3,422 research outputs found

    Stop It, and Be Stubborn!

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    A system is AG EF terminating, if and only if from every reachable state, a terminal state is reachable. This publication argues that it is beneficial for both catching non-progress errors and stubborn set state space reduction to try to make verification models AG EF terminating. An incorrect mutual exclusion algorithm is used as an example. The error does not manifest itself, unless the first action of the customers is modelled differently from other actions. An appropriate method is to add an alternative first action that models the customer stopping for good. This method typically makes the model AG EF terminating. If the model is AG EF terminating, then the basic strong stubborn set method preserves safety and some progress properties without any additional condition for solving the ignoring problem. Furthermore, whether the model is AG EF terminating can be checked efficiently from the reduced state space

    Confluence versus Ample Sets in Probabilistic Branching Time

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    To improve the efficiency of model checking in general, and probabilistic model checking in particular, several reduction techniques have been introduced. Two of these, confluence reduction and partial-order reduction by means of ample sets, are based on similar principles, and both preserve branching-time properties for probabilistic models. Confluence reduction has been introduced for probabilistic automata, whereas ample set reduction has been introduced for Markov decision processes. In this presentation we will explore the relationship between confluence and ample sets. To this end, we redefine confluence reduction to handle MDPs. We show that all non-trivial ample sets consist of confluent transitions, but that the converse is not true. We also show that the two notions coincide if the definition of confluence is restricted, and point out the relevant parts where the two theories differ. The results we present also hold for non-probabilistic models, as our theorems can just as well be applied in a context where all transitions are non-probabilistic. To show a practical application of our results, we adapt a state space generation technique based on representative states, already known in combination with confluence reduction, so that it can also be applied with partial-order reduction

    Application of Partial-Order Methods to Reactive Systems with Event Memorization

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    International audienceWe are concerned in this paper with the verification of reactive systems with event memorization. The reactive systems are specified with an asynchronous reactive language Electre the main feature of which is the capability of memorizing occurrences of events in order to process them later. This memory capability is quite interesting for specifying reactive systems but leads to a verification model with a dramatically large number of states (due to the stored occurrences of events). In this paper, we show that partial-order methods can be applied successfuly for verification purposes on our model of reactive programs with event memorization. The main points of our work are two-fold: (1) we show that the independance relation which is a key point for applying partial-order methods can be extracted automatically from an \sf Electre program; (2) the partial-order technique turns out to be very efficient and may lead to a drastic reduction in the number of states of the model as demonstrated by a real-life industrial case study

    Analysing Coloured Petri Nets by the Occurrence Graph Method

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    This paper provides an overview og the work done for the author's PhD thesis. The research area of Coloured Petri Nets is introduced, and the available analysis methods are presented. The occurrence graph method, which is the main subject of this thesis, is described in more detail. Summaries of the six papers which, together with this overview, comprise the thesis are given, and the contributions are discussed.A large portion of this overview is dedicated to a description of related work. The aim is twofold: First, to survey pertinent results within the research areas of -- in increasing generality -- Coloured Petri Nets, High-level Petri Nets, and formalisms for modelling and analysis of parallel and distributed systems. Second, to put the results obtained in this thesis in a wider perspective by comparing them with important related work

    Partial-order reduction for parity games with an application on parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (Technical Report)

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    Partial-order reduction (POR) is a well-established technique to combat the problem of state-space explosion. Most approaches in literature focus on Kripke structures or labelled transition systems and preserve a form of stutter/weak trace equivalence or weak bisimulation. Therefore, they are at best applicable when checking weak modal mucalculus. We propose to apply POR on parity games, which can encode the combination of a transition system and a temporal property. Our technique allows one to apply POR in the setting of mu-calculus model checking. We show with an example that the reduction achieved on parity games can be significantly larger. Furthermore, we identify and repair an issue where stubborn sets do not preserve stutter equivalence

    Modelling and Analysis of Real-Time Systems with RTCP-Nets

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    Star-Topology Decoupling in SPIN

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    The Symmetry Method for Coloured Petri Nets

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    This booklet is the author's PhD-dissertation

    Formal Methods in Factory Automation

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