15 research outputs found

    Overview of technical solutions and assessment of clinical usefulness of capsule endoscopy

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    The paper presents an overview of endoscopic capsules with particular emphasis on technical aspects. It indicates common problems in capsule endoscopy such as: (1) limited wireless communication (2) the use of capsule endoscopy in the case of partial patency of the gastrointestinal tract, (3) limited imaging area, (4) external capsule control limitations. It also presents the prospects of capsule endoscopy, the most recent technical solutions for biopsy and the mobility of the capsule in the gastrointestinal tract. The paper shows the possibilities of increasing clinical usefulness of capsule endoscopy resulting from technological limitations. Attention has also been paid to the current role of capsule endoscopy in screening tests and the limitations of its effectiveness. The paper includes the author's recommendations concerning the direction of further research and the possibility of enhancing the scope of capsule endoscop

    New Techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

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    As result of progress, endoscopy has became more complex, using more sophisticated devices and has claimed a special form. In this moment, the gastroenterologist performing endoscopy has to be an expert in macroscopic view of the lesions in the gut, with good skills for using standard endoscopes, with good experience in ultrasound (for performing endoscopic ultrasound), with pathology experience for confocal examination. It is compulsory to get experience and to have patience and attention for the follow-up of thousands of images transmitted during capsule endoscopy or to have knowledge in physics necessary for autofluorescence imaging endoscopy. Therefore, the idea of an endoscopist has changed. Examinations mentioned need a special formation, a superior level of instruction, accessible to those who have already gained enough experience in basic diagnostic endoscopy. This is the reason for what these new issues of endoscopy are presented in this book of New techniques in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

    Plataforma de arquivo e processamento de eventos em cápsula endoscópica

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    A cápsula endoscopica foi introduzida no mercado médico em 2001 e é o primeiro micro-dispositivo autónomo a obter autorização e certificação da FDA, para uso intracorporal em humanos. Este dispositivo permite realizar endoscopias de todo o intestino delgado sem desconforto para o paciente, sem anestesia e de um modo não invasivo. Actualmente é considerada uma ferramenta vital no diagnóstico de doenças como sangramentos gastrointestinais obscuros ou doença de Crohn. Um dos principais problemas dos exames de cápsula endoscópica é o tempo que o médico tem de despender para visualizar e interpretar das 6 a 8 horas de vídeo do exame. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é diminuir este tempo de revisão dos exames de cápsula endoscópica, através de um novo software de revisão de exames e a construção de uma base de dados de exames e eventos anotados que fornecerá a informação necessária às investigações clínicas e de visão por computador, do grupo de investigação onde o autor realiza a sua investigação.The capsule endoscopy, introduced as a medical procedure in 2001, is the first autonomous micro device to get authorization and certification of the FDA for medical use inside the human body. This device allows endoscopic exams of the small intestine to be made without discomfort for the patient, without anaesthesia, and it is not an invasive method. Currently it is considered a vital tool for the diagnosis of diseases like obscure gastrointestinal bleeding or Crohn’s disease. One of the main problems of endoscopic capsule exam procedures is the time that the doctor needs to visualize and interpret the 6 to 8 hours of the exam video. The main objective of this work is to reduce this revision time of endoscopic capsule examinations by using a new annotation software and by constructing a database of annotated exams and events, which will supply all necessary data for clinical and computer vision research

    Komputerowa analiza obrazów z endoskopu bezprzewodowego dla diagnostyki medycznej.

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    Jednym z badań medycznych stosowanych w diagnostyce chorób przewodu pokarmowego jest bezprzewodowa endoskopia kapsułkowa. Wynikiem badania jest film, którego interpretacja przeprowadzana przez lekarza wymaga dużego skupienia uwagi, jest długotrwała i męcząca. Wyniki interpretacji nie są powtarzalne – zależą od wiedzy i doświadczenia konkretnego lekarza. Przedmiotem niniejszej monografii są opracowane przez autora metody numeryczne, których celem jest analiza obrazów cyfrowych z endoskopu bezprzewodowego zwiększające powtarzalność, wiarygodność oraz obiektywizm diagnozy medycznej.Wireless capsule endoscopy is one of the medical tests used in diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders. A result is a video of internal lumen of gastrointestinal tract which interpretation carried out by an expert gastroenterologist requires a lot of attention and is time consuming. The final diagnosis is rarely reproducible – it depends on the knowledge and experience of the diagnostic experience of the expert. The subject of this monograph is presentation and validation of novel algorithms for wireless endoscope video analysis whose purpose is to improve the reproducibility, reliability and objectivity of medical diagnosis

    Aquisição, tratamento, arquivo e difusão de exames de endoscopia

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia BiomédicaDe entre os diversos tipos de exames de endoscopia, a esofagogastroduodenoscopia assume um papel preponderante devido a ser o método ideal para examinar a mucosa do trato digestivo alto, bem como para detetar inúmeras patologias gastrenterológicas. O resultado deste tipo de exames é, geralmente, um relatório composto por um conjunto de frames capturados durante o exame, eventualmente acompanhado por um vídeo. Hoje em dia, apenas as imagens juntamente com o relatório endoscópico, são arquivadas. O facto de o vídeo não ser arquivado pode conduzir a um incómodo no bem-estar do paciente, assim como a um acréscimo de custos e tempo despendido, pois frequentemente o mesmo é necessário para revisão e validação da hipótese de diagnóstico, bem como para comparação de segmentos do vídeo com exames futuros. Mesmo nos casos em que a informação é arquivada, a falta de reutilização e partilha de informação e vídeos entre entidades contribui, mais uma vez, para uma repetição desnecessária de exames. A existência de um arquivo de vídeos endoscópicos seria uma mais-valia, pois além de resolver os problemas referidos ainda possibilitaria a sua utilização para fins de pesquisa e investigação, além de disponibilizar exames para servirem como referência para estudo de casos similares. Neste trabalho é proposta uma solução abrangente para a aquisição, tratamento, arquivo e difusão de exames de endoscopia. O objetivo passa por disponibilizar um sistema capaz de gerir toda a informação clínica e administrativa (incluindo conteúdo audiovisual) desde o seu processo de aquisição até ao processo de pesquisa de exames antigos, para comparação com novos casos. De forma a garantir a compatibilidade lexical da informação partilhada no sistema, foi utilizado um vocabulário endoscópico estandardizado, o Minimal Standard Terminology (MST). Neste contexto foi planeado um dispositivo (MIVbox) orientado à aquisição do vídeo endoscópico, independentemente da câmara endoscópica utilizada. Toda a informação é armazenada de forma estruturada e normalizada, possibilitando a sua reutilização e difusão. Para facilitar este processo de partilha, o vídeo sofre algumas etapas de processamento, de forma a ser obtido um vídeo reduzido e as respetivas características do conteúdo. Deste modo, a solução proposta contempla um sistema de anotação que habilita a pesquisa por conteúdo, servindo assim como uma ferramenta versátil para a investigação nesta área. Este sistema é ainda dotado de um módulo de streaming, no qual é transmitido, em tempo real, o exame endoscópico, disponibilizando um canal de comunicação com vídeo unidirecional e áudio bidirecional, permitindo que os profissionais ausentes da sala do exame deem a sua opinião remotamente.Among the different kinds of endoscopic procedures, esophagogastroduodenoscopy plays a major role because it is the ideal method to examine the upper digestive tract, as well as to detect numerous gasteroentologic diseases. The result of such procedures is usually a written report that comprises a set of frames captured during the examination, sometimes complemented with a video. Nowadays only the images are stored along with the endoscopic report. Not storing the video may lead to discomfort concerning the patient’s well-being, as well as an increase of costs and time spent, because it is often necessary to review and validate the diagnostic hypothesis, and compare video segments in future exams. Even in the cases in which the information is stored, the lack of reutilization and share of information and videos among entities contributes, once again, for an unnecessary repetition of exams. Besides solving the problems mentioned above, the existence of an endoscopic video archive would be an asset because it would enable research and investigation activities. Furthermore it would make available exams to serve as a reference for the study of similar cases. In this work, an extended solution of acquisition, processing, archiving and diffusion of endoscopic procedures is proposed. The aim is to provide a system capable of managing all the administrative and clinical information (including audiovisual content) from its acquisition process to the searching process of previous exams, for comparison with new cases. In order to ensure compatibility of lexical information shared in the system, a standardized endoscopic vocabulary, the Minimal Standard Terminology (MST) was used. In this context, a device for the acquisition of the endoscopic video was designed (MIVbox), regardless of the endoscopic camera that is used. All the information is stored in a structured and standardized way, allowing its reuse and sharing. To facilitate this sharing process, the video undergoes some processing steps in order to obtain a summarized video and the respective content characteristics. The proposed solution provides an annotation system that enables content querying, thus becoming a versatile tool for research in this area. This system is also provided with a streaming module in which the endoscopic video is transmitted in real time. This process uses a communication channel with one-way video and two-way audio, allowing professionals absent from the exam room to give their opinion remotely