4,249 research outputs found

    Self-assembly and DNA binding of the blocking factor in X chromosome inactivation

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    X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is the phenomenon occurring in female mammals whereby dosage compensation of X-linked genes is obtained by transcriptional silencing of one of their two X chromosomes, randomly chosen during early embryo development. The earliest steps of random X-inactivation, involving counting of the X chromosomes and choice of the active and inactive X, are still not understood. To explain "counting and choice," the longstanding hypothesis is that a molecular complex, a "blocking factor" (BF), exists. The BF is present in a single copy and can randomly bind to just one X per cell which is protected from inactivation, as the second X is inactivated by default. In such a picture, the missing crucial step is to explain how the molecular complex is self-assembled, why only one is formed, and how it binds only one X. We answer these questions within the framework of a schematic Statistical Physics model, investigated by Monte Carlo computer simulations. We show that a single complex is assembled as a result of a thermodynamic process relying on a phase transition occurring in the system which spontaneously breaks the symmetry between the X’s. We discuss, then, the BF interaction with X chromosomes. The thermodynamics of the mechanism that directs the two chromosomes to opposite fates could be, thus, clarified. The insights on the selfassembling and X binding properties of the BF are used to derive a quantitative scenario of biological implications describing current experimental evidences on "counting and choice.

    DNA loci cross-talk through thermodynamics

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    The recognition and pairing of specific DNA loci, though crucial for a plenty of important cellular processes, are produced by still mysterious physical mechanisms. We propose the first quantitative model from Statistical Mechanics, able to clarify the interaction allowing such “DNA cross-talk” events. Soluble molecules, which bind some DNA recognition sequences, produce an effective attraction between distant DNA loci; if their affinity, their concentration, and the relative DNA binding sites number exceed given thresholds, DNA colocalization occurs as a result of a thermodynamic phase transition. In this paper, after a concise report on some of the most recent experimental results, we introduce our model and carry out a detailed “in silico” analysis of it, by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Our studies, while rationalize several experimental observations, result in very interesting and testable predictions

    Thermodynamic pathways to genome spatial organization in the cell nucleus

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    The architecture of the eukaryotic genome is characterized by a high degree of spatial organization. Chromosomes occupy preferred territories correlated to their state of activity and, yet, displace their genes to interact with remote sites in complex patterns requiring the orchestration of a huge number of DNA loci and molecular regulators. Far from random, this organization serves crucial functional purposes, but its governing principles remain elusive. By computer simulations of a Statistical Mechanics model, we show how architectural patterns spontaneously arise from the physical interaction between soluble binding molecules and chromosomes via collective thermodynamics mechanisms. Chromosomes colocalize, loops and territories form and find their relative positions as stable hermodynamic states. These are selected by “thermodynamic switches” which are regulated by concentrations/affinity of soluble mediators and by number/location of their attachment sites along chromosomes. Our “thermodynamic switch model” of nuclear architecture, thus, explains on quantitative grounds how well known cell strategies of upregulation of DNA binding proteins or modification of chromatin structure can dynamically shape the organization of the nucleus

    Diffusion-based DNA target colocalization by thermodynamic mechanisms

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    In eukaryotic cell nuclei, a variety of DNA interactions with nuclear elements occur, which, in combination with intra- and inter- chromosomal cross-talks, shape a functional 3D architecture. In some cases they are organized by active, i.e. actin/myosin, motors. More often, however, they have been related to passive diffusion mechanisms. Yet, the crucial questions on how DNA loci recognize their target and are reliably shuttled to their destination by Brownian diffusion are still open. Here, we complement the current experimental scenario by considering a physics model, in which the interaction between distant loci is mediated by diffusing bridging molecules. We show that, in such a system, the mechanism underlying target recognition and colocalization is a thermodynamic switch-like process (a phase transition) that only occurs if the concentration and affinity of binding molecules is above a threshold, or else stable contacts are not possible. We also briefly discuss the kinetics of this "passive-shuttling" process, as produced by random diffusion of DNA loci and their binders, and derive predictions based on the effects of genomic modifications and deletions

    A mean-field version of the Nicodemi-Prisco SSB model for X-chromosome inactivation

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    Nicodemi and Prisco recently proposed a model for X-chromosome inactivation in mammals, explaining this phenomenon in terms of a spontaneous symmetry-breaking mechanism [{\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} 99 (2007), 108104]. Here we provide a mean-field version of their model

    The Unicellular State as a Point Source in a Quantum Biological System.

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    A point source is the central and most important point or place for any group of cohering phenomena. Evolutionary development presumes that biological processes are sequentially linked, but neither directed from, nor centralized within, any specific biologic structure or stage. However, such an epigenomic entity exists and its transforming effects can be understood through the obligatory recapitulation of all eukaryotic lifeforms through a zygotic unicellular phase. This requisite biological conjunction can now be properly assessed as the focal point of reconciliation between biology and quantum phenomena, illustrated by deconvoluting complex physiologic traits back to their unicellular origins