251 research outputs found

    Particle Size Distribution in the Bottom Sediments of the Kemaman River Estuarine System, Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Surface sediment samples from the Kemaman River estuarine system were analysed for the grain size in order to understand better the sedimentation processes in the estuary and along the Kemaman river. Their statistical values do not vary significantly according to the seasonal changes but show some relatively lower phi (0) values during the non-monsoon season compared to the monsoon season. The characteristics of deposited sediments at each station are very dependent upon the combination of physical forces such as freshwater runoffs, tidal currents and waves

    The Concentration of Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Lead and Thorium in Sediments of Paka Estuary,Terengganu, Malaysia

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    14 cm cores sediments from the Paka River were analyzed for Mn, Cu, Zn, Pb and Th using the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Generally, the concentrations of all elements decreased with depth and have significantly higher concentration at the surface depth of the core. The concentration of Mn and Cu have average value of 151.1 ± 59.1 mg/g dry weights and 29.2 ± 6.9 mg/g dry weights, while Zn and Pb averaged at 72.5 ± 15.5 mg/g dry weights and 54.9 ± 2.5 mg/g dry weights, respectively. Th were slightly varied widely and ranged from 0.6 mg/g dry weights to 1.4 mg/g dry weights. In this study, only Mn and Th have enrichment factor (EF) values close to unity and may therefore be considered to be predominantly terrigenous in origin. On the contrary, the higher EF values found for Cu, Zn and Pb indicate that these metals might have some influenced from the anthropogenic inpu

    Spatial and temporal bottom sediment characteristics of Pahang river estuary, Pahang, Malaysia

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    Bottom sediment samples from Pahang river- estuary were analyzed for the sediment characteristics in order to understand better sedimentation processes in the estuary. The mean, sorting,skewness and kurtosis values of each sample were determined by the Moment’s method. This study showed that the sediment characteristics were not significantly differ (p > 0.05) with the seasonal changes, except for sorting (p < 0.05). The sediment mean size becomes finer towards the estuarine area with the range of very coarse sand to fine silt. This indicates that the characteristics of deposited sediments at each station are much dependant upon the combination of physical forces such as freshwater run-off, tidal currents and waves

    The temporal variation of organic carbon during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons in Pahang river estuary, Pahang, Malaysia

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    The percentage of organic carbon contents of 62 bottom sediments in Pahang river- estuary were analyzed using the wet dichromate oxidation method. The sediments particle sizes at the same stations were also measured using the dry sieving and laser diffraction methods. In this study, the concentrations of organic carbon are relatively higher during pre-monsoon season and become much lower during the post-monsoon season. The average concentrations of organic carbon for both premonsoon and post-monsoon seasons are 1.61% and 0.88% respectively. This finding indicates that the annual seasonal changes that occur in Pahang river- estuary might probably have the important role in regulating the concentrations of organic carbon

    Geophysical Studies In Setiu Lagoon-Estuary System

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    The study area is a shallow , bar-built , partially mixed lagoonestuary system , which undergoes changes in its pat tern of movement and mixing due to meteorological and river run-off changes. The Setiu estuary is of primary oceanographic interest since it is one of the large estuaries of the Terengganu coast into which two major rivers empty . A study of the system was conducted in 1985 and 1987 . Measurement s of the physical parameters were made monthly and during the anchored-stations period . More than 30 sediment samples were collected around the sampling stations. Temperature shows a seasonal variation isothermal at any single point in the system . and is generally Salinity variation is also seasonal and related to periods of high river discharge . Vertical stratification is present in the estuary but its intensity varies overtime with river discharge . The stratification is the result of salinity difference rather than variations in temperature . Salinity condition varies from near salt wedge to weak stratification near the estuary ' s inlet . Two major ' water masses ' are identified in the estuary area . Currents in the estuary area are due to river inf low and tides . The ebb flow is stronger than the flood due to the geographical and topographical nature of the system . These also control the circulation in the system. Surface wind stress also plays a role in setting up the flow pat tern . Most of the stronger winds occur during the North-east monsoon . This also influence sea waves and swell . The long-shore current is important in transporting sediment to the system. The sediment samples were mostly fine to very fine sands with mostly negative skewness . The estuary area is under the influence of transportative and erosive force . The lack of silt and clay in the estuary is attributable to less depositional factors under the influence of stronger current as compared to the lagoon area


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    Nematodes present in all substrates and sediment types with an enormous number of species. The studies on free-living marine nematodes are still limited in Malaysia. The present study provides general information on genus checklist of free-living marine nematodes in the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia in a different ecosystem which are intertidal zones of estuarine, sandy beach and mangrove ecosystems.  Samples were randomly collected at three stations in each ecosystem. A total of 34 genera (22 families and ten suborders) were recorded in three ecosystems. Each ecosystem had common genera which also commonly found worldwide. Viscosia genus was observed in all three ecosystems. The nematode genera of Estuary and mangrove ecosystems had greater similarities than those in the sandy beach

    The final spawning ground of <i>Tachypleus gigas</i> (Muller, 1785) on the east Peninsular Malaysia is at risk: a call for action

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    Tanjung Selongor and Pantai Balok (State Pahang) are the only two places known for spawning activity of the Malaysian horseshoe crab - Tachypleus gigas (Müller, 1785) on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. While the former beach has been disturbed by several anthropogenic activities that ultimately brought an end to the spawning activity of T. gigas, the status of the latter remains uncertain. In the present study, the spawning behavior of T. gigas at Pantai Balok (Sites I-III) was observed over a period of thirty six months, in three phases, between 2009 and 2013. Every year, the crab’s nesting activity was found to be high during Southwest monsoon (May–September) followed by Northeast (November–March) and Inter monsoon (April and October) periods. In the meantime, the number of female T. gigas in 2009–2010 (Phase-1) was higher (38 crabs) than in 2010–2011 (Phase-2: 7 crabs) and 2012–2013 (Phase-3: 9 crabs) for which both increased overexploitation (for edible and fishmeal preparations) as well as anthropogenic disturbances in the vicinity (sand mining since 2009, land reclamation for wave breaker/parking lot constructions in 2011 and fishing jetty construction in 2013) are responsible. In this context, the physical infrastructure developments have altered the sediment close to nesting sites to be dominated by fine sand (2.5Xφ ) with moderately-well sorted (0.6–0.7σφ), very-coarse skewed (−2.4SKφ), and extremely leptokurtic (12.6Kφ) properties. Also, increased concentrations of Cadmium (from 4.2 to 13.6 mg kg−1) and Selenium (from 11.5 to 23.3 mg kg−1) in the sediment, and Sulphide (from 21 to 28 µg l−1) in the water were observed. In relation to the monsoonal changes affecting sheltered beach topography and sediment flux, the spawning crabs have shown a seasonal nest shifting behaviour in-between Sites I-III during 2009–2011. However, in 2012–2013, the crabs were mostly restricted to the areas (i.e., Sites I and II) with high oxygen (5.5–8.0 mg l−1) and moisture depth (6.2–10.2 cm). In view of the sustained anthropogenic pressure on the coastal habitats on one hand and decreasing horseshoe crabs population on the other, it is crucial to implement both conservation and management measures for T. gigas at Pantai Balok. Failing that may lead to the loss of this final spawning ground on the east coast of P. Malaysia

    Morphology and sand characteristics at five recreational beaches in Pahang

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    Pahang coastline stretched approximately 209 km long in the east coast Peninsular Malaysia and blessed with varying width. The coastal zone provides many recreational beaches, attracting an estimated of 600 thousand visitors per annum. These beaches had become familiar attraction for tourism and recreational activities. Despite that, tourism activities shed positive economic value to the locale, the ecological status of the recreational beaches are now in alarm. The attraction along the coastal zone will be negatively influenced should the beaches are harmed due to the ongoing anthropogenic activities. Following a preliminary visual survey of approximately 20 beaches located in the three regions alongside the coastline, namely north (Kuantan), middle (Pekan) and south (Rompin), 5 sites were selected for the study site. Beach profiles, sediment samples, and tide characteristics were collected at each site in two different periods; late northeast monsoon and inter-monsoon. The beach morphology analysis found that, the beach tends to be narrower in the centre and gradually becomes wider in the northern and southern stretches. The changes in width suggest that the effect of headland and pocket beach characteristics on the hydrodynamic movement and sediment transport activities. The variations of beach’s slopes were also observed to be from a few degrees up to more than 45 degrees. Analysis of sediment grain size distribution was performed using GRADISTAT. The sediment samples were classified according to their mean, sorting, skewness and kurtosis values. Results indicated that most sites are classified as medium sand, poorly sorted, hold a negative skewness and dominated by mesokurtic and leptokurtic. Finally, results are compared to previous works done along Pahang coastline to validate the significant contributing factors that affect the sediment characteristics and beach width