with organizational goals. The proposed solution is evaluated through a survey that is designed to gather feedback from various levels of security and risk management professionals. The suggested modifications are also included in the study. A survey on the implementation of ISO frameworks to risk management in IPv6 was conducted and with results as shown in the random sampling technique that was used for conducting the research a total of 75 questionnaires were shared online, 50 respondents returned responses online through emails and social media platforms. The result of the analysis shows that system admin has the highest pooling 26% of all the overall participants, followed by network admin with 20%, then cybersecurity specialists with 16%. 14% of the respondents were network architects while senior management and risk management professionals were 4% and 2% respectively. The majority of the respondents agreed that risk treatment enhances the risk management performance of the IPv6 network resulting from the proper selection and implementation of correct risk prevention strategies

    From the edge to the core : towards informed vantage point selection for internet measurement studies

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    Since the early days of the Internet, measurement scientists are trying to keep up with the fast-paced development of the Internet. As the Internet grew organically over time and without build-in measurability, this process requires many workarounds and due diligence. As a result, every measurement study is only as good as the data it relies on. Moreover, data quality is relative to the research question—a data set suitable to analyze one problem may be insufficient for another. This is entirely expected as the Internet is decentralized, i.e., there is no single observation point from which we can assess the complete state of the Internet. Because of that, every measurement study needs specifically selected vantage points, which fit the research question. In this thesis, we present three different vantage points across the Internet topology— from the edge to the Internet core. We discuss their specific features, suitability for different kinds of research questions, and how to work with the corresponding data. The data sets obtained at the presented vantage points allow us to conduct three different measurement studies and shed light on the following aspects: (a) The prevalence of IP source address spoofing at a large European Internet Exchange Point (IXP), (b) the propagation distance of BGP communities, an optional transitive BGP attribute used for traffic engineering, and (c) the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on Internet usage behavior at a large Internet Service Provider (ISP) and three IXPs.Seit den frühen Tagen des Internets versuchen Forscher im Bereich Internet Measu- rement, mit der rasanten Entwicklung des des Internets Schritt zu halten. Da das Internet im Laufe der Zeit organisch gewachsen ist und nicht mit Blick auf Messbar- keit entwickelt wurde, erfordert dieser Prozess eine Meg Workarounds und Sorgfalt. Jede Measurement Studie ist nur so gut wie die Daten, auf die sie sich stützt. Und Datenqualität ist relativ zur Forschungsfrage - ein Datensatz, der für die Analyse eines Problems geeiget ist, kann für ein anderes unzureichend sein. Dies ist durchaus zu erwarten, da das Internet dezentralisiert ist, d. h. es gibt keinen einzigen Be- obachtungspunkt, von dem aus wir den gesamten Zustand des Internets beurteilen können. Aus diesem Grund benötigt jede Measurement Studie gezielt ausgewählte Beobachtungspunkte, die zur Forschungsfrage passen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir drei verschiedene Beobachtungspunkte vor, die sich über die gsamte Internet-Topologie erstrecken— vom Rand bis zum Kern des Internets. Wir diskutieren ihre spezifischen Eigenschaften, ihre Eignung für verschiedene Klas- sen von Forschungsfragen und den Umgang mit den entsprechenden Daten. Die an den vorgestellten Beobachtungspunkten gewonnenen Datensätze ermöglichen uns die Durchführung von drei verschiedenen Measurement Studien und damit die folgenden Aspekte zu beleuchten: (a) Die Prävalenz von IP Source Address Spoofing bei einem großen europäischen Internet Exchange Point (IXP), (b) die Ausbreitungsdistanz von BGP-Communities, ein optionales transitives BGP-Attribut, das Anwendung im Bereich Traffic-Enigneering findet sowie (c) die Auswirkungen der globalen COVID- 19-Pandemie auf das Internet-Nutzungsverhalten an einem großen Internet Service Provider (ISP) und drei IXPs

    The InfoSec Handbook

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    Cloud Security Risk Management: A Critical Review

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    Cloud computing has created a remarkable paradigm shift in the IT industry and brought several advantages such as on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service. These advantages enabled cloud to have significant impact on different sectors of smart cites. However, cloud adoption has increased the sophistication of the ever changing security risks which frustrate enterprises on expanding their on-premises infrastructure towards cloud horizons. These risks have the potential of being a major concern for smart cities due to the increasing impact of cloud on them. Managing these security risks requires adopting effective risk management method which involve both the cloud service provider and the customer. The risk management frameworks currently applied to manage enterprise IT risks do not readily fit the cloud environment and the dynamic nature of clouds, which are characterized by on demand self-service and rapid elasticity. Therefore, researchers have proposed different cloud security risk management methods and frameworks. This paper critically reviews these risk management methods and frameworks. In addition, it conducts critical analysis on two of them using qualitative content analysis technique, and evaluates their effectiveness for assessing and mitigating cloud security risks

    The effects of security protocols on cybercrime at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) within the educational sector is increasing rapidly. University systems are becoming increasingly dependent on computerized information systems (CIS) in order to carry out their daily routine. Moreover, CIS no longer process staff records and financial data only, as they once did. Nowadays, universities use CIS to assist in automating the overall system. This automation includes the use of multiple databases, data detail periodicity (i.e. gender, race/ethnicity, enrollment, degrees granted, and program major), record identification (e.g. social security number ‘SSN’), linking to other databases (i.e. linking unit record data with external databases such as university and employment data). The increasing demand and exposure to Internet resources and infrastructure by individuals and universities have made IT infrastructure easy targets for cybercriminals who employ sophisticated attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threats, Distributed Denial of Service attacks and Botnets in order to steal confidential data, identities of individuals and money. Hence, in order to stay in business, universities realise that it is imperative to secure vital Information Systems from easily being exploited by emerging and existing forms of cybercrimes. This study was conducted to determine and evaluate the various forms of cybercrimes and their consequences on the university network at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The study was also aimed at proposing means of mitigating cybercrimes and their effects on the university network. Hence, an exploratory research design supported by qualitative research approach was used in this study. Staff of the Institute of Computing, Information and Communication technology (ICICT) were interviewed. The findings of the study present different security measures, and security tools that can be used to effectively mitigate cybercrimes. It was found that social engineering, denial of service attacks, website defacement were among the types of cybercrimes occurring on the university network. It is therefore recommended that behavioural approach in a form of motivation of staff behaviour, salary increases, and cash incentive to reduce cybercrime perpetrated by these staff

    Security Management Framework for the Internet of Things

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    The increase in the design and development of wireless communication technologies offers multiple opportunities for the management and control of cyber-physical systems with connections between smart and autonomous devices, which provide the delivery of simplified data through the use of cloud computing. Given this relationship with the Internet of Things (IoT), it established the concept of pervasive computing that allows any object to communicate with services, sensors, people, and objects without human intervention. However, the rapid growth of connectivity with smart applications through autonomous systems connected to the internet has allowed the exposure of numerous vulnerabilities in IoT systems by malicious users. This dissertation developed a novel ontology-based cybersecurity framework to improve security in IoT systems using an ontological analysis to adapt appropriate security services addressed to threats. The composition of this proposal explores two approaches: (1) design time, which offers a dynamic method to build security services through the application of a methodology directed to models considering existing business processes; and (2) execution time, which involves monitoring the IoT environment, classifying vulnerabilities and threats, and acting in the environment, ensuring the correct adaptation of existing services. The validation approach was used to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing the proposed cybersecurity framework. It implies the evaluation of the ontology to offer a qualitative evaluation based on the analysis of several criteria and also a proof of concept implemented and tested using specific industrial scenarios. This dissertation has been verified by adopting a methodology that follows the acceptance in the research community through technical validation in the application of the concept in an industrial setting.O aumento no projeto e desenvolvimento de tecnologias de comunicação sem fio oferece múltiplas oportunidades para a gestão e controle de sistemas ciber-físicos com conexões entre dispositivos inteligentes e autônomos, os quais proporcionam a entrega de dados simplificados através do uso da computação em nuvem. Diante dessa relação com a Internet das Coisas (IoT) estabeleceu-se o conceito de computação pervasiva que permite que qualquer objeto possa comunicar com os serviços, sensores, pessoas e objetos sem intervenção humana. Entretanto, o rápido crescimento da conectividade com as aplicações inteligentes através de sistemas autônomos conectados com a internet permitiu a exposição de inúmeras vulnerabilidades dos sistemas IoT para usuários maliciosos. Esta dissertação desenvolveu um novo framework de cibersegurança baseada em ontologia para melhorar a segurança em sistemas IoT usando uma análise ontológica para a adaptação de serviços de segurança apropriados endereçados para as ameaças. A composição dessa proposta explora duas abordagens: (1) tempo de projeto, o qual oferece um método dinâmico para construir serviços de segurança através da aplicação de uma metodologia dirigida a modelos, considerando processos empresariais existentes; e (2) tempo de execução, o qual envolve o monitoramento do ambiente IoT, a classificação de vulnerabilidades e ameaças, e a atuação no ambiente garantindo a correta adaptação dos serviços existentes. Duas abordagens de validação foram utilizadas para demonstrar a viabilidade da implementação do framework de cibersegurança proposto. Isto implica na avaliação da ontologia para oferecer uma avaliação qualitativa baseada na análise de diversos critérios e também uma prova de conceito implementada e testada usando cenários específicos. Esta dissertação foi validada adotando uma metodologia que segue a validação na comunidade científica através da validação técnica na aplicação do nosso conceito em um cenário industrial

    The InfoSec Handbook

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