94 research outputs found

    A neural network approach to audio-assisted movie dialogue detection

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    A novel framework for audio-assisted dialogue detection based on indicator functions and neural networks is investigated. An indicator function defines that an actor is present at a particular time instant. The cross-correlation function of a pair of indicator functions and the magnitude of the corresponding cross-power spectral density are fed as input to neural networks for dialogue detection. Several types of artificial neural networks, including multilayer perceptrons, voted perceptrons, radial basis function networks, support vector machines, and particle swarm optimization-based multilayer perceptrons are tested. Experiments are carried out to validate the feasibility of the aforementioned approach by using ground-truth indicator functions determined by human observers on 6 different movies. A total of 41 dialogue instances and another 20 non-dialogue instances is employed. The average detection accuracy achieved is high, ranging between 84.78%±5.499% and 91.43%±4.239%

    Efficient video identification based on locality sensitive hashing and triangle inequality

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    Automated generation of movie tributes

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    O objetivo desta tese é gerar um tributo a um filme sob a forma de videoclip, considerando como entrada um filme e um segmento musical coerente. Um tributo é considerado um vídeo que contém os clips mais significativos de um filme, reproduzidos sequencialmente, enquanto uma música toca. Nesta proposta, os clips a constar do tributo final são o resultado da sumarização das legendas do filme com um algoritmo de sumarização genérico. É importante que o artefacto seja coerente e fluido, pelo que há a necessidade de haver um equilíbrio entre a seleção de conteúdo importante e a seleção de conteúdo que esteja em harmonia com a música. Para tal, os clips são filtrados de forma a garantir que apenas aqueles que contêm a mesma emoção da música aparecem no vídeo final. Tal é feito através da extração de vetores de características áudio relacionadas com emoções das cenas às quais os clips pertencem e da música, e, de seguida, da sua comparação por meio do cálculo de uma medida de distância. Por fim, os clips filtrados preenchem a música cronologicamente. Os resultados foram positivos: em média, os tributos produzidos obtiveram 7 pontos, numa escala de 0 a 10, em critérios como seleção de conteúdo e coerência emocional, fruto de avaliação humana.This thesis’ purpose is to generate a movie tribute in the form of a videoclip for a given movie and music. A tribute is considered to be a video containing meaningful clips from the movie playing along with a cohesive music piece. In this work, we collect the clips by summarizing the movie subtitles with a generic summarization algorithm. It is important that the artifact is coherent and fluid, hence there is the need to balance between the selection of important content and the selection of content that is in harmony with the music. To achieve so, clips are filtered so as to ensure that only those that contain the same emotion as the music are chosen to appear in the final video. This is made by extracting vectors of emotion-related audio features from the scenes they belong to and from the music, and then comparing them with a distance measure. Finally, filtered clips fill the music length in a chronological order. Results were positive: on average, the produced tributes obtained scores of 7, on a scale from 0 to 10, on content selection, and emotional coherence criteria, from human evaluation

    Multimedia Retrieval

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    Efficient duration modelling in the hierarchical hidden semi-Markov models and their applications

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    Modeling patterns in temporal data has arisen as an important problem in engineering and science. This has led to the popularity of several dynamic models, in particular the renowned hidden Markov model (HMM) [Rabiner, 1989]. Despite its widespread success in many cases, the standard HMM often fails to model more complex data whose elements are correlated hierarchically or over a long period. Such problems are, however, frequently encountered in practice. Existing efforts to overcome this weakness often address either one of these two aspects separately, mainly due to computational intractability. Motivated by this modeling challenge in many real world problems, in particular, for video surveillance and segmentation, this thesis aims to develop tractable probabilistic models that can jointly model duration and hierarchical information in a unified framework. We believe that jointly exploiting statistical strength from both properties will lead to more accurate and robust models for the needed task. To tackle the modeling aspect, we base our work on an intersection between dynamic graphical models and statistics of lifetime modeling. Realizing that the key bottleneck found in the existing works lies in the choice of the distribution for a state, we have successfully integrated the discrete Coxian distribution [Cox, 1955], a special class of phase-type distributions, into the HMM to form a novel and powerful stochastic model termed as the Coxian Hidden Semi-Markov Model (CxHSMM). We show that this model can still be expressed as a dynamic Bayesian network, and inference and learning can be derived analytically.Most importantly, it has four superior features over existing semi-Markov modelling: the parameter space is compact, computation is fast (almost the same as the HMM), close-formed estimation can be derived, and the Coxian is flexible enough to approximate a large class of distributions. Next, we exploit hierarchical decomposition in the data by borrowing analogy from the hierarchical hidden Markov model in [Fine et al., 1998, Bui et al., 2004] and introduce a new type of shallow structured graphical model that combines both duration and hierarchical modelling into a unified framework, termed the Coxian Switching Hidden Semi-Markov Models (CxSHSMM). The top layer is a Markov sequence of switching variables, while the bottom layer is a sequence of concatenated CxHSMMs whose parameters are determined by the switching variable at the top. Again, we provide a thorough analysis along with inference and learning machinery. We also show that semi-Markov models with arbitrary depth structure can easily be developed. In all cases we further address two practical issues: missing observations to unstable tracking and the use of partially labelled data to improve training accuracy. Motivated by real-world problems, our application contribution is a framework to recognize complex activities of daily livings (ADLs) and detect anomalies to provide better intelligent caring services for the elderly.Coarser activities with self duration distributions are represented using the CxHSMM. Complex activities are made of a sequence of coarser activities and represented at the top level in the CxSHSMM. Intensive experiments are conducted to evaluate our solutions against existing methods. In many cases, the superiority of the joint modeling and the Coxian parameterization over traditional methods is confirmed. The robustness of our proposed models is further demonstrated in a series of more challenging experiments, in which the tracking is often lost and activities considerably overlap. Our final contribution is an application of the switching Coxian model to segment education-oriented videos into coherent topical units. Our results again demonstrate such segmentation processes can benefit greatly from the joint modeling of duration and hierarchy

    A semantic concept for the mapping of low-level analysis data to high-level scene descriptions

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    Zusammen mit dem wachsenden Bedarf an Sicherheit wird eine zunehmende Menge an Überwachungsinhalten geschaffen. Um eine schnelle und zuverlässige Suche in den Aufnahmen hunderter oder tausender in einer einzelnenEinrichtung installierten Überwachungssensoren zu ermöglichen, istdie Indizierung dieses Inhalts im Voraus unentbehrlich. Zu diesem Zweckermöglicht das Konzept des Smart Indexing & Retrieval (SIR) durch dieErzeugung von high-level Metadaten kosteneffiziente Suchen. Da es immerschwieriger wird, diese Daten manuell mit annehmbarem Zeit- und Kostenaufwandzu generieren, muss die Erzeugung dieser Metadaten auf Basis vonlow-level Analysedaten automatisch erfolgen.Während bisherige Ansätze stark domänenabhängig sind, wird in dieserArbeit ein generisches Konzept für die Abbildung der Ergebnisse von lowlevelAnalysedaten auf semantische Szenenbeschreibungen präsentiert. Diekonstituierenden Elemente dieses Ansatzes und die ihnen zugrunde liegendenBegriffe werden vorgestellt, und eine Einführung in ihre Anwendungwird gegeben. Der Hauptbeitrag des präsentierten Ansatzes sind dessen Allgemeingültigkeit und die frühe Stufe, auf der der Schritt von der low-levelauf die high-level Repräsentation vorgenommen wird. Dieses Schließen in derMetadatendomäne wird in kleinen Zeitfenstern durchgeführt, während dasSchließen auf komplexeren Szenen in der semantischen Domäne ausgeführtwird. Durch die Verwendung dieses Ansatzes ist sogar eine unbeaufsichtigteSelbstbewertung der Analyseergebnisse möglich

    One Deep Music Representation to Rule Them All? : A comparative analysis of different representation learning strategies

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    Inspired by the success of deploying deep learning in the fields of Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, this learning paradigm has also found its way into the field of Music Information Retrieval. In order to benefit from deep learning in an effective, but also efficient manner, deep transfer learning has become a common approach. In this approach, it is possible to reuse the output of a pre-trained neural network as the basis for a new learning task. The underlying hypothesis is that if the initial and new learning tasks show commonalities and are applied to the same type of input data (e.g. music audio), the generated deep representation of the data is also informative for the new task. Since, however, most of the networks used to generate deep representations are trained using a single initial learning source, their representation is unlikely to be informative for all possible future tasks. In this paper, we present the results of our investigation of what are the most important factors to generate deep representations for the data and learning tasks in the music domain. We conducted this investigation via an extensive empirical study that involves multiple learning sources, as well as multiple deep learning architectures with varying levels of information sharing between sources, in order to learn music representations. We then validate these representations considering multiple target datasets for evaluation. The results of our experiments yield several insights on how to approach the design of methods for learning widely deployable deep data representations in the music domain.Comment: This work has been accepted to "Neural Computing and Applications: Special Issue on Deep Learning for Music and Audio

    Automatic summarization of narrative video

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    The amount of digital video content available to users is rapidly increasing. Developments in computer, digital network, and storage technologies all contribute to broaden the offer of digital video. Only users’ attention and time remain scarce resources. Users face the problem of choosing the right content to watch among hundreds of potentially interesting offers. Video and audio have a dynamic nature: they cannot be properly perceived without considering their temporal dimension. This property makes it difficult to get a good idea of what a video item is about without watching it. Video previews aim at solving this issue by providing compact representations of video items that can help users making choices in massive content collections. This thesis is concerned with solving the problem of automatic creation of video previews. To allow fast and convenient content selection, a video preview should take into consideration more than thirty requirements that we have collected by analyzing related literature on video summarization and film production. The list has been completed with additional requirements elicited by interviewing end-users, experts and practitioners in the field of video editing and multimedia. This list represents our collection of user needs with respect to video previews. The requirements, presented from the point of view of the end-users, can be divided into seven categories: duration, continuity, priority, uniqueness, exclusion, structural, and temporal order. Duration requirements deal with the durations of the preview and its subparts. Continuity requirements request video previews to be as continuous as possible. Priority requirements indicate which content should be included in the preview to convey as much information as possible in the shortest time. Uniqueness requirements aim at maximizing the efficiency of the preview by minimizing redundancy. Exclusion requirements indicate which content should not be included in the preview. Structural requirements are concerned with the structural properties of video, while temporal order requirements set the order of the sequences included in the preview. Based on these requirements, we have introduced a formal model of video summarization specialized for the generation of video previews. The basic idea is to translate the requirements into score functions. Each score function is defined to have a non-positive value if a requirement is not met, and to increase depending on the degree of fulfillment of the requirement. A global objective function is then defined that combines all the score functions and the problem of generating a preview is translated into the problem of finding the parts of the initial content that maximize the objective function. Our solution approach is based on two main steps: preparation and selection. In the preparation step, the raw audiovisual data is analyzed and segmented into basic elements that are suitable for being included in a preview. The segmentation of the raw data is based on a shot-cut detection algorithm. In the selection step various content analysis algorithms are used to perform scene segmentation, advertisements detection and to extract numerical descriptors of the content that, introduced in the objective function, allow to estimate the quality of a video preview. The core part of the selection step is the optimization step that consists in searching the set of segments that maximizes the objective function in the space of all possible previews. Instead of solving the optimization problem exactly, an approximate solution is found by means of a local search algorithm using simulated annealing. We have performed a numerical evaluation of the quality of the solutions generated by our algorithm with respect to previews generated randomly or by selecting segments uniformly in time. The results on thirty content items have shown that the local search approach outperforms the other methods. However, based on this evaluation, we cannot conclude that the degree of fulfillment of the requirements achieved by our method satisfies the end-user needs completely. To validate our approach and assess end-user satisfaction, we conducted a user evaluation study in which we compared six aspects of previews generated using our algorithm to human-made previews and to previews generated by subsampling. The results have shown that previews generated using our optimization-based approach are not as good as manually made previews, but have higher quality than previews created using subsample. The differences between the previews are statistically significant