15 research outputs found

    Optical Multicore Fiber Shape Sensors. A numerical and experimental performance assessment

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    [EN] Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a discipline that quantitatively assesses the integrity and performance of infrastructures, relying on sensors, and support the development of efficient Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R) plans. Optical Multicore Fiber (MCF) Shape Sensors offer an innovative alternative to traditional methods and enable the reconstruction of the deformed shape of structures directly and in real-time, with no need of computation models or visual contact and exploiting all the advantages of Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS) technology. Despite the intense research efforts centered on this topic by research groups worldwide, a comprehensive investigation on the parameters that influence the performance of these sensors has not been conducted yet. The first part of the thesis presents a numerical study that examines the effects of strain measurement accuracy and core position errors on the performance of optical multicore fiber shape sensors in sensing three-dimensional curvature, which is at the basis of shape reconstruction. The analysis reproduces the strain measurement process using Monte Carlo Method (MCM) and identifies several parameters which play a key role in the phenomenon, including core spacing (distance between outer cores and sensor axis), number of cores and curvature measured. Finally, a set of predictive models were calibrated, by fitting the results of the simulations, to predict the sensors performance. Afterward, an experimental study is proposed to evaluate the performance of optical multicore fiber in sensing shape, with particular focus on the influence of strain sensors length. Two shape sensors were fabricated, by inscribing long (8.0 mm) and short (1.5 mm) Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) into the cores of a multicore seven-core fiber. Thus, the performance of the two sensors was assessed and compared, at all the necessary phases for shape reconstruction: strain sensing, curvature calculation and shape reconstruction. To conclude, an innovative approach, based on the Saint-Venant's Torsion Theory, is presented to determine the twisting of multicore fiber and to compensate the errors due to twisting during shape reconstruction. The efficiency of the theoretical approach was then corroborated performing a series of twisting tests on a shape sensor, fabricated by inscribing FBGs sensors into an optical spun multicore seven-core fiber. The investigation of the mechanical behavior of multicore optical shape sensors has synergically involved diverse disciplines: Solid Mechanics, Photonics, Statistics and Data Analysis. Such multidisciplinary research has arisen from the prolific cooperation between the Institutes of the Institute of Science and Technology of Concrete (ICITECH) and the Institute of Telecommunications and Multimedia Applications (iTEAM) - Photonics Research Labs (PRL) - of Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), in addition to valuable collaboration with other members of the European ITN-FINESSE project, to which this work belongs. This research work aims to enhance the performance optical multicore fiber shape sensors and support the development of new sensor geometries, with great potential for structural health monitoring applications.[ES] La Monitorización de la Salud Estructural (MSE) evalúa cuantitativamente la integridad y el comportamiento de las infraestructuras y permite desarrollar planes eficaces de Mantenimiento y Rehabilitación (M&R), utilizando los datos de los sensores. Sensores de forma basados en fibra óptica multinúcleo ofrecen una alternativa a los métodos tradicionales y permiten la reconstrucción de la deformada de estructuras de forma directa y en tiempo real, sin necesidad de modelos de cálculo o contacto visual y con todas las ventajas de la tecnología de los Sensores de Fibra Óptica (SFO). A pesar de los grandes esfuerzos en la investigación centrada en este tema por parte de los grupos de investigación de todo el mundo, todavía no se ha realizado una investigación exhaustiva que estudie los parámetros que influyen en el comportamiento de estos sensores. En la primera parte de la tesis se presenta un estudio numérico en el que se examinan los efectos de la precisión de la medición de la tensión y los errores de posición del núcleo en el comportamiento de los sensores de forma basados en fibra óptica multinúcleo para definir la curvatura tridimensional, que es la base de la reconstrucción de la forma. El análisis reproduce el proceso de medición de la tensión utilizando el método de Monte Carlo (MC) e identifica una serie de parámetros que desempeñan un papel en el proceso, entre ellos la separación del núcleo (distancia entre los núcleos exteriores y el eje del sensor), el número de núcleos y la curvatura medida. Por último, se calibró un conjunto de modelos de predicción ajustando los resultados de las simulaciones para predecir el comportamiento de los sensores. A continuación, se propone un estudio experimental para evaluar el comportamiento de los sensores de forma basado en fibra óptica multinúcleo, con especial atención en la influencia de la longitud de los sensores de deformación. Se fabricaron dos sensores de forma, inscribiendo Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) con longitudes de 8,0 mm y 1,5 mm en los núcleos de una fibra multinúcleo de siete núcleos. Así, se evaluó y comparó el comportamiento de los dos sensores en todas las fases necesarias para la reconstrucción de la forma, incluyendo la medición de la tensión, el cálculo de la curvatura y la reconstrucción de la forma. Para concluir, se presenta un enfoque innovador, basado en la Teoría de la Torsión de Saint-Venant, para determinar la torsión de la fibra multinúcleo y compensar los errores debidos a la torsión durante la reconstrucción de la forma. La eficiencia del enfoque teórico fue verificada realizando una serie de pruebas de torsión en un sensor de forma, fabricado inscribiendo los sensores de FBGs en una fibra óptica multinúcleo torcida y siete núcleos. La investigación del comportamiento mecánico de los sensores ópticos de forma multinúcleo ha involucrado sinérgicamente diversas disciplinas: Mecánica del sólido, Fotónica, Estadística y Análisis de datos. Esta investigación multidisciplinaria ha surgido de la prolífica cooperación entre el Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón (ICITECH) y el Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y Aplicaciones Multimedia (iTEAM) - Laboratorio de Investigación Fotónica (LIF) - de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), además de la valiosa colaboración con otros miembros del proyecto europeo ITN-FINESSE, al que pertenece este trabajo. Este trabajo de investigación puede permitir mejorar el comportamiento de los sensores de forma basados en fibra óptica multinúcleo y apoyar el desarrollo de nuevas geometrías de sensores, con un gran potencial para aplicaciones de control de la salud estructural.[CA] Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) avalua quantitativament la integritat i el comportament de les infraestructures i permet desenrotllar plans eficaços de Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R), utilitzant les dades dels sensors. Optical Multicore Fiber (MCF) Shape Sensors oferixen una alternativa als mètodes tradicionals i permeten la reconstrucció de la forma de la deformació de les estructures de forma directa i en temps real, sense necessitat de models de càlcul o contacte visual i amb tots els avantatges de l'Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS) Technology. A pesar dels grans esforços en la investigació centrada en aquest tema per part dels grups d'investigació de tot el món, encara no s'ha realitzat una investigació exhaustiva que estudie els paràmetres que influïxen en el comportament d'aquestos sensors. En la primera part de la tesi es presenta un estudi numèric en què s'examinen els efectes de la precisió del mesurament de la tensió i els errors de posició del nucli en el comportament dels sensors de forma basats en fibra òptica multinucli per a definir la curvatura tridimensional, que és la base de la reconstrucció de la forma. L'anàlisi reproduïx el procés de mesurament de la tensió utilitzant el mètode de Monte Carlo (MC) i identifica una sèrie de paràmetres que exercixen un paper en el procés, entre ells la separació del nucli (distància entre els nuclis exteriors i l'eix del sensor), el nombre de nuclis i la mesura de la curvatura. Finalment, es va calibrar un conjunt de models de predicció ajustant els resultats de les simulacions per a predir el comportament dels sensors. A continuació, es proposa un estudi experimental per a avaluar el comportament dels sensors de forma basat en fibra òptica multinucli, amb especial atenció en la influència de la longitud dels sensors de deformació. Es van fabricar dos sensors de forma, inscrivint Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) amb longituds de 8,0 mm i 1,5 mm en els nuclis d'una fibra multinucli de set nuclis. Així, es va avaluar i es va comparar el comportament dels dos sensors en totes les fases necessàries per a la reconstrucció de la forma, incloent el mesurament de la tensió, el càlcul de la curvatura i la reconstrucció de la forma. Per a concloure, es presenta un enfocament innovador, basat en la Teoria de la Torsió de Saint-Venant, per a determinar la torsió de la fibra multinucli i compensar els errors deguts a la torsió durant la reconstrucció de la forma. L'eficiència de l'enfocament teòric va ser verificada realitzant una sèrie de proves de torsió en un sensor de forma, fabricat inscrivint els sensors de FBGs en una fibra òptica de set nuclis de filat múltiple. La investigació del comportament mecànic dels sensors òptics de forma multinucli ha involucrat sinèrgicament diverses disciplines: Mecànica del sòlid, Fotónica, Estadística i Anàlisi de dades. Aquesta investigació multidisciplinària ha sorgit de la prolífica cooperació entre l'Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia del Formigó (ICITECH) i l'Institut de Telecomunicacions i Aplicacions Multimèdia (iTEAM) - Laboratori de investigación fotònica (LIF) - de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), a més de la valuosa col·laboració amb altres membres del projecte europeu ITN- FINESSE, al qual pertany aquest treball. Aquest treball d'investigació pot permetre millorar el comportament dels sensors de forma basats en fibra òptica multinucli i ajudar al desenrotllament de noves geometries de sensors, amb un gran potencial per a aplicacions de control de la salut estructural.Floris, I. (2020). Optical Multicore Fiber Shape Sensors. A numerical and experimental performance assessment [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/148715TESI

    Novel Approaches for Structural Health Monitoring

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    The thirty-plus years of progress in the field of structural health monitoring (SHM) have left a paramount impact on our everyday lives. Be it for the monitoring of fixed- and rotary-wing aircrafts, for the preservation of the cultural and architectural heritage, or for the predictive maintenance of long-span bridges or wind farms, SHM has shaped the framework of many engineering fields. Given the current state of quantitative and principled methodologies, it is nowadays possible to rapidly and consistently evaluate the structural safety of industrial machines, modern concrete buildings, historical masonry complexes, etc., to test their capability and to serve their intended purpose. However, old unsolved problematics as well as new challenges exist. Furthermore, unprecedented conditions, such as stricter safety requirements and ageing civil infrastructure, pose new challenges for confrontation. Therefore, this Special Issue gathers the main contributions of academics and practitioners in civil, aerospace, and mechanical engineering to provide a common ground for structural health monitoring in dealing with old and new aspects of this ever-growing research field

    Systems Engineering: Availability and Reliability

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    Current trends in Industry 4.0 are largely related to issues of reliability and availability. As a result of these trends and the complexity of engineering systems, research and development in this area needs to focus on new solutions in the integration of intelligent machines or systems, with an emphasis on changes in production processes aimed at increasing production efficiency or equipment reliability. The emergence of innovative technologies and new business models based on innovation, cooperation networks, and the enhancement of endogenous resources is assumed to be a strong contribution to the development of competitive economies all around the world. Innovation and engineering, focused on sustainability, reliability, and availability of resources, have a key role in this context. The scope of this Special Issue is closely associated to that of the ICIE’2020 conference. This conference and journal’s Special Issue is to present current innovations and engineering achievements of top world scientists and industrial practitioners in the thematic areas related to reliability and risk assessment, innovations in maintenance strategies, production process scheduling, management and maintenance or systems analysis, simulation, design and modelling

    Innovative Methods and Materials in Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures

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    In the past, when elements in sructures were composed of perishable materials, such as wood, the maintenance of houses, bridges, etc., was considered of vital importance for their safe use and to preserve their efficiency. With the advent of materials such as reinforced concrete and steel, given their relatively long useful life, periodic and constant maintenance has often been considered a secondary concern. When it was realized that even for structures fabricated with these materials that the useful life has an end and that it was being approached, planning maintenance became an important and non-negligible aspect. Thus, the concept of structural health monitoring (SHM) was introduced, designed, and implemented as a multidisciplinary method. Computational mechanics, static and dynamic analysis of structures, electronics, sensors, and, recently, the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are required, but it is also important to consider new materials, especially those with intrinsic self-diagnosis characteristics, and to use measurement and survey methods typical of modern geomatics, such as satellite surveys and highly sophisticated laser tools

    Optical Fiber High Temperature Sensor Instrumentation for Energy Intensive Industries

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    Ultra precision physical micro-machining for integrated optics

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    This study looks at the application of physical micromachining techniques to integrated optics. These physical micromachining techniques were used to make structures which would be difficult or impossible to produce using conventional cleanroom based technologies.A tuneable Bragg grating was fabricated and characterized and was found to offer an enhanced power efficiency for tuning of 45 pm/mW for the transverse magnetic mode and 39 pm/mW for the transverse electric mode. This an improvement in the operating power efficiency of a factor of 90 over bulk thermally tuned Bragg gratings in silica.A dual cantilever device has also been demonstrated which can operate as a force sensor or variable attenuator. The response of the device to mechanical actuation was measured, and shown to be very well described by conventional fibre optic angular misalignment theory. The device has the potential to be utilized within integrated optical components for sensors or attenuators. An array of devices was fabricated with potential for parallel operation. The fabrication work features the first use of a dicing saw in plunge cutting mode to rapidly produce grooves which were free of chipping.A wire electro discharge unit was designed and built. This was retrofitted to a micromill to give capability to manufacture tools directly on machine. This work built upon previous machining research in the group to allow free form diamond tools to be fabricated. Tools formed by wire electro discharge machining of polycrystalline diamond were formed. A ring tool was created and proved to be able to machine ring structures in the ductile mode regime in germanium oxide glass with a surface roughness of Ra 4.9 nm. This is the first time that ductile mode machining has been achieved in glass with this type of tool. By using a XeF2 etch this was shown to be able to create the structures necessary for whispering gallery mode resonators. A number of exemplar micro disk structures have been researched in this work to test the concept and provide real examples. Firstly a phosphogermanate glass on silica resonator was fabricated. A germanium oxide glass disc was also fabricated using the silicon under-etch process.These trial optical devices have shown that physical machining provides a viable route for fabricating integrated optical elements

    Testing of Materials and Elements in Civil Engineering

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    This book was proposed and organized as a means to present recent developments in the field of testing of materials and elements in civil engineering. For this reason, the articles highlighted in this editorial relate to different aspects of testing of different materials and elements in civil engineering, from building materials to building structures. The current trend in the development of testing of materials and elements in civil engineering is mainly concerned with the detection of flaws and defects in concrete elements and structures, and acoustic methods predominate in this field. As in medicine, the trend is towards designing test equipment that allows one to obtain a picture of the inside of the tested element and materials. Interesting results with significance for building practices were obtained

    New Advances in Marine Engineering Geology

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    The ocean is the cradle of life and is rich in natural resources. With the worldwide boom in exploration and application of ocean resources, a dramatically increasing amount of coastal engineering and offshore engineering facilities have been constructed in the last few decades. The rapid development of human economic activities and the global climate change have significant impacts on the marine environment, resulting in frequent geological disasters. Under this circumstance, there is an urgent demand for a platform for scientists and engineers to share their state-of-art research outcomes in the field of Marine Engineering Geology. This book is a collection of a series of articles from the 2nd International Symposium of Marine Engineering Geology (ISMEG 2019), presenting some of the recent efforts made towards marine engineering geology and geotechnics, including theoretical advances, laboratory and field testing, design methods, and the potential for further development of these disciplines

    Hybrid integration towards single-chip Brillouin devices

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    On-chip RF signal processing and generation via the stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) process have become significant research topics in the past few years due to their unmatched capabilities. Having access to gigahertz repetition rates can enable applications such as RF filters, true time delay (TTD), optoelectronic oscillator (OEO), and optical frequency comb (OFC). Chalcogenide glass, and in particularly Arsenic Trisulfide, has become a popular optical material due to its high optical nonlinearity, near ideal acoustic properties for SBS applications. However, monolithic integration cannot be realised using chalcogenide glass due to its high propagation loss, fibre-to-chip coupling loss, and facet reflection. In this thesis, a hybrid waveguide solution will be proposed by leveraging the vertical taper technology via shadow mask deposition. By overlaying the Brillouin active waveguide on a low loss versatile germanosilicate platform, a variety of linear functionalities such as ring resonators, Bragg gratings and tolerant couplers can be incorporated in a fully integrated Brillouin based device. The optimisation process for flame hydrolysis deposition of the 3% index contrast germanosilicate and its facet machining have been rigorously studied in this work. This has led to an experimental propagation loss and fibre-to-chip coupling loss of <0.1 dB/cm and 0.2 dB/facet when coupled with a Nufern UHNA-3 fibre. Further, whilst the 0.7 nm/W Brillouin gain coefficient obtained in the proposed hybrid arsenic trisulfide - germanosilicate waveguide is identical to the previous monolithic arsenic trisulfide counterpart, the hybrid structure offers an extra 20 dB reduction in the pump back reflection, making it so suitable to be implemented in the backward SBS applications