1,232 research outputs found

    Workflow Provenance: from Modeling to Reporting

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    Workflow provenance is a crucial part of a workflow system as it enables data lineage analysis, error tracking, workflow monitoring, usage pattern discovery, and so on. Integrating provenance into a workflow system or modifying a workflow system to capture or analyze different provenance information is burdensome, requiring extensive development because provenance mechanisms rely heavily on the modelling, architecture, and design of the workflow system. Various tools and technologies exist for logging events in a software system. Unfortunately, logging tools and technologies are not designed for capturing and analyzing provenance information. Workflow provenance is not only about logging, but also about retrieving workflow related information from logs. In this work, we propose a taxonomy of provenance questions and guided by these questions, we created a workflow programming model 'ProvMod' with a supporting run-time library to provide automated provenance and log analysis for any workflow system. The design and provenance mechanism of ProvMod is based on recommendations from prominent research and is easy to integrate into any workflow system. ProvMod offers Neo4j graph database support to manage semi-structured heterogeneous JSON logs. The log structure is adaptable to any NoSQL technology. For each provenance question in our taxonomy, ProvMod provides the answer with data visualization using Neo4j and the ELK Stack. Besides analyzing performance from various angles, we demonstrate the ease of integration by integrating ProvMod with Apache Taverna and evaluate ProvMod usability by engaging users. Finally, we present two Software Engineering research cases (clone detection and architecture extraction) where our proposed model ProvMod and provenance questions taxonomy can be applied to discover meaningful insights

    Assessing the effect of source code characteristics on changeability

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    Maintenance is the phase of the software lifecycle that comprises any modification after the delivery of an application. Modifications during this phase include correcting faults, improving internal attributes, as well as adapting the application to different environments. As application knowledge and architectural integrity degrade over time, so does the facility with which changes to the application are introduced. Thus, eliminating source code that presents characteristics that hamper maintenance becomes necessary if the application is to evolve. We group these characteristics under the term Source Code Issues. Even though there is support for detecting Source Code Issues, the extent of their harmfulness for maintenance remains unknown. One of the most studied Source Code Issue is cloning. Clones are duplicated code, usually created as programmers copy, paste, and customize existing source code. However, there is no agreement on the harmfulness of clones. This thesis proposes and follows a novel methodology to assess the effect of clones on the changeability of methods. Changeability is the ease with which a source code entity is modified. It is assessed through metrics calculated from the history of changes of the methods. The impact of clones on the changeability of methods is measured by comparing the metrics of methods that contain clones to those that do not. Source code characteristics are then tested to establish whether they are endemic of methods whose changeability decay increase when cloned. In addition to findings on the harmfulness of cloning, this thesis contributes a methodology that can be applied to assess the harmfulness of other Source Code Issues. The contributions of this thesis are twofold. First, the findings answer the question about the harmfulness of clones on changeability by showing that cloned methods are more likely to change, and that some cloned methods have significantly higher changeability decay when cloned. Furthermore, it offers a characterization of such harmful clones. Second, the methodology provides a guide to analyze the effect of Source Code Characteristics in changeability; and therefore, can be adapted for other Source Code Issues

    Development of advanced geometric models and acceleration techniques for Monte Carlo simulation in Medical Physics

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    Els programes de simulació Monte Carlo de caràcter general s'utilitzen actualment en una gran varietat d'aplicacions.Tot i això, els models geomètrics implementats en la majoria de programes imposen certes limitacions a la forma dels objectes que es poden definir. Aquests models no són adequats per descriure les superfícies arbitràries que es troben en estructures anatòmiques o en certs aparells mèdics i, conseqüentment, algunes aplicacions que requereixen l'ús de models geomètrics molt detallats no poden ser acuradament estudiades amb aquests programes.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és el desenvolupament de models geomètrics i computacionals que facilitin la descripció dels objectes complexes que es troben en aplicacions de física mèdica. Concretament, dos nous programes de simulació Monte Carlo basats en PENELOPE han sigut desenvolupats. El primer programa, penEasy, utilitza un algoritme de caràcter general estructurat i inclou diversos models de fonts de radiació i detectors que permeten simular fàcilment un gran nombre d'aplicacions. Les noves rutines geomètriques utilitzades per aquest programa, penVox, extenen el model geomètric estàndard de PENELOPE, basat en superfícices quàdriques, per permetre la utilització d'objectes voxelitzats. Aquests objectes poden ser creats utilitzant la informació anatòmica obtinguda amb una tomografia computeritzada i, per tant, aquest model geomètric és útil per simular aplicacions que requereixen l'ús de l'anatomia de pacients reals (per exemple, la planificació radioterapèutica). El segon programa, penMesh, utilitza malles de triangles per definir la forma dels objectes simulats. Aquesta tècnica, que s'utilitza freqüentment en el camp del disseny per ordinador, permet representar superfícies arbitràries i és útil per simulacions que requereixen un gran detall en la descripció de la geometria, com per exemple l'obtenció d'imatges de raig x del cos humà.Per reduir els inconvenients causats pels llargs temps d'execució, els algoritmes implementats en els nous programes s'han accelerat utilitzant tècniques sofisticades, com per exemple una estructura octree. També s'ha desenvolupat un paquet de programari per a la paral·lelització de simulacions Monte Carlo, anomentat clonEasy, que redueix el temps real de càlcul de forma proporcional al nombre de processadors que s'utilitzen.Els programes de simulació que es presenten en aquesta tesi són gratuïts i de codi lliures. Aquests programes s'han provat en aplicacions realistes de física mèdica i s'han comparat amb altres programes i amb mesures experimentals.Per tant, actualment ja estan llestos per la seva distribució pública i per la seva aplicació a problemes reals.Monte Carlo simulation of radiation transport is currently applied in a large variety of areas. However, the geometric models implemented in most general-purpose codes impose limitations on the shape of the objects that can be defined. These models are not well suited to represent the free-form (i.e., arbitrary) shapes found in anatomic structures or complex medical devices. As a result, some clinical applications that require the use of highly detailed phantoms can not be properly addressed.This thesis is devoted to the development of advanced geometric models and accelration techniques that facilitate the use of state-of-the-art Monte Carlo simulation in medical physics applications involving detailed anatomical phantoms. To this end, two new codes, based on the PENELOPE package, have been developed. The first code, penEasy, implements a modular, general-purpose main program and provides various source models and tallies that can be readily used to simulate a wide spectrum of problems. Its associated geometry routines, penVox, extend the standard PENELOPE geometry, based on quadric surfaces, to allow the definition of voxelised phantoms. This kind of phantoms can be generated using the information provided by a computed tomography and, therefore, penVox is convenient for simulating problems that require the use of the anatomy of real patients (e.g., radiotherapy treatment planning). The second code, penMesh, utilises closed triangle meshes to define the boundary of each simulated object. This approach, which is frequently used in computer graphics and computer-aided design, makes it possible to represent arbitrary surfaces and it is suitable for simulations requiring a high anatomical detail (e.g., medical imaging).A set of software tools for the parallelisation of Monte Carlo simulations, clonEasy, has also been developed. These tools can reduce the simulation time by a factor that is roughly proportional to the number of processors available and, therefore, facilitate the study of complex settings that may require unaffordable execution times in a sequential simulation.The computer codes presented in this thesis have been tested in realistic medical physics applications and compared with other Monte Carlo codes and experimental data. Therefore, these codes are ready to be publicly distributed as free and open software and applied to real-life problems.Postprint (published version

    Enhanced Growth and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Osteoblast-Like Cells on Boron-Doped Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films

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    Intrinsic nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films have been proven to be promising substrates for the adhesion, growth and osteogenic differentiation of bone-derived cells. To understand the role of various degrees of doping (semiconducting to metallic-like), the NCD films were deposited on silicon substrates by a microwave plasma-enhanced CVD process and their boron doping was achieved by adding trimethylboron to the CH4:H2 gas mixture, the B∶C ratio was 133, 1000 and 6700 ppm. The room temperature electrical resistivity of the films decreased from >10 MΩ (undoped films) to 55 kΩ, 0.6 kΩ, and 0.3 kΩ (doped films with 133, 1000 and 6700 ppm of B, respectively). The increase in the number of human osteoblast-like MG 63 cells in 7-day-old cultures on NCD films was most apparent on the NCD films doped with 133 and 1000 ppm of B (153,000±14,000 and 152,000±10,000 cells/cm2, respectively, compared to 113,000±10,000 cells/cm2 on undoped NCD films). As measured by ELISA per mg of total protein, the cells on NCD with 133 and 1000 ppm of B also contained the highest concentrations of collagen I and alkaline phosphatase, respectively. On the NCD films with 6700 ppm of B, the cells contained the highest concentration of focal adhesion protein vinculin, and the highest amount of collagen I was adsorbed. The concentration of osteocalcin also increased with increasing level of B doping. The cell viability on all tested NCD films was almost 100%. Measurements of the concentration of ICAM-1, i.e. an immunoglobuline adhesion molecule binding inflammatory cells, suggested that the cells on the NCD films did not undergo significant immune activation. Thus, the potential of NCD films for bone tissue regeneration can be further enhanced and tailored by B doping and that B doping up to metallic-like levels is not detrimental for cells
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