81 research outputs found

    Pollution-resilient peer-to-peer video streaming with Band Codes

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    Band Codes (BC) have been recently proposed as a solution for controlled-complexity random Network Coding (NC) in mobile applications, where energy consumption is a major concern. In this paper, we investigate the potential of BC in a peer-to-peer video streaming scenario where malicious and honest nodes coexists. Malicious nodes launch the so called pollution attack by randomly modifying the content of the coded packets they forward to downstream nodes, preventing honest nodes from correctly recovering the video stream. Whereas in much of the related literature this type of attack is addressed by identifying and isolating the malicious nodes, in this work we propose to address it by adaptively adjusting the coding scheme so to introduce resilience against pollution propagation. We experimentally show the impact of a pollution attack in a defenseless system and in a system where the coding parameters of BC are adaptively modulated following the discovery of polluted packets in the network. We observe that just by tuning the coding parameters, it is possible to reduce the impact of a pollution attack and restore the quality of the video communication

    Characterization of Band Codes for Pollution-Resilient Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming

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    We provide a comprehensive characterization of band codes (BC) as a resilient-by-design solution to pollution attacks in network coding (NC)-based peer-to-peer live video streaming. Consider one malicious node injecting bogus coded packets into the network: the recombinations at the nodes generate an avalanche of novel coded bogus packets. Therefore, the malicious node can cripple the communication by injecting into the network only a handful of polluted packets. Pollution attacks are typically addressed by identifying and isolating the malicious nodes from the network. Pollution detection is, however, not straightforward in NC as the nodes exchange coded packets. Similarly, malicious nodes identification is complicated by the ambiguity between malicious nodes and nodes that have involuntarily relayed polluted packets. This paper addresses pollution attacks through a radically different approach which relies on BCs. BCs are a family of rateless codes originally designed for controlling the NC decoding complexity in mobile applications. Here, we exploit BCs for the totally different purpose of recombining the packets at the nodes so to avoid that the pollution propagates by adaptively adjusting the coding parameters. Our streaming experiments show that BCs curb the propagation of the pollution and restore the quality of the distributed video stream

    Identification of Malicious Nodes in Peer-to-Peer Streaming: A Belief Propagation-Based Technique

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    A credit-based approach to scalable video transmission over a peer-to-peer social network

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    PhDThe objective of the research work presented in this thesis is to study scalable video transmission over peer-to-peer networks. In particular, we analyse how a credit-based approach and exploitation of social networking features can play a significant role in the design of such systems. Peer-to-peer systems are nowadays a valid alternative to the traditional client-server architecture for the distribution of multimedia content, as they transfer the workload from the service provider to the final user, with a subsequent reduction of management costs for the former. On the other hand, scalable video coding helps in dealing with network heterogeneity, since the content can be tailored to the characteristics or resources of the peers. First of all, we present a study that evaluates subjective video quality perceived by the final user under different transmission scenarios. We also propose a video chunk selection algorithm that maximises received video quality under different network conditions. Furthermore, challenges in building reliable peer-to-peer systems for multimedia streaming include optimisation of resource allocation and design mechanisms based on rewards and punishments that provide incentives for users to share their own resources. Our solution relies on a credit-based architecture, where peers do not interact with users that have proven to be malicious in the past. Finally, if peers are allowed to build a social network of trusted users, they can share the local information they have about the network and have a more complete understanding of the type of users they are interacting with. Therefore, in addition to a local credit, a social credit or social reputation is introduced. This thesis concludes with an overview of future developments of this research work

    Об'єднані матеріали семінарів з квантових інформаційних технологій та периферійних обчислень (QuaInT+doors 2021). Житомир, Україна, 11 квітня 2021 р.

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    Об'єднані матеріали семінарів з квантових інформаційних технологій та периферійних обчислень (QuaInT+doors 2021). Житомир, Україна, 11 квітня 2021 р.Joint Proceedings of the Workshops on Quantum Information Technologies and Edge Computing (QuaInT+doors 2021). Zhytomyr, Ukraine, April 11, 2021

    Analyzing and Enhancing Routing Protocols for Friend-to-Friend Overlays

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    The threat of surveillance by governmental and industrial parties is more eminent than ever. As communication moves into the digital domain, the advances in automatic assessment and interpretation of enormous amounts of data enable tracking of millions of people, recording and monitoring their private life with an unprecedented accurateness. The knowledge of such an all-encompassing loss of privacy affects the behavior of individuals, inducing various degrees of (self-)censorship and anxiety. Furthermore, the monopoly of a few large-scale organizations on digital communication enables global censorship and manipulation of public opinion. Thus, the current situation undermines the freedom of speech to a detrimental degree and threatens the foundations of modern society. Anonymous and censorship-resistant communication systems are hence of utmost importance to circumvent constant surveillance. However, existing systems are highly vulnerable to infiltration and sabotage. In particular, Sybil attacks, i.e., powerful parties inserting a large number of fake identities into the system, enable malicious parties to observe and possibly manipulate a large fraction of the communication within the system. Friend-to-friend (F2F) overlays, which restrict direct communication to parties sharing a real-world trust relationship, are a promising countermeasure to Sybil attacks, since the requirement of establishing real-world trust increases the cost of infiltration drastically. Yet, existing F2F overlays suffer from a low performance, are vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks, or fail to provide anonymity. Our first contribution in this thesis is concerned with an in-depth analysis of the concepts underlying the design of state-of-the-art F2F overlays. In the course of this analysis, we first extend the existing evaluation methods considerably, hence providing tools for both our and future research in the area of F2F overlays and distributed systems in general. Based on the novel methodology, we prove that existing approaches are inherently unable to offer acceptable delays without either requiring exhaustive maintenance costs or enabling denial-of-service attacks and de-anonymization. Consequentially, our second contribution lies in the design and evaluation of a novel concept for F2F overlays based on insights of the prior in-depth analysis. Our previous analysis has revealed that greedy embeddings allow highly efficient communication in arbitrary connectivity-restricted overlays by addressing participants through coordinates and adapting these coordinates to the overlay structure. However, greedy embeddings in their original form reveal the identity of the communicating parties and fail to provide the necessary resilience in the presence of dynamic and possibly malicious users. Therefore, we present a privacy-preserving communication protocol for greedy embeddings based on anonymous return addresses rather than identifying node coordinates. Furthermore, we enhance the communication’s robustness and attack-resistance by using multiple parallel embeddings and alternative algorithms for message delivery. We show that our approach achieves a low communication complexity. By replacing the coordinates with anonymous addresses, we furthermore provably achieve anonymity in the form of plausible deniability against an internal local adversary. Complementary, our simulation study on real-world data indicates that our approach is highly efficient and effectively mitigates the impact of failures as well as powerful denial-of-service attacks. Our fundamental results open new possibilities for anonymous and censorship-resistant applications.Die Bedrohung der Überwachung durch staatliche oder kommerzielle Stellen ist ein drängendes Problem der modernen Gesellschaft. Heutzutage findet Kommunikation vermehrt über digitale Kanäle statt. Die so verfügbaren Daten über das Kommunikationsverhalten eines Großteils der Bevölkerung in Kombination mit den Möglichkeiten im Bereich der automatisierten Verarbeitung solcher Daten erlauben das großflächige Tracking von Millionen an Personen, deren Privatleben mit noch nie da gewesener Genauigkeit aufgezeichnet und beobachtet werden kann. Das Wissen über diese allumfassende Überwachung verändert das individuelle Verhalten und führt so zu (Selbst-)zensur sowie Ängsten. Des weiteren ermöglicht die Monopolstellung einiger weniger Internetkonzernen globale Zensur und Manipulation der öffentlichen Meinung. Deshalb stellt die momentane Situation eine drastische Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit dar und bedroht die Grundfesten der modernen Gesellschaft. Systeme zur anonymen und zensurresistenten Kommunikation sind daher von ungemeiner Wichtigkeit. Jedoch sind die momentanen System anfällig gegen Sabotage. Insbesondere ermöglichen es Sybil-Angriffe, bei denen ein Angreifer eine große Anzahl an gefälschten Teilnehmern in ein System einschleust und so einen großen Teil der Kommunikation kontrolliert, Kommunikation innerhalb eines solchen Systems zu beobachten und zu manipulieren. F2F Overlays dagegen erlauben nur direkte Kommunikation zwischen Teilnehmern, die eine Vertrauensbeziehung in der realen Welt teilen. Dadurch erschweren F2F Overlays das Eindringen von Angreifern in das System entscheidend und verringern so den Einfluss von Sybil-Angriffen. Allerdings leiden die existierenden F2F Overlays an geringer Leistungsfähigkeit, Anfälligkeit gegen Denial-of-Service Angriffe oder fehlender Anonymität. Der erste Beitrag dieser Arbeit liegt daher in der fokussierten Analyse der Konzepte, die in den momentanen F2F Overlays zum Einsatz kommen. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit erweitern wir zunächst die existierenden Evaluationsmethoden entscheidend und erarbeiten so Methoden, die Grundlagen für unsere sowie zukünftige Forschung in diesem Bereich bilden. Basierend auf diesen neuen Evaluationsmethoden zeigen wir, dass die existierenden Ansätze grundlegend nicht fähig sind, akzeptable Antwortzeiten bereitzustellen ohne im Zuge dessen enorme Instandhaltungskosten oder Anfälligkeiten gegen Angriffe in Kauf zu nehmen. Folglich besteht unser zweiter Beitrag in der Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines neuen Konzeptes für F2F Overlays, basierenden auf den Erkenntnissen der vorangehenden Analyse. Insbesondere ergab sich in der vorangehenden Evaluation, dass Greedy Embeddings hoch-effiziente Kommunikation erlauben indem sie Teilnehmer durch Koordinaten adressieren und diese an die Struktur des Overlays anpassen. Jedoch sind Greedy Embeddings in ihrer ursprünglichen Form nicht auf anonyme Kommunikation mit einer dynamischen Teilnehmermengen und potentiellen Angreifern ausgelegt. Daher präsentieren wir ein Privätssphäre-schützenden Kommunikationsprotokoll für F2F Overlays, in dem die identifizierenden Koordinaten durch anonyme Adressen ersetzt werden. Des weiteren erhöhen wir die Resistenz der Kommunikation durch den Einsatz mehrerer Embeddings und alternativer Algorithmen zum Finden von Routen. Wir beweisen, dass unser Ansatz eine geringe Kommunikationskomplexität im Bezug auf die eigentliche Kommunikation sowie die Instandhaltung des Embeddings aufweist. Ferner zeigt unsere Simulationstudie, dass der Ansatz effiziente Kommunikation mit kurzen Antwortszeiten und geringer Instandhaltungskosten erreicht sowie den Einfluss von Ausfälle und Angriffe erfolgreich abschwächt. Unsere grundlegenden Ergebnisse eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten in der Entwicklung anonymer und zensurresistenter Anwendungen

    Live Streaming with Gossip

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) architectures have emerged as a popular paradigm to support the dynamic and scalable nature of distributed systems. This is particularly relevant today, given the tremendous increase in the intensity of information exchanged over the Internet. A P2P system is typically composed of participants that are willing to contribute resources, such as memory or bandwidth, in the execution of a collaborative task providing a benefit to all participants. File sharing is probably the most widely used collaborative task, where each participant wants to receive an individual copy of some file. Users collaborate by sending fragments of the file they have already downloaded to other participants. Sharing files containing multimedia content, files that typically reach the hundreds of megabytes to gigabytes, introduces a number of challenges. Given typical bandwidths of participants of hundreds of kilobits per second to a couple of megabits per second, it is unacceptable to wait until completion of the download before actually being able to use the file as the download represents a non negligible time. From the point of view of the participant, getting the (entire) file as fast as possible is typically not good enough. As one example, Video on Demand (VoD) is a scenario where a participant would like to start previewing the multimedia content (the stream), offered by a source, even though only a fraction of it has been received, and then continue the viewing while the rest of the content is being received. Following the same line of reasoning, new applications have emerged that rely on live streaming: the source does not own a file that it wants to share with others, but shares content as soon as it is produced. In other words, the content to distribute is live, not pre-recorded and stored. Typical examples include the broadcasting of live sports events, conferences or interviews. The gossip paradigm is a type of data dissemination that relies on random communication between participants in a P2P system, sharing similarities with the epidemic dissemination of diseases. An epidemic starts to spread when the source randomly chooses a set of communication partners, of size fanout, and infects them, i.e., it shares a rumor with them. This set of participants, in turn, randomly picks fanout communication partners each and infects them, i.e., share with them the same rumor. This paradigm has many advantages including fast propagation of rumors, a probabilistic guarantee that each rumor reaches all participants, high resilience to churn (i.e., participants that join and leave) and high scalability. Gossip therefore constitutes a candidate of choice for live streaming in large-scale systems. These advantages, however, come at a price. While disseminating data, gossip creates many duplicates of the same rumor and participants usually receive multiple copies of the same rumor. While this is obviously a feature when it comes to guaranteeing good dissemination of the rumor when churn is high, it is a clear disadvantage when spreading large amounts of multimedia data (i.e., ordered and time-critical) to participants with limited resources, namely upload bandwidth in the case of high-bandwidth content dissemination. This thesis therefore investigates if and how the gossip paradigm can be used as a highly effcient communication system for live streaming under the following specific scenarios: (i) where participants can only contribute limited resources, (ii) when these limited resources are heterogeneously distributed among nodes, and (iii) where only a fraction of participants are contributing their fair share of work while others are freeriding. To meet these challenges, this thesis proposes (i) gossip++: a gossip-based protocol especially tailored for live streaming that separates the dissemination of metadata, i.e., the location of the data, and the dissemination of the data itself. By first spreading the location of the content to interested participants, the protocol avoids wasted bandwidth in sending and receiving duplicates of the payload, (ii) HEAP: a fanout adaptation mechanism that enables gossip to adapt participants' contribution with respect to their resources while still preserving its reliability, and (iii) LiFT: a protocol to secure high-bandwidth gossip-based dissemination protocols against freeriders

    Distribution efficace des contenus dans les réseaux : partage de ressources sans fil, planification et sécurité

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    In recent years, the amount of traffic requests that Internet users generate on a daily basis has increased exponentially, mostly due to the worldwide success of video streaming services, such as Netflix and YouTube. While Content-Delivery Networks (CDNs) are the de-facto standard used nowadays to serve the ever increasing users’ demands, the scientific community has formulated proposals known under the name of Content-Centric Networks (CCN) to change the network protocol stack in order to turn the network into a content distribution infrastructure. In this context this Ph.D. thesis studies efficient techniques to foster content distribution taking into account three complementary problems:1) We consider the scenario of a wireless heterogeneous network, and we formulate a novel mechanism to motivate wireless access point owners to lease their unexploited bandwidth and cache storage, in exchange for an economic incentive.2) We study the centralized network planning problem and (I) we analyze the migration to CCN; (II) we compare the performance bounds for a CDN with those of a CCN, and (III) we take into account a virtualized CDN and study the stochastic planning problem for one such architecture.3) We investigate the security properties on access control and trackability and formulate ConfTrack-CCN: a CCN extension to enforce confidentiality, trackability and access policy evolution in the presence of distributed caches.Au cours de ces dernières années, la quantité de trafic que les utilisateurs Internet produisent sur une base quotidienne a augmenté de façon exponentielle, principalement en raison du succès des services de streaming vidéo, tels que Netflix et YouTube. Alors que les réseaux de diffusion de contenu (Content-Delivery Networks, CDN) sont la technique standard utilisée actuellement pour servir les demandes des utilisateurs, la communauté scientifique a formulé des propositions connues sous le nom de Content-Centric Networks (CCN) pour changer la pile de protocoles réseau afin de transformer Internet en une infrastructure de distribution de contenu. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse de doctorat étudie des techniques efficaces pour la distribution de contenu numérique en tenant compte de trois problèmes complémentaires : 1) Nous considérons le scénario d’un réseau hétérogène sans fil, et nous formulons un mécanisme pour motiver les propriétaires des points d’accès à partager leur capacité WiFi et stockage cache inutilisés, en échange d’une contribution économique.2) Nous étudions le problème centralisé de planification du réseau en présence de caches distribuées et (I) nous analysons la migration optimale du réseau à CCN; (II) nous comparons les bornes de performance d’un réseau CDN avec ceux d’un CCN, et (III) nous considérons un réseau CDN virtualisé et étudions le problème stochastique de planification d’une telle infrastructure.3) Nous considérons les implications de sécurité sur le contrôle d’accès et la traçabilité, et nous formulons ConfTrack-CCN, une extension deCCN utilisée pour garantir la confidentialité, traçabilité et l’évolution de la politique d’accès, en présence de caches distribuées