546 research outputs found

    Study on Employee Satisfaction in Enterprises-- Based on the Empirical Analysis of Ningbo Foreign Trade Enterprises

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    By improving employee satisfaction and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the employees improve the core competence of enterprises has become one of the important factors, this article through to ningbo home and foreign trade enterprise employee satisfaction survey, the empirical analysis of the influence factors of employee satisfaction, and puts forward relevant suggestions

    MBOs performance of state owned enterprises: the case of China

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    By reviewing and analyzing the MBO cases of 66 Chinese listed companies in the last ten years, this study draws the MBO map of Chinese enterprises and finds that the main problems in the MBOs of Chinese enterprises are the unreasonable pricing of MBOs and the lack of incentive mechanisms at the management level. In this study, 19 state-owned enterprises that are listed companies were selected as samples and the corresponding industry pairing enterprises were also selected. 2793 sample firm financial data items of 19 firms were obtained by calculating 21 financial performance indicators 7 years before and after acquisition. The financial performance indicators of this study were analyzed through DuPont financial analysis, analysis of cash flow index, analysis of scale index, analysis of investment index and change of financial performance. The financial data was analyzed through regression analysis. The analysis found that the MBOs of Chinese state-owned enterprises were better developed than the industry in terms of profitability, operational ability, debt paying ability, cash flow and asset scale. In terms of cash flow, the growth rate of net cash flow after MBO improved. In terms of asset size, the company’s annual asset growth rate was positive after deducting industry factors before and after MBO. This indicates that the scale of assets of the sample enterprises was increasing when compared with the industry. However, the regression analysis, after controlling the sample selection bias and factors such as the company's asset management, showed that the financial indicators of the company have not significantly improved after the MBO, suggesting that the MBOs of state-owned enterprises in China exhibited a relatively low efficiency.Através da revisão e da análise de casos de aquisição pelos quadros (MBO) de 66 empresas chinesas cotadas na última década, este estudo utiliza o mapa MBO de empresas chinesas, tendo encontrado que os principais problemas destes MBO são os seus preços injustificados e a falta de mecanismos de incentivo ao nível da administração. Neste estudo, 19 empresas públicas e cotadas foram escolhidas para amostra, e emparelhadas com empresas correspondentes do mesmo ramo. 2973 dados financeiros das 19 empresas da amostra foram obtidos através do cálculo de 21 indicadores de desempenho financeiro, a intervalos de 7 anos anteriores e posteriores às respetivas aquisições. Os indicadores de desempenho financeiro deste estudo foram analisados com análise financeira DuPont, análise do índice de fluxo de caixa, análise do índice de escala, análise do índice de investimento e alterações no desempenho financeiro. Os dados financeiros são analisados posteriormente com base numa análise de regressão. Concluiu-se que as MBO de empresas públicas chinesas estão mais desenvolvidas que as suas respetivas indústrias em termos de lucro, capacidade operacional, pagamento de dívidas, fluxos de caixa e escala dos ativos. No que toca ao fluxo de caixa, o índice de crescimento do fluxo de caixa líquido pós-MBO melhorou. Em termos do volume de ativos, o índice de crescimento anual das empresas é positivo após a dedução de fatores da indústria pré- e pós-MBO. Isto indica que a escala dos ativos das empresas-amostra aumenta comparativamente à sua respetiva indústria. No entanto, a análise de regressão indica que, após o controlo da polarização de seleção na amostra, assim como de fatores como a gestão dos ativos da empresa, os indicadores financeiros da empresa não melhoraram de forma significativa após o MBO, sugerindo que os MBO de empresas públicas chinesas tendem a ser pouco eficazes

    The impact of corporate social responsability on turnover intention: an empirical study of three private hospitals in Ningbo, China

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    In the process of health system reform in China, the development of private hospitals has drawn wide attention from the government and society. From the central government to local governments at various levels, a package of policies has been introduced to encourage the development of private hospitals. However, efforts over the past 20 years have not achieved significant results. Currently, although an increasing number of private hospitals are appearing, they are typically characterized by small scale, low technology and unsatisfactory economic and social benefits. The high turnover rate of medical professionals is the most important factor hindering the development of private hospitals. A careful analysis of reasons for existing problems reveals that investors and managers in private hospitals excessively pursue the economic benefits while putting little emphasis on the hospital culture construction and hospital social responsibility. As a result, the medical staff lack sense of belonging, accomplishment and safety and the organization lacks cohesion. The thesis makes an empirical study on three private hospitals in Ningbo and Zhejiang Private Hospital Association and 607 valid questionnaires are retrieved and analyzed. First, the reliability and validity of questionnaires is tested using exploratory factor analysis method, and Cronbach Alpha; second, the model fitness is tested using confirmatory factor analysis method and SEM is used to test the proposed hypotheses; finally, the independent sample T test and ANOV Aare used to analyze the effect of demographic factors such as gender, age and rank on the research variables. The main research results are as follows: (1) CSR, organizational culture and organizational identification are closely correlated. (2) Both internal and external corporate social responsibility (INCSR and EXCSR) in the private hospitals surveyed have a positive effect on the organizational culture. (3) INCSR has a positive effect on organizational identification while EXCSR has a negative effect on organizational identification. This because private hospitals fail to attach great importance to the stakeholder that really matter when performing social responsibility. (4) The organizational culture (OC) has a positive effect on organizational identification (OI), and OI/OC is negatively correlated with turnover intention The study focuses on the separate study of CSR, organizational culture and organizational identification and puts forward the functions and effect of performing CSR that are rarely mentioned by either foreign or Chinese scholars. In a practical sense, it has laid a theoretical foundation for private hospitals on how to construct a good organizational culture and strengthen human resources management.Enquanto parte integrante da reforma do sistema de saúde na China, o desenvolvimento de hospitais privados tem vindo a merecer a atenção do governo e da sociedade. Quer o governo central quer os governos locais a vários níveis têm vindo a introduzir um conjunto de políticas no sentido de encorajar o desenvolvimento deste tipo de hospitais. Contudo e apesar destes esforços já decorrerem nos últimos 20 anos, os resultados não têm sido significativos. O número de hospitais privados tem sido crescente, mas são em geral de pequena dimensão, possuem tecnologia deficiente e produzem resultados económicos e sociais pouco satisfatórios, sendo a rotação de pessoal médico o factor que mais afecta o seu desenvolvimento. Uma análise das razões para este problema revela que investidores e gestores estão mais interessados em benefícios económicos negligenciando a construção de uma cultura organizacional e também a responsabilidade social dos hospitais. Em consequência o pessoal médico não tem sentido de pertença, não se sente realizado, sente-se inseguro e tudo isto contribui para uma falta de coesão na organização. Esta tese realiza um estudo empírico em três hospitais privados na cidade de Ningbo e na Associação de Hospitais Privados da Província de Zhejiang tendo como base 607 respostas válidas a um questionário desenvolvido para o efeito. O nível de confiança e a validade dos questionários foi testada através de análise factorial exploratória e Cronbach Alpha. A adequação do modelo foi testada através de análise factorial confirmatória e as hipóteses propostas foram testadas através do modelo de equações estruturais. Utilizou-se por fim o teste t e ANOVA para analisar os efeitos das variáveis demográficas tais como género, idade e posto de trabalho nas variáveis do modelo. Os principais resultados foram os seguintes: (1) A responsabilidade social (RS), a cultura organizacional e a identificação com a organização estão intimamente correlacionadas; (2) Na amostra analisada, quer a RS interna quer a RS externa (RS-IN; RS-EX) têm um efeito positivo na cultura organizacional; (3) A RS-IN tem um efeito positivo na identificação com a organização enquanto que esse efeito é negativo no que respeita à RS-EX, isto porque, ao exercerem a sua responsabilidade social, os hospitais privados da amostra não parecem dar grande importância aos stakeholders que de facto importam; (4) A cultura organizacional tem um efeito positivo sobre a identificação com a organização e ambos os construtos estão negativamente correlacionados com a intenção de deixar a organização. Este estudo analisa a importância da responsabilidade social na construção da cultura organizacional e no desenvolvimento da identificação com a organização e inclui elementos que raramente são considerados no contexto chinês. Por outro lado contribui com fundamentação teórica para que os hospitais privados na China possam construir uma boa cultura organizacional e assim fortalecerem a gestão dos seus recursos humanos

    Turnover intention of Chinese millennial migrant workers in manufacturing industry: the impacts of work income and identification

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    In recent years, turnover of the millennial migrant workers has become a big challenge in the manufacturing industry in China’s eastern coastal provinces. This thesis examines the relationship between the turnover intention of the millennial migrant workers and their work income, organizational and regional identifications and job satisfaction. A sample of 497 self-report questionnaires was collected from the millennial migrant workers in coastal areas of China, and SPSS was used to run regression analysis to test the theoretical model. This study reveals the following results. First, the actual income and comparative income gap (actual income-native place income) of the millennial migrant workers are positively correlated with job satisfaction; actual income is positively correlated with turnover intention, and the impact of comparative income gap (actual income-native place income) on turnover intentions is not significant. Second, both the organizational identification and regional identification of the millennial migrant workers are positively correlated with job satisfaction. The organizational identification and regional identification are negatively correlated with turnover intention. Third, the job satisfaction of the millennial migrant workers has a negative impact on their turnover intention; the job satisfaction has a mediating effect in the relationship between actual income and turnover intention, and the mediating effect of job satisfaction in the relationship between comparative income gap and turnover intention, is not significant; job satisfaction plays a mediating role in the relationships between both organizational identification and regional identification, and turnover intention respectively. Based on the above research results, the thesis discusses implications at three levels, including government policy-making, enterprise management and individual millennial migrant workers.Nos últimos anos, o turnover dos trabalhadores migrantes da geração Y (millennials) tornou-se um grande desafio para a indústria nas províncias costeiras orientais chinesas. Esta tese examina a relação entre a intenção de saída voluntária destes trabalhadores migrantes e a sua remuneração, identificação organizacional e com a região, e satisfação no trabalho. Recolheu-se uma amostra de 497 questionários auto-reportados por trabalhadores migrantes da geração Y nas áreas costeiras da China e utilizou-se análises de regressão com o SPSS para testar o modelo teórico. Este estudo encontrou os seguintes resultados: Primeiro, a remuneração atual e a discrepância remuneratória (remuneração atual subtraída da remuneração auferida no local de origem) dos trabalhadores migrantes da geração Y estão positivamente associadas com a satisfação no trabalho; a remuneração atual está positivamente associada com a intenção de saída voluntária, e o impacto da discrepância remuneratória nas intenções de saída voluntária não é estatisticamente significativa. Segundo, a identificação dos trabalhadores migrantes da geração Y com a organização e com a região está positivamente associada com a satisfação com o trabalho. Estão ambas associadas negativamente com a intenção de saída voluntária. Terceiro, a satisfação no trabalho por parte dos trabalhadores migrantes da geração Y tem um impacto negativo na sua intenção de saída; a satisfação no trabalho tem um efeito mediador na relação entre a remuneração atual e a intenção de saída voluntária, e o efeito indireto da mediação da satisfação no trabalho entre a discrepância remuneratória e as intenções de saída voluntária não é significativo; a satisfação no trabalho desempenha um papel mediador na relação entre a identificação organizacional e a regional com a intenção de saída voluntária. Com base nos resultados expostos a tese discute as implicações a três níveis incluindo a produção de políticas governamentais, a gestão de empresas e os indivíduos trabalhadores migrantes da geração Y


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    This research investigates Destination Management Organisation (DMOs) in China, and looks at their functions and their adoption of Performance Measurement Systems (PMSs). A two-stage questionnaire survey has adopted to achieve the pre-determined aims of the research. Finally, ninety-three DMOs took part in the first stage survey and thirty-four DMOs were involved in the second stage survey. The key findings from the research are as follows. (1) Irrespective of their nature and level, Chinese DMOs attached most importance to the functions of “economic-driver”, “marketing” and “coordination & collaboration”. (2) DMOs attached a second level of importance to the functions of “operator”, “administrator”, “statistics” and “training”; however, particularly at municipality and city levels; also Chinese public DMOs paid more attention to these aspects. (3) Chinese public DMOs, particularly at provincial and city level, placed more emphasis on the functions of “regulator” and “legitimacy”. (4) Chinese higher-level public DMOs paid less attention to the function of “public awareness”, “funding” and “international relations”, however they did performed much better than non-public lower-level DMOs to these tasks. (5) Chinese governmental DMOs at higher-level, and private DMOs, were the best at adopting PMSs in their organisations. (6) The PMSs of Chinese DMOs paid greatest attention to measuring the aspects of “visitor”, “earning” and “marketing”, and medium levels of attention to the aspects of “stakeholder”, “operation” and “event”, and relatively low attention to evaluating their performance of the aspects of “employment” and “innovation” in their organisations. Finally, a refined PMS model that could be adopted by Chinese DMOs in the future was developed at the end. Based on the above findings, the refined model aimed to measure the performance of “stakeholders”, “employees” and “customers” by assessing the outcomes of the aspects of “management” and “marketing” for Chinese DMOs. The refined PMS model was developed and based on the top-down operation system that currently existed in China and was supposed to pursue every major aspect of the system for each stakeholder in the DMOs

    An institutional approach to the development of the textile and clothing clusters in China: the case of Zhejiang Province

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    China has now become the largest producer and exporter of textile and clothing products in the world. The objective of this research is to explore the relationship between the complicated interactive process of institutional change and the development of industrial clusters in China. It focuses on the distinctive institutional factors that have allowed the textile and clothing clusters in China to benefit from globalisation while those in other transitional economies have not done so. The research also aims to make a thorough investigation into how the dynamic change of the public-private interface has influenced the development and upgrading of the textile and clothing clusters in contemporary China-in-transition, with all the political and social implications that the process entails. The research mainly uses the New Institutional Economics Approach (NIE) and gives weight to institutional change through multiple case studies of textile and clothing clusters in Zhejiang province, East China. The micro case studies are effective in illustrating the interaction between institutional change and industrial development. The research argues that the unique institutional factors leading to the rapid development of textile and clothing clusters in China include hybrid ownership, public entrepreneurship and the specialised wholesale market. The research has also shown that the theory of local state corporatism alone fails to explain the great success of textile and clothing clusters in China. The development and upgrading of textile and clothing clusters in China has witnessed extraordinary institutional change through co-evolution between the public sector and the private sector, which can be reflected through the interaction among social networks, entrepreneurship and performance of local government. The flexibility in the public-private interface is one unique endogenous institutional arrangement embedded in the economic system in China. It is a dynamic process of institutional embeddedness, deembeddedness and reembeddedness with a diversity of economic regimes coexisting at different hierarchies of governmen

    The architecture of coopetition: strategic intent, ambidextrous managers, and knowledge sharing

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    The study investigates the significance of strategic intent, manager's ambidexterity, and knowledge sharing routines for firms in their quest to pursue coopetition. We utilize the resource-based view and the dynamic capabilities theory to ground our hypotheses. We test the hypotheses using the data collected from 313 firms that engage in coopetition relationships through an online survey. The findings forward knowledge sharing and ambidextrous managers as intervening variables, in that when complemented with knowledge sharing, a firm's strategic intent could better guide the firm's managers to pursue coopetition successfully. Findings further advocate that knowledge sharing complements to enable the relationship between a firm's strategic intent and its ambidextrous managers, as well as the relationship between strategic intent and coopetition. Furthermore, results also indicate that ambidextrous managers, with a skillset of a combination of exploration and exploitation, are positively associated to coopetition. Overall, the findings make important theoretical as well as empirical contributions to the coopetition and strategic alliance literature

    러시아 운송 시장에서 접이식 컨테이너 도입에 영향을 미치는 핵심 요인에 대한 실증 분석

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    The total container turnover of Russian seaports in 2017 amounted to 4.62 million TEUs, however, empty containers occupied 40% of the export traffic. In the same year, Russian railways transported about 4 million TEUs, but 32.6% of them were empty. Such significant amount of empty traffic causes problems for Russian transportation sector. It is notable that many recent studies reveal that foldable containers may be an effective and innovative solution to the empty container traffic problem. Furthermore, Moon et al. (2013) noted that foldable containers could become cheaper and their use is going to be more beneficial in case of an extensive adoption of container-folding technologies. Konings (2005) found that foldable containers might lead to substantial net benefits in the total chain of container transport, if they were used more extensively in the transportation chain. Russia has a great potential role in the global transportation system, primarily due to its geographical location. Today, the world transportation system’s development tends toward global integration. In order to become a major participant, Russia must not rely on its successful geographical location only, because without proper technical innovations this advantage is not going to be enough. Thus, it would be very unwise for Russian container transportation executives to overlook such promising technology as foldable containers. In this paper, we studied the opportunities for foldable container technology application in Russian transportation industry; the factors that may promote or hamper the application process were analyzed as well. To inquire the professional opinion on the empty container traffic issue and important aspects of containerized shipments, the survey were conducted for subsequent Factor Analysis and ANOVA. The final goal of the survey was to determine the market’s interest in foldable containers. In addition, in order to contribute to the knowledge of foldable containers potential gains, the Cost–Benefit analysis along with the Sensitivity Analysis of Busan-Vostochny-Moscow route (maritime/continental concept) were conducted. Further, on the port-to-port concept, the estimates were adopted from the 2005-2017 data for Busan - Vladivostok/Vostochny container route.List of Tables iv List of Figures vii Abstract ix 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background and objectives 1 1.2 Literature review 9 1.3. Methodology 14 2. Factors that influence empty container traffic in Russia 15 2.1 Economy 15 2.1.1. Russian foreign trade 15 2.1.2. Import and export trends 18 2.2. Distinctive features of Russian regional structure 26 2.2.1. Industrial growth 28 2.2.2. Export oriented and import oriented regions 32 2.3. Foreign relations 35 2.3.1. Expansion of cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region 39 2.3.2. International transport corridors 43 2.3.3. International UNIONS 47 3. Factors of foldable containers implementation 56 3.1. Certification 56 3.2. Technology 57 3.2.1. Container types 57 3.2.2. The issues of folding technology 58 3.2.3. Differences between folding technologies 59 3.3. Environmental initiatives 65 3.4. Finance, access of finance, investment risk, budget subsidy 69 4. Factors that determine Russian transportation market participants’ opinion 74 4.1. Questionnaire 74 4.2. Important Factors of Russian Container Market 77 4.3. Factor Analysis 78 4.4. Analysis of variance 83 5. Case study: The ports of the Russian Far Eastern sea basin and Busan port 89 5.1. The ports of the Russian Far East 89 5.1.1. The port of Vladivostok 90 5.1.2. Vostochny Port 93 5.1.3. Container port empty traffic 95 5.2. The port of Busan 98 5.2.1. Transshipment 100 5.2.2. Empty containers 101 5.3. Railway container transportation 104 5.3.1 Drop-off charges 106 5.4. Cost-effective analysis 108 5.4.1. Busan – Moscow container route 109 5.4.2. Maritime transportation between the port of Busan and the ports of Vostochny and Vladivostok 111 5.5. Sensitivity analysis 117 6. Conclusion 122 References 131Docto