40 research outputs found

    GREEND: An Energy Consumption Dataset of Households in Italy and Austria

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    Home energy management systems can be used to monitor and optimize consumption and local production from renewable energy. To assess solutions before their deployment, researchers and designers of those systems demand for energy consumption datasets. In this paper, we present the GREEND dataset, containing detailed power usage information obtained through a measurement campaign in households in Austria and Italy. We provide a description of consumption scenarios and discuss design choices for the sensing infrastructure. Finally, we benchmark the dataset with state-of-the-art techniques in load disaggregation, occupancy detection and appliance usage mining

    Prodavanje i dijeljenje kulture: o odnosima između kulturne baštine, očuvanja prirode i institucija za razvoj turizma u gornjoj dolini rijeke Soče, Slovenija

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    In 2013, the municipalities of Tolmin and Kobarid proved to be successful in tourism development of the Upper Soča Valley: they quintupled tourist overnight stays. However, there are other institutions, like the Kobarid Museum (KM) and the Walk of the Peace Foundation (WP), which aim to further develop historical thematic paths of war in the region, an endeavour that started in Kobarid as early as 1990. The area is also located at the fringes of the Triglav National Park (TNP), a primarily nature conservation institution. In this article, the complex situation, in which cultural heritage dynamically oscillates between local conservation, political promotion and tourism development is examined.U članku se prikazuju međuinstitucionalni razmjeri u Kobaridu, gradu smještenom u gornjoj dolini rijeke Soče, na sjeverozapadu Slovenije. Rad zahvaća problem nezaustavljivog jačanja ekonomskih oblika turističkog diskursa među različitim institucijama i organizacijama koje se bave općim razvojem regije. Pažnja se usredotočuje na Lokalnu turističku organizaciju “Sotočje”, koju su 2000. godine zajednički osnovala gradska poglavarstva Kobarida i Tolmina, a koja je počela utjecati na program rada drugih institucija koje nisu bile primarno usmjerene na turizam, poput Kobaridskog muzeja Prvog svjetskog rata, Ustanove “Fundacija puta mira u Posočju” i Nacionalnog parka Triglav, koje prvenstveno zagovaraju povijesno istraživanje baštine i promicanje bioraznolikosti i održivosti regije. U članku se turizam shvaća kao kišobranski termin koji obuhvaća rad svih navedenih institucija, kao i brojnih manjih udruga u okolnim selima kojima je cilj promicanje lokalne baštine. Ova složena situacija, u kojoj mnoge institucije rade na razvoju turizma na malom području, analizira se ne samo iz lokalne perspektive, nego i u kontekstu nacionalnih i europskih politika i upravljanja

    Alpine Space Prospective Study. Sustainable territorial development in the Alpine Space: Towards long term transnational cooperation

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    This "Prospective Study" argues that a long term transnational cooperation will be able to pursue the sustainable territorial development in the Alpine Space only at the condition of a substantial improvement of the current experience. This regards an increased awareness of the complexity of issues and challenges currently at stake in the Alpine area but especially, in this light, the capacity of involving all relevant institutional and socioeconomic stakeholders in the building of shared transnational strategies