164,866 research outputs found

    Effect of Social Capital Dimensions on Intellectual Capital (Case Study: Bank Hekmat Iranian)

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    Different operating organizations in the society can improve their performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency by building, development, and support of social capitals. Present study addresses this issue by exploring the relationship of social capital and its dimensions, i.e., structural, cognitive, and relational capitals, with intellectual capital in employees of Bank Hekmat Iranian. The required data conform to the research model were gathered using a questionnaire distributed among the employees working in different branches of this bank. Multivariate regression and Structural Equation Modeling (Path Analysis) were applied to assessment of the assumed relationships between the variables and to test of the hypotheses. The results indicate positive and significant relationship (at 95 percent confidence level) of social capital and its dimensions with intellectual capital where the relational capital accounted for the weakest correlation with social capital. Key words: Social capital; Intellectual capital; Employees; Organizatio

    Intellectual capital and value co-creation: an empirical analysis from a marketing perspective

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    The aim of this study is to investigate intellectual capital (IC) drivers that may influence Italian consumers’ decision to participate in value co-creation (VCC) activities with firms. Given the exploratory nature of the research, after a review of the relevant literature, we conducted a survey among Italian consumers to see if IC principal sub-dimensions (i.e. Relational Capital, Human Capital and Structural Capital) played a role in triggering VCC processes. Using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we analyzed 270 usable questionnaires finding that, in order to decide to co-create value with firms, IC sub-dimensions actually play a critical role. Our findings showed that the motivations (i.e., IC components) that influence Italian consumers’ decision to participate in value co-creation activities with firms are quite homogeneous and similar both for those who already participated in past in these activities as well for those who never participated. The study has several managerial implications as well as limitations. In fact, the survey has been conducted only among Italian consumers and therefore the research should be extended by a geographically standpoint. Moreover, the research analyzed only the demand-side, while it would be certainly useful to know the point of view of companies also adopting other research methods (e.g., in-depth interviews). This study provides to practitioners important suggestions and warnings about the importance of the development of IC sub-dimensions to (co-)create value with external actors and consequently suggests the importance of adopting a “open” approach towards consumers to establish an effective and interactive relationship with them. The study fills a gap in the literature, since there are not so many references in literature for a deep understanding of the concrete relationship between IC and VCC. In addition, to our best knowledge this paper is the first that explore IC-related issues from a marketing perspective

    The impact of institutional governance mechanisms on the dimensions of the efficiency of intellectual capital and the role of the size of the company in the Jordanian Shareholding industrial companies

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    This study aimed to test the impact of the mechanisms of corporate governance on the dimensions of the efficiency of intellectual capital and the role of the size of the company in the Jordanian Sharholding industrial companies. Data were obtained from the stock exchange for a sample of )47( Jordanian Sharholding industrial companies for the period )2013-2016(. The dimensions of intellectual capital efficiency were measured by (human capital efficiency, structural capital efficiency, capital adequacy, capital adequacy, capital adequacy, capital efficiency invested). The present study was based on the data sheet, )Cross section of the company), and for a )specific period of time), (time series). The study found that there is a difference in the Jordanian Sharholding industrial companies among them in terms of the efficiency of intellectual capital. It was also found that there was a difference between companies in applying corporate governance mechanisms, size of board of directors, administrative ownership and concentration of ownership, with relative convergence of board independence. The duplication of functions showed a high correlation between governance mechanisms, human capital efficiency, structural capital and invested capital. The size of the company plays the role of mediocrity in the relationship between governance mechanisms and the dimensions of intellectual capital. And realizing the importance of intellectual capital by corporate departments because of the value of the private sector rooted in the efficiency of corporate governance

    Modelo SEM basado en valores organizacionales y capital intelectual: un estudio realizado en entidades del sistema financiero peruano

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    La investigación analiza el efecto de los valores organizacionales en las dimensiones de capital intelectual: capital humano, capital estructural y capital relacional. La importancia del estudio de los constructos radica en la generación de conocimiento, esto se ha convertido en un recurso fundamental para las empresas, llevándolas a preocuparse por lo intangible de la organización. Los valores organizacionales, como base fundamental de la organización, brinda soporte para el gremio empresarial, por lo tanto, existe la necesidad de abordar estos constructos. El estudio se realizó bajo la metodología de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM), donde se realizó un análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio, con una muestra de 207 funcionarios de 15 entidades financieras, y se basó en el instrumento del inventario de perfil en valores organizacionales, de igual modo, el instrumento de capital intelectual, tuvo la finalidad de determinar el efecto que tienen las variables endógenas sobre las exógenas. Los resultados muestran que los valores organizacionales tienen relación causal significativa con el capital intelectual, y los constructos; capital humano (r=0.90), relacional (r=0.63) y estructural (r=0.89) con un error cuadrático medio de aproximación (RMSEA) de 0.08 y una discrepancia mínima por grado de libertad (CMIN/df) de 2.398 que hace relevante el modelo confirmatorio. Finalmente, se encontró una relación causal significativa y positiva entre los ocho valores organizacionales, los mismos que están influenciados de manera positiva en el capital humano, estructural y relacional.//The research analyzes the effect of organizational values on the dimensions of intellectual capital: human capital, structural capital and relational capital. The importance of the study of radical constructs in the generation of knowledge, this has become a fundamental resource for companies, leading them to worry about the intangible nature of the organization. Organizational values, as the fundamental basis of the organization, providing support for the business union, therefore, there is a need to address these constructs. The study was carried out under the methodology of structural equation models (SEM), where an exploratory and confirmatory analysis was performed, with a sample of 207 organizations from 15 financial entities, and was based on the instrument of the profile inventory in organizational values, Similarly, the intellectual capital instrument was determined to determine the effect that endogenous variables have on exogenous ones. The results that show organizational values have a significant causal relationship with intellectual capital, and constructs; human capital (r=0.90), relational (r=0.63) and structural (r=0.89) with a mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) of 0.08 and a minimum discrepancy by degree of freedom (CMIN/df) of 2,398 which makes relevant the confirmatory model. Finally, a significant and positive causal relationship was found among the eight organizational values, which are positively influenced in human, structural and relational capital

    About the relations between Management Accounting Systems, Intellectual Capital and Performance

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    The present study is focused on the contribution of management accounting systems (MAS) in the development of intellectual capital (IC). Based on empirical evidence that supports the proposition that the value creation process is strongly associated to the level of IC, the study also examines the mediating effect of MAS on performance through their positive direct effect on IC. These relationships were consolidated into a model and empirically tested with data from 281 Portuguese firms using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings show that six out of nine hypothesized relationships were supported by data with positive and significant causal links between MAS and the human and structural dimensions of IC. Results confirmed the conceptual validity of the circular model for the interactions among the three IC dimensions. Results also showed a positive and significant direct effect of structural capital on performance. Overall, the results confirmed the validity of the proposed model and contributed to the literature on the role of MAS in supporting the development of the I

    El capital social como enfoque teórico en Dirección Estratégica

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    [EN] The objective of this research paper is to investigate, from a theoretical point of view, the strategic relevance of social capital. In recent years, academic literature in this field has witnessed remarkable growth, recognizing social capital as a key element for companies, due to its contribution to the creation of competitive advantages. However, it might be said that its development is still emerging, given the number of discrepancies among researchers regarding its definition, measurement, and its positive or negative impact on other variables. For this reason, a set of empirical studies that show the social capital effect on diverse types of organizational results have been reviewed, taking as a reference the definition and dimensions proposed by Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998). Additionally, different theoretical links between social capital and four related Strategic Management approaches are presented, such as the Intellectual Capital-Based View, the Knowledge-Based View, the Resource-Based View and the Dynamic Resource-Based View. A main conclusion drawn from this review is that social capital, being a knowledge-based resource, enables access to both internal and external resources and thus a firm’s competitive advantage and, consequently, its value creation can be generated from the combination of both areas. Going in depth and clarifying this strategic linkage are thus a challenge to address in future studies.[ES] El principal objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la relevancia estratégica del capital social organizacional desde un punto de vista teórico. En los últimos años, la literatura académica relacionada con este concepto ha experimentado un notable crecimiento, reconociendo que el capital social es un elemento fundamental para que las empresas generen ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo, se podría afirmar que su desarrollo es todavía incipiente al existir multitud de discrepaciancias entre los investigadores acerca de su conceptuación, la medición de sus dimensiones o los efectos positivos o negativos que podría tener sobre otras variables. Por este motivo, tomando como referencia la definición y dimensiones propuestas por Nahapiet y Ghoshal (1998), se ha realizado una revisión de las investigaciones que, de manera empírica, han estudiado las relaciones entre el capital social y distintos tipos de resultados organizacionales. Igualmente, se exponen diferentes nexos teóricos encontrados entre el capital social y los principales enfoques en Dirección Estratégica como son Enfoque Basado en el Capital Intelectual, el Enfoque Basado en el Conocimiento, el Enfoque Basado en los Recursos y el Enfoque Basado en las Capacidades dinámicas. Se concluye que el capital social, como recurso basado en el conocimiento, podría permitir el acceso a otros recursos internos o externos, y que la creación de valor y la generación de ventajas competitivas de una empresa puede provenir de la combinación de ambos ámbitos. Así, futuros estudios deben encaminarse hacia la profundización y clarificación de este nexo estratégico

    The Relationship Between Employee Perceptions of the Employment Game and Their Perceptions of Cooperative Knowledge Behavior in High Tech Firms

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    The relationship between knowledge sharing and organizational performance for high technology start-up companies is not well understood. Using game theory and the concept of competitive advantage through human resource management, I examine employee perceptions of the employment game relating to cooperative knowledge behavior and firm performance as an entry point into researching organizational knowledge utilization. I draw upon classical game theory to develop four measures of perceptions critical to game playing and apply these to organizational situations via a survey instrument. I propose that perceptions of the employment game held by organization members are determinants of cooperative knowledge sharing and subsequently firm performance. I analyze survey data gathered from high-tech workers using both regression and path analysis techniques. The results from this study offer new insights into methods for measuring both the connections between knowledge work and firm performance and the perceptions critical for fostering collaborative knowledge work in high tech firms. Results of the study show a significant relationship between the game theory construct of reciprocity, knowledge building behavior and firm performance. The mediation model was weakly supported but shows potential usefulness for further research in the field of strategic human resource management

    The impact of structural capital on the firm Innovativeness, the Galician Northern Portugal automotive industries reality

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    The intellectual capital is increasingly considered a major issue on the management and organization research and a source of competitive advantage. Although there are different models and approaches that try to identify the effect of intellectual capital on firm performance, there’s, also a lack of evidence and consensus. Based on that evidence, this paper focuses on the influence of the structural capital on the product- process and management innovativeness of the firm. A global model including the variables used in the previous literature is used and we establishes hypotheses for testing this model and use statistic technique to estimate the parameters of the model in a sample. To do so, we use a survey from 68 firms working on the auto components sector, established in the Northern Spain and Northern Portugal. We found firstly, that innovativeness has two main dimensions, perfectly differentiated, the product-process innovation and the management innovation; secondly that the structural capital dimensions influences differently each type of innovation capacity (innovativeness). We also concluded that the structural capital of the automotive firms based on the euro region Galicia (Spain) Northern Portugal influences positive and directly the management innovativeness. These results highlight the importance of the structural capital as well as highlight the main dimensions that influence the innovativeness, and more broadly, the value of intellectual capital as a competitive advantage in contemporary time. Moreover, point out the different character of product-process and management innovativeness.

    The mediating effect of board of directors functions on the relationship between intellectual capital and firm performance

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    Many factors influence a firm’s performance and among these factors, intellectual capital (IC) is the most important determinant of a firm’s performance. Besides IC, corporate governance (CG) elements, especially the board of directors’ functions (BoDF) are other significant predictors of the firm’s performance. Contemporary literature, however, remains scant on the assimilation of BoDF with IC and its components: human capital (HC), structural capital (SC), relational capital (RC) and spiritual capital (SpC) to determine firm performance. This study has filled the gap in the related literature by developing a framework which examines the mediating effects of BoDF on the relationship between IC and different dimensions of a firm’s performance. The study has also identified effective BoDF as the mediator that collaborates the different dimensions and investigated the effect of IC on the overall, financial and non-financial performances. To accomplish the objectives, this study applied quantitative methodology and questionnaires were distributed to 314 top managers of high IC Iranian firms. Fitness of the measurement model and structural equation modelling (SEM) were tested. To examine the hypothesis, simple regression, hierarchical regression and Sobel test were applied. The results indicated a partial mediation role of BoDF in the relationship between IC and firm performance. The findings also indicated that IC and its components are positively linked to BoDF which is positively linked to the overall, non- financial and financial performances. IC and its components are also positively linked to the overall performance. Based on the results, BoDF mediates HC, SC and RC on the overall performance but it does not mediate SpC in the firm’s overall performance. The study has shown the importance of IC in improving a firm’s performance, and the role of BoDF as one of the important variables in Iranian firms which affects the relationship between IC and three dimensions of a firms' performance

    Does Intellectual Capital Affect the Volatility of Returns? An Empirical Investigation on Italian Listed Companies

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    In modern information economies, economic success increasingly depends on the ability to apply knowledge and to transform it into firm value. While intellectual capital plays a critical role in firm success, it is an intangible asset that is difficult to measure and that is unrecorded by the firm. Difficulties in measuring intellectual capital, as well as the dynamic nature of the firms that rely on it, may lead to greater stock market volatility/risk. Consistent with this expectation, in statistical tests we find that intellectual capital, measured by VAIC, positively relates to the volatility of stock returns section among Italian listed companies. We find this positive relation for two components of a firm’s risk: systematic risk and specific risk. The finding is relevant to both investors concerned with understanding the risk/reward balance of particular investments and regulators concerned with market stability