1,596 research outputs found

    Mapping the epileptic brain with EEG dynamical connectivity: established methods and novel approaches

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    Several algorithms rooted in statistical physics, mathematics and machine learning are used to analyze neuroimaging data from patients suffering from epilepsy, with the main goals of localizing the brain region where the seizure originates from and of detecting upcoming seizure activity in order to trigger therapeutic neurostimulation devices. Some of these methods explore the dynamical connections between brain regions, exploiting the high temporal resolution of the electroencephalographic signals recorded at the scalp or directly from the cortical surface or in deeper brain areas. In this paper we describe this specific class of algorithms and their clinical application, by reviewing the state of the art and reporting their application on EEG data from an epileptic patient

    An Automated System for Epilepsy Detection using EEG Brain Signals based on Deep Learning Approach

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder and for its detection, encephalography (EEG) is a commonly used clinical approach. Manual inspection of EEG brain signals is a time-consuming and laborious process, which puts heavy burden on neurologists and affects their performance. Several automatic techniques have been proposed using traditional approaches to assist neurologists in detecting binary epilepsy scenarios e.g. seizure vs. non-seizure or normal vs. ictal. These methods do not perform well when classifying ternary case e.g. ictal vs. normal vs. inter-ictal; the maximum accuracy for this case by the state-of-the-art-methods is 97+-1%. To overcome this problem, we propose a system based on deep learning, which is an ensemble of pyramidal one-dimensional convolutional neural network (P-1D-CNN) models. In a CNN model, the bottleneck is the large number of learnable parameters. P-1D-CNN works on the concept of refinement approach and it results in 60% fewer parameters compared to traditional CNN models. Further to overcome the limitations of small amount of data, we proposed augmentation schemes for learning P-1D-CNN model. In almost all the cases concerning epilepsy detection, the proposed system gives an accuracy of 99.1+-0.9% on the University of Bonn dataset.Comment: 18 page

    A Hidden Markov Factor Analysis Framework for Seizure Detection in Epilepsy Patients

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    Approximately 1% of the world population suffers from epilepsy. Continuous long-term electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring is the gold-standard for recording epileptic seizures and assisting in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with epilepsy. Detection of seizure from the recorded EEG is a laborious, time consuming and expensive task. In this study, we propose an automated seizure detection framework to assist electroencephalographers and physicians with identification of seizures in recorded EEG signals. In addition, an automated seizure detection algorithm can be used for treatment through automatic intervention during the seizure activity and on time triggering of the injection of a radiotracer to localize the seizure activity. In this study, we developed and tested a hidden Markov factor analysis (HMFA) framework for automated seizure detection based on different features such as total effective inflow which is calculated based on connectivity measures between different sites of the brain. The algorithm was tested on long-term (2.4-7.66 days) continuous sEEG recordings from three patients and a total of 16 seizures, producing a mean sensitivity of 96.3% across all seizures, a mean specificity of 3.47 false positives per hour, and a mean latency of 3.7 seconds form the actual seizure onset. The latency was negative for a few of the seizures which implies the proposed method detects the seizure prior to its onset. This is an indication that with some extension the proposed method is capable of seizure prediction

    Epileptic Seizure Detection And Prediction From Electroencephalogram Using Neuro-Fuzzy Algorithms

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    This dissertation presents innovative approaches based on fuzzy logic in epileptic seizure detection and prediction from Electroencephalogram (EEG). The fuzzy rule-based algorithms were developed with the aim to improve quality of life of epilepsy patients by utilizing intelligent methods. An adaptive fuzzy logic system was developed to detect seizure onset in a patient specific way. Fuzzy if-then rules were developed to mimic the human reasoning and taking advantage of the combination in spatial-temporal domain. Fuzzy c-means clustering technique was utilized for optimizing the membership functions for varying patterns in the feature domain. In addition, application of the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is presented for efficient classification of several commonly arising artifacts from EEG. Finally, we present a neuro-fuzzy approach of seizure prediction by applying the ANFIS. Patient specific ANFIS classifier was constructed to forecast a seizure followed by postprocessing methods. Three nonlinear seizure predictive features were used to characterize changes prior to seizure. The nonlinear features used in this study were similarity index, phase synchronization, and nonlinear interdependence. The ANFIS classifier was constructed based on these features as inputs. Fuzzy if-then rules were generated by the ANFIS classifier using the complex relationship of feature space provided during training. In this dissertation, the application of the neuro-fuzzy algorithms in epilepsy diagnosis and treatment was demonstrated by applying the methods on different datasets. Several performance measures such as detection delay, sensitivity and specificity were calculated and compared with results reported in literature. The proposed algorithms have potentials to be used in diagnostics and therapeutic applications as they can be implemented in an implantable medical device to detect a seizure, forecast a seizure, and initiate neurostimulation therapy for the purpose of seizure prevention or abortion

    Early Seizure Detection Based on Cardiac Autonomic Regulation Dynamics

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes changes in the autonomic nervous system. Heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the regulation of cardiac activity and autonomic nervous system tone. The early detection of epileptic seizures could foster the use of new treatment approaches. This study presents a new methodology for the prediction of epileptic seizures using HRV signals. Eigendecomposition of HRV parameter covariance matrices was used to create an input for a support vector machine (SVM)-based classifier. We analyzed clinical data from 12 patients (9 female; 3 male; age 34.5 ± 7.5 years), involving 34 seizures and a total of 55.2 h of interictal electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. Data from 123.6 h of ECG recordings from healthy subjects were used to test false positive rate per hour (FP/h) in a completely independent data set. Our methodological approach allowed the detection of impending seizures from 5 min to just before the onset of a clinical/electrical seizure with a sensitivity of 94.1%. The FP rate was 0.49 h−1 in the recordings from patients with epilepsy and 0.19 h−1 in the recordings from healthy subjects. Our results suggest that it is feasible to use the dynamics of HRV parameters for the early detection and, potentially, the prediction of epileptic seizures

    Различные паттерны энтропии перестановок электроэнцефалограммы при эпилептиформной активности

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    Показано поведінку часової залежності ентропії перестановок при зміні порядку з третього до сьомого для електроенцефалограм, що містять епілептиформну активність. Встановлено, що зміна порядку в межах від трьох до семи не має істотного впливу на одержувані результати. Було виділено дві різні групи сигналів, що містять епілептиформну активність, одна зі зниженням ентропії перестановок в області з епілептиформною активністю, а інша – із збільшенням ентропії перестановок при епілептиформній активності.Behavior of permutation entropy for the orders from 3 to 7 was shown for the electroencephalogram (EEG) containing epileptiform activity. It was revealed that changing the order in the range from 3 to 7 has no significant effect on the results. Two different EEG groups containing epileptiform activity were distinguished, one with the tendency to a permutation entropy decrease in areas where epileptiform activity persists, another with increase of permutation entropy during epileptiform activity.Показано поведение временной зависимости энтропии перестановок при изменении порядка с третьего до седьмого для электроэнцефалограмм (ЭЭГ), содержащих эпилептиформную активность. Установлено, что изменение порядка в пределах от трех до семи не имеет существенного влияния на получаемые результаты. Было выделено две различные группы сигналов, содержащих эпилептиформную активность, одна со снижением энтропии перестановок в области с эпилептиформной активностью, а другая – с увеличением энтропии перестановок при эпилептиформной активности

    Classification of Epileptic EEG Signals by Wavelet based CFC

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    Electroencephalogram, an influential equipment for analyzing humans activities and recognition of seizure attacks can play a crucial role in designing accurate systems which can distinguish ictal seizures from regular brain alertness, since it is the first step towards accomplishing a high accuracy computer aided diagnosis system (CAD). In this article a novel approach for classification of ictal signals with wavelet based cross frequency coupling (CFC) is suggested. After extracting features by wavelet based CFC, optimal features have been selected by t-test and quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) have completed the Classification.Comment: Electroencephalogram; Wavelet Decomposition; Cross Frequency Coupling;Quadratic Discriminant Analysis; T-test Feature Selectio