1,996 research outputs found

    Annotated Type Systems for Program Analysis

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    In this Ph.D. thesis, we study four program analyses. Three of them are specified by annotated type systems and the last one by abstract interpretation.We present a combined strictness and totality analysis. We are specifying the analysis as an annotated type system. The type system allows conjunctions of annotated types, but only at the top-level. The analysis is somewhat more powerful than the strictness analysis by Kuo and Mishra due to the conjunctions and in that we also consider totality. The analysis is shown sound with respect to a natural-style operational semantics. The analysis is not immediately extendable to full conjunction.The second analysis is also a combined strictness and totality analysis, however with ``full´´ conjunction. Soundness of the analysis is shown with respect to a denotational semantics. The analysis is more powerful than the strictness analyses by Jensen and Benton in that it in addition to strictness considers totality. So far we have only specified the analyses, however in order for the analyses to be practically useful we need an algorithm for inferring the annotated types. We construct an algorithm for the second analysis using the lazy type approach by Hankin and Le Métayer. The reason for choosing the second analysis from the thesis is that the approach is not applicable to the first analysis.The third analysis we study is a binding time analysis. We take the analysis specified by Nielson and Nielson and we construct a more efficient algorithm than the one proposed by Nielson and Nielson. The algorithm collects constraints in a structural manner like the type inference algorithm by Damas. Afterwards the minimal solution to the set of constraints is found.The last analysis in the thesis is specified by abstract interpretation. Hunt shows that projection based analyses are subsumed by PER (partial equivalence relation) based analyses using abstract interpretation. The PERs used by Hunt are strict, i.e. bottom is related to bottom. Here we lift this restriction by requiring the PERs to be uniform, in the sense that they treat all the integers equally. By allowing non-strict PERs we get three properties on the integers, corresponding to the three annotations used in the first and second analysis in the thesis

    Strictness and Totality Analysis

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    We define a novel inference system for strictness and totality analysis for the simply-typed lazy lambda-calculus with constants and fixpoints. Strictness information identifies those terms that definitely denote bottom (i.e. do not evaluate to WHNF) whereas totality information identifies those terms that definitely do not denote bottom (i.e. do evaluate to WHNF). The analysis is presented as an annotated type system allowing conjunctions only at ``top level´´. We give examples of its use and prove the correctness with respect to a natural-style operational semantics

    Partial Horn logic and cartesian categories

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    A logic is developed in which function symbols are allowed to represent partial functions. It has the usual rules of logic (in the form of a sequent calculus) except that the substitution rule has to be modified. It is developed here in its minimal form, with equality and conjunction, as “partial Horn logic”. Various kinds of logical theory are equivalent: partial Horn theories, “quasi-equational” theories (partial Horn theories without predicate symbols), cartesian theories and essentially algebraic theories. The logic is sound and complete with respect to models in , and sound with respect to models in any cartesian (finite limit) category. The simplicity of the quasi-equational form allows an easy predicative constructive proof of the free partial model theorem for cartesian theories: that if a theory morphism is given from one cartesian theory to another, then the forgetful (reduct) functor from one model category to the other has a left adjoint. Various examples of quasi-equational theory are studied, including those of cartesian categories and of other classes of categories. For each quasi-equational theory another, , is constructed, whose models are cartesian categories equipped with models of . Its initial model, the “classifying category” for , has properties similar to those of the syntactic category, but more precise with respect to strict cartesian functors

    Contracts for Interacting Two-Party Systems

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    This article deals with the interrelation of deontic operators in contracts -- an aspect often neglected when considering only one of the involved parties. On top of an automata-based semantics we formalise the onuses that obligations, permissions and prohibitions on one party impose on the other. Such formalisation allows for a clean notion of contract strictness and a derived notion of contract conflict that is enriched with issues arising from party interdependence.Comment: In Proceedings FLACOS 2012, arXiv:1209.169

    Truth-value semantics and functional extensions for classical logic of partial terms based on equality

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    We develop a bottom-up approach to truth-value semantics for classical logic of partial terms based on equality and apply it to prove the conservativity of the addition of partial description and partial selection functions, independently of any strictness assumption.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in the Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logi

    Types of rights in interacting two-party systems : a formal analysis

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    Partially founded by UBACyT 20020090200116 and UBACyT 20020100200103.We present a formalization of Kanger’s types of rights in the context of interacting two-party systems, such as contracts. We show that in this setting basic rights such as claim, freedom, power and immunity can be expressed in terms of (possibly negated) permissions and obligations over presence or absense of actions, and that the set of atomic type rights is different from Kanger’s original proposal.peer-reviewe

    Effectful Programming in Declarative Languages with an Emphasis on Non-Determinism: Applications and Formal Reasoning

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    This thesis investigates effectful declarative programming with an emphasis on non-determinism as an effect. On the one hand, we are interested in developing applications using non-determinism as underlying implementation idea. We discuss two applications using the functional logic programming language Curry. The key idea of these implementations is to exploit the interplay of non-determinism and non-strictness that Curry employs. The first application investigates sorting algorithms parametrised over a comparison function. By applying a non-deterministic predicate to these sorting functions, we gain a permutation enumeration function. We compare the implementation in Curry with an implementation in Haskell that uses a monadic interface to model non-determinism. The other application that we discuss in this work is a library for probabilistic programming. Instead of modelling distributions as list of event and probability pairs, we model distributions using Curry's built-in non-determinism. In both cases we observe that the combination of non-determinism and non-strictness has advantages over an implementation using lists to model non-determinism. On the other hand, we present an idea to apply formal reasoning on effectful declarative programming languages. In order to start with simple effects, we focus on modelling a functional subset first. That is, the effects of interest are totality and partiality. We then observe that the general scheme to model these two effects can be generalised to capture a wide range of effects. Obviously, the next step is to apply the idea to model non-determinism. More precisely, we implement a model for the non-determinism of Curry: non-strict non-determinism with call-time choice. Therefore, we finally discuss why the current representation models call-by-name rather than Curry's call-by-need semantics and give an outlook on ideas to tackle this problem.Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der deklarativen Programmierung mit Effekten und legt dabei besonderen Fokus auf Nichtdeterminismus als Effekt. Einerseits möchten wir Anwendungen entwickeln, deren zugrundeliegende Implementierungsidee auf Nichtdeterminismus basiert. Wir stellen dazu zwei beispielhafte Anwendungen vor, die in der funktional logischen Programmiersprache Curry implementiert sind. Die Kernidee dieser Implementierungen ist dabei die Kombination von Nichtstriktheit und Nichtdeterminismus, die Curry unterliegen, gewinnbringend auszunutzen. Für die erste Anwendung untersuchen wir Sortierfunktionen, die über eine Vergleichsfunktion parametrisiert sind, und wenden diese Funktionen auf ein nichtdeterministisches Prädikat an. Dabei entsteht eine Funktion, die Permutationen der Eingabeliste berechnet. Wir vergleichen unsere Implementierung in Curry mit einer Implementierung in Haskell, die den Nichtdeterminismus monadisch modelliert. Als zweite Anwendung werden wir über eine Bibliothek zur probabilistischen Programmierung diskutieren. Statt der üblichen Modellierung von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen als Liste von Paaren von Ereignis- und korrespondierenden Wahrscheinlichkeitswerten modellieren wir diese Verteilungen mithilfe von Currys nativem Nichtdeterminismus. Beide Implementierungen haben durch die Kombination von Nichtdeterminismus und Nichtstriktheit Vorteile gegenüber einer Implementierung, die den Nichtdeterminismus durch Listen repräsentiert. Andererseits möchten wir eine Möglichkeit schaffen, über die Programme, die wir in effektbehafteten deklarativen Programmiersprachen entwickelt haben, in einem formalen Rahmen zu argumentieren. Dabei fangen wir mit der Teilmenge der rein funktionalen Effekte an, das heißt, wir interessieren uns zunächst für totale und partielle Programme. Die zugrundeliegende Idee zur Modellierung dieser zwei Effekte kann dann auch für weitere Effekte genutzt werden. Als natürlichen nächsten Schritt betrachten wir den Effekt, der bei der Sprache Curry zusätzlich hinzukommt: nicht-strikter Nichtdeterminismus mit call-time choice Semantik. Dabei geben wir eine Übersicht darüber, warum die aktuelle Repräsentation call-by-name modelliert, sowie erste Ideen, wie die für Curry erforderliche call-by-need Semantik modelliert werden könnte

    Algebraic Uncertainty Theory : A Unifying Perspective on Reasoning under Uncertainty

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    The question of how to represent and process uncertainty is of fundamental importance to the scientific process, but also in everyday life. Currently there exist a lot of different calculi for managing uncertainty, each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Especially, almost all are defining the domain and structure of uncertainty values a priori, e.g., one real number, two real numbers, a finite domain, and so on, but maybe uncertainty is best measured by complex numbers, matrices or still another mathematical structure. This thesis investigates the notion of uncertainty from a foundational point of view, provides an ontology and axiomatic core system for uncertainty and derives and not defines the structure of uncertainty. The main result, the ring theorem, stating that uncertainty values are elements of the [0,1]-interval of a partially ordered ring, is used to derive a general decomposition theorem for uncertainty values, splitting them into a numerical interval and an ``interaction term''. In order to illustrate the unifying power of these results, the relationship to Dempster-Shafer theory is discussed and it is shown that all Dempster-Shafer measures over finite domains can be represented by ring-valued uncertainty measures. Finally, the historical development of approaches to modeling uncertainty which have led to the results of this thesis are reviewed