18,381 research outputs found

    Developmental profile and diagnoses in children presenting with motor stereotypies

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    Introduction: Motor stereotypies represent a typical example of the difficulty in distinguishing non-clinical behaviors (physiological and transient) from symptoms or among different disorders (“primary stereotypies”, associated with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities, genetic syndromes, sensory impairment). Aim of this study was to get an accurate analysis on the relationship between stereotypies and neurodevelopmental disorders. Methods: We studied 23 children (3 girls) aged 36 to 95 months, who requested a consultation due to the persistence or the increase severity of motor stereotypies. None of patients had a previous diagnosis of ASD. The assessment included the Motor Severity Stereotypy Scale (MSSS), the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised (RBS-R), the Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices (CPM), the Child Behavior Checklist for ages 1 ½ -5 or 4-18 (CBCL), the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) and the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule- Second edition (ADOS 2). Results: All patients were showing motor stereotypies for periods of time varying from 6 to 77 months. The MSSS showed each child had a limited number of stereotypies; their frequency and intensity were mild; the interference of stereotypies was variable; the impairment in the daily life was mild. The RBS-R scores resulted positive for the subscale of “Stereotypic behaviors” in all children; moreover, several children presented other repetitive behaviors, mainly “Ritualistic behavior” and “Sameness behavior”. All patients showed a normal cognitive level. The CBCL evidenced behavioral problems in 22% of the children: Internalizing problems, Attention and Withdrawn were the main complaints. On the SRS, all but one of the tested patients obtained clinical scores in the clinical range at least in one area. On the ADOS 2, four patients obtained scores indicating a moderate level of ASD symptoms, four had a mild level and fifteen showed no or minimal signs of ASD. Discussion: Motor stereotypies in children with normal cognitive level represent a challenging diagnostic issue for which a finely tailored assessment is mandatory in order to define a precise developmental profile. Notably, a careful and cautious use of standardized tests is warranted to avoid misdiagnosis. Furthermore, it is hard to consider motor stereotypies, even the primary ones, exclusively as a movement disorder

    The Self-Definition of Hellenic Identity through the Culture of Mousikē

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    Altgriechische Quellen sind voll von Verweisen auf die Musik von Völkern, die nicht griechisch sind und deshalb stereotyp als ,Barbaren‘ bezeichnet werden. Merkmale wie ,verweichlicht‘ und ,wollüstig‘ werden dabei oft dem musikalischen Paradigma des Ostens zu-geschrieben, vor allem während und nach den Perserkriegen des frühen 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Ziel des Beitrags ist, die Konstruktion hellenischer Identität mit dem Begriff der mousikē zu untersuchen, wobei in der Hauptsache diejenigen literarischen und ikonographischen Quellen analysiert werden, in welchen ,griechische‘ und ,fremde‘ Elemente als Gegensätze dargestellt werden. Sie werden versuchsweise als Kennzeichen kultureller und politischer Veränderungen der Gesellschaft interpretiert

    Sex: Sexual Orientation, Sex Stereotyping, and Title VII

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    The United States Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in Altitude Express v. Zarda, a case that addresses whether Title VII’s prohibition of discrimination “on the basis of sex” prohibits sexual orientation discrimination.  Relying on three related lines of reasoning, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit had held that it did.  First, sexual orientation discrimination would not have occurred “but for” the employee’s sex; second, sexual orientation discrimination relies on the sex-stereotype that individuals should be attracted to individuals of the opposite sex; and third, sexual orientation discrimination is a form of prohibited associational discrimination.  This Article opines that the strongest and most compelling of these three arguments is sex stereotyping since gays and lesbians fail to conform to the ultimate stereotype that real men are sexually attracted to women and real women are sexually attracted to men.  This stereotype is a means of maintaining anachronistic and outdated gender roles for men and women

    Bootstrapping trust evaluations through stereotypes

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    Contexts of diffusion: Adoption of research synthesis in Social Work and Women's Studies

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    Texts reveal the subjects of interest in research fields, and the values, beliefs, and practices of researchers. In this study, texts are examined through bibliometric mapping and topic modeling to provide a birds eye view of the social dynamics associated with the diffusion of research synthesis methods in the contexts of Social Work and Women's Studies. Research synthesis texts are especially revealing because the methods, which include meta-analysis and systematic review, are reliant on the availability of past research and data, sometimes idealized as objective, egalitarian approaches to research evaluation, fundamentally tied to past research practices, and performed with the goal informing future research and practice. This study highlights the co-influence of past and subsequent research within research fields; illustrates dynamics of the diffusion process; and provides insight into the cultural contexts of research in Social Work and Women's Studies. This study suggests the potential to further develop bibliometric mapping and topic modeling techniques to inform research problem selection and resource allocation.Comment: To appear in proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction (SBP2014

    A user profiling component with the aid of user ontologies

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    Abstract: What follows is a contribution to the field of user modeling for adaptive teaching and learning programs especially in the medical field. The paper outlines existing approaches to the problem of extracting user information in a form that can be exploited by adaptive software. We focus initially on the so-called stereotyping method, which allocates users into classes adaptively, reflecting characteristics such as physical data, social background, and computer experience. The user classifications of the stereotyping method are however ad hoc and unprincipled, and they can be exploited by the adaptive system only after a large number of trials by various kinds of users. We argue that the remedy is to create a database of user ontologies from which readymade taxonomies can be derived in such a way as to enable associated software to support a variety of different types of users

    Fiktive Musikerfiguren und Rock-Bands : Rockkonzerte in fiktiven Filmen

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    Dass die Figur des Musikers eine so große Affinität zur Dramatisierung hat, hat sicherlich mehrere Gründe. Ein Blick in das Korpus macht schnell deutlich, dass es einige stereotyp wiederkehrende Motive sind, die ausgespielt werden

    Spanische Gastarbeiter in Deutschland: Stereotyp und Wirklichkeit

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    Desde finales de los años 50 hasta la crisis del petróleo en 1973, el desarrollo económico de Alemania precisó de una enorme afluencia de mano obrera inmigrante. El paro y la pobreza llevaron a muchos españoles a buscar mejores condiciones de vida en la emigración a Europa, fomentados además desde las instancias oficiales. El encuentro entre ambas culturas frecuentemente iba acompañado de un complicado proceso de adaptación a los países receptores e hizo aflorar diversos prejuicios, estereotipos y autoestereotipos que esta ponencia pretende analizar con la ayuda de material documental

    Projekt edukacyjny Unii Europejskiej formą poznania kulturowo-zawodowego

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    The processes of globalisation and the development of a common, united Europe entail the migration of people to various parts of our continent. Nowadays migration is mostly related to the search for employment by people at various stages of their lives. The contact with a different cultural and professional reality might be surprising and often arouses feelings which are far from positive. In the context of these processes intercultural competence, now called a key competence, a prerequisite for functioning in the post-modern, multicultural world, is assigned a particular significance. Equally central is, however, becoming familiar with the conditions of a country’s professional culture. Only then can we talk about effective functioning on the European job market. Numerous young people at the stage of high school education declare the will to build their future abroad. Therefore, it is necessary to search for tools which would render it possible for trainees to enter into professional life and cultural reality of a foreign country. One of such tools are the Leonardo da Vinci mobility programmes, which help students grow to know chosen professional fields while simultaneously “immersing themselves” in the deepest cultural strata of a given country. The essence of the above subject matter shall be discussed on the example of a mobility programme carried out in Germany, in the Construction Training Centre.Procesy globalizacyjne oraz budowa wspólnej, zjednoczonej Europy warunkują przemieszczanie się ludności w różne miejsca naszego kontynentu. W dzisiejszych czasach ruchy migracyjne związane są najczęściej z poszukiwaniem zatrudnienia przez osoby znajdujące się na różnych etapach swojego życia. Zetknięcie z odmienną rzeczywistością kulturowo-zawodową bywa zaskakujące i budzi niejednokrotnie niepozytywne emocje. W kontekście powyższych procesów przypisuje się szczególne znaczenie kompetencji interkulturowej określanej obecnie mianem kompetencji kluczowej, niezbędnej do funkcjonowania w postnowoczesnym, wielokulturowym świecie. Równie istotne jest jednak poznanie uwarunkowań zawodowej kultury narodowej. Dopiero wówczas można mówić o efektywnym funkcjonowaniu na europejskim rynku pracy. Wielu młodych ludzi będących na etapie kształcenia ponadgimnazjalnego deklaruje chęć budowania swojej przyszłości poza granicami kraju. Dlatego należy poszukiwać narzędzi, które umożliwią adeptom nauki zawodu wejście w obszary życia zawodowego oraz innej rzeczywistości kulturowej. Jednym z takich instrumentów są projekty mobilności programu Leonardo da Vinci, pozwalające na poznanie wybranych obszarów zawodowych przy równoczesnym „zanurzeniu” się w najgłębsze warstwy kulturowe kraju natywnego użytkownika języka. Istotę powyższej tematyki omówi Autorka na przykładzie jednego z projektów mobilności, realizowanego w Niemczech, w Centrum Kształcenia Budowlanego