3,712 research outputs found

    DRIVER Technology Watch Report

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    This report is part of the Discovery Workpackage (WP4) and is the third report out of four deliverables. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the latest technical developments in the world of digital repositories, digital libraries and beyond, in order to serve as theoretical and practical input for the technical DRIVER developments, especially those focused on enhanced publications. This report consists of two main parts, one part focuses on interoperability standards for enhanced publications, the other part consists of three subchapters, which give a landscape picture of current and surfacing technologies and communities crucial to DRIVER. These three subchapters contain the GRID, CRIS and LTP communities and technologies. Every chapter contains a theoretical explanation, followed by case studies and the outcomes and opportunities for DRIVER in this field

    A European Platform for Distributed Real Time Modelling & Simulation of Emerging Electricity Systems

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    This report presents the proposal for the constitution of a European platform consisting of the federation of real-time modelling and simulation facilities applied to the analysis of emerging electricity systems. Such a platform can be understood as a pan-European distributed laboratory aiming at making use of the best available relevant resources and knowledge for the sake of supporting industry and policy makers and conducting advanced scientific research. The report describes the need for such a platform, with reference to the current status of power systems; the state of the art of the relevant technologies; and the character and format that the platform might take. This integrated distributed laboratory will facilitate the modelling, testing and assessment of power systems beyond the capacities of each single entity, enabling remote access to software and equipment anywhere in the EU, by establishing a real-time interconnection to the available facilities and capabilities within the Member States. Such an infrastructure will support the remote testing of devices, enhance simulation capabilities for large multi-scale and multi-layer systems, while also achieving soft-sharing of expertise in a large knowledge-based virtual environment. Furthermore the platform should offer the possibility of keeping confidential all susceptible data/models/algorithms, enabling the participants to determine which specific data will be shared with other actors. This kind of simulation platform will benefit all actors that need to take decisions in the power system area. This includes national and local authorities, regulators, network operators and utilities, manufacturers, consumers/prosumers. The federation of labs is created through real-time remote access to high-performance computing, data infrastructure and hardware and software components (electrical, electronic, ICT) assured by the interconnection of different labs with a server-cloud architecture where the local computers or machines interact with other labs through dedicated VPN (Virtual Private Network) over the GEANT network (the pan-European research and education network that interconnects Europe’s National Research and Education Networks ). The local VPN servers bridge the local simulation platform at each site and the cloud ensuring the security of the data exchange while offering a better coordination of the communication and the multi-point connection. It is then possible the integration of the different sub-systems (distribution grid, transmission grid, generation, market, and consumer behaviour) with a holistic approach

    Final Report of the ModSysC2020 Working Group - Data, Models and Theories for Complex Systems: new challenges and opportunities

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    Final Report of the ModSysC2020 Working Group at University Montpellier 2At University Montpellier 2, the modeling and simulation of complex systems has been identified as a major scientific challenge and one of the priority axes in interdisciplinary research, with major potential impact on training, economy and society. Many research groups and laboratories in Montpellier are already working in that direction, but typically in isolation within their own scientific discipline. Several local actions have been initiated in order to structure the scientific community with interdisciplinary projects, but with little coordination among the actions. The goal of the ModSysC2020 (modeling and simulation of complex systems in 2020) working group was to analyze the local situation (forces and weaknesses, current projects), identify the critical research directions and propose concrete actions in terms of research projects, equipment facilities, human resources and training to be encouraged. To guide this perspective, we decomposed the scientific challenge into four main themes, for which there is strong background in Montpellier: (1) modeling and simulation of complex systems; (2) algorithms and computing; (3) scientific data management; (4) production, storage and archiving of data from the observation of the natural and biological media. In this report, for each theme, we introduce the context and motivations, analyze the situation in Montpellier, identify research directions and propose specific actions in terms of interdisciplinary research projects and training. We also provide an analysis of the socio-economical aspects of modeling and simulation through use cases in various domains such as life science and healthcare, environmental science and energy. Finally, we discuss the importance of revisiting students training in fundamental domains such as modeling, computer programming and database which are typically taught too late, in specialized masters

    Learning with facilitation affordances: The case of citizens’ advice services

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    How can employees be qualified to provide sound customer advisory services? How can they be empowered to deliver the value of public sector modernization to customers? In this paper, we offer a novel approach to qualify service personnel on-the-job using “facilitation affordances”. In this approach, artifacts, providing appropriately designed facilitation affordances, are introduced into service personnel’s work practices. These facilitation artifacts invite them to start experiential learning, and, hence, to improve their advice giving behavior. To develop our approach, we followed a design research approach, here we developed a set of design requirements and, ultimately, five design principles for facilitation artifacts. We tested our approach in the context of citizens’ advice services in public administrations. We implemented a prototype facilitation artifact and conducted a user study with six real-world advisors and twelve clients. Our preliminary results show that the “learning with facilitation affordances”-approach promises to enhance the service personnel’s skills that matter in modern public administrations. Furthermore, with the proposed qualification approach and the design principles for facilitation artifacts, we seek to deepen the knowledge on the importance of affordances for learning and, concurrently, provide practitioners with useful guidelines to implement the “learning with facilitation affordances”-approach in their organizations

    Smart farming : concepts, applications, adoption and diffusion in southern Brazil

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    Smart Farming (SF) is a modern set technologies that can be used to improve decision making and automation throughout agricultural activities. To accomplish this, some farmers are using the Internet of Things (IoT), which is new technology that allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existing network infrastructures. Further, it can create opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, which can result in improved efficiency, accuracy, and economic benefits for SF users. Besides the new areas such as IoT, Cloud Computing, Cognitive Computing and Big Data, two fields have contributed to the development of SF: Precision Agriculture (PA) and Information Technology (IT). The present study analyzed SF’s innovative processes, beginning with the production of scientific knowledge through to SF’s final diffusion of these technologies into agriculture. The discussion and analysis are based on the theoretical contributions of the evolutionary economy and the techno-economic paradigms and were used to analyze technological revolutions. The work consisted of three distinct methodological steps First, to better understand the subject being studied, interviews were conducted with researchers and market professionals, from different areas, such as agriculture, electronics engineering and mechanization. During the second stage, text mining was used to analyze scientific literature on SF. In the third step an empirical research was carried out to analyze the adoption of SF technologies in real environment. To operationalize this step, a questionnaire was sent to grain farmers from the southern region of Brazil, which included Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul. Since these grain' farmers produced 50% or more of the gross revenue in grains were included in the database. After the surveys were completed, the empirical data was used to analyze the adoption of these technologies. Based on the results, it was possible to infer that SF technologies are in the process of gestation and emergence. There has been intense scientific development in technologies, such as IoT and smart environments. Additionally, there has been a strong spillover effect from industries to agriculture. Because of this, it is expected that the number of SF innovations available to the market will grow over the next several years The study indicated main factors that a farmer chose to adopt SF were: potential increase in productivity, better process quality, cost reduction, and a greater knowledge of cultivated areas. Additionally, adding in these factors, education had the positive effect on the adoption of georeferenced soil sampling. The adoption of an autopilot spray pilot and management software was positively influenced by the size of the area. The results of the study have indicated that a higher level of schooling tends to increase the probability of adopting these technologies. It was also found that high equipment costs, the low qualification of rural workers, the precariousness of Internet access in Brazilian rural regions, and the need to insert a lot of data and information in specific programs available to take advantage of SF technologies are the main barriers faced by grain producers, which contribute to their delay in implementing SF technologies. Additionally, it has been verified that the machines used in the grain production systems are becoming digitalized—the availability of equipment with sensors and automated processes are rapidly increasing. However, from the famers’ perception, many technicians and consultants, such as agronomists and agricultural engineers, have not yet adapted to the new context of agriculture, with growing implementation of SF technologies amongst farmers. Thus, the question remains whether farmers and technical consultants can take advantage of available SF technologies and, if so, whether they can use these technologies to help them make decisions and monitor their farming practices. The results of this research can be used to further understand how SF technologies are being used among Brazilian grain producers.O Smart Farming (SF) é um novo conjunto de tecnologias que podem ser usadas para melhorar a tomada de decisões e a automação em atividades agrícolas. Para isso, alguns agricultores começaram a utilizar a Internet das Coisas (IoT), que é uma tecnologia que permite que os objetos sejam detectados ou controlados remotamente em infraestruturas de rede existentes. Esse processo tende a criar oportunidades para uma integração mais direta do mundo físico com sistemas baseados em computador, gerando maior eficiência, precisão e benefícios econômicos para os usuários de SF. Além das novas áreas como IoT, Computação em Nuvem, Cognitive Computing e Big Data, dois campos contribuíram para o desenvolvimento de SF: Agricultura de Precisão (AP) e Tecnologia da Informação (TI).A presente tese analisou o processo de inovação no contexto da SF, desde a produção de conhecimento científico até a fase de difusão dessas tecnologias na agricultura, sendo que, o objeto de estudo contemplou as propriedades rurais de grãos. A discussão e análise realizadas no trabalho têm como base teórica o aporte da economia evolucionária e o paradigma tecnoeconômico usado para analisar revoluções tecnológicas. O trabalho consistiu de três etapas metodológicas distintas A primeira, de caráter exploratório, foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com especialistas de diferentes áreas, visando melhor compreender o tema estudado. Na segunda etapa, realizou-se um levantamento na literatura científica acerca do tema. De posse dessas informações, operacionalizou-se uma pesquisa empírica para analisar a adoção dessas tecnologias no ambiente real. Para isso, foram aplicados 119 questionários com produtores de grãos da região Sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul), sendo adotada amostragem estratificada, pois foram considerados produtores cujas propriedades produzissem 50% ou mais da receita bruta em grãos.Com base nos resultados, foi possível inferir que as tecnologias de SF encontram-se no processo de gestação e emergência. Observou-se um intenso desenvolvimento científico em tecnologias como IoT e ambientes inteligentes, bem como um forte efeito de "spillover" de outras indústrias para a agricultura. Entretanto, espera-se que nos próximos anos, o número de inovações disponíveis ao mercado na área de SF cresça. Os principais fatores de adoção de SF observados no trabalho foram: a) aumento de produtividade, b) melhor qualidade de processo, c) redução de custos, e d) maior conhecimento de áreas cultivadas. Da mesma forma, alguns fatores aumentaram a adoção de tecnologias em diferentes intensidades e maneiras. A educação teve o efeito significativo e positivo na adoção de tecnologias georeferenciadas de amostragem de solo A adoção do piloto de pulverização do piloto automático e softwares de gerenciamento teve influência positiva do tamanho da área. Os resultados da tese sinalizaram que um maior grau de escolaridade, tende a aumentar probabilidade de adoção dessas tecnologias. As principais barreiras que atrasam a entrada dos produtores de grãos na SF foram: a) o preço dos equipamentos, b) baixa qualificação do trabalho rural c) a precariedade do acesso à Internet nas regiões rurais brasileiras, e d) necessidade de inserir muitos dados e informações em software. Verificou-se assim que as máquinas empregadas nos sistemas produtivos de grãos estão passando pelo processo de digitalização, especialmente pelo aumento da disponibilidade de equipamentos com sensores e processos automatizados. No entanto, na percepção do produtor rural, grande número de técnicos e consultores ainda não está adaptado ao novo contexto da agricultura. Com isso, permanece o questionamento acerca da capacidade do produtor e dos consultores técnicos de acompanhar e aproveitar o potencial das tecnologias de SF na tomada de decisão na propriedade rural. Os resultados desse trabalho, inéditos no contexto brasileiro, avançam no sentido de compreender a difusão da SF no contexto brasileiro


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    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management