319 research outputs found

    Digital Image Processing

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    This book presents several recent advances that are related or fall under the umbrella of 'digital image processing', with the purpose of providing an insight into the possibilities offered by digital image processing algorithms in various fields. The presented mathematical algorithms are accompanied by graphical representations and illustrative examples for an enhanced readability. The chapters are written in a manner that allows even a reader with basic experience and knowledge in the digital image processing field to properly understand the presented algorithms. Concurrently, the structure of the information in this book is such that fellow scientists will be able to use it to push the development of the presented subjects even further

    Geometric data understanding : deriving case specific features

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    There exists a tradition using precise geometric modeling, where uncertainties in data can be considered noise. Another tradition relies on statistical nature of vast quantity of data, where geometric regularity is intrinsic to data and statistical models usually grasp this level only indirectly. This work focuses on point cloud data of natural resources and the silhouette recognition from video input as two real world examples of problems having geometric content which is intangible at the raw data presentation. This content could be discovered and modeled to some degree by such machine learning (ML) approaches like deep learning, but either a direct coverage of geometry in samples or addition of special geometry invariant layer is necessary. Geometric content is central when there is a need for direct observations of spatial variables, or one needs to gain a mapping to a geometrically consistent data representation, where e.g. outliers or noise can be easily discerned. In this thesis we consider transformation of original input data to a geometric feature space in two example problems. The first example is curvature of surfaces, which has met renewed interest since the introduction of ubiquitous point cloud data and the maturation of the discrete differential geometry. Curvature spectra can characterize a spatial sample rather well, and provide useful features for ML purposes. The second example involves projective methods used to video stereo-signal analysis in swimming analytics. The aim is to find meaningful local geometric representations for feature generation, which also facilitate additional analysis based on geometric understanding of the model. The features are associated directly to some geometric quantity, and this makes it easier to express the geometric constraints in a natural way, as shown in the thesis. Also, the visualization and further feature generation is much easier. Third, the approach provides sound baseline methods to more traditional ML approaches, e.g. neural network methods. Fourth, most of the ML methods can utilize the geometric features presented in this work as additional features.Geometriassa käytetään perinteisesti tarkkoja malleja, jolloin datassa esiintyvät epätarkkuudet edustavat melua. Toisessa perinteessä nojataan suuren datamäärän tilastolliseen luonteeseen, jolloin geometrinen säännönmukaisuus on datan sisäsyntyinen ominaisuus, joka hahmotetaan tilastollisilla malleilla ainoastaan epäsuorasti. Tämä työ keskittyy kahteen esimerkkiin: luonnonvaroja kuvaaviin pistepilviin ja videohahmontunnistukseen. Nämä ovat todellisia ongelmia, joissa geometrinen sisältö on tavoittamattomissa raakadatan tasolla. Tämä sisältö voitaisiin jossain määrin löytää ja mallintaa koneoppimisen keinoin, esim. syväoppimisen avulla, mutta joko geometria pitää kattaa suoraan näytteistämällä tai tarvitaan neuronien lisäkerros geometrisia invariansseja varten. Geometrinen sisältö on keskeinen, kun tarvitaan suoraa avaruudellisten suureiden havainnointia, tai kun tarvitaan kuvaus geometrisesti yhtenäiseen dataesitykseen, jossa poikkeavat näytteet tai melu voidaan helposti erottaa. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan datan muuntamista geometriseen piirreavaruuteen kahden esimerkkiohjelman suhteen. Ensimmäinen esimerkki on pintakaarevuus, joka on uudelleen virinneen kiinnostuksen kohde kaikkialle saatavissa olevan datan ja diskreetin geometrian kypsymisen takia. Kaarevuusspektrit voivat luonnehtia avaruudellista kohdetta melko hyvin ja tarjota koneoppimisessa hyödyllisiä piirteitä. Toinen esimerkki koskee projektiivisia menetelmiä käytettäessä stereovideosignaalia uinnin analytiikkaan. Tavoite on löytää merkityksellisiä paikallisen geometrian esityksiä, jotka samalla mahdollistavat muun geometrian ymmärrykseen perustuvan analyysin. Piirteet liittyvät suoraan johonkin geometriseen suureeseen, ja tämä helpottaa luonnollisella tavalla geometristen rajoitteiden käsittelyä, kuten väitöstyössä osoitetaan. Myös visualisointi ja lisäpiirteiden luonti muuttuu helpommaksi. Kolmanneksi, lähestymistapa suo selkeän vertailumenetelmän perinteisemmille koneoppimisen lähestymistavoille, esim. hermoverkkomenetelmille. Neljänneksi, useimmat koneoppimismenetelmät voivat hyödyntää tässä työssä esitettyjä geometrisia piirteitä lisäämällä ne muiden piirteiden joukkoon

    Natural Parameterization

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    The objective of this project has been to develop an approach for imitating physical objects with an underlying stochastic variation. The key assumption is that a set of “natural parameters” can be extracted by a new subdivision algorithm so they reflect what is called the object’s “geometric DNA”. A case study on one hundred wheat grain crosssections (Triticum aestivum) showed that it was possible to extract thirty-six such parameters and to reuse them for Monte Carlo simulation of “new” stochastic phantoms which possessthe same stochastic behavior as the “original” cross-sections

    A Methodology to Develop Computer Vision Systems in Civil Engineering: Applications in Material Testing and Fish Tracking

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    [Resumen] La Visión Artificial proporciona una nueva y prometedora aproximación al campo de la Ingeniería Civil, donde es extremadamente importante medir con precisión diferentes procesos. Sin embargo, la Visión Artificial es un campo muy amplio que abarca multitud de técnicas y objetivos, y definir una aproximación de desarrollo sistemática es problemático. En esta tesis se propone una nueva metodología para desarrollar estos sistemas considerando las características y requisitos de la Ingeniería Civil. Siguiendo esta metodología se han desarrollado dos sistemas: Un sistema para la medición de desplazamientos y deformaciones en imágenes de ensayos de resistencia de materiales. Solucionando las limitaciones de los actuales sensores físicos que interfieren con el ensayo y solo proporcionan mediciones en un punto y una dirección determinada. Un sistema para la medición de la trayectoria de peces en escalas de hendidura vertical, con el que se pretende solucionar las carencias en el diseño de escalas obteniendo información sobre el comportamiento de los peces. Estas aplicaciones representan contribuciones significativas en el área, y demuestran que la metodología definida e implementada proporciona un marco de trabajo sistemático y confiable para el desarrollo de sistemas de Visión Artificial en Ingeniería Civil.[Resumo] A Visión Artificial proporciona unha nova e prometedora aproximación ó campo da Enxeñería Civil, onde é extremadamente importante medir con precisión diferentes procesos. Sen embargo, a Visión Artificial é un campo moi amplo que abarca multitude de técnicas e obxectivos, e definir unha aproximación de desenvolvemento sistemática é problemático. En esta tese proponse unha nova metodoloxía para desenvolver estes sistemas considerando as características e requisitos da Enxeñería Civil. Seguindo esta metodoloxía desenvolvéronse dous sistemas: Un sistema para a medición de desprazamentos e deformacións en imaxes de ensaios de resistencia de materiais. Solucionando as limitacións dos actuais sensores físicos que interfiren co ensaio e só proporcionan medicións nun punto e nunha dirección determinada. Un sistema para a medición da traxectoria de peixes en escalas de fenda vertical, co que se pretende solucionar as carencias no deseño de escalas obtendo información sobre o comportamento dos peixes. Estas aplicacións representan contribucións significativas na área, e demostran que a metodoloxía definida e implementada proporciona un marco de traballo sistemático e confiable para o desenvolvemento de sistemas de Visión Artificial en Enxeñería Civil.[Abstract] Computer Vision provides a new and promising approach to Civil Engineering, where it is extremely important to measure with accuracy real world processes. However, Computer Vision is a broad field, involving several techniques and topics, and the task of defining a systematic development approach is problematic. In this thesis a new methodology is carried out to develop these systems attending to the special characteristics and requirements of Civil Engineering. Following this methodology, two systems were developed: A system to measure displacements from real images of material surfaces taken during strength tests. This technique solves the limitation of current physical sensors, which interfere with the assay and which are limited to obtaining measurements in a single point of the material and in a single direction of the movement. A system to measure the trajectory of fishes in vertical slot fishways, whose purpose is to solve current lacks in the design of fishways by providing information of fish behavior. These applications represent significant contributions to the field and show that the defined and implemented methodology provides a systematic and reliable framework to develop a Computer Vision system in Civil Engineering