1,420 research outputs found

    Integrated framework for modeling the interactions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles aggregators, parking lots and distributed generation facilities in electricity markets

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    This paper presents an integrated framework for the optimal resilient scheduling of an active distribution system in the day-ahead and real-time markets considering aggregators, parking lots, distributed energy resources, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) interactions. The main contribution of this paper is that the impacts of traffic patterns on the available dispatchable active power of PHEVs in day-ahead and real-time markets are explored. A two stage framework is considered. Each stage consists of a four-level optimization procedure that optimizes the scheduling problems of PHEVs, parking lots and distributed energy resources, aggregators, and active distribution system. The distribution system procures ramp-up and ramp-down services for the upward electricity market in a real-time horizon. The active distribution system can utilize a switching procedure to sectionalize its system into a multi-microgrid system to mitigate the impacts of external shocks. The model was assessed by the 123-bus test system. The proposed algorithm reduced the interruption and operating costs of the 123-bus test system by about 94.56% for the worst-case external shock. Further, the traffic pattern decreased the available ramp-up and ramp-down of parking lots by about 58.61% concerning the no-traffic case.© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Sustainable distribution network planning considering multi-energy systems and plug-in electric vehicles parking lots

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    Entre todos os recursos associados à evolução das redes elétricas para o conceito de smart grid, os sistemas de multi-energia e os veículos eléctricos do tipo plug-in (PEV) são dois dos principais tópicos de investigação hoje em dia. Embora estes recursos possam acarretar uma maior incerteza para o sistema de energia, as suas capacidades de demanda/armazenamento flexível de energia podem melhorar a operacionalidade do sistema como um todo. Quando o conceito de sistemas de multi-energia e os parques de estacionamento com estações de carregamento para os PEVs são combinados no sistema de distribuição, a demanda pode variar significativamente. Sendo a demanda de energia uma importante informação no processo de planeamento, é essencial estimar de precisa essa demanda. Deste modo, três níveis padrão de carga podem ser extraídos tendo em conta a substituição da procura entre carriers de energia, a demanda associada ao carregamento dos PEVs, e presença de parques de estacionamento com estações de carregamento no sistema. A presença de PEVs num sistema multi-energia obriga a outros requisitos (por exemplo, um sistema de alimentação) que devem ser fornecidos pelo sistema, incluindo as estações de carregamento. A componente elétrica dos PEVs dificulta a tarefa ao operador do sistema na tentativa de encontrar a melhor solução para fornecer os serviços necessários e utilizar o potencial dos PEVs num sistema multi-energia. Contudo, o comportamento sociotécnico dos utilizadores de PEVs torna difícil ao operador do sistema a potencial gestão das fontes de energia associada às baterias. Desta forma, este estudo visa providenciar uma solução para os novos problemas que irão ocorrer no planeamento do sistema. Nesta tese, vários aspetos da integração de PEVs num sistema multi-energia são estudados. Primeiro, um programa de resposta à demanda é proposto para o sistema multi-energia com tecnologias do lado da procura que possibilitem alternar entre fornecedores de serviços. Em seguida, é realizado um estudo abrangente sobre as questões relativas à modelação dos PEVs no sistema, incluindo a modelação das incertezas, as preferências dos proprietários dos veículos, o nível de carregamento dos PEV e a sua interação com a rede. Posteriormente é proposta a melhor estratégia para a participação no mercado de energia e reserva. A alocação na rede e os possíveis efeitos subjacentes são também estudados nesta tese, incluindo o modelo dos PEVs e dos parques de estacionamento com estações de carregamento nesse sistema de multi-energia.Among all resources introduced by the evolution of smart grid, multi-energy systems and plugin electric vehicles are the two main challenges in research topics. Although, these resources bring new levels of uncertainties to the system, their capabilities as flexible demand or stochastic generation can enhance the operability of system. When the concept of multienergy systems and plug-in electric vehicles (PEV) parking lots are merged in a distribution system, the demand estimation may vary significantly. As the main feed of planning process, it is critical to estimate the most accurate amount of required demand. Therefore, three stages of load pattern should be extracted taking into account the demand substitution between energy carriers, demand affected by home-charging PEVs, and parking lot presence in system. The presence of PEVs in a multi-energy system oblige other requirements (i.e. fueling system) that should be provided in the system, including charging stations. However, the electric base of PEVs adds to the responsibilities of the system operator to think about the best solution to provide the required services for PEVs and utilize their potentials in a multi-energy concept. However, the socio-technical behavior of PEV users makes it difficult for the system operator to be able to manage the potential sources of PEV batteries. As a result, this study tries to raise the solution to new problems that will occur for the system planners and operators by the future components of the system. In this thesis, various aspects of integrating PEVs in a multi-energy system is studied.Firstly, a carrier-based demand response program is proposed for the multi-energy system with the technologies on the demand side to switch between the carriers for providing their services. Then, a comprehensive study on the issues regarding the modeling of the PEVs in the system are conducted including modeling their uncertain traffic behavior, modeling the preferences of vehicle owners on the required charging, modeling the PEV parking lot behavior and its interactions with the network. After that the best strategy and framework for participating the PEVs energy in the energy and reserve market is proposed. The allocation of the parking lot in the network and the possible effects it will have on the network constraints is studied. Finally, the derived model of the PEVs and the parking lot is added to the multi-energy system model with multi-energy demand

    A robust optimization approach for active and reactive power management in smart distribution networks using electric vehicles

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    YesThis paper presents a robust framework for active and reactive power management in distribution networks using electric vehicles (EVs). The method simultaneously minimizes the energy cost and the voltage deviation subject to network and EVs constraints. The uncertainties related to active and reactive loads, required energy to charge EV batteries, charge rate of batteries and charger capacity of EVs are modeled using deterministic uncertainty sets. Firstly, based on duality theory, the max min form of the model is converted to a max form. Secondly, Benders decomposition is employed to solve the problem. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated with a 33-bus distribution network

    Optimal behavior of a PEV parking lot in renewable-based power systems

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    There have been a lot of developments in terms of Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) regarding many different subjects, and with some variations between authors. On this basis, it is intended to sum up a lot of contents being approached, and help understanding them. Followed by the development and analysis of a model in order to better understand the functionality of these new developments. First a state of the art is presented where the new development are presented, these will include management of the PEV’s, uncontrolled or controlled (i.e. aggregated) and their capability of using V2G and G2V technologies are analyzed. Afterwards, electricity markets are approached where real world applications are shown and different market types are categorized in order to a better understanding of the subject. The interaction of the PEVs with some renewable energy resources (e.g. solar, wind and biomass) is presented. To finalize, models of PEVs are categorized and multiple types of modules, the related variables, applied methods, and the considered parameters are presented. For a case analysis, a model that includes a parking lot of PEVs will be studied, which includes renewable energy resources, wind and solar. The objective is to analyze the impact of these on the market participation of the parking lot and also on the distribution grid. These analyses will be made on size variations, grid placement and also constraint variations of the model.Tem havido muitos desenvolvimentos em relação a veículos elétricos com tecnologia Plug-in (PEVs), sendo um tema abrangente com bastantes tópicos a serem estudados, sendo que existem também diferentes abordagens do tema por diferentes autores. Tendo isto em consideração, o objetivo inicial será a recolha de informação relativo a esta área e a sua sumarização de modo a possibilitar uma maior compreensão sobre a área. De seguida, o modelo desenvolvido será efetuada a sua análise, tendo em consideração alguns destes desenvolvimentos mencionados previamente. Primeiramente um estado da arte será apresentado onde os recentes desenvolvimentos na área serão apresentados. Estes desenvolvimentos incluem a possibilidade de gestão e manuseamento dos veículos, controlados ou descontrolados (i.e. agregador), e a possibilidade da utilização das tecnologias veiculo para a rede (V2G) e rede para o veículo (G2V) é analisada. De seguida, são analisado os mercados de energia onde serão apresentados casos reais e diferentes tipos de Mercado serão descriminados. A interação dos PEVs com algumas energias renováveis (e.g. Solar, Vento e biomassa) é apresentada. Finalizando modelos de PEVs serão categorizados fazendo distinção entre eles, entre tipo de modelos, variáveis, métodos aplicados, e os parâmetros considerados por estes mesmos. Como caso de estudo é apresentada a análise de um modelo que conta com um parqueamento de PEV, inclui energias renováveis. O objetivo é o de analisar os efeitos das energias renováveis na participação do mercado do parqueamento e o impacte na rede de distribuição. Esta análise será feita pela variação na potência instalada das renováveis, localização na rede do parqueamento e variação nas limitações do modelo

    An Overview of Modeling Approaches Applied to Aggregation-Based Fleet Management and Integration of Plug-in Electric Vehicles †

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    The design and implementation of management policies for plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) need to be supported by a holistic understanding of the functional processes, their complex interactions, and their response to various changes. Models developed to represent different functional processes and systems are seen as useful tools to support the related studies for different stakeholders in a tangible way. This paper presents an overview of modeling approaches applied to support aggregation-based management and integration of PEVs from the perspective of fleet operators and grid operators, respectively. We start by explaining a structured modeling approach, i.e., a flexible combination of process models and system models, applied to different management and integration studies. A state-of-the-art overview of modeling approaches applied to represent several key processes, such as charging management, and key systems, such as the PEV fleet, is then presented, along with a detailed description of different approaches. Finally, we discuss several considerations that need to be well understood during the modeling process in order to assist modelers and model users in the appropriate decisions of using existing, or developing their own, solutions for further applications

    17-07 Phase-II: Community-Aware Charging Station Network Design for Electrified Vehicles in Urban Areas: \u3c/i\u3e Reducing Congestion, Emissions, Improving Accessibility, and Promoting Walking, Bicycling, and use of Public Transportation

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    A major challenge for achieving large-scale adoption of EVs is an accessible infrastructure for the communities. The societal benefits of large-scale adoption of EVs cannot be realized without adequate deployment of publicly accessible charging stations due to mutual dependence of EV sales and public infrastructure deployment. Such infrastructure deployment also presents a number of unique opportunities for promoting livability while helping to reduce the negative side-effects of transportation (e.g., congestion, emissions, and noise pollution). In this phase, we develop a modeling framework (MF) to consider various factors and their associated uncertainties for an optimal network design for electrified vehicles. The factors considered in the study include: state of charge, dwell time, Origin-Destination (OD) pair

    Towards Structuring Smart Grid: Energy Scheduling, Parking Lot Allocation, and Charging Management

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    Nowadays, the conventional power systems are being restructured and changed into smart grids to improve their reliability and efficiency, which brings about better social, economic, and environmental benefits. To build a smart grid, energy scheduling, energy management, parking lot allocation, and charging management of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are important subjects that must be considered. Accordingly, in this dissertation, three problems in structuring a smart grid are investigated. The first problem investigates energy scheduling of smart homes (SHs) to minimize daily energy consumption cost. The challenges of the problem include modeling the technical and economic constraints of the sources and dealing with the variability and uncertainties concerned with the power of the photovoltaic (PV) panels that make the problem a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP), dynamic (time-varying), and stochastic optimization problem. In order to handle the variability and uncertainties of power of PV panels, we propose a multi-time scale stochastic model predictive control (MPC). We use multi-time scale approach in the stochastic MPC to simultaneously have vast vision for the optimization time horizon and precise resolution for the problem variables. In addition, a combination of genetic algorithm (GA) and linear programming (GA-LP) is applied as the optimization tool. Further, we propose cooperative distributed energy scheduling to enable SHs to share their energy resources in a distributed way. The simulation results demonstrate remarkable cost saving due to cooperation of SHs with one another and the effectiveness of multi-time scale MPC over single-time scale MPC. Compared to the previous studies, this work is the first study that proposes cooperative distributed energy scheduling for SHs and applies multi-time scale optimization. In the second problem, the price-based energy management of SHs for maximizing the daily profit of GENCO is investigated. The goal of GENCO is to design an optimal energy management scheme (optimal prices of electricity) that will maximize its daily profit based on the demand of active customers (SHs) that try to minimize their daily operation cost. In this study, a scenario-based stochastic approach is applied in the energy scheduling problem of each SH to address the variability and uncertainty issues of PV panels. Also, a combination of genetic algorithm (GA) and linear programming (GA-LP) is applied as the optimization tool for the energy scheduling problem of a SH. Moreover, Lambda-Iteration Economic Dispatch and GA approaches are applied to solve the generation scheduling and unit commitment (UC) problems of the GENCO, respectively. The numerical study shows the potential benefit of energy management for both GENCO and SH. Moreover, it is proven that the GENCO needs to implement the optimal scheme of energy management; otherwise, it will not be effective. Compared to the previous studies, the presented study in this paper is the first study that considers the interaction between a GENCO and SHs through the price-controlled energy management to maximize the daily profit of the GENCO and minimize the operation cost of each SH. In the third problem, traffic and grid-based parking lots allocation and charging management of PEVs is investigated from a DISCO’s and a GENCO’s viewpoints. Herein, the DISCO allocates the parking lots to each electrical feeder to minimize the overall cost of planning problem over the planning time horizon (30 years) and the GENCO manages the charging time of PEVs to maximize its daily profit by deferring the most expensive and pollutant generation units. In both planning and operation problems, the driving patterns of the PEVs’ drivers and their reaction respect to the value of incentive (discount on charging fee) and the average daily distance from the parking lot are modeled. The optimization problems of each DISCO and GENCO are solved applying quantum-inspired simulated annealing (SA) algorithm (QSA algorithm) and genetic algorithm (GA), respectively. We demonstrate that the behavioral model of drivers and their driving patterns can remarkably affect the outcomes of planning and operation problems. We show that optimal allocation of parking lots can minimize every DISCO’s planning cost and increase the GENCO’s daily profit. Compared to the previous works, the presented study in this paper is the first study that investigates the optimal parking lot placement problem (from every DISCO’s view point) and the problem of optimal charging management of PEVs (from a GENCO’s point of view) considering the characteristics of electrical distribution network, driving pattern of PEVs, and the behavior of drivers respect to value of introduced incentive and their daily distance from the suggested parking lots. In our future work, we will develop a more efficient smart grid. Specifically, we will investigate the effects of inaccessibility of SHs to the grid and disconnection of SHs in the first problem, model the reaction of other end users (in addition to SHs) based on the price elasticity of demand and their social welfare in the second problem, and propose methods for energy management of end users (in addition to charging management of PEVs) and model the load of end users in the third problem

    Demand Side Management of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids: A survey on strategies, challenges, modeling, and optimization

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    The shift of transportation technology from internal combustion engine (ICE) based vehicles to electricvehicles (EVs) in recent times due to their lower emissions, fuel costs, and greater efficiency hasbrought EV technology to the forefront of the electric power distribution systems due to theirability to interact with the grid through vehicle-to-grid (V2G) infrastructure. The greater adoptionof EVs presents an ideal use-case scenario of EVs acting as power dispatch, storage, and ancillaryservice-providing units. This EV aspect can be utilized more in the current smart grid (SG) scenarioby incorporating demand-side management (DSM) through EV integration. The integration of EVswith DSM techniques is hurdled with various issues and challenges addressed throughout thisliterature review. The various research conducted on EV-DSM programs has been surveyed. This reviewarticle focuses on the issues, solutions, and challenges, with suggestions on modeling the charginginfrastructure to suit DSM applications, and optimization aspects of EV-DSM are addressed separatelyto enhance the EV-DSM operation. Gaps in current research and possible research directions have beendiscussed extensively to present a comprehensive insight into the current status of DSM programsemployed with EV integration. This extensive review of EV-DSM will facilitate all the researchersto initiate research for superior and efficient energy management and EV scheduling strategies andmitigate the issues faced by system uncertainty modeling, variations, and constraints