72 research outputs found

    Towards Principled Dynamic Analysis on Android

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    The vast amount of information and services accessible through mobile handsets running the Android operating system has led to the tight integration of such devices into our daily routines. However, their capability to capture and operate upon user data provides an unprecedented insight into our private lives that needs to be properly protected, which demands for comprehensive analysis and thorough testing. While dynamic analysis has been applied to these problems in the past, the corresponding literature consists of scattered work that often specializes on sub-problems and keeps on re-inventing the wheel, thus lacking a structured approach. To overcome this unsatisfactory situation, this dissertation introduces two major systems that advance the state-of-the-art of dynamically analyzing the Android platform. First, we introduce a novel, fine-grained and non-intrusive compiler-based instrumentation framework that allows for precise and high-performance modification of Android apps and system components. Second, we present a unifying dynamic analysis platform with a special focus on Android’s middleware in order to overcome the common challenges we identified from related work. Together, these two systems allow for a more principled approach for dynamic analysis on Android that enables comparability and composability of both existing and future work.Die enorme Menge an Informationen und Diensten, die durch mobile Endgeräte mit dem Android Betriebssystem zugänglich gemacht werden, hat zu einer verstärkten Einbindung dieser Geräte in unseren Alltag geführt. Gleichzeitig erlauben die dabei verarbeiteten Benutzerdaten einen beispiellosen Einblick in unser Privatleben. Diese Informationen müssen adäquat geschützt werden, was umfassender Analysen und gründlicher Prüfung bedarf. Dynamische Analysetechniken, die in der Vergangenheit hier bereits angewandt wurden, fokussieren sich oftmals auf Teilprobleme und reimplementieren regelmäßig bereits existierende Komponenten statt einen strukturierten Ansatz zu verfolgen. Zur Überwindung dieser unbefriedigenden Situation stellt diese Dissertation zwei Systeme vor, die den Stand der Technik dynamischer Analyse der Android Plattform erweitern. Zunächst präsentieren wir ein compilerbasiertes, feingranulares und nur geringfügig eingreifendes Instrumentierungsframework für präzises und performantes Modifizieren von Android Apps und Systemkomponenten. Anschließend führen wir eine auf die Android Middleware spezialisierte Plattform zur Vereinheitlichung von dynamischer Analyse ein, um die aus existierenden Arbeiten extrahierten, gemeinsamen Herausforderungen in diesem Gebiet zu überwinden. Zusammen erlauben diese beiden Systeme einen prinzipienorientierten Ansatz zur dynamischen Analyse, welcher den Vergleich und die Zusammenführung existierender und zukünftiger Arbeiten ermöglicht

    Software Protection and Secure Authentication for Autonomous Vehicular Cloud Computing

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing every technology we deal with. Autonomy has been a sought-after goal in vehicles, and now more than ever we are very close to that goal. Vehicles before were dumb mechanical devices, now they are becoming smart, computerized, and connected coined as Autonomous Vehicles (AVs). Moreover, researchers found a way to make more use of these enormous capabilities and introduced Autonomous Vehicles Cloud Computing (AVCC). In these platforms, vehicles can lend their unused resources and sensory data to join AVCC. In this dissertation, we investigate security and privacy issues in AVCC. As background, we built our vision of a layer-based approach to thoroughly study state-of-the-art literature in the realm of AVs. Particularly, we examined some cyber-attacks and compared their promising mitigation strategies from our perspective. Then, we focused on two security issues involving AVCC: software protection and authentication. For the first problem, our concern is protecting client’s programs executed on remote AVCC resources. Such a usage scenario is susceptible to information leakage and reverse-engineering. Hence, we proposed compiler-based obfuscation techniques. What distinguishes our techniques, is that they are generic and software-based and utilize the intermediate representation, hence, they are platform agnostic, hardware independent and support different high level programming languages. Our results demonstrate that the control-flow of obfuscated code versions are more complicated making it unintelligible for timing side-channels. For the second problem, we focus on protecting AVCC from unauthorized access or intrusions, which may cause misuse or service disruptions. Therefore, we propose a strong privacy-aware authentication technique for users accessing AVCC services or vehicle sharing their resources with the AVCC. Our technique modifies robust function encryption, which protects stakeholder’s confidentiality and withstands linkability and “known-ciphertexts” attacks. Thus, we utilize an authentication server to search and match encrypted data by performing dot product operations. Additionally, we developed another lightweight technique, based on KNN algorithm, to authenticate vehicles at computationally limited charging stations using its owner’s encrypted iris data. Our security and privacy analysis proved that our schemes achieved privacy-preservation goals. Our experimental results showed that our schemes have reasonable computation and communications overheads and efficiently scalable

    Enabling aggressive compiler optimization for the mobile environment

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    Aggressive code optimization on the mobile environment is a difficult endeavor. Billions of users rely on mobile devices for their daily computing tasks. Yet, they mostly run poorly optimized code, under-utilizing their already limited processing and energy resources. Existing optimization approaches, like iterative compilation, perform well in other domains but fall short on the mobile environment. They either rely on representative inputs that are hard to reconstruct, or expose users to slowdowns and crashes. An ideal solution must be able to perform an optimization search by repeatedly evaluating different optimization decisions on the same input. That input should be representative of actual user usage without requiring developers to artificially create it. Finally, users should never be exposed to slow or crashing evaluations, a quite common side-effect of iterative compilation. This thesis presents a novel approach with all above in mind, bringing aggressive code optimization to the mobile environment. With a transparent capture mechanism, real user inputs can be stored. This mechanism is infrequently invoked and remains unnoticeable from the users. A single capture is enough to enable offline, input-driven code optimization. It supports C functions as well as code regions of interactive Android applications. It allows controlling the timing and frequency of captures, it bails out on imminent high-impact runtime events, and excludes from captures some immutable data. A replay-based evaluation mechanism is able to repeatedly restore a captured input while changing the underlying code. For C programs, it employs compile and link-time strategies to consistently work despite code transformations. For Android apps, a novel mechanism was developed, able to replay using different code types. These are the original Android-compiled code, interpretation, and LLVM-generated code. Additionally, it works well even in the presence of memory-shuffling security mechanisms. Capture and replay is fused into an iterative compilation system that uses offline, replay-based evaluations. Initially, real inputs are captured online, without noticeably affecting the users. For C and interactive apps, captures required on average 2ms and 15ms respectively. Then, an optimization search is performed by repeatedly replaying the inputs using different code transformations. As this happens offline, any crashing or erroneous executions are not affecting the users. C programs became 29% faster using a random search, while interactive apps became 44% faster using a genetic algorithm and a novel Android backend based on LLVM. Finally, with crowd-sourcing, the offline evaluation effort was significantly accelerated. Specifically, for the user with the highest workload the search accelerated by 7 times

    Efficient cross-architecture hardware virtualisation

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    Hardware virtualisation is the provision of an isolated virtual environment that represents real physical hardware. It enables operating systems, or other system-level software (the guest), to run unmodified in a “container” (the virtual machine) that is isolated from the real machine (the host). There are many use-cases for hardware virtualisation that span a wide-range of end-users. For example, home-users wanting to run multiple operating systems side-by-side (such as running a Windows® operating system inside an OS X environment) will use virtualisation to accomplish this. In research and development environments, developers building experimental software and hardware want to prototype their designs quickly, and so will virtualise the platform they are targeting to isolate it from their development workstation. Large-scale computing environments employ virtualisation to consolidate hardware, enforce application isolation, migrate existing servers or provision new servers. However, the majority of these use-cases call for same-architecture virtualisation, where the architecture of the guest and the host machines match—a situation that can be accelerated by the hardware-assisted virtualisation extensions present on modern processors. But, there is significant interest in virtualising the hardware of different architectures on a host machine, especially in the architectural research and development worlds. Typically, the instruction set architecture of a guest platform will be different to the host machine, e.g. an ARM guest on an x86 host will use an ARM instruction set, whereas the host will be using the x86 instruction set. Therefore, to enable this cross-architecture virtualisation, each guest instruction must be emulated by the host CPU—a potentially costly operation. This thesis presents a range of techniques for accelerating this instruction emulation, improving over a state-of-the art instruction set simulator by 2:64x. But, emulation of the guest platform’s instruction set is not enough for full hardware virtualisation. In fact, this is just one challenge in a range of issues that must be considered. Specifically, another challenge is efficiently handling the way external interrupts are managed by the virtualisation system. This thesis shows that when employing efficient instruction emulation techniques, it is not feasible to arbitrarily divert control-flow without consideration being given to the state of the emulated processor. Furthermore, it is shown that it is possible for the virtualisation environment to behave incorrectly if particular care is not given to the point at which control-flow is allowed to diverge. To solve this, a technique is developed that maintains efficient instruction emulation, and correctly handles external interrupt sources. Finally, modern processors have built-in support for hardware virtualisation in the form of instruction set extensions that enable the creation of an abstract computing environment, indistinguishable from real hardware. These extensions enable guest operating systems to run directly on the physical processor, with minimal supervision from a hypervisor. However, these extensions are geared towards same-architecture virtualisation, and as such are not immediately well-suited for cross-architecture virtualisation. This thesis presents a technique for exploiting these existing extensions, and using them in a cross-architecture virtualisation setting, improving the performance of a novel cross-architecture virtualisation hypervisor over state-of-the-art by 2:5x

    On Efficiency and Accuracy of Data Flow Tracking Systems

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    Data Flow Tracking (DFT) is a technique broadly used in a variety of security applications such as attack detection, privacy leak detection, and policy enforcement. Although effective, DFT inherits the high overhead common to in-line monitors which subsequently hinders their adoption in production systems. Typically, the runtime overhead of DFT systems range from 3× to 100× when applied to pure binaries, and 1.5× to 3× when inserted during compilation. Many performance optimization approaches have been introduced to mitigate this problem by relaxing propagation policies under certain conditions but these typically introduce the issue of inaccurate taint tracking that leads to over-tainting or under-tainting. Despite acknowledgement of these performance / accuracy trade-offs, the DFT literature consistently fails to provide insights about their implications. A core reason, we believe, is the lack of established methodologies to understand accuracy. In this dissertation, we attempt to address both efficiency and accuracy issues. To this end, we begin with libdft, a DFT framework for COTS binaries running atop commodity OSes and we then introduce two major optimization approaches based on statically and dynamically analyzing program binaries. The first optimization approach extracts DFT tracking logics and abstracts them using TFA. We then apply classic compiler optimizations to eliminate redundant tracking logic and minimize interference with the target program. As a result, the optimization can achieve 2× speed-up over base-line performance measured for libdft. The second optimization approach decouples the tracking logic from execution to run them in parallel leveraging modern multi-core innovations. We apply his approach again applied to libdft where it can run four times as fast, while concurrently consuming fewer CPU cycles. We then present a generic methodology and tool for measuring the accuracy of arbitrary DFT systems in the context of real applications. With a prototype implementation for the Android framework – TaintMark, we have discovered that TaintDroid’s various performance optimizations lead to serious accuracy issues, and that certain optimizations should be removed to vastly improve accuracy at little performance cost. The TaintMark approach is inspired by blackbox differential testing principles to test for inaccuracies in DFTs, but it also addresses numerous practical challenges that arise when applying those principles to real, complex applications. We introduce the TaintMark methodology by using it to understand taint tracking accuracy trade-offs in TaintDroid, a well-known DFT system for Android. While the aforementioned works focus on the efficiency and accuracy issues of DFT systems that dynamically track data flow, we also explore another design choice that statically tracks information flow by analyzing and instrumenting the application source code. We apply this approach to the different problem of integer error detection in order to reduce the number of false alarmings
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