60 research outputs found

    Assessing wood properties in standing timber with laser scanning

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    Managed forests play crucial roles in ongoing climatic and environmental changes. Among other things, wood is capable of sinking and storing carbon in both standing timber and wood products. To promote these positive effects, more precise planning is required that will ensure sustainable forest management and maximal deposition of harvested wood for long-term applications. Information on wood properties plays a key role; i.e. the wood properties can impact the carbon stocks in forests and the suitability of wood for structural timber. With respect to the theoretical background of wood formation, stem, crown, and branching constitute potential inputs (i.e. wood quality indicators) to allometric wood property, tree biomass, and wood quality models. Due to the complex nature of wood formation, measurements of wood quality indicators that could predict wood properties along the relevant directions of variation have previously been elusive in forest inventories. However, developments in laser scanning from aerial and terrestrial platforms support more complex mapping and modeling regimes based on dense three-dimensional point clouds. The aim here was to determine how wood properties could be estimated in remote-sensing-aided forest inventories. For this purpose, methods for characterizing select wood quality indicators in standing timber, using airborne and terrestrial laser scanning (ALS and TLS, respectively) were developed and evaluated in managed boreal Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests. Firstly, the accuracies of wood quality indicators resolved from TLS point clouds were assessed. Secondly, the results were compared with x-ray tomographic references from sawmills. Thirdly, the accuracies of tree-specific crown features delineated from the ALS data in predictive modeling of the wood quality indicators were evaluated. The results showed that the quality and density of point clouds significantly impacted the accuracies of the extracted wood quality indicators. In the assessment of wood properties, TLS should be considered as a tool for retrieving as dense stem and branching data as possible from carefully selected sample trees. Accurately retrieved morphological data could be applied to allometric wood property models. The models should use tree traits predictable with aerial remote sensing (e.g. tree height, crown dimensions) to enable extrapolations. As an outlook, terrestrial and aerial remote sensing can play an important role in filling in the knowledge gaps regarding the behavior of wood properties over different spatial and temporal extents. Further interdisciplinary cooperation will be needed to fully facilitate the use of remote sensing and spatially transferable wood property models that could become useful in tackling the challenges associated with changing climate, silviculture, and demand for wood.Hoidetuilla metsillä on useita tärkeitä rooleja muuttuvassa ilmastossa ja ympäristössä. Puu sitoo ja varastoi hiiltä niin kasvaessaan, kuin pitkäikäisiksi puutuotteiksi jalostettuna. Näiden vaikutusten huomioiminen metsänhoidossa vaatii tarkkaa suunnittelua, jolla varmistetaan metsänhoidon ja puunkäytön kestävyys. Tieto puuaineen ominaisuuksista on keskeisessä osassa, sillä ne vaikuttavat hiilivarastojen suuruuteen metsissä, sekä puun käytettävyyteen pitkäikäisenä rakennesahatavarana. Puunmuodostuksen teoreettisen taustan mukaisesti, runko, latvus ja oksarakenne ovat potentiaalisia selittäviä muuttujia (eli puun laatuindikaattoreita), kun mallinnetaan puuaineen ominaisuuksia, puubiomassaa ja puun laatua. Puunmuodostuksen monimutkaisuudesta ja moniulotteisesta vaihtelusta johtuen, tarvittavien laatuidikaattorien mittaaminen osana metsävarojen inventointia ja riittävällä yksityiskohtaisuudella on ollut aiemmin mahdotonta. Monialustaisen laserkeilauksen kehittyminen kuitenkin tukee aiempaa monipuolisempien kartoitus- ja mallinnusjärjestelmien rakentamista, jotka perustuvat tiheisiin kolmiulotteisiin pistepilviin. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli määritellä, kuinka puuaineen ominaisuuksia voidaan arvioida kaukokartoitusta hyödyntävässä metsävarojen inventoinnissa. Tätä tarkoitusta varten kehitettiin menetelmiä puun laatuindikaattorien mittaamiseksi hoidetuissa männiköissä (Pinus sylvestris L.) lento- ja maastolaserkeilauksen avulla, ja arvioitiin niiden toimivuutta. Ensin arvioitiin laatuindikaattorien mittatarkkuus pistepilvissä. Toiseksi verrattiin pistepilvimittauksia röntgentomografiamittauksiin teollisilla sahoilla. Kolmanneksi arvioitiin lentolaserkeilauksella tuotettujen latvuspiirteiden tarkkuutta laatuindikaattorien ennustamisessa. Tuloksien perusteella pistepilvien laatu ja pistetiheys vaikuttivat merkittävästi mitattujen laatuindikaattorien tarkkuuteen. Puuaineen ominaisuuksien arvioimisessa, maastolaserkeilausta tulisi käyttää työkaluna mahdollisimman yksityiskohtaisten runko- ja oksikkuustietojen keräämiseen tarkkaan valikoiduista näytepuista. Tarkasti mitatut laatuindikaattorit voivat selittää puuaineen ominaisuuksia mallinnuksessa. Käytettyjen mallien tulisi perustua laatuindikaattoreille, jotka voidaan ennustaa lentolaserkeilausaineistosta (esim. puun pituus ja latvuksen mittasuhteet), jotta ennusteet ovat yleistettävissä laajoille alueille. Tulevaisuudessa, maasta ja ilmasta tehtävällä kaukokartoituksella voi olla tärkeä rooli puuaineen ominaisuuksien aikaan ja paikkaan sidotun vaihtelun tutkimuksessa. Lisää poikkitieteellistä työtä tarvitaan, jotta kaukokartoitusta ja puuaineen ominaisuuksia ennustavia spatiaalisia malleja voidaan täysimittaisesti hyödyntää kiihtyvän ilmastonmuutoksen, muuttuvan metsänhoidon ja lisääntyvän puunkäytön tuomien haasteiden kohtaamisessa

    Forest management-consideration of multiple objectives

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    In Canada, as a major forested country, forest resources provide significant environmental, social, and economic values. Hence, consideration of multiple often-conflicting criteria in forest management planning has become a necessity rather than a special case. Since 2013, a new forest management regime came to effect in the province of Quebec, Canada where the Ministry of Forests, Fauna, and Parks (MFFP) became responsible for preparing and implementing integrated forest development plans. In order for the MFFP to take local needs and goals into account usually multiple objectives need to be targeted. So, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze and to propose new business models for forest management planning addressing several key factors. The first part of the thesis includes a review of a number of planning methods and decision support systems for tactical decisions in the forest-based value creation network. In the second part of the thesis, we have proposed a multi-objective optimization model for the problem of selection of harvest areas and allocation of timber to wood-processing mills over 5-year planning horizon. This model has been used to analyze a tactical forest management plan in Quebec. The forest management unit 07451 inside region 7, Outaouais in western Québec was considered as our case study. The solution of the proposed multi-objective model was compared with the traditional cost minimization strategy. Also, the impacts of logistics constraints were assessed. Finally, in the third part of the thesis we have proposed a planning support tool to group the harvest areas in a way that the spatial dispersion of the clusters is reduced, meaning the logistics of moving the machinery between areas in each cluster becomes more efficient. The results from the three parts of the thesis have demonstrated that simultaneous consideration of some important objectives in the tactical forest management could lead to a more balanced and economically sustainable plan, in addition systematical cluterization of harvest areas will reduce the spatial dispersion of the harvest areas that a typical harvesting team has to cut, which consequently reduce the time and cost of movement of harvesting machineries among the areas for the team. In general, the work in this thesis can support an efficient forest management plan considering multiple objectives and minimizing the spatial dispersion of harvest areas that a harvesting team would cut. The optimization models and approaches proposed in this thesis are novel and practical for the forest management planning problems

    Évaluation du volume et des pertes de qualité causées par les principaux défauts des tiges d'épinette blanche et de pin gris

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    Les objectifs de ce travail sont donc, dans un premier temps, de mieux comprendre les effets de l’espacement initial sur les caractéristiques des arbres de pin gris et d’épinette blanche ainsi que sur les propriétés mécaniques de leur bois. Il sera également possible de développer un facteur de correction du volume des sciages obtenus en fonction des déformations naturelles présentes sur les tiges pour ces deux essences, et ce, dans le but d’estimer de manière plus précise le volume de sciage disponible à partir des données d’inventaires forestiers. Dans un deuxième temps, le travail consiste à modéliser la présence des nœuds et à percevoir leurs impacts sur le rendement en sciage à l’aide d’Optitek, un logiciel de simulation du procédé du sciage. Pour réaliser cette étape, un certain nombre de billes ont été traitées dans un CT Scanner et un nouveau logiciel a été mis au point afin d’extraire l’information désirée des images tomodensitométriques (CT) pour ensuite la rendre compatible au logiciel Optitek. Le but de cette étape est d’être en mesure d’effectuer des simulations du procédé de débitage en tenant compte de la dimension et de l’emplacement des nœuds de façon à maximiser la valeur de chaque bille. Les arbres proviennent d’une plantation d’épinette blanche (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) et de pin gris (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) de type Nelder (1962). Ce type de plantation se caractérise par une forme circulaire qui fait en sorte que la densité de peuplement diminue graduellement du centre vers la périphérie du cercle. Ce site a permis l’étude de deux essences différentes ayant grandi dans des conditions de croissance similaires. Premièrement, les résultats démontrent que les caractéristiques des arbres sont fortement influencées par la densité de peuplement. En effet, le DHP, la hauteur totale, le défilement, la longueur et la largeur de la cime vivante, le diamètre des cinq plus grosses branches mortes et vivantes ont généralement augmenté avec l’accroissement de la distance entre les arbres, autant chez le pin gris que chez l’épinette blanche. L’optimisation du débitage primaire en fonction de l’emplacement spatial réel des nœuds internes dans les arbres a généré un volume de sciage significativement plus élevé et de plus grande valeur que les simulations du débitage uniquement basées sur la géométrie des tiges. En effet, la prise en compte de la distribution des nœuds lors des simulations du sciage a permis d’augmenter le nombre de pièces de qualité No.2 & meilleur produites de 15% pour l’épinette blanche et de 40% pour le pin gris. L’augmentation de la valeur des sciages associée à la connaissance de la distribution interne des nœuds a varié de 9,5% à 15,1% pour l’épinette blanche et de 15,2% à 23,0% pour le pin gris. Encore une fois, l’augmentation du rendement en valeur a été plus forte chez le pin gris que chez l’épinette blanche en raison de la présence de nœuds de plus fortes dimensions qui augmentent le potentiel d’optimisation.The first objective of this work is to characterize the properties of jack pine and white spruce and develop a lumber volume correction factor due to stem shape for both species. The purpose of this section is to more precisely predict lumber volume from forest inventory data. The second objective is to model the presence of knots and evaluate their impact on lumber yield using Optitek, a sawing simulation software. To achieve this goal, a new software had to be developed in order to extract CT image information and make it compatible with the Optitek software. Hence, the second objective is simulate lumber sawing while taking into account the knot dimension and location. The trees come from a Nelder (1962) type plantation of white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.). This type of plantation is characterized by a circular shape which makes the stand density vary from the center to the periphery of the circle. This site makes possible the study of two different species growing in similar conditions. Several field data were analyzed such as diameter at breast height (DBH), curvature, taper, total tree length, live crown size. First, the results show that tree characteristics are strongly influenced by the stand density. Indeed, DBH, total height, taper, length and width of the live crown, diameter of the five largest branches dead and alive generally increased with greater distance between the trees, both for jack pine and white spruce. The results obtained with the simulation using the knot information gave a lumber sawing volume and value significantly higher. Both jack pine and white spruce have produced more No.2 & better pieces when knots have been considered in the sawing simulations (15% for white spruce and 40% for jack pine). As for lumber value, the increase varied from 9.5% to 15.1% for white spruce and 15.2% to 23.0% for jack pine. Again, the larger jack pine knot size could explain this greater potential for improvement

    Proceedings of the 1991 Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources

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    6th International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing : PROCEEDINGS

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    City of Lahti, Finland, has the opportunity to host the 6th International Conference of Hardwood Processing (ISCHP 2017) during September 25 to 28, 2017. The main events of the conference are arranged in the spectacular Sibelius Hall, an internationally acknowledged congress and concert center with attractive wooden interiors and excellent acoustics. Lahti region constitutes also one of the main hardwood industry clusters in Finland with versatile manufacturing of hardwood products and processing machinery, high-quality birch resources, and long history of education in wood products sector. The conference exhibits a continuum to the 10-year old history of ISCHP, the previous events being in Canada (2007 and 2015), France (2009), USA (2011), and Italy (2013). The scientific collaborators in the ISCHP family, listed before in page 2, take in turn the responsibility of the conference organization, and now it is the Finnish turn. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is the responsible organizer of this conference with a substantial support from University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and Aalto University. We are especially happy of this unique task in 2017, while Republic of Finland celebrates its centennial history as an independent country. The main objective of this conference is to bring together the scientific and research communities working on hardwood, from the source to the customer, to share knowledge and ideas. Around 80 international experts, scientists, government employees, hardwood industry representatives, suppliers, and customers attend the conference to discuss recent progress and innovative work in this valuable area of wood-based economy. Topics covered by ISCHP 2017 1) Forest management, wood procurement, wood properties and quality and analysis of hardwoods 2) Markets, sustainability, and value chains of hardwood cluster 3) Hardwood product development and performance 4) Hardwood processing, optimization and technology development for solid and composite products 5) Hardwood biorefining and value-added chemical products This conference book contains abstracts of all presentations in the conference, descriptions of industry and field visits and practical information for the attendees. A total of 42 scientific oral and poster presentations from 131 authors coming from 22 countries, and four keynote presentations from invited academic and industry experts provide the basis for the scientific success of ISCHP 2017. Papers written on the presentations have undergone a scientific peer-review process. They are available for readers in an electronic format in the Conference Proceedings. On behalf of the organizing committee of the conference, I have the pleasure to wish the very best results and pleasure from the scientific and industry contents and networking with colleagues, not to talk about an enjoyable time in Lahti region. Erkki Verkasalo Chair of ISCHP 2017201
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