249 research outputs found

    Algorithm Engineering in Robust Optimization

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    Robust optimization is a young and emerging field of research having received a considerable increase of interest over the last decade. In this paper, we argue that the the algorithm engineering methodology fits very well to the field of robust optimization and yields a rewarding new perspective on both the current state of research and open research directions. To this end we go through the algorithm engineering cycle of design and analysis of concepts, development and implementation of algorithms, and theoretical and experimental evaluation. We show that many ideas of algorithm engineering have already been applied in publications on robust optimization. Most work on robust optimization is devoted to analysis of the concepts and the development of algorithms, some papers deal with the evaluation of a particular concept in case studies, and work on comparison of concepts just starts. What is still a drawback in many papers on robustness is the missing link to include the results of the experiments again in the design

    The multi-handler knapsack problem under uncertainty

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    The Multi-Handler Knapsack Problem under Uncertainty is a new stochastic knapsack problem where, given a set of items, characterized by volume and random profit, and a set of potential handlers, we want to find a subset of items which maximizes the expected total profit. The item profit is given by the sum of a deterministic profit plus a stochastic profit due to the random handling costs of the handlers. On the contrary of other stochastic problems in the literature, the probability distribution of the stochastic profit is unknown. By using the asymptotic theory of extreme values, a deterministic approximation for the stochastic problem is derived. The accuracy of such a deterministic approximation is tested against the two-stage with fixed recourse formulation of the problem. Very promising results are obtained on a large set of instances in negligible computing time

    Theory and Applications of Robust Optimization

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    In this paper we survey the primary research, both theoretical and applied, in the area of Robust Optimization (RO). Our focus is on the computational attractiveness of RO approaches, as well as the modeling power and broad applicability of the methodology. In addition to surveying prominent theoretical results of RO, we also present some recent results linking RO to adaptable models for multi-stage decision-making problems. Finally, we highlight applications of RO across a wide spectrum of domains, including finance, statistics, learning, and various areas of engineering.Comment: 50 page

    Stochastic programming for City Logistics: new models and methods

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    The need for mobility that emerged in the last decades led to an impressive increase in the number of vehicles as well as to a saturation of transportation infrastructures. Consequently, traffic congestion, accidents, transportation delays, and polluting emissions are some of the most recurrent concerns transportation and city managers have to deal with. However, just building new infrastructures might be not sustainable because of their cost, the land usage, which usually lacks in metropolitan regions, and their negative impact on the environment. Therefore, a different way of improving the performance of transportation systems while enhancing travel safety has to be found in order to make people and good transportation operations more efficient and support their key role in the economic development of either a city or a whole country. The concept of City Logistics (CL) is being developed to answer to this need. Indeed, CL focus on reducing the number of vehicles operating in the city, controlling their dimension and characteristics. CL solutions do not only improve the transportation system but the whole logistics system within an urban area, trying to integrate interests of the several. This global view challenges researchers to develop planning models, methods and decision support tools for the optimization of the structures and the activities of the transportation system. In particular, this leads researchers to the definition of strategic and tactical problems belonging to well-known problem classes, including network design problem, vehicle routing problem (VRP), traveling salesman problem (TSP), bin packing problem (BPP), which typically act as sub-problems of the overall CL system optimization. When long planning horizons are involved, these problems become stochastic and, thus, must explicitly take into account the different sources of uncertainty that can affect the transportation system. Due to these reasons and the large-scale of CL systems, the optimization problems arising in the urban context are very challenging. Their solution requires investigations in mathematical and combinatorial optimization methods as well as the implementation of efficient exact and heuristic algorithms. However, contributions answering these challenges are still limited number. This work contributes in filling this gap in the literature in terms of both modeling framework for new planning problems in CL context and developing new and effective heuristic solving methods for the two-stage formulation of these problems. Three stochastic problems are proposed in the context of CL: the stochastic variable cost and size bin packing problem (SVCSBPP), the multi-handler knapsack problem under uncertainty (MHKPu) and the multi-path traveling salesman problem with stochastic travel times (mpTSPs). The SVCSBPP arises in supply-chain management, in which companies outsource the logistics activities to a third-party logistic firm (3PL). The procurement of sufficient capacity, expressed in terms of vehicles, containers or space in a warehouse for varying periods of time to satisfy the demand plays a crucial role. The SVCSBPP focuses on the relation between a company and its logistics capacity provider and the tactical-planning problem of determining the quantity of capacity units to secure for the next period of activity. The SVCSBPP is the first attempt to introduce a stochastic variant of the variable cost and size bin packing problem (VCSBPP) considering not only the uncertainty on the demand to deliver, but also on the renting cost of the different bins and their availability. A large number of real-life situations can be satisfactorily modeled as a MHKPu, in particular in the last mile delivery. Last mile delivery may involve different sequences of consolidation operations, each handled by different workers with different skill levels and reliability. The improper management of consolidation operations can cause delay in the operations reducing the overall profit of the deliveries. Thus, given a set of potential logistics handlers and a set of items to deliver, characterized by volume and random profit, the MHKPu consists in finding a subset of items which maximizes the expected total profit. The profit is given by the sum of a deterministic profit and a stochastic profit oscillation, with unknown probability distribution, due to the random handling costs of the handlers.The mpTSPs arises mainly in City Logistics applications. Cities offer several services, such as garbage collection, periodic delivery of goods in urban grocery distribution and bike sharing services. These services require the planning of fixed and periodic tours that will be used from one to several weeks. However, the enlarged time horizon as well as strong dynamic changes in travel times due to traffic congestion and other nuisances typical of the urban transportation induce the presence of multiple paths with stochastic travel times. Given a graph characterized by a set of nodes connected by arcs, mpTSPs considers that, for every pair of nodes, multiple paths between the two nodes are present. Each path is characterized by a random travel time. Similarly to the standard TSP, the aim of the problem is to define the Hamiltonian cycle minimizing the expected total cost. These planning problems have been formulated as two-stage integer stochastic programs with recourse. Discretization methods are usually applied to approximate the probability distribution of the random parameters. The resulting approximated program becomes a deterministic linear program with integer decision variables of generally very large dimensions, beyond the reach of exact methods. Therefore, heuristics are required. For the MHKPu, we apply the extreme value theory and derive a deterministic approximation, while for the SVCSBPP and the mpTSPs we introduce effective and accurate heuristics based on the progressive hedging (PH) ideas. The PH mitigates the computational difficulty associated with large problem instances by decomposing the stochastic program by scenario. When effective heuristic techniques exist for solving individual scenario, that is the case of the SVCSBPP and the mpTSPs, the PH further reduces the computational effort of solving scenario subproblems by means of a commercial solver. In particular, we propose a series of specific strategies to accelerate the search and efficiently address the symmetry of solutions, including an aggregated consensual solution, heuristic penalty adjustments, and a bundle fixing technique. Yet, although solution methods become more powerful, combinatorial problems in the CL context are very large and difficult to solve. Thus, in order to significantly enhance the computational efficiency, these heuristics implement parallel schemes. With the aim to make a complete analysis of the problems proposed, we perform extensive numerical experiments on a large set of instances of various dimensions, including realistic setting derived by real applications in the urban area, and combinations of different levels of variability and correlations in the stochastic parameters. The campaign includes the assessment of the efficiency of the meta-heuristic, the evaluation of the interest to explicitly consider uncertainty, an analysis of the impact of problem characteristics, the structure of solutions, as well as an evaluation of the robustness of the solutions when used as decision tool. The numerical analysis indicates that the stochastic programs have significant effects in terms of both the economic impact (e.g. cost reduction) and the operations management (e.g. prediction of the capacity needed by the firm). The proposed methodologies outperform the use of commercial solvers, also when small-size instances are considered. In fact, they find good solutions in manageable computing time. This makes these heuristics a strategic tool that can be incorporated in larger decision support systems for CL

    Constructive solution methodologies to the capacitated newsvendor problem and surrogate extension

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    The newsvendor problem is a single-period stochastic model used to determine the order quantity of perishable product that maximizes/minimizes the profit/cost of the vendor under uncertain demand. The goal is to fmd an initial order quantity that can offset the impact of backlog or shortage caused by mismatch between the procurement amount and uncertain demand. If there are multiple products and substitution between them is feasible, overstocking and understocking can be further reduced and hence, the vendor\u27s overall profit is improved compared to the standard problem. When there are one or more resource constraints, such as budget, volume or weight, it becomes a constrained newsvendor problem. In the past few decades, many researchers have proposed solution methods to solve the newsvendor problem. The literature is first reviewed where the performance of each of existing model is examined and its contribution is reported. To add to these works, it is complemented through developing constructive solution methods and extending the existing published works by introducing the product substitution models which so far has not received sufficient attention despite its importance to supply chain management decisions. To illustrate this dissertation provides an easy-to-use approach that utilizes the known network flow problem or knapsack problem. Then, a polynomial in fashion algorithm is developed to solve it. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to compare the performance of the proposed method and some existing ones. Results show that the proposed approach though approximates, yet, it simplifies the solution steps without sacrificing accuracy. Further, this dissertation addresses the important arena of product substitute models. These models deal with two perishable products, a primary product and a surrogate one. The primary product yields higher profit than the surrogate. If the demand of the primary exceeds the available quantity and there is excess amount of the surrogate, this excess quantity can be utilized to fulfill the shortage. The objective is to find the optimal lot sizes of both products, that minimize the total cost (alternatively, maximize the profit). Simulation is utilized to validate the developed model. Since the analytical solutions are difficult to obtain, Mathematical software is employed to find the optimal results. Numerical experiments are also conducted to analyze the behavior of the optimal results versus the governing parameters. The results show the contribution of surrogate approach to the overall performance of the policy. From a practical perspective, this dissertation introduces the applications of the proposed models and methods in different industries such as inventory management, grocery retailing, fashion sector and hotel reservation

    Multiobjective metaheuristic approaches for mean-risk combinatorial optimisation with applications to capacity expansion

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Heuristic algorithms in optimization

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    Práce se zabývá určením pravděpodobnostních rozdělení pro stochastické programování, při kterém jsou optimální hodnoty účelové funkce extrémní (minimální nebo maximální). Rozdělení se určuje pomocí heuristických metod, konkrétně pomocí genetických algoritmů, kde celá populace aproximuje hledané rozdělení. První kapitoly popisují obecně matematické a stochastické programování a dále jsou popsány různé heuristické metody a s důrazem na genetické algoritmy. Těžiště práce je v naprogramování daného algoritmu a otestování na úlohách lineárních a kvadratických stochastických modelů.The thesis deals with stochastic programming and determining probability distributions which cause extreme optimal values (maximal or minimal) of an objective function. The probability distribution is determined by heuristic method, especially by genetic algorithms, where whole population approximates desired distribution. The first parts of the thesis describe mathematical and stochastic programming in general and also there are described various heuristic methods with emphasis on genetic algorithms. The goal of the diploma thesis is to create a program which tests the algorithm on linear and quadratic stochastic models.

    A stochastic intra-ring synchronous optimal network design problem

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    We develop a stochastic programming approach to solving an intra-ring Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) design problem. This research differs from pioneering SONET design studies in two fundamental ways. First, while traditional approaches to solving this problem assume that all data are deterministic, we observe that for practical planning situations, network demand levels are stochastic. Second, while most models disallow demand shortages and focus only on the minimization of capital Add-Drop Multiplexer (ADM) equipment expenditure, our model minimizes a mix of ADM installations and expected penalties arising from the failure to satisfy some or all of the actual telecommunication demand. We propose an L-shaped algorithm to solve this design problem, and demonstrate how a nonlinear reformulation of the problem may improve the strength of the generated optimality cuts. We next enhance the ba-sic algorithm by implementing powerful lower and upper bounding techniques via an assortment of modeling, valid inequality, and heuristic strategies. Our computational results conclusively demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed algorithm as opposed to standard L-shaped and extensive form approaches to solving the problem

    Electrical Infrastructure Adaptation for a Changing Climate

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    In recent years, global climate change has become a major factor in long-term electrical infrastructure planning in coastal areas. Over time, accelerated sea level rise and fiercer, more frequent storm surges caused by the changing climate have imposed increasing risks to the security and reliability of coastal electrical infrastructure systems. It is important to ensure that infrastructure system planning adapts to such risks to produce systems with strong resilience. This dissertation proposes a decision framework for long-term, resilient electrical infrastructure adaptation planning for a future with the uncertain sea level rise and storm surges in a changing climate. As uncertainty is unavoidable in real-world decision making, stochastic optimization plays an essential role in making robust decisions with respect to global climate change. The core of the proposed decision framework is a stochastic optimization model with the primary goal being to ensure operational feasibility once uncertain futures are revealed. The proposed stochastic model produces long-term climate adaptations that are subject to both the exogenous uncertainty of climate change as well as the endogenous physical restrictions of electrical infrastructure. Complex, state-of-the-art simulation models under climate change are utilized to represent exogenous uncertainty in the decision-making process. In practice, deterministic methods such as scenario-based analyses and/or geometric-information-system-based heuristics are widely used for real-world adaptation planning. Numerical experiments and sensitivity analyses are conducted to compare the proposed framework with various deterministic methods. Our experimental results demonstrate that resilient, long-term adaptations can be obtained using the proposed stochastic optimization model. In further developing the decision framework, we address a class of stochastic optimization models where operational feasibility is ensured for only a percentage of all possible uncertainty realizations through joint chance-constraints. It is important to identify the significant scalability limitations often associated with commercial optimization tools for solving this class of challenging stochastic optimization problems. We propose a novel configuration generation algorithm which leverages metaheuristics to find high-quality solutions quickly and generic relaxations to provide solution quality guarantees. A key advantage of the proposed method over previous work is that the joint chance-constrained stochastic optimization problem can contain multivariate distributions, discrete variables, and nonconvex constraints. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated on two applications, including the climate adaptation problem, where it significantly outperforms commercial optimization tools. Furthermore, the need to address the feasibility of a realistic electrical infrastructure system under impacts is recognized for the proposed decision framework. This requires dedicated attention to addressing nonlinear, nonconvex optimization problem feasibility, which can be a challenging problem that requires an expansive exploitation of the solution space. We propose a global algorithm for the feasibility problem\u27s counterpart: proving problem infeasibility. The proposed algorithm adaptively discretizes variable domains to tighten the relaxed problem for proving infeasibility. The convergence of the algorithm is demonstrated as the algorithm either finds a feasible solution or terminates with the problem being proven infeasible. The efficiency of this algorithm is demonstrated through experiments comparing two state-of-the-art global solvers, as well as a recently proposed global algorithm, to our proposed method
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