21,613 research outputs found

    Heidelberg Hbf – BIM-Pilot:Weiterentwicklung Empfangsgebäude im städtischen Kontext

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    ahnhöfe sind zentrale Orte einer Stadt. Sie stellen nicht nur den Zugang zum System „Bahn“ dar, sondern übernehmen weitere vielfältige Funktionen und stellen ein breites Nutzungsspektrum für Bahnreisende und Besucher zur Verfügung. Sie sind die Visitenkarte einer Stadt. Bei Weiterentwicklung und Modernisierung von Bahnhöfen müssen zahlreiche Fragestellungen berücksichtigt sowie im Einklang unterschiedlicher Nutzergruppen, Anforderungen und Funktionen gebracht werden – insbesondere auch dem Denkmalschutz. Angrenzenden Stadträume der Bahnhöfe sind geprägt von beengten Platzverhältnissen, müssen zahlreiche Funktionen und Nutzungen erfüllen und rücken somit bei Planungen besonders in den Fokus. DB Station&Service AG plant die Modernisierung und Erweiterung des denkmalgeschützten Empfangsgebäudes. DB Station&Service AG hat 2017 gegenüber dem BMVI erklärt, zukünftige Planungen mit Hilfe der BIM-Methode (Building-Information-Modelling) zu bearbeiten. Die Planungen zur Modernisierungen des Empfangsgebäudes Heidelberger HBF sind dabei als BIM-Pilot-Projekt erfolgt


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    page number: 74A sustainable and sustaining planning strategy is globally important for metropolitan areas. Sustainable planning addresses the development of strategies to reduce the use of resources, increase economic efficiency and improve integration of social aspects. In contrast, splinter development (e.g. urban sprawl) involves damage to nature and generation of an increasing volume of traffic (these are the main criticisms following a study by Newman and Kenworthy (1989) on the relationship between settlement density and energy consumption). Interestingly, the overly compact city also has this effect as it may generate traffic flows for accessing green and leisure areas, or changes of residence due to a favouring of sites that lie farther away from the centre than the inhabitants' current places of residence. Households not only consume urban amenities integrated into densely populated areas, but also aspire to have access to green and leisure areas. Schwanen et al. (2004) showed that households usually optimize their residential choice with respect to accessibility to various types of amenities, which is inherently linked to the frequentation rate of these amenities (daily, weekly, monthly, and occasional) (c.f. spatial practice of people). Moreover, on an urban scale, over-compactness causes ecological problems such as a lack of green wedges for supplying the city with fresh air (urban microclimate). Thus, we aim to find a solution for managing dispersed development which marries the twin elements of green and built-up space in a highly efficient manner. This solution also needs to incorporate dynamic aspects of a city as well as minimizing traffic costs and emissions. Based on the observation that urban space is founded on the principle of fractal geometry, it seems interesting to explore to what extent fractal geometry may be drawn upon for solving the spatial antagonism of compactness and urban sprawl.Une stratégie d'aménagement durable représente un enjeu important pour le développement des agglomérations contemporaines. L'aménagement durable implique le développement de stratégies visant à réduire l'utilisation des ressources, accroître l'efficacité économique et améliorer l'intégration des aspects sociaux (ex. environnements conviviaux pour les piétons, équilibre entre modes de transport public/privé, réseaux routiers performants, viabilisation des terres agricoles, économie du mouvement ; accès à l'emploi pour tous, commerces, services ; santé, culture et loisirs). A l'inverse, le développement fractal (ex. étalement urbain) n'est pas sans répercussions néfastes sur la nature et tend à augmenter le volume du trafic (principales critiques émises dans une étude de Newman & Kenworthy, 1989, portant sur les relations entre densité d'implantation et consommation d'énergie). Fait intéressant, une ville trop compacte induit un effet semblable car elle peut être à l'origine de flux de trafic pour accéder aux espaces verts et récréatifs ou des déménagements vers des endroits plus éloignés du centre que les lieux de résidence actuels des citadins. Les ménages ne se contentent pas d'utiliser les aménagements urbains intégrés dans les zones à forte densité de population, ils aspirent également à un accès aux espaces verts et récréatifs. Schwanen et al. (2004) ont mis en évidence le fait que les ménages tendaient à optimiser leur choix de résidence en fonction de l'accessibilité de divers types de commodités, un phénomène foncièrement lié au taux de fréquentation (quotidienne, hebdomadaire, mensuelle et occasionnelle) de ces dernières (cf. pratiques spatiales de la population). A l'échelle urbaine, une compacité excessive entraîne par ailleurs des problèmes écologiques, tels que le manque d'espaces verts pour approvisionner la ville en air frais (microclimat urbain). Nous recherchons ainsi une solution afin de gérer le développement fractal de manière à pouvoir concilier efficacement le couple antinomique espaces verts/espaces urbanisés. Cette solution doit également intégrer les aspects dynamiques d'une ville et minimiser les émissions et les coûts du trafic et prévenir la désagrégation des terres agricoles. Sur la base de l'observation selon laquelle l'espace urbain repose sur le principe de la géométrie fractale, il paraît intéressant d'explorer dans quelle mesure la géométrie fractale peut être mise à contribution en vue de résoudre l'antagonisme spatial compacité/étalement urbain

    Modelling urban spatial change: a review of international and South African modelling initiatives

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    August 2013Urban growth and land use change models have the potential to become important tools for urban spatial planning and management. Before embarking on any modelling, however, GCRO felt it was important to take note of, and critically assess lessons to be learnt from international experience and scholarship on spatial modelling, as well as a number of South African experiments that model future urban development. In 2012, GCRO initiated preliminary research into current international and South African modelling trends through a desktop study and telephone, email and personal interviews. This Occasional paper sets out to investigate what urban spatial change modelling research is currently being undertaken internationally and within South Africa. At the international level, urban modelling research since 2000 is reviewed according to five main categories: land use transportation (LUT), cellular automata, urban system dynamics, agent-based models (ABMs) and spatial economics/econometric models (SE/EMs). Within South Africa, urban modelling initiatives are categorised differently and include a broader range of urban modelling techniques. Typologies used include: provincial government modelling initiatives in Gauteng; municipal government modelling initiatives; other government-funded modelling research; and academic modelling research. The various modelling initiatives described are by no means a comprehensive review of all urban spatial change modelling projects in South Africa, but provide a broad indication of the types of urban spatial change modelling underway. Importantly, the models may form the basis for more accurate and sophisticated urban modelling projects in the future. The paper concludes by identifying key urban modelling opportunities and challenges for short- to long-term planning in the GCR and South Africa.Written by Chris Wray, Josephine Musango and Kavesha Damon (GCRO) Koech Cheruiyot (NRF:SARChI chair in Development Planning and Modelling at Wits

    What Is Strategy In Urban Mobility Systems?

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    Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    Modeling Major Rural Land-Use Changes Using the GIS-Based Cellular Automata Metronamica Model: The Case of Andalusia (Southern Spain)

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    The effective and efficient planning of rural land-use changes and their impact on the environment is critical for land-use managers. Many land-use growth models have been proposed for forecasting growth patterns in the last few years. In this work; a cellular automata (CA)-based land-use model (Metronamica) was tested to simulate (1999–2007) and predict (2007–2035) land-use dynamics and land-use changes in Andalucía (Spain). The model was calibrated using temporal changes in land-use covers and was evaluated by the Kappa index. GIS-based maps were generated to study major rural land-use changes (agriculture and forests). The change matrix for 1999–2007 showed an overall area change of 674971 ha. The dominant land uses in 2007 were shrubs (30.7%), woody crops on dry land (17.3%), and herbaceous crops on dry land (12.7%). The comparison between the reference and the simulated land-use maps of 2007 showed a Kappa index of 0.91. The land-cover map for the projected PRELUDE scenarios provided the land-cover characteristics of 2035 in Andalusia; developed within the Metronamica model scenarios (Great Escape; Evolved Society; Clustered Network; Lettuce Surprise U; and Big Crisis). The greatest differences were found between Great Escape and Clustered Network and Lettuce Surprise U. The observed trend (1999–2007–2035) showed the greatest similarity with the Big Crisis scenario. Land-use projections facilitate the understanding of the future dynamics of land-use change in rural areas; and hence the development of more appropriate plans and policies