424 research outputs found

    Methods and criteria for performance analysis of multiantenna systems in mobile communications

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    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique is one of the most promising solutions for increasing reliability and spectral efficiency of the radio connection in future mobile communication systems. The performance potential of MIMO systems is well established from theoretical point of view. However, much effort is still needed in the experimental verification of those systems using realistic antennas and channels. It is widely accepted that the antenna properties are of significant importance regarding the performance of single-input single-output (SISO) systems. However, the effect of the antennas on MIMO systems has not been thoroughly studied. Due to the complexity of MIMO systems, evaluation of MIMO antennas becomes increasingly cumbersome and time-consuming process in comparison to simpler systems. In the first part of this work an advanced antenna evaluation technique called experimental plane-wave based method (EPWBM) is generalized and validated to cover MIMO systems. This work is the extension of the previous work where the method has been used in the analysis of SISO systems. The EPWBM is based on the measured or simulated complex 3-D radiation patterns of the antennas and measured directional radio channel data. The EPWBM simplifies antenna evaluation process in comparison to traditional means since the same channel library can be utilized in the evaluation of several antenna systems without performing the same measurements for each prototype antennas separately. It is verified that the EPWBM is sufficiently reliable in comparing the performance of prototype antennas. In the second part of the work new quality factors for MIMO system evaluation enclosing traditional systems as special cases have been developed. The MIMO channel correlation matrix is formulated so that it reveals the ability of MIMO antenna systems to transfer signal power from a transmitter to a receiver and to utilize parallel spatial channels. It is also verified that correct normalization of the channel matrices is of significant importance in the MIMO antenna evaluation. This approach gives comprehensive framework for MIMO antenna evaluation, which takes into account both realistic antenna and channel properties. In the last part of the work insight into the performance of different antennas in different signal propagation environments is given. The performance of the antennas depends on the signal-to-noise-ratio and on the outage probability level considered. Although MIMO systems are based on the utilization of parallel spatial channels, the capability of the system to transfer signal power plays a significant role especially with small MIMO systems. In the realistic dynamic channels the capacity variation is larger than in the ideal channels, which are based on the identically and independently distributed (iid) channel assumption. Large performance variations occur in the realistic channels with directive antennas, when antennas are rotated in the usage environment, whereas omnidirectional ones are more robust but are difficult to realize in practice. The largest differences between the antennas are found at the low outage probability levels due to different radiation properties of the antennas. The systems with the cross-polarized antennas have smaller eigenvalue dispersion and are more robust in performance for the variations of the channel than the systems with co-polarized antennas. On the other hand, the co-polarized antennas possess better capability to transfer signal power and are more robust in performance for the antenna array orientation. From practical point of view, the dual-polarized antennas seem to be the most feasible candidates to be used in MIMO antenna systems due to compact structure, and indoor seems to be the most suitable for MIMO applications due to typically scatter-rich channel.Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) tekniika on yksi lupaavimmista ratkaisuista lisätä radioyhteyden luotettavuutta ja spektritehokkuutta tulevaisuuden matkaviestinjärjestelmissä. MIMO järjestelmien suorituskykypotentiaali on teoreettisesti todistettu. Paljon työtä tarvitaan kuitenkin vielä kokeelliseen järjestelmätestaukseen käyttäen realistisia antenneja ja kanavia. On laajasti hyväksyttyä että antennien ominaisuudet ovat merkityksellisiä single-input single-output (SISO) järjestelmien suorituskyvyn kannalta. Antennien vaikutusta MIMO-järjestelmiin ei ole kuitenkaan perusteellisesti tutkittu. MIMO-järjestelmien lisääntyneestä monimutkaisuudesta johtuen, verrattuna yksinkertaisempiin järjestelmiin, MIMO antennien suorituskyvyn arviointi hankaloituu ja vie enemmän aikaa. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa uusi antennien arviointitekniikka nimeltään kokeellinen tasoaaltoihin perustuva menetelmä (EPWBM) on yleistetty käsittämään MIMO järjestelmät ja sen tarkkuus on arvioitu. Tämä työ on laajennus aikaisempaan työhön jossa menetelmää on käytetty SISO-järjestelmien arviointiin. EPWBM perustuu mitattuihin tai simuloituihin antennien kompleksisiin 3-D suuntakuvioihin ja mitattuun suuntatiedon sisältämään kanavadataan. EPWBM yksinkertaistaa antennin suorituskyvyn arviointia perinteisiin menetelmiin verrattuna, koska sama kanavamittausaineisto voidaan hyödyntää usamman antennisysteemin arvioinnissa tekemättä samoja mittauksia jokaiselle antenniprototyypille erikseen. On osoitettu että EPWBM on suhteellisen luotettava prototyyppiantennien suorituskyvyn vertailussa. Työn toisessa osassa on kehitetty uusia hyvyyslukuja MIMO-järjestelmien suorituskyvyn arviointiin sisältäen perinteiset järjestelmät erikoistapauksina. MIMO-kanavamatriisi esitetään siten että se paljastaa MIMO-antennijärjestelmien kyvyn siirtää signaalitehoa lähettimen ja vastaanottimen välillä ja hyödyntää rinnakkaisia kanavia. On myös todistettu että oikeanlainen kanavamatriisien normalisointi on erittäin merkittävää MIMO-antennivertailussa. Tämä lähestymistapa antaa kattavat puitteet MIMO-antennien suorituskyvyn arviointiin ottaen huomioon todelliset antennien ja kanavan ominaisuudet. Työn viimeisessä osassa annetaan käsitys erilaisten antennien suorituskyvystä erilaisissa signaalin etenemisympäristöissä. Antennien suorituskyky riippuu signaalikohinasuhteesta ja tarkasteltavan signaalin luotettavuustasosta. Vaikka MIMO-järjestelmät perustuvat rinnakkaisten kanavien hyödyntämiseen järjestelmän signaalitehon siirto-ominaisuudet ovat merkittäviä erityisesti pienillä MIMO järjestelmillä. Realistisissa dynaamisissa kanavissa kapasiteetinvaihtelu on suurempaa kuin ideaalisissa kanavissa jotka perustuvat oletukseen että signaalit ovat riippumattomasti ja identtisesti jakautuneita (iid). Suurta suorituskykyn vaihtelua esiintyy realistissa kanavissa suuntaavilla antenneilla, kun antenneja pyöritetään käyttöympäristössä, kun taas ympärisäteilevät antennit olisivat jäykempiä suorituskyvyn kannalta mutta käytännössä vaikeampia toteuttaa. Suuremmat erot antennien välillä on löydettävissä matalalta signaalin luotettavuustasolta johtuen antennien erilaisista säteilyominaisuuksista. Kaksipolarisaatioantennijärjestelmillä on pienempi ominaisarvohaje ja niiden suorituskyky on jäykempi kanavan vaihteluille kuin yksipolarisaatioantennijärjestelmä. Toisaalta yksipolarisaatioantenneilla on paremmat signaalitehon siirto-ominaisuudet ja suorituskyky vaihtelee vähemmän antennin katselusuunnan funktiona. Käytännön näkökulmasta katsoen kaksipolarisaatioantennit näyttävät olevan kaikkein toteuttamiskelpoisin vaihtoehto käytettäväksi MIMO-systeemeissä johtuen niiden kompaktista rakenteesta, ja sisätila näyttää olevan sopivin ympäristö MIMO-sovelluksiin johtuen tyypillisesti sirontarikkaasta kanavasta.reviewe

    State-of-the-art assessment of 5G mmWave communications

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    Deliverable D2.1 del proyecto 5GWirelessMain objective of the European 5Gwireless project, which is part of the H2020 Marie Slodowska- Curie ITN (Innovative Training Networks) program resides in the training and involvement of young researchers in the elaboration of future mobile communication networks, focusing on innovative wireless technologies, heterogeneous network architectures, new topologies (including ultra-dense deployments), and appropriate tools. The present Document D2.1 is the first deliverable of Work- Package 2 (WP2) that is specifically devoted to the modeling of the millimeter-wave (mmWave) propagation channels, and development of appropriate mmWave beamforming and signal processing techniques. Deliver D2.1 gives a state-of-the-art on the mmWave channel measurement, characterization and modeling; existing antenna array technologies, channel estimation and precoding algorithms; proposed deployment and networking techniques; some performance studies; as well as a review on the evaluation and analysis toolsPostprint (published version

    MIMO channel modelling and simulation for cellular and mobile-to-mobile

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    Recently, mobile-to-mobile (M2M) communications have received much attention due to several emerging applications, such as wireless mobile ad hoc networks, relay-based cellular networks, and dedicated short range communications (DSRC) for intelligent transportation systems (e.g., IEEE 802.11p standard). Different from conventional fixed-to-mobile (F2M) cellular systems, in M2M systems both the transmitter (Tx) and receiver (Rx) are in motion and often equipped with low elevation antennas. Multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technologies, employing multiple antennas at both the Tx and Rx, have widely been adopted for the third generation (3G) and beyond-3G (B3G) F2M cellular systems due to their potential benefits of improving coverage, link reliability, and overall system capacity. More recently, MIMO has been receiving more and more attention for M2M systems as well. Reliable knowledge of the propagation channel obtained from channel measurements and corresponding channel models serve as the enabling foundation for the design and analysis of MIMO F2M and M2M systems. Furthermore, the development of accurate MIMO F2M and M2M channel simulation models plays a major role in the practical simulation and performance evaluation of these systems. These form the primary motivation behind our research on MIMO channel modelling and simulation for F2M cellular and M2M communication systems. In this thesis, we first propose a new wideband theoretical multiple-ring based MIMO regular-shaped geometry-based stochastic model (RS-GBSM) for non-isotropic scattering F2M macro-cell scenarios and then derive a generic space-time-frequency (STF) correlation function (CF). The proposed theoretical reference wideband model can be reduced to a narrowband one-ring model, a new closed-form STF CF of which is derived as well. Narrowband and wideband sum-of-sinusoids (SoS) simulation models are then developed, demonstrating a good agreement with the corresponding reference models in terms of correlation functions. Secondly, based on a well-known narrowband two-ring single-input single-output (SISO) M2M channel reference model, we propose new deterministic and stochastic SoS simulation models for non-isotropic scattering environments. The proposed deterministic simulator is the first SISO M2M deterministic simulator with good performance, while the proposed stochastic simulator outperforms the existing one in terms of fitting the desired statistical properties of the corresponding reference model. Thirdly, a new adaptive narrowband MIMO M2M RS-GBSM is proposed for nonisotropic scattering environments. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed M2M model is the first RS-GBSM that has the ability to study the impact of the vehicular traffic density on channel statistics. From the proposed theoretical reference model, we comprehensively investigate some important M2M channel statistics including the STF CF, space-Doppler-frequency power spectral density, envelope level crossing rate, and average fade duration. A close agreement between some channel statistics obtained from the proposed reference model and measurement data is observed, confirming the utility of our model. Finally, we extend the above narrowband model to a new wideband MIMO M2M RSGBSM with respect to the frequency-selectivity. The proposed wideband reference model is validated by observing a good match between some statistical properties of the theoretical model and available measurement data. From the wideband reference model, we further design new wideband deterministic and stochastic SoS simulation models. The proposed wideband simulators can be easily reduced to narrowband ones. The utilities of the newly derived narrowband and wideband simulation models are validated by comparing their statistical properties with those of the corresponding reference models. The proposed channel reference models and simulators are expected to be useful for the design, testing, and performance evaluation of future MIMO cellular and M2M communication systems.Scottish Funding Counci

    Statistical millimeter wave channel modelling for 5G and beyond

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    Millimetre wave (mmWave) wireless communication is one of the most promising technologies for the fifth generation (5G) wireless communication networks and beyond. The very broad bandwidth and directional propagation are the two features of mmWave channels. In order to develop the channel models properly reflecting the characteristics of mmWave channels, the in-depth studies of mmWave channels addressing those two features are required. In this thesis, three mmWave channel models and one beam alignment scheme are proposed related to those two features. First, for studying the very broad bandwidth feature of mmWave channels, we introduce an averaged power delay profile (APDP) method to estimate the frequency stationarity regions (FSRs) of channels. The frequency non-stationary (FnS) properties of channels are found in the data analysis. A FnS model is proposed to model the FnS channels in both the sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequency bands and cluster evolution in the frequency domain is utilised in the implementation of FnS model. Second, for studying the directional propagation feature of mmWave channels, we develop an angular APDP (A-APDP) method to study the planar angular stationarity regions (ASRs) of directional channels (DCs). Three typical directional channel impulse responses (D-CIRs) are found in the data analysis and light-of-sight (LOS), non-LOS (NLOS), and outage classes are used to classify those DCs. A modified Saleh-Valenzuela (SV) model is proposed to model the DCs. The angular domain cluster evolution is utilised to ensure the consistency of DCs. Third, we further extend the A-APDP method to study the spherical-ASRs of DCs. We model the directional mmWave channels by three-state Markov chain that consists of LOS, NLOS, and outage states and we use stationary model, non-stationary model, and “null” to describe the channels in each Markov state according to the estimated ASRs. Then, we propose to use joint channel models to simulate the instantaneous directional mmWave channels based on the limiting distribution of Markov chain. Finally, the directional propagated mmWave channels when the Tx and Rx in motion is addressed. A double Gaussian beams (DGBs) scheme for mobile-to-mobile (M2M) mmWave communications is proposed. The connection ratios of directional mmWave channels in each Markov state are studied

    Propagation Aspects in Vehicular Networks

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    Including general environmental effects in K-factor approximation for rice-distributed VANET channels

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    © 2014. This paper presents a method of approximating the Rician K-factor based on the instantaneous static environment. The strongest signal propagation paths are resolved in order to determine specular and diffuse powers for approximation. The model is experimentally validated in two different urban areas in New South Wales, Australia. Good agreement between the model and experimental data was obtained over short-range communication links, demonstrating the suitability of the model in urban VANETs. The paper concludes with recommendations for methods to account for vehicles in the simulation and incorporating additional phenomena (such as scattering) in the approximation

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin

    Propagation measurement based study on relay networks

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    Von der nächsten Generation von Mobilfunksystemen erwartet man eine umfassende Versorgung mit breitbandigen Multimediadiensten. Um die dafür erforderliche flächendeckende Versorgung mit hohen Datenraten zu gewährleisten, können Relay-Netzwerke einen wesentlichen Beitrag liefern. Hierbei werden Netzwerkstationen mit Relay-Funktionalität in zellulare Netzwerke integriert. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Untersuchung Relay-basierter Netzwerke unter Verwendung von Ausbreitungsmessungen. Die Arbeit deckt Fragen zur Kanalmodellierung, Systemevaluierung bis hin zur Systemverifikation ab. - Zunächst wird ein auf Funkkanalmessungen beruhendes experimentelles Kanalmodell für Relay-Netzwerke vorgestellt. Im Weiteren werden technische Verfahren für Mehrfachzugriffs-Relay-Netzwerke MARN diskutiert. Die erreichbare Systemleistung wurde unter Verwendung von Rayleigh-Kanälen innerhalb einer Systemsimulation bestimmt und im Anschluss mit realen Kanälen, die sowohl direkt aus Funkkanalmessungen als auch indirekt aus dem bereits erwähnten Kanalmodell abgeleitet wurden, verifiziert. Bisherige Arbeiten zur Modellierung breitbandiger Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Kanäle berücksichtigen nicht oder nur sehr stark vereinfacht die Langzeitkorrelationseigenschaften zwischen den Links und werden damit der vermaschten und räumlich weit verteilten Topologie von Relay-Netzwerken gerecht. In der vorliegenden Dissertation erfolgte daher eine experimentelle Untersuchung zu den Korrelationseigenschaften von Large-Scale-Parametern LSP, die unter Verwendung von Funkkanalmessdaten aus urbanen Umgebungen und aus Innenräumen abgeleitet wurden. Die Ergebnisse hierzu fanden Eingang in das vom WINNER-Projekt entwickelte Kanalmodell. Sie erlauben damit eine realistischere Simulation von Relay-unterstützten Netzen. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit stellen technische Verfahren dar, die eine Erhöhung der Systemleistung in MARN mit unbekannter Interferenz UKIF versprechen. Im Einzelnen handelt es sich um die Mehrfachzugriffs-Kodierung MAC - die eine verbesserte Signaltrennung auf der Empfängerseite und eine Erhöhung des Datendurchsatzes erlaubt, den Entwurf eines Relay-Protokolls zur Erhöhung der Systemeffizienz, einen Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Algorithmus zur Unterdrückung unbekannter Interferenzen bei Erhaltung der MAC-Signalstruktur mehrerer Mobilstationen MS, und ein fehlererkennungsbasiertes Signalauswahlverfahren zur Diversitätserhöhung. Die vorgenannten Verfahren werden in einer Systemsimulation zunächst mit Rayleigh-Kanälen evaluiert und demonstrieren die erzielbare theoretische Leistungssteigerung. Die Berücksichtigung realer Funkkanäle innerhalb der Systemsimulation zeigt allerdings, dass die theoretische Systemleistung so in der Realität nicht erreichbar ist. Die Ursache hierfür ist in den idealisierten Annahmen theoretischer Kanäle zu suchen. Für die Entwicklung künftiger Relay-Netzwerke bieten die in dieser Arbeit aufbereiteten Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Langzeitkorrelationseigenschaften zwischen den Links einen wertvollen Beitrag für die Abschätzung ihrer Systemleistung auf der Basis eines verbesserten Kanalmodells.Considering technological bases of next generation wireless systems, it is expected that systems can provide a variety of coverage requirements to support ubiquitous communications. To satisfy the requirements, an innovative idea, integrating network elements with a relaying capability into cellular networks, is one of the most promising solutions. The main topic of this dissertation is a propagation measurement based study on relay networks. The study includes three parts: channel modeling, performance evaluation, and verification. First of all, an empirical channel model for relay networks is proposed based on statistical analyses of measurement data. Then, advanced techniques for the throughput improvement and interference cancellation are proposed for Multiple Access Relay Networks (MARN) which are used as an example of relay networks. The performance of the considered MARN is evaluated for Rayleigh channels, and then verified for realistic channels, obtained from measurement data and from the experimental relay channel model as well. For relay channel modeling, the long-term correlation properties between links are of crucial importance due to the meshed-network topology. Although, there is a wide variety of research results for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) channel modeling available, the characterization of correlation properties has been significantly simplified or even completely ignored which motivates this research to be performed. In this dissertation, the experimental results of the correlation properties of Large Scale Parameters (LSP) are presented through the analysis on the real-field measurement data for both the urban and indoor scenarios. furthermore, the correlation properties have been fully introduced into the WINNER channel Model (WIM) for realistic relay channel simulations. As a further contribution of this dissertation, various advanced techniques are proposed for MARN in the presence of Unknown Interference (UKIF). Multiple Access Coding (MAC) is introduced as a multiple access technique. The use of MAC provides the signal separability at the receiver and improves throughput. Thereafter, high system resource efficiency can be achieved through relay protocol design. At the receiver, Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)-based spatial filtering is used to suppress UKIF while preserving multiple Mobile Station (MS)s’ MAC-encoded signal structure. Furthermore, an error detection aided signal selection technique is proposed for diversity increasing. The theoretical system performance with aforementioned techniques is simulated for Rayleigh channels. Thereafter, realistic channels are exploited for the performance verification. The gap between the theoretical performance and the realistic performance indicates that the assumptions made to the simplified Rayleigh-channels do not fully hold in reality. For the future relay system design, this work provides valuable information about the performance evaluation of relay networks in consideration of the correlation properties between links