316 research outputs found

    Window-based Streaming Graph Partitioning Algorithm

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    In the recent years, the scale of graph datasets has increased to such a degree that a single machine is not capable of efficiently processing large graphs. Thereby, efficient graph partitioning is necessary for those large graph applications. Traditional graph partitioning generally loads the whole graph data into the memory before performing partitioning; this is not only a time consuming task but it also creates memory bottlenecks. These issues of memory limitation and enormous time complexity can be resolved using stream-based graph partitioning. A streaming graph partitioning algorithm reads vertices once and assigns that vertex to a partition accordingly. This is also called an one-pass algorithm. This paper proposes an efficient window-based streaming graph partitioning algorithm called WStream. The WStream algorithm is an edge-cut partitioning algorithm, which distributes a vertex among the partitions. Our results suggest that the WStream algorithm is able to partition large graph data efficiently while keeping the load balanced across different partitions, and communication to a minimum. Evaluation results with real workloads also prove the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, and it achieves a significant reduction in load imbalance and edge-cut with different ranges of dataset

    Streaming, Memory Limited Algorithms for Community Detection

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    In this paper, we consider sparse networks consisting of a finite number of non-overlapping communities, i.e. disjoint clusters, so that there is higher density within clusters than across clusters. Both the intra- and inter-cluster edge densities vanish when the size of the graph grows large, making the cluster reconstruction problem nosier and hence difficult to solve. We are interested in scenarios where the network size is very large, so that the adjacency matrix of the graph is hard to manipulate and store. The data stream model in which columns of the adjacency matrix are revealed sequentially constitutes a natural framework in this setting. For this model, we develop two novel clustering algorithms that extract the clusters asymptotically accurately. The first algorithm is {\it offline}, as it needs to store and keep the assignments of nodes to clusters, and requires a memory that scales linearly with the network size. The second algorithm is {\it online}, as it may classify a node when the corresponding column is revealed and then discard this information. This algorithm requires a memory growing sub-linearly with the network size. To construct these efficient streaming memory-limited clustering algorithms, we first address the problem of clustering with partial information, where only a small proportion of the columns of the adjacency matrix is observed and develop, for this setting, a new spectral algorithm which is of independent interest.Comment: NIPS 201

    Link-Prediction Enhanced Consensus Clustering for Complex Networks

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    Many real networks that are inferred or collected from data are incomplete due to missing edges. Missing edges can be inherent to the dataset (Facebook friend links will never be complete) or the result of sampling (one may only have access to a portion of the data). The consequence is that downstream analyses that consume the network will often yield less accurate results than if the edges were complete. Community detection algorithms, in particular, often suffer when critical intra-community edges are missing. We propose a novel consensus clustering algorithm to enhance community detection on incomplete networks. Our framework utilizes existing community detection algorithms that process networks imputed by our link prediction based algorithm. The framework then merges their multiple outputs into a final consensus output. On average our method boosts performance of existing algorithms by 7% on artificial data and 17% on ego networks collected from Facebook

    Optimal learning of joint alignments with a faulty oracle

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    We consider the following problem, which is useful in applications such as joint image and shape alignment. The goal is to recover n discrete variables gi ∈ {0, . . . , k − 1} (up to some global offset) given noisy observations of a set of their pairwise differences {(gi − gj) mod k}; specifically, with probability 1 k + for some > 0 one obtains the correct answer, and with the remaining probability one obtains a uniformly random incorrect answer. We consider a learning-based formulation where one can perform a query to observe a pairwise difference, and the goal is to perform as few queries as possible while obtaining the exact joint alignment. We provide an easy-to-implement, time efficient algorithm that performs O (n lg n k^2 ) queries, and recovers the joint alignment with high probability. We also show that our algorithm is optimal by proving a general lower bound that holds for all non-adaptive algorithms. Our work improves significantly recent work by Chen and Cand´es [CC16], who view the problem as a constrained principal components analysis problem that can be solved using the power method. Specifically, our approach is simpler both in the algorithm and the analysis, and provides additional insights into the problem structure.First author draf
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