15,311 research outputs found

    Characterizing downwards closed, strongly first order, relativizable dependencies

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    In Team Semantics, a dependency notion is strongly first order if every sentence of the logic obtained by adding the corresponding atoms to First Order Logic is equivalent to some first order sentence. In this work it is shown that all nontrivial dependency atoms that are strongly first order, downwards closed, and relativizable (in the sense that the relativizations of the corresponding atoms with respect to some unary predicate are expressible in terms of them) are definable in terms of constancy atoms. Additionally, it is shown that any strongly first order dependency is safe for any family of downwards closed dependencies, in the sense that every sentence of the logic obtained by adding to First Order Logic both the strongly first order dependency and the downwards closed dependencies is equivalent to some sentence of the logic obtained by adding only the downwards closed dependencies

    Relation spaces of hyperplane arrangements and modules defined by graphs of fiber zonotopes

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    We study the exactness of certain combinatorially defined complexes which generalize the Orlik-Solomon algebra of a geometric lattice. The main results pertain to complex reflection arrangements and their restrictions. In particular, we consider the corresponding relation complexes and give a simple proof of the nn-formality of these hyperplane arrangements. As an application, we are able to bound the Castelnouvo-Mumford regularity of certain modules over polynomial rings associated to Coxeter arrangements (real reflection arrangements) and their restrictions. The modules in question are defined using the relation complex of the Coxeter arrangement and fiber polytopes of the dual Coxeter zonotope. They generalize the algebra of piecewise polynomial functions on the original arrangement

    Diszkrét matematika = Discrete mathematics

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    A pályázat résztvevői igen aktívak voltak a 2006-2008 években. Nemcsak sok eredményt értek el, miket több mint 150 cikkben publikáltak, eredményesen népszerűsítették azokat. Több mint 100 konferencián vettek részt és adtak elő, felerészben meghívott, vagy plenáris előadóként. Hagyományos gráfelmélet Több extremális gráfproblémát oldottunk meg. Új eredményeket kaptunk Ramsey számokról, globális és lokális kromatikus számokról, Hamiltonkörök létezéséséről. a crossig numberről, gráf kapacitásokról és kizárt részgráfokról. Véletlen gráfok, nagy gráfok, regularitási lemma Nagy gráfok "hasonlóságait" vizsgáltuk. Különféle metrikák ekvivalensek. Űj eredeményeink: Hereditary Property Testing, Inverse Counting Lemma and the Uniqueness of Hypergraph Limit. Hipergráfok, egyéb kombinatorika Új Sperner tipusú tételekte kaptunk, aszimptotikusan meghatározva a halmazok max számát bizonyos kizárt struktőrák esetén. Több esetre megoldottuk a kizárt hipergráf problémát is. Elméleti számítástudomány Új ujjlenyomat kódokat és bioinformatikai eredményeket kaptunk. | The participants of the project were scientifically very active during the years 2006-2008. They did not only obtain many results, which are contained in their more than 150 papers appeared in strong journals, but effectively disseminated them in the scientific community. They participated and gave lectures in more than 100 conferences (with multiplicity), half of them were plenary or invited talks. Traditional graph theory Several extremal problems for graphs were solved. We obtained new results for certain Ramsey numbers, (local and global) chromatic numbers, existence of Hamiltonian cycles crossing numbers, graph capacities, and excluded subgraphs. Random graphs, large graphs, regularity lemma The "similarities" of large graphs were studied. We show that several different definitions of the metrics (and convergence) are equivalent. Several new results like the Hereditary Property Testing, Inverse Counting Lemma and the Uniqueness of Hypergraph Limit were proved Hypergraphs, other combinatorics New Sperner type theorems were obtained, asymptotically determining the maximum number of sets in a family of subsets with certain excluded configurations. Several cases of the excluded hypergraph problem were solved. Theoretical computer science New fingerprint codes and results in bioinformatics were found

    A Solution Set-Based Entropy Principle for Constitutive Modeling in Mechanics

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    Entropy principles based on thermodynamic consistency requirements are widely used for constitutive modeling in continuum mechanics, providing physical constraints on a priori unknown constitutive functions. The well-known M\"uller-Liu procedure is based on Liu's lemma for linear systems. While the M\"uller-Liu algorithm works well for basic models with simple constitutive dependencies, it cannot take into account nonlinear relationships that exist between higher derivatives of the fields in the cases of more complex constitutive dependencies. The current contribution presents a general solution set-based procedure, which, for a model system of differential equations, respects the geometry of the solution manifold, and yields a set of constraint equations on the unknown constitutive functions, which are necessary and sufficient conditions for the entropy production to stay nonnegative for any solution. Similarly to the M\"uller-Liu procedure, the solution set approach is algorithmic, its output being a set of constraint equations and a residual entropy inequality. The solution set method is applicable to virtually any physical model, allows for arbitrary initially postulated forms of the constitutive dependencies, and does not use artificial constructs like Lagrange multipliers. A Maple implementation makes the solution set method computationally straightforward and useful for the constitutive modeling of complex systems. Several computational examples are considered, in particular, models of gas, anisotropic fluid, and granular flow dynamics. The resulting constitutive function forms are analyzed, and comparisons are provided. It is shown how the solution set entropy principle can yield classification problems, leading to several complementary sets of admissible constitutive functions; such problems have not previously appeared in the constitutive modeling literature